Shortbow Build

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Remus Darkblight.1673

Remus Darkblight.1673

Looking for a build that’s viable in as many game modes as possible (with modifications) or alternatively just a selection of builds using the Shortbow.

I’m looking at making Chuka and Champawat on my Ranger and would like to use it in as many game modes as I can for obvious reasons

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Try this one, I actually think SB works better in core ranger ono sruid builds.

If you like GS over s/d, you can change to GS trait. If you want HOT pets, dont forget to change expertise training trait and wilting strike trait(they’r bugged with hot pets). If you need more condi removal, change guard to sharpening stone.
This build is strong for side point, pvp map roaming and 1v1. You have prem protection on you, so u’r not as glassy as it seems. Traited spiders after patch are alot of fun, take advantage of SB shooting inside poison field. You’ll have planty of quickness uptime, and lots of might which is great for this kind of an hybrid build.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Remus Darkblight.1673

Remus Darkblight.1673

Thanks so much, I was expecting full condition builds but these are certainly interesting.

Any ideas for PvE content? Open world is basically anything goes but is there any place for SB in raids or fractals?

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Fractals u’ll do fine, but raids are so minmax oriented, I dont think u’ll be to beneficial to the group.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Thanks so much, I was expecting full condition builds but these are certainly interesting.

Any ideas for PvE content? Open world is basically anything goes but is there any place for SB in raids or fractals?

That’s what I use. Trinkets are better with vipers, but those are a pain to get as ascended, especially when you main a condi engi and play a lot of condi necro but don’t like to share gear. So that awaits.

This is my goal:

The idea is simple, start in short bow, 4-2, weapon swap and bonfire to get quickdraw effect, then split blade-torch4- winters bite and then auto until bonfire/splitblade are up again hit those and back to short bow where you hit 4-2, and then keep them down until you hit the 4 skill 3 times then back to torch as bonfire will have refreshed.

Mix in healing as needed, keep the utilities down, glyphs for GoTL buff and their effects (yes elite too).

I use it in fractals mainly, I pug my raids so typically a magi druid is needed though actually a second one in a more dps focused build like this would likely be helpful.

You can increase your damage by going full ranger and grabbing up beastmaster and swapping spotter for hidden barbs, but that’s not something I’d really recommend doing, just some extra fun if you want.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Remus Darkblight.1673

Remus Darkblight.1673

Thanks so much, I was expecting full condition builds but these are certainly interesting.

Any ideas for PvE content? Open world is basically anything goes but is there any place for SB in raids or fractals?

That’s what I use. Trinkets are better with vipers, but those are a pain to get as ascended, especially when you main a condi engi and play a lot of condi necro but don’t like to share gear. So that awaits.

This is my goal:

The idea is simple, start in short bow, 4-2, weapon swap and bonfire to get quickdraw effect, then split blade-torch4- winters bite and then auto until bonfire/splitblade are up again hit those and back to short bow where you hit 4-2, and then keep them down until you hit the 4 skill 3 times then back to torch as bonfire will have refreshed.

Mix in healing as needed, keep the utilities down, glyphs for GoTL buff and their effects (yes elite too).

I use it in fractals mainly, I pug my raids so typically a magi druid is needed though actually a second one in a more dps focused build like this would likely be helpful.

You can increase your damage by going full ranger and grabbing up beastmaster and swapping spotter for hidden barbs, but that’s not something I’d really recommend doing, just some extra fun if you want.

Viper Amulet, Back Piece and Ring are now easy to get with the bloodstone stuff no?

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Remus Darkblight.1673

Remus Darkblight.1673

Just tried this in PvP today, turned out pretty well, the damage from Spike Trap>Entangle>(meanwhile pet uses AoE Poison)Bonfire>Hornet Sting>Throw Torch>(swap)Quick Shot>Volley is ridiculous if you can pull off the whole chain. It’s pretty easy to cut it short at any point if you’re taking damage and it leaves you with distance between you and the enemy when it’s done too.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Thanks so much, I was expecting full condition builds but these are certainly interesting.

Any ideas for PvE content? Open world is basically anything goes but is there any place for SB in raids or fractals?

That’s what I use. Trinkets are better with vipers, but those are a pain to get as ascended, especially when you main a condi engi and play a lot of condi necro but don’t like to share gear. So that awaits.

This is my goal:

The idea is simple, start in short bow, 4-2, weapon swap and bonfire to get quickdraw effect, then split blade-torch4- winters bite and then auto until bonfire/splitblade are up again hit those and back to short bow where you hit 4-2, and then keep them down until you hit the 4 skill 3 times then back to torch as bonfire will have refreshed.

Mix in healing as needed, keep the utilities down, glyphs for GoTL buff and their effects (yes elite too).

I use it in fractals mainly, I pug my raids so typically a magi druid is needed though actually a second one in a more dps focused build like this would likely be helpful.

You can increase your damage by going full ranger and grabbing up beastmaster and swapping spotter for hidden barbs, but that’s not something I’d really recommend doing, just some extra fun if you want.

Viper Amulet, Back Piece and Ring are now easy to get with the bloodstone stuff no?

Yes relatively easy. 200 rubies for a back, 100 for ring, 125 for amulet. Thing is again I’m gearing 3 condi professions >.<

As for the ring you can get 2 of them, BUT they are unique which means one attuned/infused and one attuned is your best bet but then you’ll need higher agony in each slot to make up the loss.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

off topic about those rubies.

How fast do you get them when farming bloodstone fen approximately, or otherwise stated: Does anyone know in how much time +- you get 200 rubies?

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Jerus.4350


off topic about those rubies.

How fast do you get them when farming bloodstone fen approximately, or otherwise stated: Does anyone know in how much time +- you get 200 rubies?

I’d say I get about a dozen in the first half hour then it’s a bit slow pickings. You need to get lucky on jade maps in LFG. You get like 4 from justiciar once a day (includes daily), then another 3 daily. Usually I’ll get one or two while I finish these things off by mining. Jade chain will give 2 at the end once a day (per character I think). Then you’re off to farming the 4 per not-VG.

WvW gets you 50 in about 5-6 hours with xp boosters, I think farming I can get 50 if I’m lucky in maybe 2-3 hours if I’m hopping jade maps, and I usually swap characters every 3 not-VG kills to avoid any possibility of DR.

So I’d say if you put in 3 hours over 3-4 days you should get 200+ granted LFG is kind.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

Thanks a lot. Sounds like a less ouch than 600 shards

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Thanks a lot. Sounds like a less ouch than 600 shards

Faster, yes, after 3 not-vg kills… well… you start to reconsider, then decide, ‘yeah it’s still easier, but it’s sooo boring!’

I’ve gotten about 800 of the things so far, and ugh.

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


I just came up with this it has a lot of secret synergy

electric wyvern for stuns with ancient seeds and if it misses swoop into a daze strike for ancient seeds. Your defensive on swap weapon. you can also use smokescale and swoop for a get away.

SB pew pew is incredible. Bleeds so strong. Concussion shot to ancient seeds is of course a gimme. spike trap works so well. and the burst comes from sharp stone.

Sigils are important torment needed to cover your bleeds. use poison too on SB

Id never thought Id put GS with SB as one is condi and one isn’t but here it is!

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Remus Darkblight.1673

Remus Darkblight.1673

I just came up with this it has a lot of secret synergy

electric wyvern for stuns with ancient seeds and if it misses swoop into a daze strike for ancient seeds. Your defensive on swap weapon. you can also use smokescale and swoop for a get away.

SB pew pew is incredible. Bleeds so strong. Concussion shot to ancient seeds is of course a gimme. spike trap works so well. and the burst comes from sharp stone.

Sigils are important torment needed to cover your bleeds. use poison too on SB

Id never thought Id put GS with SB as one is condi and one isn’t but here it is!

That was my first reaction, GS+SB whaaaat? But I suppose you’re using the GS for it’s defensive capabilities so the fact that it’s damage output isn’t so great is a non-issue since you’re going to swap to SB for that.

I have always liked GS on the ranger, it’s just a shame the DPS has always been so low because it’s a very nice weapon to use, every skill has a use and feels really intuitive to use.

Your trait-lines are what I always seem to come up with when going for a condition build on druid, the only difference is you’ve taken shared anguish over ambidexterity because you’re not using A/T or S/T.

I just wish they would change the SB auto-attack to bleed on every hit rather than just a flanking hit.

There is so much condition removal on this build which I like, Wilderness Knowledge is an underrated trait in my opinion, decent fury up-time as well.

How do you think this build will fair in PvE? I know it’s not in the raid meta so even if it is functional there no group will want you but how about Fractals, Dungeons and Open World bosses?

Same for WvW as well, does it have any use there, maybe roaming?

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


If you put on more offensive gear it can do pretty well. Its not max DPS so I tend to not use it but flanking is really easy in PvE. You wouldn’t need the defense of GS so I’d go ST to try to up damage a little more. I also take flame trap instead of SS and spotter instead of barbs and trappers x. It might as well be a completly different build with more condi’s. The GS SB is its own thing.

It does much better in roaming wvw. Its pretty good in WvW you move fast with GS. GS isn’t just for defense but the synergy with ancient seeds and pets too.

(edited by rpfohr.7048)

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Remus Darkblight.1673

Remus Darkblight.1673

Ancient Seeds is good, I like to use Glyph of Equality to trigger it as well.

It’s not a Shortbow build but this is what I use for WvW at the moment;

I use something similar in PvE except I think I have Skirmishing over Wilderness Survival but same gear.

I’m not sure on the GS sigils though, I’d have to login and check because I haven’t actually changed some parts of my gear in a while, hence why I’ve been looking to change. I just picked something that was cheap and useful at the time since I hadn’t really settled on a build only that I wanted mostly berzerker gear as it was the meta before HoT. (And still is to some extent).

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


I use different sigils for wvw. for example on SB I still use the bleed sigil but I have sigil of incantation. What a fantastic crippling sigil that is. I wish it was in PvP

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i use something like this

in general is ok for roaming in small groups or zerg.

for dueling i have a lot of trouble with medi-trapper Dh and staff dd because simply the Sb is very bad to manage(no utilities soever and not an effective evade\disengage) so you can’t keep a healthy distance.

Other classes it depends on the difference of skill.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Remus Darkblight.1673

Remus Darkblight.1673

i use something like this

in general is ok for roaming in small groups or zerg.

for dueling i have a lot of trouble with medi-trapper Dh and staff dd because simply the Sb is very bad to manage(no utilities soever and not an effective evade\disengage) so you can’t keep a healthy distance.

Other classes it depends on the difference of skill.

This is interesting, it’s almost like the power/SB concept I threw out there.

Do you think 2600 armour and 20k health is too much though, given how survivable the Ranger and especially Druid are with their skills already?

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


This is interesting, it’s almost like the power/SB concept I threw out there.

Do you think 2600 armour and 20k health is too much though, given how survivable the Ranger and especially Druid are with their skills already?

We are talking about the shortbow here. With other weapons maybe you would not need that.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Shortbow Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Madminds.1723


Just wanted to drop my updated setup for atleast WvW after coming back from my break:

Accessories are depending on your liking and how comftable you are, it works well with Celestial for more bunker or complete glass with either Sinister or Vipers.
At the moment I run with a comb Dire/Rabid and Rabid to get a bit more HP and armor.
A little note that the calculator is not correct, and the bleed duration is actually closer to 65%

It can easily be used in PvE either with same skills or slight modifications.