Some roaming...SB / Sword + Torch
Looking good, good fights all around!
Whats your build?
The reason I ask is most times i see videos like this, Sw+T/X the elite is usually entangle for the cc + condi’s it has.
It is 2/0/6/6/0 with Poison Master and Survival of the Fittest GM’s. Only other traits of note are Vigorous Renewal and Evasive Purity.
Using basically a mix of dire and carrion, slightly more power actually as my power sits at 1,800 and condition damage at 1,300. Though condition damage can go up if I’m carrying stacks from corruption sigil. I usually just eat mango pies and have tuning crystal so probably looking at ~1,980 power and ~1,650 condition damage at 25K health with WvW buffs and full 25 stacks from corruption sigil.
Also using runes of antitoxin so I don’t have to run EB. If I really want immunity to conditions I’ll run poultry and leek soup, although that gets expensive and usually isn’t necessary.
Finally, I run wolf and owl as wolf is almost mandatory and owl is my only source of chill outside of weapon swapping.
If I had money I might switch out antitoxin runes with traveler, and replace signet of hunt with signet of stone. The ‘oh crap’ button signet of stone provides is nice, however with WvW I can’t give up the 25% speed. Even in battle, I do horribly without it as I can’t kite as well.
EDIT: Also I use RaO over Entangle as Entangle never seems to work for me. RaO gives nice damage increase with stability…just have to watch for corruptions and steals obviously.
Thanks for the info! I’ll have to try it out!
Hi, only watched 1-2 minutes… you need to use the sb2 more often, always use when they don’t have poison on them because the skill has a very short cooldown. The poison cuts their heal/regen…
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
Yep, I definitely have to work on keeping poison on people. Especially important as I have the poison master GM. I used to run an axe/dagger sword/torch BM build and kept poison on through use of quick pet swaps and the respective melee skills.
So my rhythm is a bit thrown off not having loud whistle…I really wish that was just default pet behavior.
I noticed plenty of time where they were melee and you didnt used it! It would proc all arrow therefore a huge poison uptime!