Soulbeast= Anet shafted rangers again ?
Soulbeast is a breathtaking work of art and labor of love compared to Mirage…
Play a holosmith then. I just might…looks interesting.
Soulbeast is a breathtaking work of art and labor of love compared to Mirage…
Mirage is a functional class with so much utility and functional skills.
One dodge = clone+ cleanse+ break-stun+protection+regen + mirage mirror.
op ifeel your pain soul beast = soul kitten
compre to every single class the soul beast animtions have zero appiling i simply hate it
didnt like druid nighter but well druid was neccery and good espec just not aranger one ..
soul beast is just apure prof that anet dont play ranger and really dont understand the people who plays it …
those pet haters killed the class – why did you pick ranger if you hate pet ?
ele communtiy ask fot sword they get some kitten skills and mechanic
our mec is the only one whos a lost of dps …
but the most sad part is the animation team .
i dont think this is going to be change till the expac sadly …
Soulbeast is a breathtaking work of art and labor of love compared to Mirage…
ill gladly take mirage work over the soul beast
Mirage was actually designed pretty well , I’m not being bias as I spent a lot of hours on mirage testing specs… My favorite would be spellbreaker, very consistent smooth functionality and the idea is great and it was laid out nicely.
If Soulbeast stays the way it is , my ranger will literally become a condi PvE bot.
Soulbeast was a massive let down IMO , the idea is nice , but the functionality and the lack of certain mechanics that are obviously needed (like pet swap in beast mode) are non-existent and had so many bugs.
To be honest though, had it been an amazing turnout and it was very nicely put together then I’d be scared because being a ranger main since the beginning of the game I’ve always been afraid when something on ranger is too good – it almost 100% calls for a nerf to the class and in that I will always be happy but sad about this class.
Not a pet hater, but there are too many instances in which a pet is useless and nothing but dead weight. If they wouldn’t let us simply stow the pet long term and give us a boost to white damage to compensate for having no pet out, this crap is apparently what they think we get.
Shafted again? Druid was a good e spec provided a different way to play ranger and was good in many game types.
From the time i spent messing around on soulbeast i think it has a decent amount of potential and seems to have more options of possible play styles than some of the other new elites. The only thing i found disappointing was dagger just meh from animations to skills. I feel like people get this idea in their head of how a new spec should play and when it comes out and doesn’t align with how they pictured it in their head they spit the dummy.
I thought similarly at first. But actually after I stopped trying to force myself to play like a soulbeast and simply used the tools as I desired it worked out. I actually really enjoy it now. It was similar to druid for me. I didn’t use druid for almost a full year till I began simply playing it as an extension instead of AS a druid.
Soulbeast seems to be pretty similar. Try using it to augment your already existing playstyle. I was running it with smokescale and electric wyvern in WvW today to high success. The extra CC is awesome and its pretty fast to activate. And the damage boosts when I wanted them were there for me.
It took me awhile but I started learning how to open with the pets combine mid maul for the heavy damage boost lock them down with a following CC unmeld swap pets while hilt bashing into another CC while mauling them again.
Theres alot of stuff you can do like that and once you get used to it its pretty intuitive. Combining with smokescale while my longbow was out let me knock down someone long enough to teleport to an enemy who wasnt targeting me. Gave me time to heal and for my weapon swap to come off cooldown.
Theres alot of options here. Id caution you not to give up on it just yet.
Ill make my own post with my opinions atm by my short version is
Dagger can’t be a hybrid weapon yet. Not enough power damage yet…its also a bit too slow for the smooth use a mainhand weapon demands. (Its condition damage isn’t enough for it to be a pure condi weapon)
Some of the pet skills could use a small damage increase and smoke assault NEEDS to get its evade fixed (currently does not evade)
The beastmode is actually well designed to me. Im fully okay with how its set up and its interactions with most traits. Using full shouts I felt very comfortable moving in and out of beast mode. Even as a BM NM SB combo I never fealt punished by combining/uncombining. Each had its perks. And the dual interaction of Sic Em and WHaO(It copies off YOURSELF when you are in beastmode) was nice to have and fealt intuitive. I had to make a real choice when to use what.
Stances: Dolyak stance is very bugged. The cooldown on gryphon stance felt too long. Bear Stance could use another 2 seconds on its duration. Vulture stance didn’t feel significant. One Wolf Pack didn’t feel significant. Moe Stance on its own didnt feel significant. Required the use of other skills with it to make it worth the slot. Which means on its own its NOT worth the slot.
Traits. Most of them I understood why they were the way they were. Soulbeast has alot more CC access than base ranger or druid doe most of which were easy to land. Meaning popping that damage boost on interrupt was pretty common.
I do feel the damage increases could stand to be a little greater. Maybe instead of raw damage increase it increased attack speed by 10% for the same duration?
(edited by Shadelang.3012)
Please don’t compare anything to the Mesmer… Mirage is only sub-par against the broken God mode that is Chrono, I’m sorry you have to lower the Mesmer back to the level of us mere mortals with your new elite spec. this topic is also completely irrelevant in this class discussion, so thanks for that deep insight on how Soul Beast levels up.
As for Soul Beast, I actually like the tool kit it provides. What I wanted was a PvP/WvW centric brawler and I got just that. Some of the traits and numbers could be tweaked, but its fine conceptually. This is what I wanted in 2015 when Druid was dropped on my lap instead. But I will use it almost exclusively in WvW.
(edited by momophily.3814)
…As for Soul Beast, I actually like the tool kit it provides. What I wanted was a PvP/WvW centric brawler and I got just that. Some of the traits and numbers could be tweaked, but its fine conceptually. This is what I wanted in 2015 when Druid was dropped on my lap instead. But I will use it almost exclusively in WvW.
That’s what I think too, it’s going to be a good eSpec, if they give it some real love. It’s a brawler for sure but it’s got a ways to come before it is good.
It is shafted again. Druid is op in some skills for pvp, but just if you put your whole gear in healing and don’t damage something. In addition the half of its skill is broken until today. The half glyphs are bad, the half skills of avatar form are bad, the avatar form itself is very bad and the half of its staff skills are bad.
Soulbeast is much better in design, but the dagger skills are worse and the pet skills seems so randomly designed. Some are really good and a soulbeast worthy, other are single target and worser than an autoattack -.-
(edited by Aleksander Suburb.4287)