Show me your Pew Pew build [WvW Roaming]
1. See below. I have many different setups that I enjoy. Some with and without druid.
2. I have builds without still work. Druid is pretty much better to have in every way as you gain access to stunbreak/condi cleanse trait and heals as well as other nice traits.
3. Pretty much either shouts, and/or survival skills. Sometimes signets. Mostly for either boonstack, condi clear, or burst. The two new HoT pets are really useful. Some good alternatives are wolf ,drake hound and your choice of drake.
I’ve run a few different builds with different goals, here are builds I have run for a while:
(current) Balouga kite power ranger – Focused on kite lb damage and lockdown. Works ok in zergs and very good in duels
Staff/Lb – Focused on endless kiting and self healing, lb and staff damage. Zerg focused. Have a variant with clerics/captains mix preforms very similarly.
Cavaliers dueler – More zerg oriented, Can pew pew. Solid in the fray style of build. Could work well with druid.
Valk Dueler – Condi sponge, decent lb dmg, more oriented on landing large mauls. Mainly a dueling build.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
(edited by Eval.2371)
Lols… copy and paste from a nearly identical thread at top of second page:
Condi Longbow is what I use but its not very common. Its hybrid based on Rampager gearstat (Precision, power/condition dmg).
A brief vid of friend and I fighting 2 scrappers.
1. See below. I have many different setups that I enjoy. Some with and without druid.
Nice, I wont discuss about the staff build since you said its more zerg oriented, so ill talk about the others 3.
Just a few questions:
1 – Don’t u like the Beastmastery trait line? It has 2 cool Grandmaster traits(quickness on pet swap OR taunt on pet active skill) that allows great gameplay styles. Plus it have a master trait that buff GS, since looks like you like the weapon. Plus 2: That shout trait is great for perma swiftness/regen.
2 – Don’t you have any duel build with Sword/Dagger or Sword/Warhorn as second weapon set? I know GS does awesome damage, but it has a few problems :
2.1 (Ranger GS #4 can be useless against some skill, like Revenant sword #3
or Thief D/P #3, Mesmer GS #4)
2.2 (GS #5 is very hard to land, due its slow and stuck animation)
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]
Lols… copy and paste from a nearly identical thread at top of second page:
I already saw ur build on the other thread ;p
Do you have enough condi(i suposse most bleed)applcation to make that condi stats worth?
Lols… copy and paste from a nearly identical thread at top of second page:
I already saw ur build on the other thread ;p
Do you have enough condi(i suposse most bleed)applcation to make that condi stats worth?
Against minimal condi cleanse players I can burst 15-20 stacks of bleed, against people on CD or severely lacking condi cleanse ive seen 30.
1. See below. I have many different setups that I enjoy. Some with and without druid.
Nice, I wont discuss about the staff build since you said its more zerg oriented, so ill talk about the others 3.
Just a few questions:
1 – Don’t u like the Beastmastery trait line? It has 2 cool Grandmaster traits(quickness on pet swap OR taunt on pet active skill) that allows great gameplay styles. Plus it have a master trait that buff GS, since looks like you like the weapon. Plus 2: That shout trait is great for perma swiftness/regen.2 – Don’t you have any duel build with Sword/Dagger or Sword/Warhorn as second weapon set? I know GS does awesome damage, but it has a few problems :
2.1 (Ranger GS #4 can be useless against some skill, like Revenant sword #3
or Thief D/P #3, Mesmer GS #4)
2.2 (GS #5 is very hard to land, due its slow and stuck animation)
I do like the beast mastery line however its not really suited for a lb build. Marksman and skirmisher are much better offensive choices, and wilderness survival offers a lot with condi clear and furry on the defensive side. In pve I perfer to take beast mastery over wilderness survival, but you asked for wvw based builds. Oddly the one build you didnt look at is the only one that is running beast mastery.
2 Unfortunately no. I used to use a sword dagger longbow setup but sword in general is a very problematic weapon when fighting anything that does not have a set pattern because the auto attack chain makes it very hard to dodge. Greatsword has ok damage, but good burst.
2.1 Greatswords block does have niche problems, in the same note it does have niche advantages. Going up again a ranged class? block the entire combo. Enemy running away? throw the dammed thing. The skill has a lot of situational utility value and using it properly requires forethought. The problematic classes/skills you mention are ones you should be dodging not blocking.
2.2 I disagree, hilt bash can be easy to land. It is just as hard to hit as maul. If you can set up maul, you can set up this skill. I use this all the time to set up roots with ancient seeds on targets that would be fleeing.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
(edited by Eval.2371)