the skrittfinisher was my idea!
Hello my ranger friends
i have some different ideas for skill that anet could think about to implement when we can unlock new traits and skills
first of all i think an Utility skill with an active heal would be nice
what about the idea that the pet could give a part of his HP to us, it would be like a Meditation like the Guardians have? maybe the half pet HP become 20% health for us dont know, it should be not to OP and the question is if the pet could die after that skill.
the next idea is quiete cool i think.
What about a skill, that could allow us to Change the Position with our pet?
so we have a big Moment of surprise and could find very cool new tactics, it could be used as a stun breaker or a get closer or a get away.
for that skill we Need a range lower that the range of our pet, i think of maybe 1200 could be very cool, but maybe to strong, we could look how far thiefes ( kitten thiefes! xD ) and Guardians can teleport for example.
the next idea could be probably an elite
we could summone both pets, both will get full HP, or maybe just the second and attack the enemy. its just like the one PvE sylvari elite with farn dog.
I dont know if we should have the Chance to control our second pet, maybe to strong, when i could imagine that we press our elite and when we press it a second time the summoned pet activate his F2 skill.
for example u use bear and wolf, ur bear is active and u activate ur elite. when u press again the elite the wolf starts his howl and grant fear.
maybe that idea is too strong when u use a hyena and have 3 pets on ur side…THAT would be a real beastmaster
now just comments to the Situation of the ranger
first our pets
i read so much like that the pet AI should be fixed, but never read WHAT should be fixed and why and where
i think in pvp are the pets okay, its a hard Job to kite our pets
in PvE i agree, sometimes its really embarrising when you just walk around and notice that ur pet pulled a lot of Mobs. my idea is that anet could Change the behavior between Mobs and pets, maybe that Mobs “see” our pet in a lower range, i think that could help.
what anet also could improve are the F2 attacks, sometimes its difficult to activate them and the pet start that skill some seconds later, maybe its my mistake when i activate the Special skill while my pet use another normal skill i dont know, but would be nice if they react faster. and when pets could stand closer to us, sometimes they sit 500 away from us xD
another idea is that the behavior of our pets could Change when we jump.
For example in PvP the map raid on the capricorn, the cliff next to the beach, when i jump off and fight against others, my pet runs a complete round until it is there, would be easier for me when they port to me instead of running away
and now to all the “Change this or i quit” threads in this ranger Forum
i know its sometimes very difficult for us and since the beastmaster nerf “rangerok” is over, but that class isnt dead!
We can make such cool builds, we have awesome traits, the only Problem for the most people is to try their class! u only become a good ranger when u make ur own builds and dont copy and paste from the Internet.
Ranger is a hard to Play class, it is not the easiest class to learn, but its worth.
Anet makes a good Job and try their best to improve it, sometimes they dont get it so right like everyone wants, but they learn from it.
and dont think about that rumour that no dev is playing ranger, a lot of devs do, even if the most devs in streams we see are Playing warrior.
i hope for some constructive Feedback
While I like a lot of your ideas, I’m trying to find thematic justification for some of them. The pet swap thing for example could be insanely good for a melee oriented ranger, but not easy to pull off with a ranged one given the poor pet controls. But I’m also not sure why a Ranger would magically swap places with the pet?
As for your healing thing, you would kind of expect a Ranger to be able to pick some berries and such to consume when in trouble. Considering how awful this class’ condition removal is… it could remove conditions and heal for a specific amount if it cleansed a poison or cripple or something.
I didn’t play beta, but I believe someone mentioned your elite idea to summon multiple pets was actually in the game?
Now as for the whole ‘how to change’ or ‘what to change’ for pet AI and controls? We’ve covered this in many different threads. My personal preference is as follows:
F1 changed as a basic script to both attack and recall a pet.
F2 changed to go off immediately when pressed. This means no more waiting to fit in between attacks. When I push F2 it starts casting. All F2 abilities should have a .5 second cast time to remain balanced. After cast to finish the animation I couldn’t care less about. All I want is for when I push F2, .5 seconds later my wolf howls.. or my bird swoops after someone to attack for burst. etc.
F3 changed to control the secondary pet attacks. Like F2 abilities, these would have a .5 second cast time to remain balanced, but when pushed they go off immediately. the F3 will be set to auto cast so new players aren’t overwhelmed with a second pet attack button (I haven’t a clue why they would, but whatever) and the pet functionality would work much like it does now.
Stow pet to actually stow the pet and not come out again unless the Ranger unstows it or actually uses one of the pet functions (F1, F2, F3).
Pets retain their name.
^ I had a similar idea, but a little easier for new players.
F1 replaces F2 in function. The pet now attacks what ever target you are targeting. All pets gain a passive function, and manual function. The passive function will be buffs( Fern Hound grants regeneration when nearby ally gets to 75% health, Jungle stalkers grants 3 stacks of mights, Jungle spider increases condition damage, etc), while the manual function will be a utility/CC ability(Fern hound knockdown leap, bear throwback, etc). F1 now has priority in q.
F2 will be a stance option. Defensive stance will give protection and stability(for the first 5 seconds of switch) and cause the pet to seek out the front of the target, while offensive stance will give Fury and swiftness and cause the pet to seek out the rear or flank of the target. No cool down between switching stances.
F3 will now have a dual function, on a single hit, the pet will dodge back, and after 3 seconds leap back and cause a burst hit (to make up for damage lost when dodging), if you hit F3 again within that 3 seconds, the pet will return to you.
(edited by Hedgehog in the fog.1053)
Allowing me to control my Spidy’s Web and Doggy’s Knockdown…Death to melees, period ^^
1) A healing spirit, that give a small amount of hp each 10 seconds when you hit your target and a big aoe heal that heal a maximum of 5 allies(maybe 4-5k when you activate the spirit with a 40 sec cd plus the 20 secs cd when the spirit die).
2) I like the idea of a new elite that summons your two pets at the same time.
3) remove the poison on the skill 4 on dagger, replace it by torment, weackness, a bonus to our pet or something else, we already have weapons that put poisons, shortbow n.2 and sword n.3
4) A new weapon : i would really like to see a main hand dagger for rangers, not sure if it would be alterations or phisical dps, but maybe a 600 ranged weapon.
5) New pets
6) Replace F3 by an instant use pet skill
7) A new trait that give distortion to the pet when you dodge
8) (i know this would be really epic) a transformation elite skill for the ranger. transform you into a giant animal (like norn elites) depending of what pet you have, that have different skills. By exemple, if you have a moa, you have some imba support skills, a cat, high dps, spiders, conditions/control bears, you are super tanky…
9) the skill that change places with your pet, very great idea, would be very helpfull to longbow rangers in spvp.
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