So, Ranger complaint trends...

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: riku.2091


Ever since the betas started, I’ve noticed a few ranger complaints that everyone keeps repeating, and I have an opinion on it that differs (or I don’t have which I don’t have one, I just think it’s a weird complaint/question) from the “masses”. I’m curious as to whether or not I’m the only one who feels this way. Cause Sometimes I feel like I’m just taking whatever ANet gives me without questioning it.

I do not mean to insult anybody here.

1. Quivers. This is one I really don’t have an opinion on, but I do feel slightly…annoyed that so many people are asking for one. It just seems really anal.

2. Clothing. So many people complain about the look of adventurer armor. I rather like it, personally. And why do people keep calling it “ranger armor”? It’s Medium Armor. Adventurer Armor. It’s shared with two other classes.

3. Rifles/Greatswords. So many people are “Why don’t we get rifles!? We’re rangers!” I have never once seen a ranger using a rifle. I’ve seen a hunter in WoW use a rifle. But never a Ranger. And our thing is not really technology. As for the greatsword, I’m going to have to say the implied dexterity of Rangers allow them to use such a weapon. But I’m not sure. I just know I really don’t have a problem with it.

4. Last, but definitely not least. This problem has been the biggest, because I saved it for last because I’m going to break my no insult rule. Pets. To save a whole long rant, I’ll just say: “You can’t turn them off, they are the defining point of our class. Please stop asking for a permanent stow in exchange for buffs/a new mechanic. If you don’t want to use them, just don’t use them, don’t Spec BM, and just let them die. Better yet, play another class that more suits your needs.” Seriously. When played right, pets give access to the most versatile mechanic of the game. Stop asking for it to be scrapped just because you cannot understand it or use it the right way. I’m not saying it’s 100% perfect, but I’ve had very few problems. And very few pet deaths.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Veph.4125


I wouldn’t say you’re the only one, I’m with you on the last three.

1. I do think quivers would be a nice addition, but not in a demanding sort of way. I simply like the aesthetic look of them and I thought it was a great idea.

2. I probably can’t speak fully as I haven’t gone past level 40 yet, but so far I haven’t had any issue with the medium armor looks. The only coat I wasn’t fond of was the one that looked like a quilt wrapped around my torso, haha, but I love the long trench coats and face masks.

3. While similar classes in other games can use both bows and rifles, I don’t have any problem with the ranger class in this game being restricted to bows. It suits them thematically, and I think engineers fit rifles more. If you really love guns, maybe try an engineer?

4. Pets are pretty much the main reason I love this class, so for me personally I would never want to play without them. There are other ranged profession options in this game that I don’t feel there’s the need to make a specialty petless ranger spec.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Scorpio.3821


1. There are bigger issues that Anet should be focusing on instead of this.
2. Medium Armor is the best looking IMO. Look at the guild medium armor for an example.
3. Ranger does not imply in any way “ranged”. A ranger is someone who wanders about living off the land. Traditionally (LoTR for ex) rangers use greatswords and bows… I don’t understand why people think greatswords should not be used by this class…
4. My pet almost doubles my DPS, gives me around +70-350 damage per hit, and gives me 6 seconds of quickness every 60 seconds. The only reason why people don’t like pets is because they don’t understand how they work.

Legate of the Legion.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

1) Yes, extremely petty. Perhaps in an expansion, if at all.
2) I think medium armour is generally fine. I wish the Ranger had a class-specific head-gear like thieves and engineers do, though. The generic options are more thief than ranger/engineer, in my mind.
3) I have played rangers in RPGs for 20-odd years. I have never seen a Ranger with a black-powder weapon. They are always heavily tied to the land, so tend to use natural weapons and armour. Greatswords, however, are pretty well a class standard. Anyone who is complaining in this area clearly has not got a clue what they are talking about.
4) Whether or not pets should have been the class mechanic is an argument unto itself that I will avoid. They are, and decision was made long ago and it is far too late to change anything. Anyone who does not like it either needs to get over it or roll a different class. As it stands, they are well designed and function well as a class mechanic. They need some tweaking, but so do the skills/mechanics of probably every class.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Ruien.9506


1. There are bigger issues that Anet should be focusing on instead of this.
2. Medium Armor is the best looking IMO. Look at the guild medium armor for an example.
3. Ranger does not imply in any way “ranged”. A ranger is someone who wanders about living off the land. Traditionally (LoTR for ex) rangers use greatswords and bows… I don’t understand why people think greatswords should not be used by this class…
4. My pet almost doubles my DPS, gives me around +70-350 damage per hit, and gives me 6 seconds of quickness every 60 seconds. The only reason why people don’t like pets is because they don’t understand how they work.

If your pet is doubling your dps then you are doing something wrong. I mean reaaaallly wrong. There is no way a lynx or any other pet comes close to doubling my dps. Currently the only viable use for the pets outside a 1 on 1 be it pvp or pve is a quickening buff bot.

I see lots of people complain about the complainers and say pets are good. If you think our pets in the current game are good, then you aren’t playing at the top end of the game.

Just for example, with my current build and gear, I can kill one of the giants in Orr in 7 secs. This is without the pet ever touching it.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Illushia.3721


As far as the greatswords thing goes, let me point out something from historical fact for you to chew on.

A longbow, when talking about a longbow used by the English Archers that were so famous, was typically anywhere from four to six feet tall(On the high end for big siege bows) and sometimes had drawstrengths of upwards of 150lbs.

And these archers had to be able to fire at incredible rates for extended periods of time. So anyone that uses a bow for any length of time is going to develop some serious upper-body muscle.

To add further food for thought, when a shipwreck from around those times was pulled up, they were actually able to identify archers just from the bone structure of their arms, because the bones in their lower and upper arms had actually deformed from the constant stress and use, showing that they had incredible strength in the drawback-related muscles.

A greatsword would be nothing to pick up and wield, and a Ranger could quite possibly beat someone like a Warrior in an arm-wrestling contest quite easily.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

To extend the above facts, English Longbowmen would use great big hammers (Mauls) to hammer defensive stakes into the ground as protection against cavalry. When they found themselves caught in melee, they would swing these hammers around.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


I don’t understand. If a person doesn’t like greatswords, but likes rifles, and wants to get rid of their pet, why don’t they reroll as engineer? Or if they JUST want rifles, there’s Warriors.

People need to stop thinking of the classes in GW2 through the filter of other games. GW2 is not other games, no matter what inspired it. Each class has its own unique set of skills and playstyle. Instead of trying to turn one class into something else, Just play a different class!

Rangers are fine as they are.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Sortis.3485


There have been a multitude of game developers that have said they want people to let them know what a class or dungeon or the game as a whole is missing, it gives them ideas and makes them think. Why would you want to discourage people from wanting to make their class better? Should we all put our hands in our pockets and live in mediocrity? No, i’m sorry i’m not happy with mediocrity, if you are, cool. I’m always looking to the future and i’m not going to stop because someone else isn’t lol simple as that.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: riku.2091


There have been a multitude of game developers that have said they want people to let them know what a class or dungeon or the game as a whole is missing, it gives them ideas and makes them think. Why would you want to discourage people from wanting to make their class better? Should we all put our hands in our pockets and live in mediocrity? No, i’m sorry i’m not happy with mediocrity, if you are, cool. I’m always looking to the future and i’m not going to stop because someone else isn’t lol simple as that.

The point of this, other than the last one, wasn’t “I DISAGREE NOW EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!”, it’s just me seeing if there are people who agree with my thoughts. You know. Like the people who posted these things in the first place. I’m not sticking my hands in my pockets, and the fact that you’re implying I do is slightly offensive.

As for pets, I know that as of right now, my pet is able to hold it’s own for a little while against mobs of its level or 1 level higher. So, maybe Ruien is expecting pets to be something they’re not? I’m not at the end game, so I wouldn’t know, and can’t factor that into my opinion. Doesn’t make it any less valid.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Illushia.3721


Pets generally can ‘tank’ one mob relatively well. Two or three for a little, but you’re definitely going to have to heal/protect them somehow, but once you get four you’re probably either going to have to micromanage them, get them out of there, or get a new pet.

The only mobs I’ve seen that completely melt a pet are the ones that are going to completely melt -me- too. Usually the Risen Brutes/Abominations that take off half of your HP with one melee swing anyway.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: VooDooU.4891


1. I like them but meh.. can live without a visual quiver.
2. I personally like the “duster jacket” look but it needs to lay flat on your rump.. end of story I look like Im a 350 lb I’ll just say big butted woman from behind and a normal sized woman from the front.
3. I like greatsword.. I don’t think we need another ranger weapon.. I mean we have 3!
4. Why is this even here there IS a stow option.. if you dont like your pet play another class or put it away… In case this is news to you there is an icon that looks like a play icon pointing down between your passive/agressive button and the pet icon.

edit: my only real issue with my ranger is the bugs where you pet wont attack things or the F2 just will not go off..

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


I wouldn’t say my pet doubles my DPS but it definitely adds a good 20-30% to it, since they’re usually hitting for 400 – 700 per shot, plus bleeds and other attacks. They’re also little tanks in a box, even the ones that aren’t tanks. Mixed with the sigil that makes them invulnerable, by the time they go down, you’re ready to take out the boss/mob who are on it’s last legs.

Even if I wasn’t a pet focused ranger, I’d probably be stuck without one. They gained aggro so much faster than I ever did at lower levels and saved me from dying a horribly painful death so many times.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuchaka.2689


while my ranger could use with some bug fixes honestly i think my toon is borderline OP

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Yvilthi.5413


1. There are bigger issues that Anet should be focusing on instead of this.
2. Medium Armor is the best looking IMO. Look at the guild medium armor for an example.
3. Ranger does not imply in any way “ranged”. A ranger is someone who wanders about living off the land. Traditionally (LoTR for ex) rangers use greatswords and bows… I don’t understand why people think greatswords should not be used by this class…
4. My pet almost doubles my DPS, gives me around +70-350 damage per hit, and gives me 6 seconds of quickness every 60 seconds. The only reason why people don’t like pets is because they don’t understand how they work.

If your pet is doubling your dps then you are doing something wrong. I mean reaaaallly wrong. There is no way a lynx or any other pet comes close to doubling my dps. Currently the only viable use for the pets outside a 1 on 1 be it pvp or pve is a quickening buff bot.

I see lots of people complain about the complainers and say pets are good. If you think our pets in the current game are good, then you aren’t playing at the top end of the game.

Just for example, with my current build and gear, I can kill one of the giants in Orr in 7 secs. This is without the pet ever touching it.

Video link or it didnt happen !!!

Yvilthi lvl 80 human Ranger
Yv Ilthi lvl 80 human Mesmer

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: Aesseus.4596


You can also add the misconception of Rangers being based around ranged weapons. This infuriates me, and just shows the common denominator of what the mass is, ignorant and stupid.

This whole argument of Rangers should be able to use all ranged weapons is not what we are about and more importantly not the definition of our profession. We are Rangers of the wilderness, wardens if you may.

Just because you received your education from mmo’s does not mean definitions you thought are set in stone across the board apply to sensible game developer ideas. A ranger is not a ranged specialist, a ranger is a protector of the wild or a person who RANGES —> to pass over or through (an area or region) in all directions, as in exploring or searching: They ranged the entire countryside.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: EnaiSiaion.8072


As for pets, I know that as of right now, my pet is able to hold it’s own for a little while against mobs of its level or 1 level higher.

Dunno, back when I was level 21 I ended up fighting four level 25s and won.

If you just sic your pet on whatever you intend to attack anyway you are doing it wrong. Have it attack something else so that other thing isn’t attacking you. You just effectively sheeped one add.

Make sure you are taking damage at the same rate as your pet: if you take more, use hornet sting to disengage, if you take less, make it run around and see if you can peel some enemies off it. Once you are both at low health, use your heal (I use Troll Unguent because the total heal amount is insane). This makes the heal essentially twice as powerful. Then you can swap out your pet for a fresh new one.

The tank-pet-and-longbow strategy is much less pet friendly for exactly this reason: the pet is tanking everything and will die quickly.

So, Ranger complaint trends...

in Ranger

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


3. Rifles/Greatswords. So many people are “Why don’t we get rifles!? We’re rangers!” I have never once seen a ranger using a rifle. I’ve seen a hunter in WoW use a rifle. But never a Ranger. And our thing is not really technology. As for the greatsword, I’m going to have to say the implied dexterity of Rangers allow them to use such a weapon. But I’m not sure. I just know I really don’t have a problem with it.

“But we are Rangers!”
Proof :
Ranger wielding a Rifle