

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashelotte.7195


I’m having a bit of an dilemma picking a superior rune to place in my armor. I’m mainly a PVE ranger who focuses on power/precision/crit damage and I use to SB/LB. As of right now I have around 2,000 power and 1,300 precision. So about a 23% crit chance and 56% crit damage.

Superior Rune of the Pack gives 165 power, +20 swiftness duration, a 5% chance to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness when struck, and 100 precision.
Superior Rune of the Ranger gives 165 precision, +8% crit damage, and +5% damage when you have a partner.

Which Rune do you think would be most beneficial? Both seem like really good options. Which one do you think would be best for me or is there one that’s better?

Lvl 80 Sylvari Ranger
Lvl 80 Sylvari Elementalist


in Ranger

Posted by: lchan.2169


You can try eiher rune of thief, ranger or divinity. I run divinities. If you are working on precision as well, then go for rampager emblazoned armour, rampager rings with exquisite ruby. When i snack on a cheap blue berry, 25 precision stack and a moa screech, my critical chance is 96+. My CD is about 65. It is awesome when you are hitting constant criticals. And my pet gains might from my criticals. Double awesomeness


in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


for a pure power/crit glasscannon the cheapest way is ruby orbs instead of runes. thats 120 power 12% crit dmg and 84 precision.


in Ranger

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I run around with Superior Runes of Divinity.

I am helping gear a friend and they’re using only majors for right now.
