Rolling Ranger for look of gear only...Worth?

Rolling Ranger for look of gear only...Worth?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



Hi all!
I been struggling since beta to pick a final main class, but it seems i keep picking wrong classes. Last time i got my Thief to 80, but stopped playing almost right away.
I find many problems with many classes, but mostly the look what bothers me.

Engineers are cool ,but basically lack any weapons, and there are so many amazing weapon skins.
WArriors have a grand selection, but almost every second playes is a warrior, whitch is totally destroying my mood to play it.
Its almost the same with ranger. Though there are a lot less lately. I am not sure, if it is worth to roll a class only for its look. As for gameplay, its quite decent, and boring, like any other class can be. Maybe a bit more slightly, since all you do is pew pew pet- pew pew. Dodge pew pew. Kite pew …….Tipical wow hunter. Or in fact any other mmo-s ranger.
But still, exacly because its decently simple you can focus on the game.

My second class i am cosidering is Mesmer. I had my share with him, but found it boring, even though, it has some decent utility. The clones and phantoms are not really my style. Not is this hybrid caster melee thingy. But it does look really cool with Dual sword, and i keep hering how good they are. In pvp, and usefull in pve.

So i dont know. Ranger seems a better choice…but will i regret it endgame?

Rolling Ranger for look of gear only...Worth?

in Ranger

Posted by: domxnik.1453


Rangers are…okay. I mean, I like them.

The most annoying thing, by far, is the pets. The tracking with them is so broken. I would take fixed tracking over a buff in survivability—and that’s saying a lot. If you know how to manage your pet, though, you can keep them alive. I make sure to switch my pet before he dies so the pet swap cooldown is 15 (20 without trait) instead of 45 (I assume 50 without trait). Plus swapping pets gives you and your pet two seconds of quickness if you spec into Zephyr’s Speed in the beastmaster tree.

I think any class you play is going to get boring at one point do to the lack of skills in this game. Having only five weapon skills really limits any sort rotation in the game. The skins would be the same as any other profession that wears medium armor. The bow skins seem to stay the same most the time while leveling— but again, Guild Wars 2 seems to lack with weapon skins in early levels.

I suggest using this website if you want to find out what armor looks like on a different race.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

Rolling Ranger for look of gear only...Worth?

in Ranger

Posted by: DancinPuppeh.8421


It’s all a matter of preference. personally I love Ranger, but I’ve only compared it to Thief, Ranger is best for its diversity, the ability to play a role in any fight and do well at anything, powerful in WvW and PvE, and there alright at PvP at the best of times. But everyone’s opinions are different.

Ranger can get boring at times but again that’s a matter of preference and opinion, It’s a simple and relaxed profession to play and mostly not much action and dodging as you’d get with a thief. But if you like the style it can still be entertaining.

For me the best thing is the fact that it gives you another activity to do that no other profession can, pet finding and pet collecting, it’s small but it’s just one more activity to spend time doing :P