Show your rangers here!!
My Charr ranger and her pets
Armor: Charr cultural t1, helmet and shoulders hidden (always)
Back slot: Max upgraded fractal capacitor
Shortbow: Fractal Shortbow
Sword and dagger: Honor of the Waves set token rewards.
Hey Robert can you look into the whispers medium shoulders (human male). Its poking my shiny fractal capacitor like a toothpick.
Here’s my little level 14 Ranger, Autumn Kallis! <3
Here’s my little level 14 Ranger, Autumn Kallis! <3
Really love that coat!!
ïryss | Engineer
Heres my Sylvari Ranger. All the armor is Valkyrie Emblazoned exotics with 6/6 Superior Runes of Vampirism.
The Bow is a Final Curse, transmuted with Superior Sigil of Blood on it.
Just got my Bowyers Delight made today and has Might Infusion on it.
Here’s my ranger guys, hope you like it:
Updating once again (yaay!). Nymeriali has gotten lots of compliments on her look, people are especially noticing the flower in her hand. Only thing I don’t like in the pics is that Nym isn’t Glowing
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
My 80 ranger, not the final look my armor will have but the picture was too sweet to not show, at least to me
My ranger Erik Svongard level 32 I think he’s awesome though i am looking for cooler armour if anyone have any suggestions please let me know thanks…..
;), My beast throwing his sword up with his jaguar in front of the moon in WvW
Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]
Here is my Sylvari Ranger
Stormbluff Isle ~ Knights Templar
my new set………
#1 PVE Commander EU
Desolation motto: Guests Go Home
So here’s my Ranger with his Arachnophobia as a Short Bow and Volcanus as a GS. I tried him to look like a twisted demon, lord of spiders, posion and fire. Think he looks exactly like I wanted. What do you guys think?
My new pic of my ranger with her new weapon. Made it today. It’s pretty huge so hard to not cover my face, other weapon is Jormag’s Breath, love the combination.
Not sure if intentional, but your owl is completely photobombing you.
Here’s my Ranger in a odd mix of T3 cultural, T2 cultural x2, Rawhide and Vigil, with Sniper being awesome.
(edited by ThirtyOne.3976)
Not sure if intentional, but your owl is completely photobombing you.
Haha, Intentional. Was waiting for him to turn his head that way.
Hmm Nice to see all of you ranger here!
Awww my pet not in picture my cat
Shirogane,Kurogane,Kagetora is lovely playing buddy.
My GS/SB roaming ranger.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Invadors armor with shaman’s etched bow, and a white wolf
Might as well screenshot all my rangers =P
GS/SB tanky dps (my favorite)
Zerker Longbow/Shortbow
Shortbow/Axe condition trap build (second favorite)
EDIT: Not sure why the site is compressing my contrast so much. Looks like some sort of colorspace issue.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
(edited by WhiteAndMilky.2514)
Some nice looking Ranger pics here. Here is mine, just hit 80 and pretty happy with the look.
(edited by Darth Llama.9217)
Armor set: Arah (Orrian) except chest piece which is Krytan
Introducing Ayane Wei, my lovely Ranger
..and her spider Webby
{League Of The Valkyries} {LOVE}
The first picture is from the early days of my ranger, he was “fabulous.”
And the others are what he’s wearing now.
And here’s Lunete, my female Sylvari ranger. Oh, and Moseley, who’s standing around not caring about anything as usual.
Durmand Priory Mask, Nika’s Shoulderpads & Gloves, Inquest Coat & Boots and Emblazoned Pants. Dye combo is a mix of Old Nickel, Lava, Scarlet and Iron on the pants.
(edited by Sagaris.7602)
Finally, I’ve crafted the Azureflame!
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”