[Seeking Advice!] Switching to the Greatsword

[Seeking Advice!] Switching to the Greatsword

in Ranger

Posted by: thorsonwong.2805


Let me start off by saying that I’ve just started playing the Ranger again today, and so far I’ve been having a blast with my party in SPvP! The thing is that I almost /never/ switch to my Greatsword — it’s a similar problem I had with my Guardian, where there I never remembered to switch to my Scepter/Focus. The CDs are so low on the Ranger that I’m just tempted to wait a few seconds for Rapid Fire to recharge and just keep using that and spamming the Auto or using the other skills when it’s on CD. Honestly, I’m probably doing something /extremely/ wrong, because the only time I /really/ switch to it is when it’s a bit of a hectic moment or when I’m trying to disengage so I use Swoop to GTFO.

So my question is: When do I switch to it? Is there a general rotation one uses before swapping to the GS? If there is, I’d appreciate if someone would share that info. :P

Any advice is welcome advice, by the way! I’m a complete scrub with my Ranger (I remember playing a SB ranger /waaaaaaaaaaay/ back at launch), but I haven’t touched him since them.

[Seeking Advice!] Switching to the Greatsword

in Ranger

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

Your Greatsword is a utility weapon that is also capable of dealing huge damage thanks to Maul and Sigil of Intelligence. Really, you want to be switching to it when you want to escape (Swoop) when you’re running away (Counterattack) or when someone is low health and you need a big spike (Maul). I’d also recommend if you’re chasing someone it’s a good thing to open with Counterattack’s Cripple before switching to Bow.

The Greatsword is a very good weaponset and will prolong your life massively.

[Seeking Advice!] Switching to the Greatsword

in Ranger

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


Also if you can pull off a Stealth before swapping to or while on GS it’ll help prevent the massive Maul telegraph from being dodged.

[Seeking Advice!] Switching to the Greatsword

in Ranger

Posted by: Rome.7124


Also if you can pull off a Stealth before swapping to or while on GS it’ll help prevent the massive Maul telegraph from being dodged.

good tip, thanks.