Some ideas about the Pets

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So this is my idea of how to improve the pets (not just plain buff them).

Pets DPS

Players don’t like to be killed solely by the pet. It is unfair that the ranger can go super tank and let the pet do all the work while the ranger just stay far and dodging. Let your pet do all the kill does not require skill or intelligent play.
Changes suggested:

  • Pets do hit moving targets with their autos. Increase the cleave, reduce the cast, increase projectile speed.. Any change but if the pet is allowed to get up to the player it should be entitled to hit, like any other player skill.
  • Profession function F1 (attack my target) change to a switch. It will display the order Attack my target when the pet is attacking and the function Return to Me when is attacking.
  • Profession function F2(pet special ability) and F3 (return to me) change to a 2 different pet skills, so the player decide when to cast them.
    - One of them will became the pet’s utility skill.
    - The other the pet’s burst skill.
  • Pets gain 2 user manageable skill :
    - The utility skill (Terrifying Howl from wolf, Harmonic Cry from moas, Quickening Screech from eagle, Defy Pain from black bear..) This skills usually won’t any damage and their cast should be instant. Cd is adjusted for the effect provided.
    - The burst skill. This skill will provide damage and it’s objetive is to help the ranger’s DPS.Could be pure damage or damage+effect (Brutal Charge from canines comes in mind). This could be the case of Smoke Assault from the Smokescale, Brutal Charge from canines, Maul from cats… This skill is balanced between the CD, Pet tankiness and damage+effect done. There could be a tanky pet that could deal an strong burst but the cooldown of this skill would be very high. This skills keeps the channelling time and animations always balanced with the effect provided,
  • DPS from Pets AI driven attacks are nerfed. The damage from their autos should be nerfed but should be constant. Something like the Druid’s staff Solar Beam works. It shouldn’t feel like the player is being beaten by an NPC. There should be still some difference between tanky and glassy pets still.
  • At this stage pets are left with 2 AI driven attacks that are mostly DPS so should be easier to work with the actual AI.
  • Pets condition damage and healing are normalised with the stats they have, so buffs in their stats apply the right increased damage.

Ranger DPS

  • Because the average pets DPS is nerfed the ranger weapons and utilities should be buffed damage wise so going for a particular set of stats impacts directly it’s gameplay.

Those changes are made to accomplish four things

  • Pets are easier to balance, because they can be handled like another skill in game.
  • Stats from the ranger affects directly the outcome. Because we rely less in the pet as constant damage source if a ranger go full tank is going to reflect directly in their DPS.
  • Most AFK farmers will have to stop using rangers for the task, as pets wont do enough damage just with autos to be profitable.
  • Yet pets stay relevant because of the F2/F3 skills and the traits (i’ll explain below)

Pets Usability

  • Pets should behave the same about the command Attack My Target in any state (aggressive/passive). Now they behave differently, the pet should behave exactly the same as it is in passive in any situation. If the pet is in aggressive and i call the F1 to attack the selected target (now would be double tap), after i should be able to swap targets but the pet stay at the previously selected target.
    Now it does attack whatever your are attacking which actually makes redundant the command when the pet is in aggressive.
  • Pets attack the target using the shorter distance. Some pets decide to go passing the target to attack it for behind which i don’t really understand why.
  • Pets when not attacking should stay really close to the ranger. Right now the lease allow the get to get random damage even when is in passive and the ranger is out of AoEs
  • Pets get evade frames when the ranger evades. The case of i’m being targeted and i can run away but my pet gets stuck and killed because it doesn’t have evades shouldn’t happen.
  • Speed for pet is increased baseline. Pet should have a baseline speed of player+25%, so when is increased by swiftness (+33%) can reach other players even when under the effects of swiftness or superspeed. _Maths: Player with superspeed moves at +150% of normal speed. Pet with swiftness moves at 166% of player base speed. With superspeed will move at 187% of player base speed. Because DPS on autos is nerfed shouldn’t be a problem is the pet can keep up with the player.

Pet UI

  • Ranger needs to know the actual boons and conditions in the pet. If showing the conditions in the UI at the side of the pet portrait is too complicated, personally i could do with showing the pet as a party member. We get an extra small place for that at the side of the screen.

Pet Special Mechanics

Pets are the Ranger’s special mechanic. But until this point they are being handled as a simple weapon solely increasing the ranger DPS. As we can see rangers ask for other things: better utility.

  • Pets should bring within their utility skills, special utilities other classes uses. For example: A pet that cast Guardian’s Shield of Absorption, Thief’s Basilisks Venom , Pets that can bring the utility from casting Warrior’s Battle Standard or make the next X seconds the attacks from the ranger and itself unblockable…
    Thus the ranger should have at its disposal up to 2 other skills otherwise the proffesion wouldn’t have.
  • Pets should get it’s traitline by families of pets to allow to customise their impact in the game up to the ranger’s play style. It doesn’t need to be complicated either too revolutionary: Traits already other classes uses could be applied to increase the pet gameplay.
    - Place: In the same window were we see the stats from that pet could be positioned the trait line.
    - Format: Same as the player trait line, 3 columns with 3 option each, let’s call them Adept, master, and grand master.
  • Adept could be the same for every family: An option to personalise the pet’s stats
    1. one choice increase tankiness, reduce DPS: +20% vitality,toughness and healing / -20% power,precision, condition damage.
    2. second choice doesn’t change anything
    3.- third choice increase DPS: +20% power, precision, condition damage, -20% vitality, toughness and condition damage.
  • Master traits should bring a defensive buff to the pet: applying weakness and protection to the pet when struck like the trait Protective Ward but for the pet, being able to keep attacking stealthed targets (if it was attacking before the stealth), or Engineer’s trait HGH when it’s health goes under X% applied to the pet or even the Elementalist’s Diamond Skin for glassy pet families. This traits can be strong but balanced with the ICD and the pet stats, the same as any player trait.
  • GrandMaster traits will be aggressive buff focused to increase the effectiveness of the pet in combat : Beastly Warden for example should be moved here from BM trait line, as the melee pets can benefit greatly from that but ranged no. So if you play with a bristle and a wolf you don’t loose the use of the trait with one of the pets. Traits like Revenant’s Malicious Reprisal could go here or Warrior’s Dual Wielding to increase pet’s attack speed could go here.
  • Some of the Master and Grandmaster traits should change between families. There is no reason for a ranged pet to have the trait Beastly Warden. Same as a fast birds shouldn’t have access Dual Wielding to increase their already very fast attacks.

Sorry for the test wall. I hope not to forget anything, and for you to enjoy it. Sorry for my grammar.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
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(edited by anduriell.6280)

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


I like most of this, though I am not sure how well received the idea of pet traits will be.

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Bigpapasmurf.5623


I just want a better Pet UI so I can see my pets boons so I don’t have to click on it, or see the cooldowns of all the abilities.

It would also be nice to have the ability to activate more pet’s abilities (for example, wyverns F2, plus the ability to manually activate their gust/knockdown ability). This was the ranger/druid has more control over the pet and would bring more diversity without breaking the class entirely.

I am not asking to make all 4 able to be activated manually, just at least 1 more.

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- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
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(edited by Bigpapasmurf.5623)

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: psizone.8437


I think pet traitlines could be nice but they should only have one traitline, perhaps with the Grandmaster traits being family specific. If we give them too many traits, it could potentially overpower them.

It should maybe be limited to only be accessible if the Ranger runs the Beastmastery trait line, so that if you want more control over your pet you have to invest in it.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Blude.6812


You lost me at the 1st paragraph rant/PERSONAL opinion/ and insult about other players skills and intelligence. You could have made your suggestions without your personal bias being so evident.

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I think pet traitlines could be nice but they should only have one traitline, perhaps with the Grandmaster traits being family specific. If we give them too many traits, it could potentially overpower them.

It should maybe be limited to only be accessible if the Ranger runs the Beastmastery trait line, so that if you want more control over your pet you have to invest in it.

Yeh, just one trait line for the pets , there is no need for more.

Mostly most pets could use the same traits, just changing some in specific families, to avoid overpower them or have useless traits like Beastly Warden in a ranged pet family.

In any case this is just some ideas of mine, in case some of them may be used .

I like most of this, though I am not sure how well received the idea of pet traits will be.

I think most of the rangers would love this. A way to enhance the pet (and only the pet).
Traits that affects only the pet could go here (many traits from BM could be used here) while the Beast Mastery trait line should be used for traits that enhance the ranger and the pet, the trait Zephyr’s Speed is a good example of BM trait.

The trait Two-Handed Training should apply Fury to the pet also and so on.

The other players will have to deal with the changes of making the pet useful. As long as the pet don’t get high DPS most players won’t complain much.

Most of the complains about the ranger is that pets can kill a player while the ranger only need to tank from afar while pew pew with the LB (i would change how the weapon works to promote more strategic play instead spam Lb4-Lb2 while keeping the long range supremacy). That is a potentially unfair situation.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364


Everything sounded good until “pet special mechanics”. Then it just became unnecessary and pretty, for lack of a better word, dumb.

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Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326



“Profession function F2(pet special ability) and F3 (return to me) change to a 2 different pet skills, so the player decide when to cast them.
- One of them will became the pet’s utility skill.
- The other the pet’s burst skill.”

…would be most welcome, and something thats been asked about many times. I would like to add the ability to set either F2 or F3 to autocast though (a toggle, like we can on one of our skills).

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

(edited by OGDeadHead.8326)

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356


“Profession function F2(pet special ability) and F3 (return to me) change to a 2 different pet skills, so the player decide when to cast them.
- One of them will became the pet’s utility skill.
- The other the pet’s burst skill.”

…would be most welcome, and something thats been asked about many times. I would like to add the ability to set either F2 or F3 to autocast though (a toggle, like we can on one of our skills).

Yup, I’ve been thinking about it myself.
Other classes have their class mechanics in terms of 4 bonus abilities at minimum. Eles get access to bonus 15 skills, etc.

And we got 1 bonus skill and 3 other buttons to make 30% of our class behave itself the way we want it to instead of blowing our position in stealth, or pulling unwanted NPCs or simply attacking the target we want it to attack – all of it still in an uncontrollable way which we can call roulette.

There’s been several suggestions on how to remake pet controls (F1-F4) into something better with At least 2 controllable abilities, I think I did some myself pretty long ago.
One of the most appropriate and helpful ideas would be removing attack and return commands completely – having only the toggle Aggressive (attack when I attack, ignore when I’m attacked) / Passive button. We would loose the ability to send pets without attacking ourselves and getting back our instant pet response to stealthers but we will gain access to 2 bonus abilities (which is like a huge improvement).

One way or another – there’s already some good ideas forgotten in the old threads. If anyone feels like it he can dig some ideas up.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Yeah, like adding more keybinds. I can never wrap my head around the fact that the developers will not give Rangers full control for Pet skills, but would provide additional keybinds for the Commander function.

Just having access to all Pet skills and “Return to Me” and “Attack my Target” as 2 additional keybinds would go a long way. Heck, they can even add 2 more for players that want more fine-tuned Pet control.


Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Ubi.4136


I still think they should lock the pet behind the beastmastery trait line. If you don’t have that specialization chosen, you don’t have a pet.

I have no idea how they would make up for the lost dps, since our pets make up close to half the damage we do, but it would be nice to play a build that doesn’t have the pet out. Or, doing jump puzzle and take 1 damage and now your pet is out…/sigh.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I honestly don’t like these improvments.

- Change on F1 would come with it’s share of bother and people complaining about doubletaping.
- change on F3 seem to be legitimated by the change on F1 while today, it’s perfect with F1 meaning “attack!” and F3 “come back!”.
- Change on F2 won’t reduce the dps of the pet.

On this subject, I’d rather see them have a clear work of balance on all the skills of the pet and change just the pet so that it only have an auto attack and a F2 that you can chose out of combat from the 3 utility skill that the pet have. In order to make all pets competitive, it would be good to see all pet having a skill with 5s cool down, 10-15s cool down and 20-30s cool down. Ideally, we could select one of the 3 as F2 and outside of that the pet would just auto attack. (In fact the pet just auto attacking would probably improve the dps of the pet)

They do not need to adds different skills on the pets, just improve the existing skills so that they are less a bother and more usable. Let face it pet have almost always been looked at only when they are licking the wound of an ally. Otherwise i’m pretty sure nobody even look at them even when they enter into their super long induction useless skills. A balance of pets skills into instant skills is what is needed, if stupid animation disapear because of this… well I won’t cry over them.

NB.: I think that hard control should stop the current action of the pet, making lick wound interuptable is something that I feel needed.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Some ideas about the Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


I like most of this, though I am not sure how well received the idea of pet traits will be.

I think most of the rangers would love this. A way to enhance the pet (and only the pet).
Traits that affects only the pet could go here (many traits from BM could be used here) while the Beast Mastery trait line should be used for traits that enhance the ranger and the pet, the trait Zephyr’s Speed is a good example of BM trait.

Apologies, I meant by Anet, not by the players. Im not sure how they’d feel about it.