Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: matenji.3809



If possible what gears/weapons, runes/sigils, utilities, pets, and traits are needed/recommended to achieve this? I’m completing maps using my lv80 toon and sometimes wonder if I could take on that Champion Snow Troll in Frostgorge Sound, etc.

I currently run a crit/BM build with a focus on pet support. It’s a lot of fun but I freak out when I lose aggro and get chased by mobs around AoE circles.

And for those who are interested, I run:

  • Full Berserker gear (all slotted with ruby orbs) and accessories
  • 0/25/0/15/30 in traits
  • Pet’s Prowess (plus 30% pet crit) and Carnivorous Appetite (pet heal on crit) in Skirmishing
  • Concentration Training (plus 30% pet boon duration) in Nature
  • Compassion Training (plus pet heals), Commanding Voice, and Natural Healing (regen) in Beast Master
  • Signet of the Wild and Healing Spring for constant ranged healing and regen
  • Double cats (Jaguar, Panther)
  • Rage As One for elite skill
  • A slotted sigil of strength or sigil of fire in Longbow (I’m torn between added Might (strength) for pet or AoE damage (fire), or if I should just slot a sigil of force/accuracy instead)

That’s like, less than 16k HP, and 2k power, and 45-50% crit chance with 85-89% crit damage (depending on level zone). So far this build works for taking on Veterans and very low level champions. It’s easy to stack might and healing/regen on my pet (I’ve swapped out 2 ruby orbs with 2 superior runes of water for the +15% boon duration to test). Next time I’m going to try Drakes to tank, perhaps switch to a shortbow as well. If you guys know of a better setup I’d love to hear them, as well as your thoughts and experiences.

Adam Kershen, Crystal Desert

(edited by matenji.3809)

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: RainShine.5317


I run more of a glass cannon build (lvl 80) with 30/20/20/0/0 in traits, Knight and Valkyrie armor and LB/SB with power, precision and crit. damage. I depend on my pets to take the brunt of the damage so I use an arctodus and a murellow, as the bear class seems to survive the longest (hint: swap pets when their health is low but before they go down to avoid a longer cooldown).
In my experience anyway, Veterans can be soloed but not Champions. They just have too much HP and hit too hard for me to take one down alone.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eraden.8740


I have been able to successfully solo SOME champions. A spider and a giant. Other types of champions such as trolls, I found too difficult as they put out too much damage to be able to deal with. I run a glass cannon build as well (30/30/0/0/10) and find that successfully beating champions depends more on the type of champion than your build.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: RummyTheMad.7290


Make sure that you are using some decent conditions as well as the traits that give +50% endurance regen, and vigor on heal and you can solo nearly anything in PvE. Since many ignore control effects, fighting champions is all about lasting long enough for your conditions and DoT to bring them down.

My mantra is that you don’t do damage while you’re dead, so build to staying on your feet for as long as possible, and with a bit of practice you will be just fine.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Concentration and a longbow are all you need. I used to solo things all the time. Just let your pet tank the best it can.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aethersong.5189


I soloed the champion frost wurm underwater in fireheart rise. Although, that is because rangers are boss underwater. Got to love jellyfish.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aden Lyter.2341

Aden Lyter.2341

Soloing champions as a ranger is actually very possible. I’ve done it quite a few times, haven’t failed once aside from the champion giant in Orr. When there are 40 grubs spitting at you attracting even more Risen, you just gotta get out of there!

My traits are normally set up as 30/5/30/5/0, with the major traits Keen Edge, Piercing Arrows, Remorseless, Shared Anguish, Oakheart Salve, and Bark Skin.

Weapons, I use Shortbow primarily and either a GS or Axe/Warhorn for the fury/swiftness/might boost. With SB, I get an additional dodge and I already have the +50% endurance regeneration.

For healing, I always use Troll Unguent. It heals the most health, I’ve found, and I don’t have to worry about how far away my pet is, it’ll always get healed. The trick in using TU is to use it before you’re below 65-75% health because it heals over 10 seconds.

For utilities, I normally use Quickening Zephyr and Signet of the Wild (for the passive health regeneration, it works wonders) and either Signet of Renewal or Signet of Toughness. Toughness is great because since my pet it taking a lot of hits, it lets me heal my pet in emergencies (pop TU and then SoT and your pet will be thankful).

For my Elite, I usually run with Entangle for that immobilize so I can get away or get behind and stack some more bleeds.

I often use a Fern Hound for the healing and knockdown and a brown bear for the condition removal, but sometimes I do switch to two bears.

I would go and record myself fight some champions for proof that it’s possible, but I’m having trouble actually finding any champions right now. o.o Perhaps later. I do have one video, though, which is similar to soloing a champion. I was soloing Mad King Thorn (until he got down to about 20%, then my party somehow magically joined me in finishing him off, but I would have had him). I get my butt handed to me in the beginning of the video because I’m outnumbered 2,000 to 1 by candy corn and other Halloween monsters as well as the Mad King. However, after they’re gone, the actual 1v1 fight with him starts. I use a Fern Hound and Brown Bear in the video.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aridia.3042


I run full glass cannon and yes Champions can be soloed. The only problems I run into are when i’m in lowbie areas, like 15 to 25 the stats don’t scale down well for some reason and or if the champion is pure range. I was in the map North of Metrica last night and this frog that spits poison darts destroyed me, same as the thief leader that pistols in Metrica.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: ski.4927


I run a ranger bunker build. I find that there are some champs that it is just unreasonable to solo. However, there are those that are quite possible. For a bunker set up, go test your build against the champion Captain Rot-something-or-other in Souther Cursed Shore in Orr. You should be able to solo him and the friends that join him in the fight. It will take awhile, but it is quite doable. If you are not able to do it, rethink the build/gear/skills and try again.

Turkish Krul – Druid

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rok.2963


An old thread, but I thought I’d share some feedback after all the changes: this is currently my Champion Soloing ranger build

And this is the page where I have some notes and reasoning on the build:

(edited by Rok.2963)

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Oh my… a thread where I used to PvE. BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE!

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eggyokeo.9705


first up Eura HAHAHAHAHAHA

I think that champ solos are the only legitimate use for the “BearBow”

I would start with this build and adapt after each fail, my first attempted woud use drakes for pets to see if i can keep them alive.

The principle behind this is you use hunters shot to keep the agro on you pet (if they start attacking you use hunters shot and wait it out) and use rapid fire (and maybe barrage) on recharge, the GM trait in marks could change between Eagle eye, predator’s onslaught and read the wind I’m not sure which is best.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I use Drakes and Devourers as pets. They’re tanky enough that for most Champions you can just let them aggro onto the pet and swap them out whenever they get low on health. Use Longbow and kite the Champ during cooldowns if necessary.

Wurms are extremely easy Champs to solo if you fight from range. With a little experience you can sidestep the Wurm’s ranged attacks every time.

The Champs that I usually can’t solo are the ones that summon powerful additional help, like the Champ Risen Pirate in Bloodtide Coast and the Krait Witch in Mount Maelstrom. Getting mobbed by several Veterans or suicide mobs while trying to avoid the hard-hitting Champ is too much.

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sevans.4619


Longbow, Jungle spider, cave spider, muddy terrain, entangle, and (if Sylvari) grasping vines = many, many trivialized champions.

Saethe — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Maguuma

Soloing champions in high level pve areas?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


To add to my post yesterday, I was in Mount Maelstrom on my Ranger. Soloed both the Aquabase Champ Inquest and Fluffy using only my Armored Fish pet and never even swapping him out. He was just so tough that Signet of the Wild + Troll Unguent meant that both bosses couldn’t outdamage his healing. (I had to come in close and fight Fluffy with my Spear instead of my Speargun though. I was in more danger of killing myself with my reflected shots than from the boss itself!)