Sor's Might - New Improved Spirit Build

Sor's Might - New Improved Spirit Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So, coming December 10th this is the build I’ll be running. Depending on the group I am with the spirits will change. Only the one trait will change with the up coming patch.|c.1f.h1h.f.0.h1o.0.0.0|7.1f.h1o.8.1f.h1h.0.0.0|1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l.1f.71l|21m.0.21m.0.31m.0.21m.0.31m.0.2w.0|0.0.u57b.k47.k56|30.d|4j.4r.4t.4u.54|e

(edited by Tricare.2946)

Sor's Might - New Improved Spirit Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Fenrir.6183


Why troll unguent ?

Sor's Might - New Improved Spirit Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


My group build is similar.

As for troll unguent it helps a lot with balancing its ability for healing as well as preloading your might stacks and is 5 seconds shorter. So, with good +might or +boon you get about 10-13 seconds of might per heal. Works much better than healing field which you need to drop more mid-fight to be effective.

Changes you might consider:

1. I would go 4 altruism/2 traveler. You get much better healing and your condition damage will still come from might buffs. The other upside is that while you lose 10% might duration, you get +30% duration for all boons. That really helps your team with fury/regen/swiftness in particular (see below I use horn v dagger). Best for you RAO becomes a massive stability (32-35 seconds) (see below I use RAO v entangle) and your endurance regeneration can get really good for a group by moving expertise training to vigorous renewal (8 seconds of group 100% vigor but then you use a healing spring of course). In short, it is more flexible at little real cost to condition damage (as you will be stacking A LOT of might).

The other thing is you should be blasting thru the fire field from the torch to add stacks. You will want your fury to last for the whole fight for the sake of the pet. Guessing your group can do the blasting.

Finally, you basically have perma swiftness with +boon vs +might duration. Your horn will go 25 of 28 seconds up. That helps me tons if I have to run off to kill a particular enemy. Swap in a bow, hit horn and bam no runners.

2. Pets. I love the jungle stalker as well as the lashtail devourer. The latter is because it does 7 attacks on its F2 so that stacks up might on RAO really well or quickly builds bleed stacks that with a lot of other might stacks starts to tick high damage. Jungle stalker is a mean 5 stacks for you and 10 for the pet. It is the first “preload” I do when seeing a fight coming (as it is unreliable as heck in a fight).

3. RAO over Entangle. RAO will get you and the pet to 25 might stacks very quickly and really helps if you get jumped because it doesn’t require “peloading” or might stacking versus evading if jumped. The only skills you need to ensure you do are the horn 4 hunter’s call (for pet) and the lashtail F2 rendering barbs (for you). It depends but I just think RAO offers more for a might build.

I can’t tell you the number of times my bunker with the stability of RAO has fled zergs and lived.

4. I’d drop signet of the wild. Looks good on paper. But if you rune mobile runes you are very slow with no real quickness when you need it. 15 seconds on the horn won’t let you chase down an enemy or run away. If in a group, then you can swap the SOTW for a fern hound for the regeneration that hits the group and add another spirit which I would use Sun for group burning. I know you have a torch, but unless they stand in the field or you projectile finish from it, more targets burn with Sun. When solo, I definitely run Sun/Stone.

5. Horn for Torch. That horn blasts and with RAO gets your pet to 25 stacks almost instantly. I often swap dagger for horn in solo. Remember the devourer will eventually poison and poison is more effective when the enemy starts to take pressure. Not perfect but that is what I do. Also, the horn is almost perma swiftness if you change your runes.

I could be 100% wrong and if so would love to hear about it. Maybe I will move to noble

Sor's Might - New Improved Spirit Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I think a lot of people will be running regent + spirits after this patch. They’re basically making our strongest build stronger… And they think they are helping power builds…

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Sor's Might - New Improved Spirit Build

in Ranger

Posted by: jewishjoyride.4693


Only having to spend 20 points to get spirits to follow you means you can trait deeper into power lines. I think there are some interesting builds there. We’ll see what sticks.