Scrapper the better Beastmaster?
I doubt that they’ll be any good. They’re based on spirit weapons; see any of those in competitive settings? If anything, pets should have been like mesmer illusions: call in an animal for a few hits, then it disappears quickly after. Short term and expendable are the only AIs worth bringing in this game.
I doubt that they’ll be any good. They’re based on spirit weapons; see any of those in competitive settings? If anything, pets should have been like mesmer illusions: call in an animal for a few hits, then it disappears quickly after. Short term and expendable are the only AIs worth bringing in this game.
Or they could allow the ranger or druid to summon a horde of any pets they have tamed…
Or allow us to have multiple out simultaneously to pair the actives like they do with necromancers
etc etc
hasn’t a thread like this appeared after every elite revel.
hasn’t a thread like this appeared after every elite revel.
I cannot be bothered to look, so I am just going to say yes and have a 90% chance of being right.
I think the most interesting comment from Irenio in that interview was that these drone bots will be effected by the players boons. He didn’t mention that they’d need a trait for it like our pets do.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
I think the most interesting comment from Irenio in that interview was that these drone bots will be effected by the players boons. He didn’t mention that they’d need a trait for it like our pets do.
tht may actually be more problematic than good – as currently all of support skills have limit of targets affected (5) and if they count on same priority on receiving them as player then in potential team of 5 scrappers it would not be so rare to see someone throwing a boon totally intercepted by bots with no other player than caster gets the boon :P
team of 5 rangers of the other hand…..
[ah wait do ranger even have boons he can throw around to a friendlies?]
so team of 4 rangers and a guardian on the other hand :P
and the odds of any boon from guardian missing any of ranger players (assuming all of the actually being in range) are extremely small :P
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
I would hope that the bots don’t count towards the target count at all. If they are sharing the players boons, then it’s the player that should be the target. If the bot(s) also acts as a boon target on the players behalf then the player gets to be in multiple places at once.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
The drones look nice, more in a moving spirits style than pets imho. Personally, i love pets/minions, i’m glad that another class gains access to the ‘summoner’ style.
Plus they’re insanely thematic. Asura engineers should have been surrounded by flying constructs from launch.
Save the Bell Choir activity!
I doubt that they’ll be any good. They’re based on spirit weapons; see any of those in competitive settings? If anything, pets should have been like mesmer illusions: call in an animal for a few hits, then it disappears quickly after. Short term and expendable are the only AIs worth bringing in this game.
Or simply kept the pet swap cooldown 20 seconds instead of increasing it to 60 seconds for a dead pet.
I’m super kittening jealous that they can finish and revive from long range and our pets can’t do kitten. Jk we’ve got Search and Rescue.
Scrapper the better Beastmaster?
Fear not! No profession or Espec will ever be better at being strangled by its own class mechanics.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Scrapper the better Beastmaster?
Fear not! No profession or Espec will ever be better at being strangled by its own class mechanics.
Nike pops into the ranger forum for one great comment lol
and yea we’ve seen these threads every reveal. i’m a bit ticked that we’re last but at this point it’s w/e. from an outsiders perspective it looks like almost every profession got something new(ish) and needed other than maybe tempest. Ele is so strong in every way i’m not sure how much more you could add. bonus points for earthbending though, flavor wise it looks awesome. dragonhunter is the only reveal i dislike, i’d rather be on ranger for LB and/or traps.
With this skill you’ll bound three times to your target, allowing you to rapidly enter the thick of battle. This leap finisher will accumulate the effects of any combo field you pass through for an even more devastating arrival.
But double Leap Finisher on Swoop was a bug?
There is already a skill called Thunderclap
I think the most interesting comment from Irenio in that interview was that these drone bots will be effected by the players boons. He didn’t mention that they’d need a trait for it like our pets do.
tht may actually be more problematic than good – as currently all of support skills have limit of targets affected (5) and if they count on same priority on receiving them as player then in potential team of 5 scrappers it would not be so rare to see someone throwing a boon totally intercepted by bots with no other player than caster gets the boon :P
team of 5 rangers of the other hand…..
[ah wait do ranger even have boons he can throw around to a friendlies?]
so team of 4 rangers and a guardian on the other hand :P
and the odds of any boon from guardian missing any of ranger players (assuming all of the actually being in range) are extremely small :P
That’s not the point of the original comment. If drones get the boons of the engi without a trait or anything, then that means that the boon priority will go to players and the drones just get the boons of the Engineer as baseline, which is something that is not true for pets or spirits.
Honestly don’t care, let them have the AI. Better them than us (knowing full well I’m going to eat these words and be disappointed, still, form follows function, so it won’t matter to me if the function is there). For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
haha i bet after the PoI is over, no, while it is still live, someone starts a new thread where he complains like “scrapper is the better spirit ranger”
qq dey move, qq dey r better, qq no luv fo da ranger doods
without even knowing what we get with druid
very entertaining
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
The drones look nice, more in a moving spirits style than pets imho. Personally, i love pets/minions, i’m glad that another class gains access to the ‘summoner’ style.
Plus they’re insanely thematic. Asura engineers should have been surrounded by flying constructs from launch.
I’m glad that more classes get access to summoning mechanics.
I’m just kittened more than I used to be when I was a stupid teenager because (oh, correct me if I’m wrong) we Rangers were supposed to be the pet-class and the only thing I see happening is every single class being fixed, updated, buffed, remade, utilized except Rangers so seeing others getting only the best of what we were supposed to hold is getting frustrating
and I’m sincerely done with their load of promises and giggles about how “Invigorating Bond is a powerful trait”. I’m not kidding. I was disgusted when I saw Ranger pre-HoT updates and none of them even knew what for the love of lord happened to our class.
It’s just sad how they kept mentioning how good job they did with the synergy (such as I don’t know… Nature’s Vengeance with Fortifying bond maybe? I felt like I’ll need a resuscitation).
I felt wrong when they mentioned Synergy of Clarion Bond with Remorseless. They could have also mentioned that every Ranger can play a charr to get even more amazing Synergy with battle roar (for 1 hit on 30/35 sec CD. I’m out)
Maybe I wouldn’t have become so skeptic and arrogant about this matter if they took their job seriously. Because giggling about how they fail at what they do (quote after 3 seconds of silence of not knowing what the hell Ranger traits do: “Best level commentary! Haha”) is not really what I wanted to hear after they made countless of people buy their expansion for a lot of money (needless to say they included base game in the expansion, making people who bought it a few days before regret their life).
If they decided to take only the best of utilities from Ranger AI and offer it to Engineers – they need to feel responsible for the feelings we Rangers will hold after being ignored for 3 years straight now and still counting.
Let’s wait for the Druid reveal.
Ranger Spirits have always been bad and so has Search & Rescue. Maybe the Gyros can be destroyed or interrupted (it needs a trait for some stability after all) or has a 90s cooldown or moves slowly to the target or revives slowly or any other horrible things.
So let’s wait for the gameplay footage. Just because Spirits and Spirit Weapons are horrible doesn’t mean Gyros will be any better.
There is a fuel component to the gyros it seems…so they are probably getting a resource bar that they will probably have to deal with for those things.
Let’s wait for the Druid reveal.
Why? The Druid isn’t going to change how the base profession works. It’s not going to magically solve Ranger issues… It’s just going to inherit them.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
There is a fuel component to the gyros it seems…so they are probably getting a resource bar that they will probably have to deal with for those things.
I think that just means gyros time out after a while (60 seconds?) and explode, so a lot like Ranger Spirits. If there was a fuel bar that all gyros share, then I think it would have been in the blog post.
Tool Belt Skill—Detection Pulse: Remove stealth from enemies in a large area.
On a short recharge, this toolbelt skill helps ensure that you are the one getting the drop on foes and not vice versa.
I recall posts from players suggesting “Guard!” have an AOE Reveal. Plenty thought that would be OP. At this point: whatever. Seems like another Ranger suggestion used towards another class. Let me open up more salt packets though…
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Ranger Spirits have always been bad and so has Search & Rescue.
I’ll respectfully disagree. Though it’s not my game mode, spirit ranger used to be part of the sPvP meta (that’s what got them nerfed in fact). As for Search & Rescue, i absolutely loved the skill when the pets used to hard-rez (and not just heal the downed).
Of course, in those days, pets also had at least 5000 range, hit hard, and scaled wvw walls. The beastmaster in me is still mourning, but my fingers are crossed, one day, maybe, one day…
Save the Bell Choir activity!
(edited by cafard.8953)
With this skill you’ll bound three times to your target, allowing you to rapidly enter the thick of battle. This leap finisher will accumulate the effects of any combo field you pass through for an even more devastating arrival.
But double Leap Finisher on Swoop was a bug?
There is already a skill called Thunderclap
Actually there are already 2 thunderclaps :P
Tool Belt Skill—Detection Pulse: Remove stealth from enemies in a large area.
On a short recharge, this toolbelt skill helps ensure that you are the one getting the drop on foes and not vice versa.
I recall posts from players suggesting “Guard!” have an AOE Reveal. Plenty thought that would be OP. At this point: whatever. Seems like another Ranger suggestion used towards another class. Let me open up more salt packets though…
That’s 3 ways to reveal that the engi has now…. With all their aoe they didn’t have a problem with stealth classes to begin with.