Shortbow/longbow is probably the best combo ever
Love it use it
Short bow to lay on conditions bleed/poison
Then long bow right way for vulnerability and burst damage
Lay on the hurt pew pew
Lyonrwar: Ranger 80 Lyonswrath: Mesmer 80
SoR :: Ethereal Guardians
I used to be Longbow and Greatsword. I realized that in almost every instance where I was forced to draw my sword (short range combat) that I was pretty much a dead man. I switched out the GS for a Shortbow and I feel so much more effective. It’s literally like an entirely new class. Featured Blog Writer
Co-Leader of Inquisition (Jade Quarry)
I used to do longbow/sword and horn, but today i decided to do longbow/shortbow. So far I like it.
I like the cripple/evade on the shortbow. I think it will work well for me.
to me i feel like shortbow axe/horn is the best combination pve-wise. u never have to worry about going max distance or having your dps kittened because a mob closes in on you. both can apply slows for kiting situations, and both can apply conditional damage (bleeds) and u also get a nifty buff to u and ur group. as much as i love to see those big numbers with lb’s vulnerable and rapid fire, and barrage has a nice aoe, but it just doesnt seem enough for long battles in dungeons and such. and sb/lb combo u need to constantly move forward and backwards because they have different ranges. i understand this game is very action oriented making you move around alot, but i find myself more so strafing left and right, vs forward backwards. just my 2 cents =P
I use this combo as well with my shortbow being my main weapon. The dps combo is simply amazing and very easy to kite with a shortbow then switch to long and do some nice burst.
I’m a slave to the speed buff from the warhorn. I must have it…
I’m a slave to the speed buff from the warhorn. I must have it…
Switch it out on the character screen while not in combat to get your boost Then switch back.
It’s my current favorite setup. Though really it’s more like Point Blank Shot, the occasional Barrage and Shortbow (plus it allows recharge trait to do double duty).
Power/crit build
Eagle Eye and Quick Draw
So versatil while deliving top notch ranged DPS, at long range or close range
Anyone loving this combo has much has i do?
I lvled this way, at 80 turned to condition dmg and shortbow warhorn – [insert weapon]
now in back to longbow – shortwbow and high critdmg – fury pet build “how i missed it” :P
1st mob in orr 8500+ rapid fire after getting used again with some of the uti skills i now do 11k rapid fires while using zephyr (1,5 seconds cast time)
Yv Ilthi lvl 80 human Mesmer
I´m going with daul axes and longbow. Liking it, good aoe capabilities as well as decent range and survavability.
I’m a slave to the speed buff from the warhorn. I must have it…
Switch it out on the character screen while not in combat to get your boost
Then switch back.
I use it in combat A LOT to kite or just get away from something. It’s also quite a hefty combat boost to you and your allies. A quick swap to it every 30 seconds is pretty significant for the buff.
Switching out of combat manually in my inventory is annoying anyway.
I’m a slave to the speed buff from the warhorn. I must have it…
Switch it out on the character screen while not in combat to get your boost
Then switch back.
I use it in combat A LOT to kite or just get away from something. It’s also quite a hefty combat boost to you and your allies. A quick swap to it every 30 seconds is pretty significant for the buff.
Switching out of combat manually in my inventory is annoying anyway.
10 stacks of vulnerability with the longbows huntersshot every 12 seconds for all (even when not in range) is better then a buff every 30 seconds for 14 seconds to all (if they are in range of you) in my opinion.
Yv Ilthi lvl 80 human Mesmer
First time poster here.
My ranger is about level 30 and I have been heavily thinking of going into this combo. I have horn/axe but I rarely switch to that when solo anyways. I mainly wanted the axe for aoe purposes since Shortbow virtually has none.
Anyways, just a couple of questions about this setup if anyone would care to answer:
1. Is it only Longbow’s auto attack that’s effected by range or does Barrage and Rapid Fire do more damage at max range than up close?
2. What kind of traits would you use for this kind of set up? Currently I have 10 in might and 10 in wilderness survival (the toughness one), and I’m starting up the precision line. Is this a good way to go?
For a little more information on the second question, my main focus is PvE right now. I don’t usually start PvP until max level.
Thank you!
I prefer shortbow/greatsword for wvwvw and pve. Mostly wvwvw though. I use traps andother condition dmg skills so i need to be up close. with 2 cripples and 2 stuns it assures that i can stay on top of someone. GS also provides great get away on a decent timer. Loads of fun.
i dont know, i have try to use this combination and tho it sounds good i dont like it at all. Problem is when people get into melee range i dont like using bows, maybe is my mind or something but i cant.
I’m running this power/crit build now, with LB/SB combo, now i have a full set of armor and weapons, but i TOTALLY have no idea what to rune/sigil it with. And i am a full trap-based ranger, if that is important. I always neglect my pet, since they die first thing in HoTW or Arah. Well unless it’s two bears, which i don’t really like.
I have 2200 power, and 45% crit chance, 80% crit damage. i personally think that 45% crit chance is good enough, i get 7/10 crits, hence i’m thinking of striking out any major precision-based runes (eagle, ranger, etc). I was thinking of the +10 power for my bow, since i am not looking into precision at all.
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
why would you be trapped based without +con dmg?
i’ve tried condition damage in WvWvW, it’s just not as feasible, i don’t really know how + condition damage scales, but i think i’m trying pure damage as i might move to a different build, like a pet based or something else.
On my ranger I usually use shortbow + axe/horn.
Axe is pretty good aoe and the horn has the buff. Generally in mobs I’ll use axe/warhorn. This is for a couple reasons. One is obviously because the axe is decent aoe. Also because when I’m in a situation where I’m attacking a group of enemies I’m usually with a group and I like to keep the horn buff up as much as possible. There is usually a veteran around in group situations so I use the veteran as an anchor for my skill 1 axe attack and use the bird move on it. I also like using the drake as my pet that has the lightning attack because the lightning attack functions in the same manner as the axe and does a lot of damage. The downside though is that it has a long cast time.
Shortbow I tend to use on more of a single-target basis. The exception being if I want to switch to it to use it’s poison arrow in an AoE setting. Shortbow is nice because of poison + bleeds (although the jump back move also works as an evade which is also nice). Having the pet means that normal mobs can attack the pet which gives you the opportunity to attack it from the side or back. In a group setting where there is a boss you can also attack them from the side or back because of the other players.
Although I’ve rarely used the longbow. So I’m not sure about it’s effectiveness. I’ve just grown so accustomed to shortbow + axe/horn that I haven’t really used it yet. I should probably also mention that I pretty much just PvE, since I don’t really like arena style PvP in MMOs and WvWvW is too much for my computer to handle.
Power/crit build
Eagle Eye and Quick Draw
So versatil while deliving top notch ranged DPS, at long range or close range
Anyone loving this combo has much has i do?
Can you post your build please?
The only benefit you get from this combo is the AOE and the knockback on the longbow. Maybe 1500 range if you trait it. Not exactly sure it is worth giving up the chill and fury/might/swiftness of the Axe/Warhorn.
The vulnerability on the longbow isn’t worth switching from the shortbow because you lose more dps than you gain because of the cooldown on the weapon swapping.
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
I like Axe / Warhorn and Longbow myself. Axe auto attack allways hits multipul foes, and if you are kiting a ton of mobs it helps you a lot. Warhorn is just nice, killing stuff with seaguls is just awesome. The other ability that comes with it is nice as well.
I used shortbow in the beta mainly. I just don’t seem to enjoy it as much now. Maybe if they let us swap between 3 weapon sets I might add it in :P
For some odd reason i can’t quote so lets do like this:
First time poster here.
My ranger is about level 30 and I have been heavily thinking of going into this combo. I have horn/axe but I rarely switch to that when solo anyways. I mainly wanted the axe for aoe purposes since Shortbow virtually has none.
Anyways, just a couple of questions about this setup if anyone would care to answer:
1. Is it only Longbow’s auto attack that’s effected by range or does Barrage and Rapid Fire do more damage at max range than up close?
2. What kind of traits would you use for this kind of set up? Currently I have 10 in might and 10 in wilderness survival (the toughness one), and I’m starting up the precision line. Is this a good way to go?
For a little more information on the second question, my main focus is PvE right now. I don’t usually start PvP until max level.
Thank you!”
1. Long relys on range for damage for auto shot only making it great to swap> unload all cd’s at any range> swap back to shortbow
2. I can post lots of variation of builds but all of then go:
20/25/30 on Markmanship
25/30 on Skirmishing
5/10/15 on Wilderness Survival
0/5/10 Nature Magic
Make the build that best fits your play style, going Shortbow/Longbow is going phisical with condition Support.
30 MM fits signet utilitys if u are into that, but u can go 30 MM and ignore it and get the extra power/condition duration
30 Skirmishing fits traps but like MM, u can just go for crit and precision and DPS traits
15 Wilderness Survival is in case you like to get the most of your dodge
10 Nature magic if u want some of the first tier 1 traits like 5% of ur vitality becomes Power
I will post my personal choice bellow.
I’m running this power/crit build now, with LB/SB combo, now i have a full set of armor and weapons, but i TOTALLY have no idea what to rune/sigil it with. And i am a full trap-based ranger, if that is important. I always neglect my pet, since they die first thing in HoTW or Arah. Well unless it’s two bears, which i don’t really like.
I have 2200 power, and 45% crit chance, 80% crit damage. i personally think that 45% crit chance is good enough, i get 7/10 crits, hence i’m thinking of striking out any major precision-based runes (eagle, ranger, etc). I was thinking of the +10 power for my bow, since i am not looking into precision at all.
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.”
Rune of Divinity is my choice for most phisical DPS, +60 all stats and 15% critical damage bonus is from my POW to good to say nay.
why would you be trapped based without +con dmg?”
The ranger doesn’t have much utility to boost dps, 30 skirmishing makes with both traps traits makes traps a wierdly powerfull boost to the dps plus combo fields and therefore support for the team with Flame trap +Snake trap +Spike trap.
They dont perform so well like condition damage builds, but the mix between the 2 makes phisical dps ranger outperform condition ones
On my ranger I usually use shortbow + axe/horn.
Axe is pretty good aoe and the horn has the buff. Generally in mobs I’ll use axe/warhorn. This is for a couple reasons. One is obviously because the axe is decent aoe. Also because when I’m in a situation where I’m attacking a group of enemies I’m usually with a group and I like to keep the horn buff up as much as possible. There is usually a veteran around in group situations so I use the veteran as an anchor for my skill 1 axe attack and use the bird move on it. I also like using the drake as my pet that has the lightning attack because the lightning attack functions in the same manner as the axe and does a lot of damage. The downside though is that it has a long cast time.
Shortbow I tend to use on more of a single-target basis. The exception being if I want to switch to it to use it’s poison arrow in an AoE setting. Shortbow is nice because of poison + bleeds (although the jump back move also works as an evade which is also nice). Having the pet means that normal mobs can attack the pet which gives you the opportunity to attack it from the side or back. In a group setting where there is a boss you can also attack them from the side or back because of the other players.
Although I’ve rarely used the longbow. So I’m not sure about it’s effectiveness. I’ve just grown so accustomed to shortbow + axe/horn that I haven’t really used it yet. I should probably also mention that I pretty much just PvE, since I don’t really like arena style PvP in MMOs and WvWvW is too much for my computer to handle.”
I don’t separate my weapon based on AoE, both do tons of damage.
I use the tier 2 trait of MM called Piercing Arrows for pve plus traps with trap traits, my aoe is insane with both weapons, i tend to swap around then to get the skirmish fury/swift boons wich i can keep up for quite some time (i equip/unequip a Warhorn for the buff+Rampage has One+10% boon duration from my 10 points in nature magic)
All this joined together boost my dps over the top, dunno how much it gets but i see numbers flying around all mobs head followed by big crits from both weapons (rapid fire with piercing arrows is so insane!)
I use 2 bears, they are bukly enough to compensate their low dps vs other pets, not a big dps increase when ur pet dies in 1 hit right?
Murelow plus other, Murelow is just to good…
Power/crit build
Eagle Eye and Quick Draw
So versatil while deliving top notch ranged DPS, at long range or close range
Anyone loving this combo has much has i do?
Can you post your build please?”
Copy/paste the links or wont work.
This is my personal choice
I use a mix of Berseker/Valkyre>Knight to get the stats i want with rune of divinity
The only benefit you get from this combo is the AOE and the knockback on the longbow. Maybe 1500 range if you trait it. Not exactly sure it is worth giving up the chill and fury/might/swiftness of the Axe/Warhorn.
The vulnerability on the longbow isn’t worth switching from the shortbow because you lose more dps than you gain because of the cooldown on the weapon swapping.”
The trait piercing arrows changes all that pve wise
All your arrows attacks become AoE> axe/horn
And the Longbow gives you better damage at max range than a Axe/horn will ever give, that also means safety but by no means i stay at max range, i often go “skirmish” my target and flank him with shortbow>throw some traps>change longbow>unload hell>change to shortbow now again at “skirmish range”>unload more hell repeat.
Sometimes i change Snake trap for Quickning Zephyr cuz there to much poison stacking with my Murellow
That’s what I use in WvW and Orr farming runs.
I’ll go Axe warhorn also. I use the warhorn for the speedbuff only. Axe’s suck but I could use sword as well.
I feel SB/LB is redundant… no need to have both is PvP. I prefer S or L/bow and Axe/Torch.
I can light people up with either, have a slow, and the ae of the SB or CC of long.