Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Since they are bringing some of the GW1 ranger skills (in name only) to GW2…what are some of the ones the community would like to see?

For me:

Frozen Soil – Creatures in range cannot activate resurrection skills. Does not affect spirits.
Favorable Winds – Arrows move twice as fast and hit for +6 damage for creatures in range. Does not affect spirits.

Preparations such as:

Apply Poison – Your physical attacks inflict Poisoned condition (3…13…15 seconds).

I personally think if they would incorporate some of these into the game (fully, not like what Read the Wind will be) Rangers could be a pretty potent force.

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: The Chosen Link.3247

The Chosen Link.3247

There were many great things from the GW1 ranger, specifically stances and preparations which didn’t make it into GW2.

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: AEFA.9035


There were many great things from the GW1 ranger, specifically stances and preparations which didn’t make it into GW2.

Preperation we can all agree on that Thieves got that instead of us. Stances Warrior got that instead of us. Interrupts Mesmers got that instead of us. So I don’t really know what else we can get from GW1 Ranger that could be pass on to GW2 Rangers besides spirits…. ack!

Success is my only option, failure is not.

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: little ceasar.9254

little ceasar.9254

Mesmers and warriors had those in Gw1 as well, just a different flavor.


Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Commander Dave Sobani.3169

Lord Commander Dave Sobani.3169

Well , (drops a stack of paper on the forum floor )…..

In all seriousness,

Enraged Lunge :

Elite Pet Attack. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5…17…20 seconds) and deals +X amount damage. ( To be adjusted to GW2 since i think Deep Wound is not here anymore )

Cooldown 5 seconds

Incendiary Arrows :

Elite Bow Attack. Hits 2 foes near your target and inflicts burning (1…3…3 second[s]).

Cooldown 5 seconds

Prepaired Stance :

Elite Stance. (20…32…35 seconds.) Your preparations recharge 50% faster and last 30…126…150% longer. ( You know when we get Preperations back )

Companionship :

Skill. Heals you for X amount ( amount modded to GW2 standerds ) if you have less Health than your pet. Heals your pet for X amount if it has less Health than you.

Because its just better then Heal as one.

And yes I do find the current selection of Elite skills for the Ranger HORRID.

(Takes stack of paper , and walks away )

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Smoke Trap.

This could be an awesome elite, especially if it worked as a smoke combo field.

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Frozen Soil and umm a similar Necro skill was awesome help in GW1.
In WWW, this would ROCK. Even if its just “Not able to Rally within 1000 radious”.
Meanwhile we insta-die in the zerg
For Bunker supporters (Druidddssss) it would be ok.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: dekou.6012


Preparations should definitely make a return, and not as traits. Personally, I want Glass Arrows and Enraged Lunge back. Similarly, Deep Wound could make a return as the “elite” condition.

Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Distracting Shot


Shoutout to GW1 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: AEFA.9035


We should definitely get an Elite on bow from GW1

Rework to: Your next arrow deals 20% of your target’s maximum health. (CD: 20s)

Unparalleled Archers here we come!!!

Success is my only option, failure is not.