So, new patch notes

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


That synergy is coming at a bit of a high price, but all and all just another NERFbuffNERF sandwich from our friendly neighborhood balance team.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083

GS burst will be far more than that. You should be able to deliver 20-30k maul if you traited all for damage. Also don’t forget you can do this burst in stealth as BS thief did. But since you can 1 hit kill anything, why need survival?

Good….its OUR kittenING TURN

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sanduskel.1850


Overall it looks good, but:

The “Guard” nerf is completely unnecessary, cmon Anet.

No more perma speed or regen now. Guard useless now.

OP’d thief, lol

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Paulie.6215


These changes are garbage. This is why I think they’re real. This solves nothing to make ranger viable with all other classes.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Moment of Clarity: This trait now applies the Moment of Clarity effect to you and your pet on interrupt and now grants 200% damage on the next attack, up from 150%. This trait is now able to stack with the Attack of Opportunity effect for a total of 250% damage. This trait now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, up from 5 seconds.

Maul just got more insane

Hilt bash>signet of the hunt> bang 250% damage Maul

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: drazhen.9307


While moment of clarity really needed help, this can’t happen – it just can’t, as said, the burst from AOO + active signet of the wild is already very very scary – at least in s-pvp, it can’t happen – please.

Aww.. it’s not because it could be effective that it brings interesting gameplay, I’v been trying a 30/30/0/10 axe/axe|GS build, the dmg from AOO/WILD/QZ axe#4 followed by GS#2 with sigil of int. is insane., with that change, I can see 1shots (well, 3shot actually but..) happening against high armored/hps builds, even worse – you could almost burst a small group of foes in a few secs.

Im really worried, because the notes feel very real to me.

(edited by drazhen.9307)

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Welp, BM Bunker doesn’t appear to be changing much in the patch

Counterattack: This skill now reliably knocks foes back when an attack is blocked.
Good, sometimes this skill was annoying to use, since usually it stopped me from moving to do that stupid kick
Crossfire: This skill now correctly applies bleeding only when hitting from behind or from the side.
Not sure about this, mainly cause I didn’t think it was bugged before
Slash—Kick—Pounce: Improved functionality to allow players to cancel the skill chain with less difficulty.
Evasive Strike: This skill can now be used while moving.
That’s great
Healing Skills
Heal as One: This skill now has a cast time of 1 second, down from 1 1/4 second, and the base heal has been increased by 8%.
could potentially use this in BM Bunker now, this will probably put it close to 8k healed with my current setup, and its big drawback was the cast time
Utility Skills
“Guard”: This skill now has a recharge time of 25 seconds, up from 15 seconds.
And there goes the second Bunker spec for Rangers, sorry Faux.
Lightning Reflexes: This skill now removes immobilized, chilled and crippled.
Good Change, will probably end up my bar full time now
Viper’s Nest: This skill is now a poison field.
redundant change
Elite Skills
Spirit of Nature: This skill now correctly heals 320 health per second.
Bug Fix
Downed Skills
Lick Wounds: This skill will now function correctly underwater; defeated pets would previously continue to revive the ranger.
good change, before rangers were immortal unless you had a crap ton of people
Marksmanship III—Keen Edge: This trait is now listed as a Survival skill.
Good Change, though not sure it matters
Marksmanship VIII—Piercing Arrows: This trait no longer affects Hunter’s Shot.
Not sure why they changed this
Marksmanship X—Eagle Eye: This trait now grants a 33% chance on critical hit with a Longbow to gain one stack of might for 10 seconds.
Good Change, Longbow a lot more interesting now
Marksmanship XII—Remorseless: This trait now also grants opening strike to your pet if they gain stealth.
Ok change I suppose
Skirmishing 5—Tail Wing: This trait now grants 9 seconds of swiftness, up from 5 seconds.
Perma Swiftness almost ina fight, pretty nice
Skirmishing IX—Honed Axes: This trait now reduces the recharge time on main hand axe skills by 20%.
Pointless Change, Axe 2 is already a low cooldown ability, and Axe 3 Is kitten near perma weakness anyway
Skirmishing XII—Moment of Clarity: This trait now applies the Moment of Clarity effect to you and your pet on interrupt and now grants 200% damage on the next attack, up from 150%. This trait is now able to stack with the Attack of Opportunity effect for a total of 250% damage. This trait now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, up from 5 seconds.
Good Change, makes Hilt Bash not redundant anymore
Wilderness Survival X—Martial Mastery: This trait no longer reduces recharge on greatsword and spear skills. This trait now grants 1 second of vigor when you successfully evade an attack with a sword skill.
Basically killed Martial Mastery for me on all my builds, and you will never pick Martial Mastery over Offhand Training Ever…If you were doing it before, you were doing it wrong
Wilderness Survival XII—Bark Skin: This trait now has a health threshold of 33%, up from 25%.
The problem with Barkskin isn’t that its weak Anet, The Problem with Barkskin is it occupies a space with our only decent Condition Removal
Nature Magic IX—Two-Handed Training: This trait now reduces the recharge time on greatsword and spear skills by 20% in addition to its current effects.
So you kill one trait, to make another crappier trait more appealing……not a good idea in game balancing
Beastmastery V—Compassion Training: This trait has been merged with Vigorous Training. This trait now increases your pet’s healing power and your pets grant 5 seconds of vigor to nearby allies when activated.
good for builds that don’t use Spiders
Beastmastery X—Ferocious Training: This new master tier trait replaces Vigorous Training. This trait now guarantees bird, moa and jellyfish pets to critically hit on every third hit.
Birds already crit a lot, but it could make Moa’s a bit more interesting, esp if the F2’s get made better
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: drazhen.9307


Marksmanship VIII—Piercing Arrows: This trait no longer affects Hunter’s Shot.
Not sure why they changed this

Because it would proc reveal if you hit a 2nd target.

Nice comments tho, agree with almost everything

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Marksmanship VIII—Piercing Arrows: This trait no longer affects Hunter’s Shot.
Not sure why they changed this

Because it would proc reveal if you hit a 2nd target.

Nice comments tho, agree with almost everything

Ahh, I was thinking that might be it, but I never actually tested to see if that was a problem..

That could explain why i end up not being stealthed sometimes when I use longbow.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059



Deadly Arts VII—Improvisation: This trait will now only attempt to recharge skill types that have a skill currently recharging. This trait now also increases damage from stolen skills by 10%.

That from Thieves is just….lol

As someone who plays a Venom Aura thief also…if you see thieves with these after the patch..AVOID them
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


Ah, and joke. Remorseless giving Open strike to pet also. But no pet stealths, except of jaguar. Troll

Assuming the patch notes are true…
synergy with Guard is the reason.

People really don’t know their class.

Assuming you even slot that trait, Shout remains useless. It requires another space on your bar which handicaps you even more in power build it gives you 5 vun every 20 seconds on aingle target and pet crit.
-If you run burst pets, like cats or birds, they already crit a lot, so it doesn’t make much change.
-That’s a single condition, almost instantly cleansed by any player equipped with brain if stack reach 15+
-Requires you to spend over 1 second casting
-To make more use of the shout, you have to either go 30 NM or 10 BM. It greatly reduces your burst potential since you won’t be able to get Moment of Clarity for burst. So you stack condition, but can’t make full use of it

It’s just unreliable in Power build. That’s why I say it’s a joke. If you consider bringing Remorseless and “Guard!” when 30/30/x/x/x can deal +250% damage on hit and still have 10 vun, I can’t treat you seriously, mr. Good Ranger

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Diehard.1432


anyway I think it’s time to bring back the jag after this patch kicks off. Even if you choose to slot guard, the Perma stealth on jag would significantly boost it’s dps

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

(edited by Diehard.1432)

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Shouts themselves are still fairly crappy on a Ranger

The Rez one no one uses anymore
Guard, the only reason it got used because it was Low in Cooldown for the Shout Builds, If any of the other abilities would of been of equal cooldown (like Sic’Em) they probably would of been used over Guard….The only time the ability has ever been used for the actual ability itself was back in the day when i could send my pets over walls to attack people…That is the only time.
Protect Me – Is still Meh, usually ends up with your pet instantly dying unless you bring a Bear.. but then you’re bringing a Bear….so you’re screwed either way
Sic’Em, still crap…No on uses it because it grants damage or speed to a pet, because usually that breaks anyway, The only reason you run the ability, is to troll Stealthers.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: drazhen.9307


Again, about moment of clarity, I really wished they went for the opposite – make it so can we use it more often, give rangers more sources of interupts and remove the ICD instead.

And rework lbow with a new skill-shot that does decent dmg instead of more passive procs, sigh.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


Lick Wounds: This skill will now function correctly underwater; defeated pets would previously continue to revive the ranger.
good change, before rangers were immortal unless you had a crap ton of people

Woohoo. A bug which helped rangers which we’ve been reporting for over a year finally gets fixed.

Skirmishing IX—Honed Axes: This trait now reduces the recharge time on main hand axe skills by 20%.
Pointless Change, Axe 2 is already a low cooldown ability, and Axe 3 Is kitten near perma weakness anyway

Wilderness Survival X—Martial Mastery: This trait no longer reduces recharge on greatsword and spear skills. This trait now grants 1 second of vigor when you successfully evade an attack with a sword skill.
Basically killed Martial Mastery for me on all my builds, and you will never pick Martial Mastery over Offhand Training Ever…If you were doing it before, you were doing it wrong

Nature Magic IX—Two-Handed Training: This trait now reduces the recharge time on greatsword and spear skills by 20% in addition to its current effects.
So you kill one trait, to make another crappier trait more appealing……not a good idea in game balancing

All of these implement an oft-requested fix. For some inexplicable reason, the ranger weapon-specific damage buff and 20% cooldown reduction were in separate traits. In other classes, both of these are in one trait. So rangers had to take two traits to get what other classes were getting with one trait.

These changes fix it for axe, GS, and spear. Unfortunately martial mastery decreases sword cooldown, but does not give it a damage bonus. The vigor on evade is mostly pointless. If you successfully evaded, you didn’t dodge, so you don’t need vigor. The only way to take advantage of it is to preferentially dodge first, then evade. But then you lose the 10% damage bonus when endurance is full from the Steady Focus trait, so I don’t see most people using that strategy.

Edit: And Eagle Eye (increase bow range) and Quick Draw (reduce bow cooldown) still need to be merged.

(edited by Solandri.9640)

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


I think people are overestimating the whole “I’m going to pop you with Maul for 20k damage” crap

Mainly because landing that Maul in the first place in a fight is a pain in the rear
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Lick Wounds: This skill will now function correctly underwater; defeated pets would previously continue to revive the ranger.
good change, before rangers were immortal unless you had a crap ton of people

Woohoo. A bug which helped rangers which we’ve been reporting for over a year finally gets fixed.

Skirmishing IX—Honed Axes: This trait now reduces the recharge time on main hand axe skills by 20%.
Pointless Change, Axe 2 is already a low cooldown ability, and Axe 3 Is kitten near perma weakness anyway

Wilderness Survival X—Martial Mastery: This trait no longer reduces recharge on greatsword and spear skills. This trait now grants 1 second of vigor when you successfully evade an attack with a sword skill.
Basically killed Martial Mastery for me on all my builds, and you will never pick Martial Mastery over Offhand Training Ever…If you were doing it before, you were doing it wrong

Nature Magic IX—Two-Handed Training: This trait now reduces the recharge time on greatsword and spear skills by 20% in addition to its current effects.
So you kill one trait, to make another crappier trait more appealing……not a good idea in game balancing

All of these implement an oft-requested fix. For some inexplicable reason, the ranger weapon-specific damage buff and 20% cooldown reduction were in separate traits. In other classes, both of these are in one trait. So rangers had to take two traits to get what other classes were getting with one trait.

These changes fix it for axe, GS, and spear. Unfortunately martial mastery decreases sword cooldown, but does not give it a damage bonus. The vigor on evade is mostly pointless. If you successfully evaded, you didn’t dodge, so you don’t need vigor. The only way to take advantage of it is to preferentially dodge first, then evade. But then you lose the 10% damage bonus when endurance is full from the Steady Focus trait, so I don’t see most people using that strategy.

The Honed Axe Change is awful…Because its not really doing anything…

The trait itself is awful in the first place because its a 10% increase in damage on basically the auto attack, because Splitblade is awful in terms of Power damage, and Winter’s Bite isn’t much better (its the same damage as your Auto Attack… so yea…)
Reducing those by 20% is pointless….as Splitblades cd is 6 seconds… (so 4 and a half seconds now) and Winter’s Bite goes to 8 seconds, and the only reason you used it in the first place, was the Weakness it provided, which was perma anyway

Martial Sword Change again..pointless change, you’re not making sword better ..You’re only making Greatsword Builds worse.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: drazhen.9307


I think people are overestimating the whole “I’m going to pop you with Maul for 20k damage” crap

Mainly because landing that Maul in the first place in a fight is a pain in the rear

I assure you it’s not the case in s-pvp, with practice and the right weapons /combo chain, it already insta kills pretty much any non warrior zerker build.

Not saying it’s viable, or fun.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


I’ll have to take your word on that… as everytime i’ve tried the build..I’ve found landing Maul to be a huge annoyance for basically a 1 hit wonder.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


This patch look’s like they finally making some good changes they still need to address Pet’s and our LB and look at ways to improve our condition remove, rather sick of it being stuck in Condition/Toughness traitline.

Now to wait and see the changes to Rune/Sigil’s then we can really say if this patch is decent.

I can see ranger having nice mix of viable builds for SPvP, Trap/Power/BM/Spirit. Each with different rolls.

I think after reading this topic once the ICD topic for ranger’s is up we should push for change’s to our Pets, LB and condition remove.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Depending on if that the Eagle Eye Change has an ICD…That actually could end up being kind of interesting.

Could do some interesting Bleed/Power builds with it.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Its funny how they keep buffing Bark Skin. Its already a fantastic trait and it always was… The problem is most ranger builds are forced into taking EB for condition removal. If they gave us better condition removal people would use Bark Skin.. but as it stands, they could buff is to be a perminant damage reduction and many many people still wouldnt use it.

Too true. I keep messing with my build, going nature line instead of wilderness, and hoping that lemongrass soup would make up for lack of EB, but knowing it wont…

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I gotta say I’m ecstatic about these, I’m upset they nerfed guard instead of putting an ICD on remorseless for the pet, but I mean I guess perma regen and swiftness from one trait + skill was a little strong (not like we can’t do the same thing still, hell i have perma swiftness and regen and I don’t use either the trait nor guard).

That being said, power rangers are going to bask in the light, and I’m just imagining the horrors that 20/30/0/20/0 will bring with a LB/GS in zerker gear…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


It’s a whole bunch of changes that don’t in their totality even remotely address the balance equilibrium whatsoever.

The weakest part about ranger power builds, or the thing they are lacking the most, especially with the underwhelming burst options outside of Greatsword, is the inability to remove protection/regen/stability/etc. If we had a reliable, consistent way of removing boons like protection, then even in their current state, power builds would immediately become more viable than they ever were.

It is why thief and mesmer burst builds are so strong; they have readily available means of removing protection so that they can guarantee their maximum damage output. Warriors not so much, but Healing Signet and good damage coefficients and stability access gives them ridiculous staying power in order to keep in an opponents face until they have an opportunity to deal their burst damage.

The other issue is Empathic Bond. No ranger player in their right mind is going to stop running Empathic Bond in PvP or small scale WvW because of the plethora of condition spam and the lack of valuable removal options outside of Empathic Bond.

Until either of these issues are addressed, ranger builds will stay largely unaffected unless the weapons get retooled.

I have to disagree in some points..Prot is getting countered by vuln…Longbow and Greatsword have some good access to vuln..

And LR removes 3 very hurtfull conditions from Ranger in a good CD..Its will be ok for an “oh kitten” skill..

I have to see the dmg that the maul will make and its reliability, cause if its high enough im pretty sure that some ppl will glady ignore the cond removal

Prot doesn’t get countered by vulnerability though, it just gets reduced effectiveness. Even with max vulnerability stacks, somebody with prot is still taking 8% less damage from your attacks.

Compare that to the classes that I mentioned that not only have more on demand burst damage that can take bigger “chunks” of health away AND have on demand boon removal to guarantee their damage, and it ensures that rangers will never be a “best-in-slot” option comparatively for power builds.

Yes, the LR change is a good change though. But it doesn’t cleanse the damaging conditions, and builds that utilize damaging conditions have literally been running the game as far as small scale combat/pvp goes for more than a year (pvp has transitioned into hambow/evade thief/spirit ranger/bunker guard cores for the most part because cheese builds that have good self sustain).

Now, don’t get me wrong, these are just ranger specific changes. Both of the issues I’m talking about could be alleviated entirely by rune or sigil changes (since more than one class complains about not having enough cleanse or boon removal, it would be the best blanket solution), and at that point, with these changes, it would open up an insane amount of build possibilities, or at least many, many more than what are currently available.

I was just commenting on how little has actually been addressed as far as the major issues that have been holding the ranger in the position it’s been in versus the metagame and/or best in slot build options through ranger specific changes, if these notes are correct.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


It’s a whole bunch of changes that don’t in their totality even remotely address the balance equilibrium whatsoever.

The weakest part about ranger power builds, or the thing they are lacking the most, especially with the underwhelming burst options outside of Greatsword, is the inability to remove protection/regen/stability/etc. If we had a reliable, consistent way of removing boons like protection, then even in their current state, power builds would immediately become more viable than they ever were.

It is why thief and mesmer burst builds are so strong; they have readily available means of removing protection so that they can guarantee their maximum damage output. Warriors not so much, but Healing Signet and good damage coefficients and stability access gives them ridiculous staying power in order to keep in an opponents face until they have an opportunity to deal their burst damage.

The other issue is Empathic Bond. No ranger player in their right mind is going to stop running Empathic Bond in PvP or small scale WvW because of the plethora of condition spam and the lack of valuable removal options outside of Empathic Bond.

Until either of these issues are addressed, ranger builds will stay largely unaffected unless the weapons get retooled.

this basically.
key issues of the ranger class aren’t getting adressed at all.
main issue being active condition removal, also kinda want to see how reliable pet f2s are after the patch – this might just be a step into the right direction.

If they get it right and hit a sweet spot with responsiveness, it will be a very, very good day for rangers. I’m excited that the idea that it might work as perfect as I’ve always wished it would work.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


It’s a whole bunch of changes that don’t in their totality even remotely address the balance equilibrium whatsoever.

The weakest part about ranger power builds, or the thing they are lacking the most, especially with the underwhelming burst options outside of Greatsword, is the inability to remove protection/regen/stability/etc. If we had a reliable, consistent way of removing boons like protection, then even in their current state, power builds would immediately become more viable than they ever were.

It is why thief and mesmer burst builds are so strong; they have readily available means of removing protection so that they can guarantee their maximum damage output. Warriors not so much, but Healing Signet and good damage coefficients and stability access gives them ridiculous staying power in order to keep in an opponents face until they have an opportunity to deal their burst damage.

The other issue is Empathic Bond. No ranger player in their right mind is going to stop running Empathic Bond in PvP or small scale WvW because of the plethora of condition spam and the lack of valuable removal options outside of Empathic Bond.

Until either of these issues are addressed, ranger builds will stay largely unaffected unless the weapons get retooled.

I have to disagree in some points..Prot is getting countered by vuln…Longbow and Greatsword have some good access to vuln..

And LR removes 3 very hurtfull conditions from Ranger in a good CD..Its will be ok for an “oh kitten” skill..

I have to see the dmg that the maul will make and its reliability, cause if its high enough im pretty sure that some ppl will glady ignore the cond removal

Prot doesn’t get countered by vulnerability though, it just gets reduced effectiveness. Even with max vulnerability stacks, somebody with prot is still taking 8% less damage from your attacks.

Compare that to the classes that I mentioned that not only have more on demand burst damage that can take bigger “chunks” of health away AND have on demand boon removal to guarantee their damage, and it ensures that rangers will never be a “best-in-slot” option comparatively for power builds.

Yes, the LR change is a good change though. But it doesn’t cleanse the damaging conditions, and builds that utilize damaging conditions have literally been running the game as far as small scale combat/pvp goes for more than a year (pvp has transitioned into hambow/evade thief/spirit ranger/bunker guard cores for the most part because cheese builds that have good self sustain).

Now, don’t get me wrong, these are just ranger specific changes. Both of the issues I’m talking about could be alleviated entirely by rune or sigil changes (since more than one class complains about not having enough cleanse or boon removal, it would be the best blanket solution), and at that point, with these changes, it would open up an insane amount of build possibilities, or at least many, many more than what are currently available.

I was just commenting on how little has actually been addressed as far as the major issues that have been holding the ranger in the position it’s been in versus the metagame and/or best in slot build options through ranger specific changes, if these notes are correct.

Well some of the problems have been addressed with change’s to other classes rather then changes to the ranger.

We can’t really say how the game will change until we see full list of Rune/Sigil changes.

Thief’s are still strong after the patch which will be problem, Warriors wont be as strong anymore we can finally counter play them. Decap Engineer is getting some rather big buffs from what I’ve been told.

There will be 2 different class tiers, Engineer and Thief will be top, everyone else below.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: hooma.9642


Again, about moment of clarity, I really wished they went for the opposite – make it so can we use it more often, give rangers more sources of interupts and remove the ICD instead.

And rework lbow with a new skill-shot that does decent dmg instead of more passive procs, sigh.

the icd makes no sense in my opinion.
to get big dmg we need interrupt-skill + dmg skill. so the effectivity of this trait is bound to interrupt-recharge+dmg-skill-recharge.

I think people are overestimating the whole “I’m going to pop you with Maul for 20k damage” crap

Mainly because landing that Maul in the first place in a fight is a pain in the rear

I assure you it’s not the case in s-pvp, with practice and the right weapons /combo chain, it already insta kills pretty much any non warrior zerker build.

Not saying it’s viable, or fun.

well only if u play against noobs.
have fun against a proper s/d thief or d/p landing that big think on 150 range. to remember it only has 1.5 coeff. so its not like it would actually “burst” someone, its just our only thing we have that comes near a “burst”. even evis is easier to apply.. maul could be better if it would be a small leap or the range where greater. sad, anet doesnt realize it.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Ranger pets are receiving a responsiveness pass and will be much easier to command. For example: Activating your F2 skill will now break your pet out of its current action in order to execute that ability.

Don’t forget this change……

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Yea, first time they’ve came out and said patch notes are fake…
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Interesting. I think I’ll just vaguely assume they are true anyway till proven otherwise, since leaks tend to (always) be true in this game. And who trusts ANet anyway :P

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Aw, this is slightly upsetting…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Thank goodness, because they were not changes that were indicative of the actual problems in the game imo.

Of course, I’ve spent every balance patch going “this time they’ll finally spread out some of the condi removal to other utilities and traits and finally improve build versatility” only to be proven wrong, so maybe I just don’t understand what the devs aren’t seeing that an entire community of players sees clear as day.

Oh well, here’s to hoping those other “leaked” notes that turned Signet of the Beastmaster into an elite, opening up a grandmaster slot, and making signet builds usable without 30 trait points a real thing, as that’s actually a really, really decent change.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Detharos.3157


So glad those were fake. I guess I jumped the gun with my frustrations, but nerfing a skill that there are currently zero problems with sounded.. kind of a typical of what I expect from ranger patches these days.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Shouts themselves are still fairly crappy on a Ranger

The Rez one no one uses anymore
Guard, the only reason it got used because it was Low in Cooldown for the Shout Builds, If any of the other abilities would of been of equal cooldown (like Sic’Em) they probably would of been used over Guard….The only time the ability has ever been used for the actual ability itself was back in the day when i could send my pets over walls to attack people…That is the only time.
Protect Me – Is still Meh, usually ends up with your pet instantly dying unless you bring a Bear.. but then you’re bringing a Bear….so you’re screwed either way
Sic’Em, still crap…No on uses it because it grants damage or speed to a pet, because usually that breaks anyway, The only reason you run the ability, is to troll Stealthers.

I use protect me in my Power Ranger WvW build, protect me and signet of stone= 12s alive

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Fext.3614


So Anet thinks that the pets are still a good source of damage and the AI works as intended. Nothing really surprising.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


So glad those were fake. I guess I jumped the gun with my frustrations, but nerfing a skill that there are currently zero problems with sounded.. kind of a typical of what I expect from ranger patches these days.

theyre not fake, maybe outdated. anet makes a post about this every time, and it’s always a lie. people pull this from alpha builds, so likely theyve just been updated.

anyways, the pet responsiveness fix is needed but only a small step forward. cast time needs to be 0.5-0.75s at most because pet slowboating to its target is enough for a cast time in itself. some abilities are 2 freaking seconds. unbelievable. the only f2 that affects the outcome of fight is wolf fear, thats about it. anyway, this stuff is small beans. ranger needs big sweeping changes and someone to man up to it.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


I believe patch notes which are bitter for us or kind of random are always fhe true ones.
However, after a year of “leaked patch notes” , I m almost 100% sure that ANet just either “post” these in data for dataminers or make it too easy for them to not dig out.
It’s some kind of weird-PTR/survey pool how people react to the changes.
These are not final, but a survey how people react.
IMO, they’d be much better just with setting some Test Servers, maybe PTR.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I believe patch notes which are bitter for us or kind of random are always fhe true ones.
However, after a year of “leaked patch notes” , I m almost 100% sure that ANet just either “post” these in data for dataminers or make it too easy for them to not dig out.
It’s some kind of weird-PTR/survey pool how people react to the changes.
These are not final, but a survey how people react.
IMO, they’d be much better just with setting some Test Servers, maybe PTR.

I can see it now, create a ranger on the PTR get the account achievement “Tested Your Patience” and if you warrior “Finally You’ve Made Our Job Easier”

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Detharos.3157


I believe patch notes which are bitter for us or kind of random are always fhe true ones.
However, after a year of “leaked patch notes” , I m almost 100% sure that ANet just either “post” these in data for dataminers or make it too easy for them to not dig out.
It’s some kind of weird-PTR/survey pool how people react to the changes.
These are not final, but a survey how people react.
IMO, they’d be much better just with setting some Test Servers, maybe PTR.

I can see it now, create a ranger on the PTR get the account achievement “Tested Your Patience” and if you warrior “Finally You’ve Made Our Job Easier”

And then when they add a “Convert to warrior” consumable for 3000 gems in the Gem Store, we can all enjoy the “Make the right choice” and “Mama’s golden child” achievements.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


I am so glad those are fake!! My god… I can take a breath now. xD Though, who knows, might that the real changes aren’t that long from what’s been posted, or might be even worse. Though I’d would like to have the changes to Eagle Eye trait.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Fext.3614


This is a bloody joke. How do they think is this supposed to make rangers welcome in teams again?

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I am so glad those are fake!! My god… I can take a breath now. xD Though, who knows, might that the real changes aren’t that long from what’s been posted, or might be even worse. Though I’d would like to have the changes to Eagle Eye trait.

they are not fake. learn to read what i write. they are lying, like they always do when stuff leaks.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I am so glad those are fake!! My god… I can take a breath now. xD Though, who knows, might that the real changes aren’t that long from what’s been posted, or might be even worse. Though I’d would like to have the changes to Eagle Eye trait.

they are not fake. learn to read what i write. they are lying, like they always do when stuff leaks.

Uh… no they don’t? They normally just flat out say NOTHING about the notes, not try to say they’re not real and then they end up being real.

The COMMUNITY is what always says they’re fake, Anet normally doesn’t say anything.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Dur is right.

These changes are garbage. This is why I think they’re real. This solves nothing to make ranger viable with all other classes.

This… and I’m talking strictly from PVE/Dungeons.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


So glad those were fake. I guess I jumped the gun with my frustrations, but nerfing a skill that there are currently zero problems with sounded.. kind of a typical of what I expect from ranger patches these days.

theyre not fake, maybe outdated. anet makes a post about this every time, and it’s always a lie. people pull this from alpha builds, so likely theyve just been updated.

anyways, the pet responsiveness fix is needed but only a small step forward. cast time needs to be 0.5-0.75s at most because pet slowboating to its target is enough for a cast time in itself. some abilities are 2 freaking seconds. unbelievable. the only f2 that affects the outcome of fight is wolf fear, thats about it. anyway, this stuff is small beans. ranger needs big sweeping changes and someone to man up to it.

Whats so hard to understand about it..

When a Dev says, this is Fake, then its fake. Period.
Theres no point left for any discussion. Accept it, finish"

Who will you spend trust in what they say at all, if not the Devs of the Game, that you play?

Saying its not fake, when a clear Dev Statement officially says, its fake, just implies that you seem to think that the Dev lied to us and if you really think, that Devs lie to us, when they make official Statements, then I believe, the issues are somewhere else here …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


So glad those were fake. I guess I jumped the gun with my frustrations, but nerfing a skill that there are currently zero problems with sounded.. kind of a typical of what I expect from ranger patches these days.

theyre not fake, maybe outdated. anet makes a post about this every time, and it’s always a lie. people pull this from alpha builds, so likely theyve just been updated.

anyways, the pet responsiveness fix is needed but only a small step forward. cast time needs to be 0.5-0.75s at most because pet slowboating to its target is enough for a cast time in itself. some abilities are 2 freaking seconds. unbelievable. the only f2 that affects the outcome of fight is wolf fear, thats about it. anyway, this stuff is small beans. ranger needs big sweeping changes and someone to man up to it.

Whats so hard to understand about it..

When a Dev says, this is Fake, then its fake. Period.
Theres no point left for any discussion. Accept it, finish

Who will you spend trust in what they say at all, if not the Devs of the Game, that you play?

Saying its not fake, when a clear Dev Statement officially says, its fake, just implies that you seem to think that the Dev lied to us and if you really think, that Devs lie to us, when they make official Statements, then I believe, the issues are somewhere else here …

You either ..

A. Are new to the game and haven’t seen this movie before
B. Are completely naive

This is dejavu all over again. Other than a few tweaks, additions/omissions, these “fake” notes will turn out to be eerily accurate.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


So glad those were fake. I guess I jumped the gun with my frustrations, but nerfing a skill that there are currently zero problems with sounded.. kind of a typical of what I expect from ranger patches these days.

theyre not fake, maybe outdated. anet makes a post about this every time, and it’s always a lie. people pull this from alpha builds, so likely theyve just been updated.

anyways, the pet responsiveness fix is needed but only a small step forward. cast time needs to be 0.5-0.75s at most because pet slowboating to its target is enough for a cast time in itself. some abilities are 2 freaking seconds. unbelievable. the only f2 that affects the outcome of fight is wolf fear, thats about it. anyway, this stuff is small beans. ranger needs big sweeping changes and someone to man up to it.

Whats so hard to understand about it..

When a Dev says, this is Fake, then its fake. Period.
Theres no point left for any discussion. Accept it, finish

Who will you spend trust in what they say at all, if not the Devs of the Game, that you play?

Saying its not fake, when a clear Dev Statement officially says, its fake, just implies that you seem to think that the Dev lied to us and if you really think, that Devs lie to us, when they make official Statements, then I believe, the issues are somewhere else here …

You either ..

A. Are new to the game and haven’t seen this movie before
B. Are completely naive

This is dejavu all over again. Other than a few tweaks, additions/omissions, these “fake” notes will turn out to be eerily accurate.

So the Dev said "I am here to say that they are not. It appears the poster has taken some of the notes that we have in this thread in an effort to make their own look more legitimate, and mashed them together with some imaginary notes. These are not real patch notes.
This is a reminder that when patch notes are posted by a source other than ArenaNet, they should not be trusted. Particularly in the context of a “leak.”

Seen as you didn’t take the time to read the post from the Dev’s they clearly explain how the person whom made the note’s got there information.

Imaginary Notes being the keyword….

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

I am so glad those are fake!! My god… I can take a breath now. xD Though, who knows, might that the real changes aren’t that long from what’s been posted, or might be even worse. Though I’d would like to have the changes to Eagle Eye trait.

they are not fake. learn to read what i write. they are lying, like they always do when stuff leaks.

So they were lying when we asked for confirmation of the validity of the other leaks and sad nothing. Did they mean to say something, anything? Was that what they were lying about?

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

So, new patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


So glad those were fake. I guess I jumped the gun with my frustrations, but nerfing a skill that there are currently zero problems with sounded.. kind of a typical of what I expect from ranger patches these days.

theyre not fake, maybe outdated. anet makes a post about this every time, and it’s always a lie. people pull this from alpha builds, so likely theyve just been updated.

anyways, the pet responsiveness fix is needed but only a small step forward. cast time needs to be 0.5-0.75s at most because pet slowboating to its target is enough for a cast time in itself. some abilities are 2 freaking seconds. unbelievable. the only f2 that affects the outcome of fight is wolf fear, thats about it. anyway, this stuff is small beans. ranger needs big sweeping changes and someone to man up to it.

Whats so hard to understand about it..

When a Dev says, this is Fake, then its fake. Period.
Theres no point left for any discussion. Accept it, finish

Who will you spend trust in what they say at all, if not the Devs of the Game, that you play?

Saying its not fake, when a clear Dev Statement officially says, its fake, just implies that you seem to think that the Dev lied to us and if you really think, that Devs lie to us, when they make official Statements, then I believe, the issues are somewhere else here …

You either ..

A. Are new to the game and haven’t seen this movie before
B. Are completely naive

This is dejavu all over again. Other than a few tweaks, additions/omissions, these “fake” notes will turn out to be eerily accurate.

So the Dev said "I am here to say that they are not. It appears the poster has taken some of the notes that we have in this thread in an effort to make their own look more legitimate, and mashed them together with some imaginary notes. These are not real patch notes.
This is a reminder that when patch notes are posted by a source other than ArenaNet, they should not be trusted. Particularly in the context of a “leak.”

Seen as you didn’t take the time to read the post from the Dev’s they clearly explain how the person whom made the note’s got there information.

Imaginary Notes being the keyword….

Yea, that was a long post from the Dev. Tough to read the entire post.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.