SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Hi, recently I’ve been running all the builds I like to play into the ground. These will be my final copy until the changes to Sigils and Runes make its way into the game.

(NEW) Video Link 1: http://youtu.be/6HTYKpQsa9U

(OLD) Video Link 2: http://youtu.be/23wyL53IDvE

(OLD) Video Link 3: http://youtu.be/Wi7vDGBbkzI

Trap Build - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQRBHRxG2IRVcddlbFrdgYVQQtHay8Yi9g/O6RFsqB-TwAgyCpIATBmDMDYSwsgN8Y5xehJBA

Piercing Spirits Build - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNBlYDbkoqsuryvC0OAsUIYgtHZqJmOFle6B/a9A-TsAgyCuIATBmDMDYSwsgNCZFyeBA

Blind Bunker - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQRAnY8fjAVl1JW+Vg2Bi2DNZeM9Uke27UUqTdwkVP-TwAg2CrIuRdj7GzNybs3MCZFyehZAA

All my builds are designed around my play style and tactics, some builds don’t work as well as other in area’s but I tend to design my builds with a strong focus on its main roll rather then several rolls.

I hope you enjoy the video’s, any question just ask.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: iitwinz.1420


Thanks Sol! I like how unique you make your builds and your unwavering positive attitude to rangers!

Server: Sea of Sorrows
IGN: Recommend -lvl 80 Ranger
Guild: Professors [PROF]

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Battosai.5620


few things to improve your gameplay :
stomp from behind your pet ( engineer, warrior)
bind stow weapon to interrupt a stomp or a skill ( f.e. mesmer, interrupt the stomp halfway through and start the stomp again, sth like shift + f is great if you have interact bound on f ) skills if you see the warrior reflect is up, berserker stance etc etc stuff like that.
bind look behind and about face and try to play with it for some time, takes a little to get used to it, but it’s going to increase your overall effectiveness.
also not a fan of triple traps – you’re getting way too squishy and you’re lacking tools of repositioning yourself in combat – then again the sustain you can bring with warhorn and river drake is nice due to double blast, but if you’re going for utility you could consider swapping out vipers nest for either signet of renewal or LR – the loss of the poison application can be compensated by switching to marsh drake or running a spider as well ( marsh drake would be a better choice then as you’re devoid of interrupts otherwise when dropping wolf)
also i’d save serpents strike for dodging a telegraphed skill, when you’re out of dodges or to poison a downed body – apart from that it’s not that useful as the dodge frame ends before the animation finishes setting you up to get wrecked by anything with cc.
also fighting against warriors on point while they have berserker stance up isn’t going to do you any good – neither your pet, as you make clearing condis easier for them ( due to hitting both you and your pet and the pet cant dodge ) and all the aoe is taking care quickly of your pet, furthermore you take unneccessary damage.
hope this is considered some good advice as i don’t mean to be rude.
good thing you’re doing some videos and sharing your builds/ideas about the ranger though

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


Are LB/GS zerker rangers no good in competitive play? They sure seem like a lot of fun to play. I’ve been running it in sPvP for a few days now, only ran into a few really good bunkers whom I couldn’t down.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


@iitwinz.1420, cheers mate, its been hard lately to stay positive with the direction SPvP had been heading in terms of balance.

@Battosai.5620, can you please use breaks between your text, I did read all you had to say allot I agree with and some I don’t.

I use my Weapon dodge skills differently to most rangers, I normally use them right after weapon swap to mitigate damage and apply poison, or I use the hard dodge for when I get immobilized, #5 LB warrior skill you can’t dodge unless your at 900 range and when your in a point fight that’s not going to happen. There on extremely low cool-downs so rather stupid holding off on using them.

My style is different to your style, you have an idea of how I should play my build where as I have my own style and in the heat of the moment doesn’t always work out the way you want.

@nagymbear.5280 Power ranger is useless which is sad, rangers will not have any good viable Power builds cause Anet doesn’t seem to see the problems at hand.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


Are LB/GS zerker rangers no good in competitive play? They sure seem like a lot of fun to play. I’ve been running it in sPvP for a few days now, only ran into a few really good bunkers whom I couldn’t down.

They are viable but not in sPvP only in WvW and only while accepting shortcomings. Most viable power builds suffer due to the great lack of resistance to damage, so you have to make due with either: being squishy… which… just… don’t, or with sacrificing on some power to gain critical damage. Pair that with a signet – wildernes survival heavy build and you can make due. However you still lack the resourcefulness of a versatile condition damage based build.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Battosai.5620


@Battosai.5620, can you please use breaks between your text, I did read all you had to say allot I agree with and some I don’t.

I use my Weapon dodge skills differently to most rangers, I normally use them right after weapon swap to mitigate damage and apply poison, or I use the hard dodge for when I get immobilized, #5 LB warrior skill you can’t dodge unless your at 900 range and when your in a point fight that’s not going to happen. There on extremely low cool-downs so rather stupid holding off on using them.

My style is different to your style, you have an idea of how I should play my build where as I have my own style and in the heat of the moment doesn’t always work out the way you want.

but using your weapon dodge skills right after swap most of the time in a 1v1 situation particulary makes it easier for the opponent to read you, i know mindgames in this game aren’t that high on the scale and most of the people aren’t used to those, but it is really effective and what it came down to in spvp between skilled individual anyway, that’s also where the animation cancelling with stow weapon comes in handy.
Basically what i want to say is that you need to pay more attention to positioning ( pet, yourself, opposing player(s), allies) and watch cooldowns (count them even) as well as dodge rolls and the buffs/debuffs going on.

you should always be ready to adapt and alter your playstyle to the situation your in – then again only reacting isn’t going to help you win in duels/games.
also just because something is on a low cooldown, it isn’t always feasable to spam that ability – while warrior pin down is a difficult animation to read at the moment, it has nothing to do with LoSing when he’s popping berserker stance or just cleared your condis with lyssa when you have CDs.

also i was just commenting on the things that i noticed when i watched your most recent video – and wanted to share my experience, guess i’ll have to make some myself to show you what i mean.

your right about the heat of battle though, it’s certainly not always going as planned and as i kept saying i’m nowhere close to using the rangers full potential ( and as long as there’s not some money in the game to make all the effort worth it, i won’t ever be using it)
i just wanted to show you the next steps you can take to improve your gameplay.

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


@Battosai.5620, can you please use breaks between your text, I did read all you had to say allot I agree with and some I don’t.

I use my Weapon dodge skills differently to most rangers, I normally use them right after weapon swap to mitigate damage and apply poison, or I use the hard dodge for when I get immobilized, #5 LB warrior skill you can’t dodge unless your at 900 range and when your in a point fight that’s not going to happen. There on extremely low cool-downs so rather stupid holding off on using them.

My style is different to your style, you have an idea of how I should play my build where as I have my own style and in the heat of the moment doesn’t always work out the way you want.

but using your weapon dodge skills right after swap most of the time in a 1v1 situation particulary makes it easier for the opponent to read you, i know mindgames in this game aren’t that high on the scale and most of the people aren’t used to those, but it is really effective and what it came down to in spvp between skilled individual anyway, that’s also where the animation cancelling with stow weapon comes in handy.
Basically what i want to say is that you need to pay more attention to positioning ( pet, yourself, opposing player(s), allies) and watch cooldowns (count them even) as well as dodge rolls and the buffs/debuffs going on.

you should always be ready to adapt and alter your playstyle to the situation your in – then again only reacting isn’t going to help you win in duels/games.
also just because something is on a low cooldown, it isn’t always feasable to spam that ability – while warrior pin down is a difficult animation to read at the moment, it has nothing to do with LoSing when he’s popping berserker stance or just cleared your condis with lyssa when you have CDs.

also i was just commenting on the things that i noticed when i watched your most recent video – and wanted to share my experience, guess i’ll have to make some myself to show you what i mean.

your right about the heat of battle though, it’s certainly not always going as planned and as i kept saying i’m nowhere close to using the rangers full potential ( and as long as there’s not some money in the game to make all the effort worth it, i won’t ever be using it)
i just wanted to show you the next steps you can take to improve your gameplay.

One question, whats your in-game name not account name. Make’s really hard for me to put a face to the words, your not NA are you.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Battosai.5620


i played NA occassionally.
Sir Battosai is my name on EU.
been kinda inactive the last few months, but i didnt think that the i’d be forgotten this quickly on the forums.

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: iFruit.6190


Sol, stepping in to say thanks for you trap build.

I previously couldn’t imagine a Ranger being only melee, and ran PvP with shortbow as main weapon with a set of survival skills and a build to accompany those. I did ok but would lose in 50% of 1vs1 to some thieves/guardians/mesmers who knew what they’re doing. I had never-ever tried a trap build or went bow-less into the field.

So what I did is edited your traps build, changing some traits and sigils, went with chill pets (owl+snow cat) and – kittening hell – my name is Devastation now! It took 3 players to just down me, and even then 2 of them followed me to the Mysts. 1vs1 I cannot be stopped anymore. So thanks for your idea.

Edit: and yeah, many opponents freeze in disarray when they see Ranger coming at them heads-on in melee! Such great fun!

(edited by iFruit.6190)

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


i played NA occassionally.
Sir Battosai is my name on EU.
been kinda inactive the last few months, but i didnt think that the i’d be forgotten this quickly on the forums.

Don’t sweat it, haven’t most of the players that played when you/your team was more active moved on to other games or become inactive?

From your advice though, I was just curious why you use weapon stow for canceling over just hitting escape to cancel. I mean, I get that if you spam the esc button you’ll bring up some player options, but my personal preference is to hit esc for cancel casting since I did it in Guild Wars 1 for like 7 years. I’m trained lol.

Just didn’t know if there was any added benefit of the weapon stow canceling.


Solid videos man, and it’s a shame that so little of the pvp community records videos, and even less of them being ranger videos, and even less of those being builds that aren’t particularly “meta” during a given metagame. It’s good work and they’re good videos, keep it up.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Neoheart.2750


Hey Sol, nice vids. Like the necro treb fight at the start of the new one lol.

Btw, what hood was that the human ranger was wearing? There is a severe lack of medium armor hoods lol.

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


@Battosai.5620, sorry just don’t know many Eu Ranger’s. Tbh I don’t have time for many Eu player’s you guys talk far to much smack (that statement wasn’t directed at you).

@iFruit.6190 Yeah mate matter finding that build you enjoy and works to your play style, SPvP is real kittenhole for most rangers. So take what ya can and enjoy it.

@jcbroe.4329 I record far to much rarely upload any of it. Currently have over 300hr’s untouched footage… I don’t think I’ll be releasing any more video’s, I’m hooked on playing Ranger in ESO really enjoyed it the skills are freaken awesome and I can be any style of ranger I want.

@Neoheart.2750 Whisper’s Hoodie Rank 50 is required.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


What exactly is the problem with power rangers? Condi removal? Lack of burst?

It its condi removal, how do you guys see the introduction of a 2nd sigil slot on 2handed weapons changing that? 1 that removes conditions on crit, and 1 that transfers them sounds good a berserker ranger that will crit a lot anyways. That is practically 3 conditions cleared with SoR every 10 seconds, right?
Or how about sigil of fire and air on longbow?

Also with the new signet (if its true), you could run a 20,25,25,0,0 build with signet of the wild and get nice base damage on longbow. Add runes of the scholar, sigil of force and if it gets introduced to pvp sigil of impact. Sounds good to me.

I don’t see where a zerker longbow ranger is destined to fail against a bunker when attacking a point, as I didn’t try it in competitive pvp tournaments. Some more info would be nice on this. A lot of people think longbow is just plain bad, and I think its close to being awesome. What about you guys?

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

SPvP - Rise Rangers (Video)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Condition Remove is bad.
LB is really bad in terms of dealing damage.
GS really easy to dodge and rarely hits its target.

Your like the weak version the LB/GS Zerker Warrior, they do more damage and have just as much condition remove as full bunker bm ranger with every condition remove under the stun.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer