Twitch – Aussie Streamer
SPvP - Backpoint/Roamer
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Why signet of the wild? And why not put smoldering on the torch instead of corruption? I also am not really sure why you’re taking sun spirit when you’ve got plenty of burning uptime from torch alone, if anything I’d think you’d take spirit of storm to boost your roaming ability and give you a little bit of direct damage burst.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Signet of the Wild – Pet’s health there birds they tend to die to fast without it.
Smoldering only effects #4 on torch which doesn’t always land so I’d rather the extra condition damage from corruption.
Sun Spirit is so I have 3 blinds and burning for my pet. What kind of moron sits in bonfire and people have condition remove so #4 can be removed rather fast.
Storm Spirit is worthless for roaming, waste of time even taking you will get more damage from Sun Spirit in a fight then Storm.
Direct Damage = Birds with Sun Spirit. Pet swap none stop + F2 blinds = good pressure.
Runes are weird part they give me 25% speed boost i need, I honestly randomly one day used them for some fun and well it worked really well. So i stuck with them.
I said the build is weird, some will hate it and try come up with perfect build but I just play to what I think works for me.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
No, Smoldering affects ALL burns you apply, including from sun spirit, bonfire and any fire effect you create from the combo field of bonfire, which you should be using since you can get a fire shield (burn them give might to you on hit) as well as swapping to axe/dagger and using your projectile finishers for burning….
Storm spirit gives perma swiftness with your runes (which I’m using for my roaming build too) which would give you a very noticeable increase in mobility both in and out of combat, and your burning is just redundant with sun spirit, personally I’d drop the spirit all together, move your 20 points in NM somewhere else because you’re really not gaining a whole lot from it…
Not to mention all it’s doing is making your birds apply burn too, with 0 condi damage, which means there’s periods of just inferior burning on the target…
EDIT: Btw I’m not trying to be a kitten, I run a significantly more “off the wall” roaming build, I’m just really analyzing your build and thinking aloud, just wanted to clarify that I’m not saying it’s -bad- I’m just trying to get your reasoning behind why you’re taking certain things.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
(edited by Durzlla.6295)
I understand what your saying, but Smoldering only proc’s the extra tick on Torch #4, the extra 10% doesn’t get you required amount of % you need to get that tick on any other burning unless you invest into more duration. If ya don’t believe me go test it I’ve ran every single duration test ya can think of. Smoldering is useless without the investment into atleast 50% duration boost to burning.
I was running Sun/Storm/Renewal, but my pet’s kept getting killed, the weakness and counter to this build is kill the bird and you remove most of my damage and almost all my condition remove.
Sun Spirit – Pet burning proc it all about keeping up the damage, think of it not only am i dealing allot of burning from my combo’s but also from my pet I can upkeep massive amount of burning, so think of it burning+poison+bleeds it great damage and its almost none stop. They would need epic condition remove to keep up which they won’t have.
Also half reason I went sun spirit was due to fact some fights turn into 3v3 2v2 so I wanted to be able support my team mate with damage + condition remove + heals.
Also I know your not being kitten, it’s called debating over builds picking it apart breaking it down talking about it.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Ah yeah, I always forget about the whole “needs to be a full 1s” thing or else it won’t deal another tick.
And that makes sense for the birds, another thing you may try of you find condis are being less detrimental to you is to grab Barkskin, that thing shoots up the survivability of pets quite significantly (I run it more for myself but I’ve noticed my pets rarely -die- with it), when I first asked why you ran the signet I glanced at the pets and thought I saw a raven and a bear.
And I see what you mean with the sun spirit, I normally tend to go with higher bleed stacks over going perma burning, but that’s just my preference.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Yeah its all about personal preference, so other nite I forgot to set a single trait point so i was 0/0/0/0/0 ran this build lol and I was winning my 1v1 it was kitten funny vs condition warriors as well.
I’ve been trying to figure out how I can just use E.g. Signet of Renewal + HS as my condition remove, I know a necro would uttly destroy me if he was conditions just can’t keep up with the poison.
Also, half reason I’m running 2 Spirit’s due simple fact I didn’t want to be bottle-necked into only being able to 1v1 I know I hate it when my team mate is 1v1 spec they useless in team fights, we all know it happens.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Ah yeah I get ya! I’m currently running a 20/0/30/0/20 build or something like that with celestials (yes celestials), healing spring, muddy terrain and my longbow tend to be what I use the most in group fights, been heavily debating on dropping entangle for SoN to add a little more support for a little less control.
I wouldn’t say my build is purely a 1v1 build and it’s certainly weak vs condi necros but it’s pretty kittening tanky and has quite a bit of CC (mostly soft)
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna