Short and Long Bow

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: RustyNailz.2357


Does anyone use both and switch between them? If so, is it beneficial and what is a decent build for them? Thanks!

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: sarah xiii.3905

sarah xiii.3905

I switch between both and find it perfect. For a long time I was mainly using short bow and having sword/axe as my other set and i found myself rarely switching from my short bow. With using both long and short bows for my sets i start with my long usually and when all skills are recharging i switch to my short bow. They compliment each other nicely; one has what the other doesn’t so using both is nice in my opinion. I prefer bows overall clearly anyway.

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Mato.1345


I do switch between them but not with the “change weapon in combat” method but before a fight starts. When I know that I am going to be indoors, or on terrain with a lot of obstructions I change to shortbow. It also seems to be the more effective weapon but I do get bored rather quickly by the constant 1 spam with the occasional 2 ability.

Even though long bow isn’t that much more interesting usually just 3 and then 2 and the mob is dead or I’ll finish with a couple of 1.

In general though the ranger is a bit lacking imo in the bow area. I always keep greatsword for the weapon swap in case I have to aoe on the move but am a bow fanatic otherwise, hence why I am a bit disappointed with the bow abilities.

So if you are in close range or indoors I would go with shortbow for now range penalty (apart from shorter distance obv) and the bleeds…with the occasional stun if needed. When I can keep range I just use longbow as the mob dies before it gets to me.

All in all I do bother changing quite often as I get bored rather quickly by using just one.

I am not that far yet to be giving any spec info but, it would seem to me that with a PvE spec for damage and a longbow you’d go more for power/crit and for a PvP spec or even PvE condition damage and duration/power with Shortbow.

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


Shortbows just deal a lot more damage, even to multiple targets, than Longbows do.

The only 2 skills you would really switch to the Longbow to use are Hunter’s Shot and Point Blank Shot. The rest just results in a huge dps loss and a waste of time better spent using a Shortbow.

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Tomkatt.1684


I almost never use longbow, primarily shortbow and greatsword.

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: RustyNailz.2357


Ty for the response guys!

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: bri.2359


I mainly solo PvE.

I went with a Longbow/Shortbow weapon set for awhile, but swapped out the Shortbow with a Greatsword for the situations Mato described. This suited my play style better.

I found the Shortbow to be a very situational one-trick-pony (#1 auto-attack), and to get all the damage everyone raves about, you need to flank and/or hit from behind. This requires constant movement that is not always possible in tight situations, and most mobs will attack you head-on. Also keep in mind there is a bleed stacking limit on mobs

The Greatsword is not the highest damage dealer either, but has useful movement and stun attacks, and an AoE. This works better for me in tight caves and interiors.

Longbow is a more tactical weapon, meant to be used at long range and keeping mobs off you. It is not meant to be a one-shot, instant-kill, high DPS weapon. Those complaining about the Longbow lack of damage do not know how to used it properly.

In the end it comes down to your play-style and which weapons you are more comfortable with.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: ValinorSI.2801


I use SB/LB combination regulary in WvW, depending on type of battlefields. If it is siege (or any mass encounter where enemy doesn’t move a lot) LB beats Shortbow every time, while SB outdamages LB in all other encounters by far.

As for solo or even group PvE, I’ve stopped using LB at lv15 and even though I gave LB a chance from time to time, I threw it away in less than a minute. Axe is way more effective as AOE for moving targets.

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Joey.3928


I use both in every type of gameplay. I love all the skills each weapon offers and I use them all depending on what is happening.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Irish Cowboy.4153

Irish Cowboy.4153

I use both as my regular weapon set. They synergize incredibly well.

1 trait gets you 20 percent faster skill cooldowns for both weapons.
1 trait gets you piercing arrows(AOE damage) for both weapons.

Yes please.

In WvW, range is king. Being able to have the one on one skirmishing skills in combination with the AOE barrage for structures, choke points, and zerg vs. zerg will result in you getting a lot of kills and being able to stay at range to get those kills.

Shortbow/longbow is a lot of fun.

Short and Long Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


Like the last person said Both work very well together.

Alot of people will say short bow is better but that is only true in a skirmish or up close fight.

For stand offs and keep defense longbow with traited range is unmatched imo. ’IF" you can catch someone with those long range shots they they will drop and alot of people dont pay attention when they are in a zerg. Barrage is very good at stopping a group push and getting kills.

Now for roaming and skirmish fights, this is what i do: I run with longbow in my hands, the pushback attack is nice incase you get jumped. but the main reason is i open with the debuff shot, then swap to shortbow, and cripple shot. (i also have swiftness and fury because of the swap)
IF the target runs stick with shortbow and he will mostlikely die.
If the target comes after me i use the shortbow attacks accordingly along with traps.
In a rare case they are still on me and all abilities are down, swap to longbow pushback, rollback, barrage, rapidfire. if needed shortbow swap and abilities would be ready again.

between the 2 bow you pretty much always have an abiliy to use for the situation