(edited by Solandri.9640)
Rox's quiver is back
It also doesn’t look anywhere as awesome as Rox’s quiver. assuming you’re not charr that is.
Two things Rox’s quiver has going for it versus the ascended quivers (for me):
1. That tilt to the right makes it look more streamlined (since our stowed weapons are tilted at approximately the same angle) and functional (since we draw with our right hands/claws/twigs).
2. It fits in better with most of our leather trenchcoats. The ascended quivers have a sort of “exquisite” appearance/texture to them, which makes them look somewhat out of place when most everything else looks worn and frayed along the edges.
I remember the first time I saw Rox:
“Whoa, your eyes, they’re kind of frea— wait, you’re a ranger! Wow, another major NPC ranger! Hey, what’s that you have on your bac— GASP! That quiver! and that bow! But mostly that quiver! I WANT IT.”
I don’t like the metalic parts of Rox’s quiver. I would have used it on my ranger if it didn’t have that. The ascended quiver actually suits me better. My ranger uses the Zephyr Rucksack anyway.
Yeah, the blades sticking out of the quiver (plus the roughhewn quality of the arrow fletching) made me ultimately decide not to get it, but I think it would look great on some ranger types.
so upset I missed this >.<
Gorgeous quiver! Seriously one of the nicest skins offered by the BL store. I say bring it on as a permanent item.
Hello!! I saw a dude today that had rox’s quiver, when i asked him he said it was in the gem store i mars. But i was hacked in mars so i did not have the chance to buy it, so i was wondering if it was ever gonna come back?? Ty
Hello!! I saw a dude today that had rox’s quiver, when i asked him he said it was in the gem store i mars. But i was hacked in mars so i did not have the chance to buy it, so i was wondering if it was ever gonna come back?? Ty
It seems they rotate old stuff in and out of the gemstore every week, it’ll be back sooner or later for sure.
Will buy it when it come back in store that’s for sure:D looks awesome:)
This thread may have been out of date, but right now the item is on promotion again (450 gems).
RIP the rest of my gold….
Thanks for the heads up.