So let's do it "in a constructive way".

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


The biggest topic in GW2 history has been closed, reason is we didn’t do it in a constructive way.
Then let’s do it “in a constructive way”.
I am not hoping the SB nerf can be revert(it makes Anet too awkward if so). Let’s forget about it.
Please check out the ranger bug list and fix the most important ones(never hope Anet can get all done, just focus on 1):
Here is my $.02:
The priority to fix ranger class is to fix the pet, especially solving the problem of pet not atking moving target. It won’t change anything in PVE but will make PVP much way more balanced. With a pet as a real helper in pvp, I think most ranger will shut their mouth off and enjoy the class. Pet may be the biggest reason why ppl choose to be a ranger, isn’t it? Then make it viable please.

(edited by CRrabbit.1284)

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Miflett.3472


To be constructive:

- Work on addressing some of the easier bug fixes listed on these forums.

- Open up a sticky dev thread asking for potential abilities on a shortbow redesign.

- Decrease the casting time of longbow auto-attack and add a bleed every second shot.

- Remove the root while using a melee skill that evades.

- Improved pet AI.

Most important, BE VOCAL about acknowledging these issues!

Leader of Grim Omen [GO]

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


Can we maybe start by establishing once and for all, with proof, whether the patch did what it said or not? As I understand it, it’s contended by GW2 staff on here that it is what it says – 40 ms.

I’ve seen people claim otherwise. Surely someone can pull a video together with a timer and give us irrefutable proof one way or the other?

As for my general picture of the ranger at the moment:

I use birds exclusively and have few problems with them. F2 and F3 are mostly responsive, but sometimes it simply won’t attack – either auto or with F1. I would also seriously recommend giving them some kind of basic evasion capability – you have to pull them out F3 long before their health runs out to avoid them ‘dying’ because they have no concept of evading long-range attacks.

I just don’t ever feel they do anything one way or another. Never noticed the effect. I find them baffling.

I find them very disappointing, except for the satisfaction of setting up a well executed ambush. I really, really wish one of them did what it said on the tin and actually trapped an enemy, rather than simply applying a short condition to them. I love using Entangle, but it would be more fun to set it up at a distance, rather than what I do currently, which is run into the middle of a swam, hammer 9 and run back out again.

Feels terribly ineffective. I’m not feeling the range advantage at all. I get ‘out of range’ constantly whilst standing at what looks like an effective distance. Then I take a couple of steps forward and find myself doing low damage (not what it says it will do at the maximum range at all).

Still spamming 1 mostly. I layer on 2, 4 and 5 as well, but mostly just for something else to do. Didn’t notice the effect of the nerf, but hard facts are hard facts. If the warrior is putting out more ranged DPS, that’s just bonkers.

Not very effective, but fun against groups, particularly with twin axes. Doesn’t seem buggy, but does seem rather underpowered – I shouldn’t feel that I might as well stick with shortbow when the enemy is standing right next to me, yet it does feel like that’s the best tactic for damage outbut.

My personal biggest issue
The disallowance on sniping/pushing in PvE. One tiny height advantage and the mob becomes ‘invulnerable’. Try to push them off a cliff edge with the longbow, a move that might actually redeem it as a viable weapon? ‘Interrupted’. I like to imagine a gremlin snuck into the developers’ office to deliberately disable some of the most fun and satisfying combat experiences. To my mind, the ranger class should all be about positioning and using the environment. It feels wrong that I’m forced to face an enemy on their own terms constantly.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Milkybars.1392



Constructive way? There have been many constructive posts. Even laying down what the problems are and how to fix them. Instead of having class representatives talking to us like other mmo do. We get a nonsensical response to a valid question.
Since they already raked in the money they dont really care if people play this game or not. The only thing that would hurt them is a decline in potential buyers. Negative publicity viral anyone?

These and future discussions can simple be minimized by just having dedicated class reps who address the forum community in a respectful and informative way.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Dware.4259


Im playing a different game now because leveling a toon the second time is incredibly boring.

Is that constructive enough

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Steely Phil.3952

Steely Phil.3952

The previous thread was actually really calm and reasonable. To summarize.

Nerf to short bow damage was unnecessary. No one was seriously concerned about Ranger damage out put.

PR after the nerf was totally botched. If it was really just a animation fix then you need to up the base damage on the skill to account for the reduced rate of fire. It was foolish to think that we wouldn’t care about a 10%+ damage reduction and even more so to tell us “Well you shouldn’t be spamming 1 all the time” when that is obviously how the weapon was intended to work.

Oh and, to all the rangers wishing they were more like rifle warrior, you might set your aspirations a little higher. Rifle warrior is actually pretty sad.

“Yo dawg, we heard you liked grind.” -ANet

(edited by Steely Phil.3952)

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Speno.1874


Asking people to list all there problems, it is pretty much everything in the bug list. The SB is probably never going to get a rework on skills. They will not make new animations and code for new skills. If we are keeping the “Bot Fix” short bow or the |" you only spam 1 ability" short bow. The current abilities need reworking. Weather new conditions are added. At least 3 skills need damage increases.

The sad thing is , is even now I still use 1 as my main ability. I still love my ranger but fighting is more lackluster now then ever.

“Red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.”
Leader of Steadfast
Current Boris Pass , Formerly pre launch HOD

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Alur.7510


I’d advise someone behind the scenes to post an update to the ranger forums about this issue and lock and sticky it for the time being. Anything less would be insulting.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Tibbel.3450


Can we maybe start by establishing once and for all, with proof, whether the patch did what it said or not? As I understand it, it’s contended by GW2 staff on here that it is what it says – 40 ms.
I’ve seen people claim otherwise. Surely someone can pull a video together with a timer and give us irrefutable proof one way or the other?

I’ve posted my testing results from last week around in a few threads, trying to get the facts out there. Here they are again for good measure.


  • Crossfire went from .480 s/shot to .520 s/shot, so precisely a 40 ms increase.
  • Quickness is reducing Crossfire to .320 s/shot instead of the expected .260 s/shot.

That means either quickness is not giving a full 100% increase to attack speed, or that quickness is only affecting part of the .520 s between shots. More testing is needed to figure out which it is.

Might makes me right.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


Thanks, Tibbel!

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Raffoon.2549


I think it should be reverted. They should figure out a way to fix the animation so that it fits with the attack speed, not change the attack speed to fit the animation. If it takes longer to make that change, then so be it, just change it back in the mean time.

If the goal of a game is to be fun, then how much “fun” or enjoyment do you think they’ve taken away with this change? In comparison, how much enjoyment was being lost by rangers experiencing this supposed animation glitch or 1 spamming? Clearly this change has been a net loss and goes against a philosophy of fun.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Kirito.3591


“The disallowance on sniping/pushing in PvE. One tiny height advantage and the mob becomes ‘invulnerable’. " also has me miffed.
In one of the General Discussion threads, a player asked if it was exploiting to get up to somewhere very difficult without using hacks/cheats/etc, rather just ingenuity and skilled jumping. An ANET rep said it wasn’t exploiting.

If that’s the case, why are ranged prof punished for using the environment to our advantage? In my case, it’s the ranger. Why can I not sit ontop of a hill or mountain and snipe mobs or sit across a canyon and snipe them? Is it my fault they don’t/won’t/can’t use the same method I used to get here?

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: kiranslee.4829


“constructive way”
Axe/horn – useless as dps set , viable only as buff
Sword/horn – same as above only w/o aoe
sword/torch – useless dps
ANY/ANY combination available to ranger – useless kitten dps

How to reproduce:
Use debugs/dps meter to get data.
Compare gathered data to any class with similar dual weapon skill set (will be enough to compare it to warrior dmg output with same weapon sets).

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Apophis.8561


the quickness shortbow glitch is still there.

and also

i noticed that


So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Sco.9615


Posting this around on all of the new threads popping up about constructive input.
My contribution I’ve been playing around with, posting it more since there seems to be more actual “LF Ideas” threads.

This was posted in the Suggestion forum but I figured I’d re-post a link here just cuz.

GW2 Ranger Suggestions

Communication is the greatest gift the world of today can offer us.
So why do we choose to ignore it?

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I find it appalling that the very company that ignores its customer base for days on end, accuses that playerbase of not being contructive.

How is ignoring hundreds of people that are passionate about the game, for days on end, constructive in any way?

Pot —-> Kettle.

Now, for the constructive feedback: please fix the bugs introduced with the 11 October patch. What more can you say about it? They introduced 2 bugs: (i) unintended shortbow lower attack speed and (ii) unintended QZ bug, which now does not function properly in combination with the Shortbow’s 1 skill.

As for the rest: please fix the other bugs. There’s a very very long buglist, and it’s stickied. Let’s see how the class looks when that list is fixed. THEN let’s talk about “changes”.

(edited by Buttercup.5871)

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeri.5738


@ Sco:
This is brilliant. In fact, that would make me play a ranger again (= play the game again)

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Redrumickey.9672


Facts on SB are no one’s spamming 1 the other 4 skills have a cool down ! What may look like 111111111111111111111111111 is the player waiting for the cool down to be up on the other skills the it112113111111111111111141111111111111111111111111115 thats just how fast they can be played . Slowing down one skill is not going make the cooldowns any faster .

I would much rather spam the 5 skill [daze] or 4 skill {cripple} or 3 skill which gives me much need speed boost we lack. Poison I could care less about. Its there so I play it but maybe the poison duration to like 5 sec it would be better as of now a 2 sec. is nothing.

SB has it all we just can’t get to any of the other skills faster the cooldown will let us .Only a fool won’t use daze or cripple as much as possible. So other players want us to mix it up more lower the cooldowns .That would work for me!

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Of course my post was deleted. Speak the truth about Anet and their motives and BOOM goes your post lol. So Sad. Looking for another game atm where hopefully they won’t lie to their customers so don’t worry I won’t be an issue much longer. You can continue Big Brother.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Sco.9615


@ Sco:
This is brilliant. In fact, that would make me play a ranger again (= play the game again)

I hope to get more feeback/suggestions to add to it tho! Its a never ending idea

Communication is the greatest gift the world of today can offer us.
So why do we choose to ignore it?