Solo Ranger WvWvW

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Dread.5638



Hi, I play a lot of WvW with my group but when it comes to 1v1 I almost always lose. Now I’m looking for a build when I’m on my own, for example in jp or when i just wanna explor the map on my own. I thought about a sword-warhorn/shortbow compination. How should i mix my stats? What skills and traits are required? What weapon and armor stats do i need, also juwelery and backpack. Which sigills and runes do i use on armor and jewelery? Would be nice if someone could help me. I’m just not so much into ranger right now and don’t know how to play it properly.

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Lol clearly you don’t play it properly. You will learn though. Ranger is one of the bests duelists in the game so should rarely lose 1 on 1s. Personally, I have found I can run ANY type of build with 0/30/30/0/10. 5 in BM is a must for the quickness on pet swap for dmg, rezzes, and stomps. Although a lot of other rangers don’t trait 30 into WS I think its a must to be more “well rounded” as empathic bond is the best condition removal we have (every 10 seconds every condition just vanishes). The stability traits in WS (III and the camo one IX?) are very nice when you get CCed out of nowhere. As for the other 35 trait point at your disposal that’s for you to experiment with. Of course you can move the other 35 already traited but why would you want to?

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Dread.5638


And which armor, jewlery, runes and sigils would good fit to that ?

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Depends on what you want to use. High toughness and healing power is always nice for a ranger. However, the better you get with a class the more you will start leaning towards high damage build such as bezerker (which is what I currently use). If you are running conditions though I would look into either rabid or shaman (those are the PvP names I’m not sure what they are in PvE). Both of those have high condition dmg and toughness. One has more precision which = more dmg with chance to bleed on crit trait and has good synergy with sigil of earth. Shaman’s third attribute is healing power which makes you very hard to kill if you are using troll unguent and sig of the wild as healing.

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


hmm thats funny, i associate berserker gear (and longbows usually) with scrubs who i proceed to melt, not experienced pvp’ers. tanky builds generally have a much high skill cap because youre almost always at 600 range and need a much higher APM to chain your evades, pet burst, and vigor, on top of maintaining stacks of 3 different conditions. so i dont think it’s fair to say that “the better you get, the more u lean toward zerker”. dont flatter yourself. while more forgiving, it’s much harder to actually get kills and be effective with with THC or THP gear, in comparison with zerker or knight’s.

i would recommend a combination of PTV and knight’s gear, shortbow and traps for the beginner.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

(edited by nerva.7940)

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: UberLander.8326


Don’t use berserker gear. It takes almost twice the effort the play tanky builds but 3vs1s happen and glass cannon is something that will see you mainly cheap kills and lots of deaths. Sure, I may not be able to kill even half the 2v1s I run into but I can survive 95% of 3v1s due to APM and heavy management of skills. A same skill duel with 1v1 in GC zerker gear is a quick death if your not gaanking. Plus even in zergs the only thing your doing is rallying the enemy when you die.

Look up any of the end game high end WvW guilds and ask them how they build. What comes to mind is RG surly the best W3 guild in the game you will never see them in any zerker gear GC build.

Uber Lander
Black Talons

(edited by UberLander.8326)

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Dread.5638


i was now thinking of a apothecerys armor with 5 runes of altruism and 1 rune of swarm. on the accesoirs i’m not quit sure, but i think Chrysocola Orichalcum jewelery would be a good choice. i’m using a shortsword-warhorn / shortbow with troll unguent, protect me, quickening zephyr, signet of wild and rampage as one. for my traits i chose 5/20/30/10/5 with IV&X in Skirmish, III, VIII & XI ind Wilderniss survival and III in nature magic. Does anyone disagree with my choices or can help me to improve this? i don’t have much gold and now, when i’m buying my armor i want the stats to be as good as possible. i tested the traits in pvp and they gave me high survivability with little damageoutput, but over time my enemies died or they run away, being unable to capture the point.

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: ItIsFinished.9462


Hi, I play a lot of WvW with my group but when it comes to 1v1 I almost always lose. Now I’m looking for a build when I’m on my own, for example in jp or when i just wanna explor the map on my own. I thought about a sword-warhorn/shortbow compination. How should i mix my stats? What skills and traits are required? What weapon and armor stats do i need, also juwelery and backpack. Which sigills and runes do i use on armor and jewelery? Would be nice if someone could help me. I’m just not so much into ranger right now and don’t know how to play it properly.

Since you mentioned Shortbow – Sword/War horn combination, I’d recommend trying out my build(see signature). I use this build for everything because I put out bezerker damage, all while having the survivability of a BM ranger. Now, my regen’s aren’t as high as a BM Ranger…they are around 550hp per second. Which is tremendous for a zerker build. Let me know if you have any questions.

Arrow Slanger »—> »—> »—>
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Dread.5638


i can’t see any survivability in your build. i think when it comes to close combat or you are unable to move, you are dead after your 6 secondes of immortility.

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Definitely don’t start out with a zerker build. I believe we all suggest conditions are the best for a beginner along with empathic bond and pet swap quickness. Right guys?

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: ItIsFinished.9462


i can’t see any survivability in your build. i think when it comes to close combat or you are unable to move, you are dead after your 6 secondes of immortility.

The 6 seconds of immunity is a small part. The key is my Rune set along with my 550 hp second regen. My rune set gives me a 33% in damage reduction for 14 seconds. Add Healing Spring and 600hp per second regen’s and your survivability is huge.

Arrow Slanger »—> »—> »—>
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Dread.5638


so back to my question: would my build and gear so work out, that i am able to win 1vs1 and is my gear worth to buy it in the way i want to combine it ?

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Torres.2890


Try 0 10 20 20 20 (go for regen,protection,vigor, pets do +30% crit dmg)
Dwayna Runes/Toughness, Healing power, Condition damage amulet/Sigil of Life
Shortbow is your main weapon. Use cats/ravens + Traps/Sotw/Entangle/QZ/LR (Your choice).
It’s what I play in tournaments. I reduce incoming damage and regenerate alot of health. Finish them off with conditions/pet support.

This works better in WvW. Espacially in 1 vs 1 situations.

Baruch Bay.

(edited by Torres.2890)

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


i can’t see any survivability in your build. i think when it comes to close combat or you are unable to move, you are dead after your 6 secondes of immortility.

The 6 seconds of immunity is a small part. The key is my Rune set along with my 550 hp second regen. My rune set gives me a 33% in damage reduction for 14 seconds. Add Healing Spring and 600hp per second regen’s and your survivability is huge.

Sounds like a very very high amount of healing I’m sceptical if that is even possible with full healing gear, unless you mean a combination of full healing gear+ food + regeneration + signetrunning at once and if that is the case no way you are doing berserker damage without a BM pet.

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I run 0/0/20/20/30 currently, I use shortbow and sword/warhorn most of the time generally with a rabid gear setup combined with mad king and lyssa runes to help stack bleeds, I use the healing signet and movement speed signet the 3rd I swap out depending on situation but lightning reflexes by default if going to WvWvW it works well against most gives good survivability and your pet gets regen from spring and boons from horn etc even if far away.

I also have a second set with + healing and dwayna/monk runes with can quickly be swapped to and also work well with this spec for a much better regen aswell as indefinete boons to you, pet and party.

Signet on weapons I use are sigil of blood on bow and sigil of battle+blood on sword and horn.

edit: forgot pets I use Black Jag for burst damage and stealth and Grey wolf for control.

(edited by Manekk.6981)

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Velimirius.7018


Manekk what stats are u using on weapons? and what jewels btw?

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


0/0/30/10/30 is probably your best bet for all around killing in WvWvW

Apothecary gear is the best stats you can get, But you’ll find it’s incredibly expensive to make the jewelry, I however have a viable solution to that.

Shamans Jewelry with Passiflora Gem, you’ll only need 1 gem instead of the multiple gems to make the normal Passiflora Jewelry

This will drastically reduce the cost, and you’ll gain a bit of HP instead of Toughness.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I stick with 10/30/30/0/0 in WvW, and do just fine. I’m able to kill all classes in 1v1, though some are harder than others (curse you D/D elementalists and necromancers!).

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Dread.5638


But when you go also apothecary in your jewlery aswell, don’t you have no damage output? isn’t it better to go apothecary with your armor and chose chrysocola for jewlery?

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Lert.6287


Sword/Warhorn and Shortbow
Pets: Wolf and Dog
At least 55% critical chance without fury.
Omnomberry ghost food (with sb and 75% critical chance, you get spam 330hp)
At least spike trap (and 2nd one fire works for me). 3rd skill of your choice. Against warriors, mesmers etc. I use break stun skill which evades me back. In other cases some signet will do (hp rec, cc). Always there is quickness left as well.

So far after I rebuilded my ranger yesterday, didn’t lose any fight (had at least 10 normal vs – 4 with people with legendaries).
Try it, won’t lose I can tell.

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


Manekk what stats are u using on weapons? and what jewels btw?

Rampager bow, and I think Knight on melee weapons.

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: MidnightSun.7964


I like this build:;9k2D;2TT44;117A28A;4K-k6aZk6jwmAjwmA2VQ

It’s a PvP build that I’ve run in WvW with success. It maybe not be the “best” in a mathematical sense, but I feel it gives me a nice mix of everything and is forgiving since you are working with traps and condition damage.

<insert something witty>

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Poizie.5187


running 0/0/30/10/30 GS and S/A bm build using knights armor/weps and cleric jewelry….1v1 the only class ive lost to was a confusion mesmer i got to 10%…i enjoy this waaaaay more then my d/d ele

variations of Poiz – Talons [BT] – Fort Aspenwood

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: vespers.1759


I use this build for everything because I put out bezerker damage

no, you don’t.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Solo Ranger WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Abyssay.2837


Sword/Warhorn and Shortbow
Pets: Wolf and Dog
At least 55% critical chance without fury.
Omnomberry ghost food (with sb and 75% critical chance, you get spam 330hp)
At least spike trap (and 2nd one fire works for me). 3rd skill of your choice. Against warriors, mesmers etc. I use break stun skill which evades me back. In other cases some signet will do (hp rec, cc). Always there is quickness left as well.

So far after I rebuilded my ranger yesterday, didn’t lose any fight (had at least 10 normal vs – 4 with people with legendaries).
Try it, won’t lose I can tell.

Can u share details of your armor/runes etc?

Abyssay 80lv Ranger of Necrosis Piken Square