Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082



Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


+25% movement speed should be baseline for all classes.

No it oughtn’t.

A baseline trait is what I meant. Warriors, Engineers and Elementalists get it, while everyone else gets to flounder around with wasted utility slots or wasted runes.

I don’t want to run runes of the traveler on my guardian, but if I don’t, I need to have “Retreat!” continuously stapled to one of my utility slots.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


We have? Last time I checked the Necro and the Mesmer had worse mobility. Maybe I’ve missed something for their specialisations, but I doubt it.

Necros had the D/D trait that gives +25% speed bonus + signet (if you decide not to take that trait). Mesmer i can’t say but with all the TP and speed bonus i think they were covered. Also i’d like to see if the balances didn’t bring anything new to the table in those professions.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Mesmers have only very limited access to swiftness, while Necros are lacking any leaps or blinks.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Mesmers have only very limited access to swiftness, while Necros are lacking any leaps or blinks.

Right. Rangers (because i see you don’t know) don’t have any TP, blinks and only one leap in GS. Forget about the SW because more than a leap is going back were you were.
Our access to swiftness is only one skill in the warhorn.
So yes: worst mobility in the game.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Well, I might state the obvious, but you can turn around before using the sword leap. It is not perfect, but it is something. You can also get swiftness from RaO, from sending a bird into combat, from swapping weapons in combat if you have traited into the right traitline and you can use runes to give you swiftness, ontop of the stupid idea of using Guard! and the trait to get perma-swiftness.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Well, I might state the obvious, but you can turn around before using the sword leap. It is not perfect, but it is something. You can also get swiftness from RaO, from sending a bird into combat, from swapping weapons in combat if you have traited into the right traitline and you can use runes to give you swiftness, ontop of the stupid idea of using Guard! and the trait to get perma-swiftness.

OMG we talked about this in another thread. The mechanic you are referring to in psicology is called copping and using Sw#2 to do an actual leap is so twisted that is impracticable.
Please refer to real skills or data not something you think could be used.

And yes: wasting one GM trait and one utility to get swiftness we already stated is not smart. For that i’d choose the signet that is still a waste but at least only one utility.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Well, I use that technique, and I’m faster with it than without it. So I guess it works.
Not that I’m a fan of the sword, but still.

For that i’d choose the signet that is still a waste but at least only one utility.

The funny thing about that is that you can switch the signet out for another utility before you enter the fight.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Now as it turns out, many other classes have lost their damage modifiers aswell, atleast some of them. I don’t know right now how much that affects the damage of the other classes and I don’t even know if this was the thread it was relevant to, but now you know.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Now as it turns out, many other classes have lost their damage modifiers aswell, atleast some of them. I don’t know right now how much that affects the damage of the other classes and I don’t even know if this was the thread it was relevant to, but now you know.

I saw a lot of conditions applied in warriors traits. Most of them just complain because they want more not because they actually loose anything. They actually do much more damage with they new trait lines and have better cleanses. Same case that were they were complaining about they wanted more baseline traits were they didn’t need one.

The engi and ele gain a lot of support and sustain not loosing DPS, now that professions could be the healer from generics RPG.

We still get nothing. No real improvements. We were at the bottom and now we are worst than that because our balance implies a lot of nerfing were is not needed.
As I pointed. We have some good and needed changes but that doesn’t mean is enough. If we were the only ones getting this balance we should be all right (still nerfed thou) but because other classes became more efficient to make up for the new specialisations we will become the pariah of Gw2.

If in Anet none know what to do with certain classes they should remove those professions from the game. At least we wouldn’t have to see their Dev Team laughing at our faces.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

I’m going to need to hear more specifics on Spirits.

As it stands now, I just can’t shake the feeling Spirits were changed to serve as a stronger foundation for somebody else’s specialization, and not to improve their gameplay for Ranger. Still alot of functional redundancy and dubious impact, baseline actives still pinpoint location based with no mentioned precision for deciding that location, heck, the active/passives being so dissonant-niche you just end up kamikazi’ing/sticking it into a corner instead of having any real pathos play about it’s healthbar actually seems even worse now. It was alot of shuffling 1’s and 0’s around, but everything that was wrong with them before…is still basically wrong with them.

Even with all of that, I’ll still give it a chance. Maybe there are things unsaid…

Surprisingly, out of everything, what I ended up not liking definitively is ye olde Rejuvenation, if you can friggin’ believe it.

That ‘Purposefully hovering my healthbar below 50% for additional damage’ gameplay comes with the potential for a solid trifecta of Quickness/MightStacking/SotWild.

…But to get to Instinctive Reaction you have to opt in to automatically receive regen at the 50% mark, which may knock you out of Most Dangerous Game before the ideal 8 seconds is up. Part of the joy of Most Dangerous Game is actively making a conscious choice of how long I want to ride the danger line, not having some bloody background tick make the call.

That feels like totally unnecessary aggravation potential.

(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Well, I use that technique, and I’m faster with it than without it. So I guess it works.
Not that I’m a fan of the sword, but still.

For that i’d choose the signet that is still a waste but at least only one utility.

The funny thing about that is that you can switch the signet out for another utility before you enter the fight.

Unless you accidentally click it because that kitten skill swap arrow is so tiny.

Also, that requires actual work and forethought. Who has time for that?

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Well, I use that technique, and I’m faster with it than without it. So I guess it works.
Not that I’m a fan of the sword, but still.

For that i’d choose the signet that is still a waste but at least only one utility.

The funny thing about that is that you can switch the signet out for another utility before you enter the fight.

Unless you accidentally click it because that kitten skill swap arrow is so tiny.

Also, that requires actual work and forethought. Who has time for that?

Much more simple case: you are been ambush in WvW. Who haven’t been involved in a sudden fight with a thief? Maybe you were focused on your enemy and suddenly another spawns at your back?

Or that you can’t loose the +25% boon speed when the enemies already have that boon, so baseline are faster than you.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I still can’t see that forcefull greatsword.
Are you sure you are talking about ranger and not warrior?

I’m quite sure I was talking about both. Comparing our Master weapon traits to Warriors. Wondrouswall said we needed to lose the 10% modifier to drop back to a Master tier and I said take a look at Forceful Greatsword, it is vastly better than both our sword traits.

You insulted me twice with your statement…

Serously, we already stated you are a main warrior trolling this forums, Could you please go back to your forum?
All the trash you posted: 1 trait only affect GS, the other is for SW and the last one doesn’t even exist anymore. And the numbers are all wrong. Please refrain to post more trolling.

Can I get my apology now?

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Eval.2371


Mesmers have only very limited access to swiftness, while Necros are lacking any leaps or blinks.

Right. Rangers (because i see you don’t know) don’t have any TP, blinks and only one leap in GS. Forget about the SW because more than a leap is going back were you were.
Our access to swiftness is only one skill in the warhorn.
So yes: worst mobility in the game.

sword, has two leaps on one skill (monarch/hornet). LR is a leap, gs has swoop. swiftness warhorn. In current game, the only thing that can keep up to my ranger is a nike warrior and it struggles.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


Protect Me isn’t as useful as it seems to be. When the pet us soaking up damage for you, it is using your toughness for the damage calculation. So Protect Me is not more than a reliable way of killing your pet as zerker.

couldn’t disagree more. protect me with Bear, maxed out BM and Beastly Warden will be super useful for frontlining. you get an aoe stun, stun break, invuln, and 2-condi cleanse on a fairly low CD. I honestly think shouts (RaO, HaO and Protect Me) will be go-to for frontline builds (6/0/6/0/6)

on another note, Go For the Eyes is a really sweet adept, a no-brainer for condi bunkers along with wilting strike. BM is looking really, really good. by far their best trait line revamp followed by Skirmishing and Wilderness Survival.

Traps still worse then Dragon Hunters

I don’t understand this point. we generally have more survivability than guards specializing in traps, and one of our traps does an aoe knockdown which is insanely good. but I agree with your other points.

They did some power creep with the pet, and actually the pet needs more than that as base as i pointed in other thread.

I honestly think you should try the pets first. I foresee beastmaster pets, especially birds, being insanely good in spvp. especially if youre spamming that axe #1 for might. I never thought id say this, but I also feel the bear might actually be useful for frontlining and should survive any zerg at least for a little while.

im really happy with pets now. they seem mega tough, while having a pbaoe stun and weakness if traited.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Protect Me isn’t as useful as it seems to be. When the pet us soaking up damage for you, it is using your toughness for the damage calculation. So Protect Me is not more than a reliable way of killing your pet as zerker.

couldn’t disagree more. protect me with Bear, maxed out BM and Beastly Warden will be super useful for frontlining. you get an aoe stun, stun break, invuln, and 2-condi cleanse on a fairly low CD. I honestly think shouts (RaO, HaO and Protect Me) will be go-to for frontline builds (6/0/6/0/6)

The only drama there is that using the pet’s F2 will remove the shout effect.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I still can’t see that forcefull greatsword.
Are you sure you are talking about ranger and not warrior?

I’m quite sure I was talking about both. Comparing our Master weapon traits to Warriors. Wondrouswall said we needed to lose the 10% modifier to drop back to a Master tier and I said take a look at Forceful Greatsword, it is vastly better than both our sword traits.

You insulted me twice with your statement…

Serously, we already stated you are a main warrior trolling this forums, Could you please go back to your forum?
All the trash you posted: 1 trait only affect GS, the other is for SW and the last one doesn’t even exist anymore. And the numbers are all wrong. Please refrain to post more trolling.

Can I get my apology now?

Actually you did not explicity pointed you were comparing warrior with ranger:

Shame that Strider’s Defense could not keep it’s original redesign, though, I understand why they had to remove the +10% damage and reduce the 50% chance to 25% as a Master trait instead of GM.

Please see Forceful Greatsword.
+10% damage
-20% recharge
5s Might on crit, no ICD.

Strider’s Defense
Destroy 25% of projectiles blah blah
-20% recharge.

+5% damage
-20% recharge
3s fury, 50% chance, 10s ICD.


But seems i misunderstood your post i apologize for assuming your just were trolling around, i was wrong. Although the problem here is not nerfing the other classes, their changes were needed to stand against the new specializations.

I’d like someone in Anet to actually give a though to the ranger and come out a good changes that give us an spot in any group. Right now we are traited as the pariah and after this changes everything is going to be worst.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Thank you.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I’d like someone in Anet to actually give a though to the ranger and come out a good changes that give us an spot in any group. Right now we are traited as the pariah and after this changes everything is going to be worst.

I think you’re being super melodramatic. in conquest and SH, your longbows and condi bunker rangers are going to be on steroids and extremely effective at skirmishing. traps look good. shouts and spirits seem underwhelming at first, but we’ll see. in addition, we’re even gonna have an effective melee frontline build for wvw.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I’d like someone in Anet to actually give a though to the ranger and come out a good changes that give us an spot in any group. Right now we are traited as the pariah and after this changes everything is going to be worst.

I think you’re being super melodramatic. in conquest and SH, your longbows and condi bunker rangers are going to be on steroids and extremely effective at skirmishing. traps look good. shouts and spirits seem underwhelming at first, but we’ll see. in addition, we’re even gonna have an effective melee frontline build for wvw.

you havent read the 2 or 3 threads that talk about the nerfing in traps and traits right? there were ppl asking even for a riot… someone in Anet is having a laugh about all the rangers in this game….

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


what you mean traps not being thrown? their aoe is huge, and throwing something with arming time wouldn’t make sense. their effects are extremely strong now (did you see the condi stacks from each trap?). traps look good. stop crying though.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Protect Me isn’t as useful as it seems to be. When the pet us soaking up damage for you, it is using your toughness for the damage calculation. So Protect Me is not more than a reliable way of killing your pet as zerker.

couldn’t disagree more. protect me with Bear, maxed out BM and Beastly Warden will be super useful for frontlining. you get an aoe stun, stun break, invuln, and 2-condi cleanse on a fairly low CD. I honestly think shouts (RaO, HaO and Protect Me) will be go-to for frontline builds (6/0/6/0/6)

on another note, Go For the Eyes is a really sweet adept, a no-brainer for condi bunkers along with wilting strike. BM is looking really, really good. by far their best trait line revamp followed by Skirmishing and Wilderness Survival.

Traps still worse then Dragon Hunters

I don’t understand this point. we generally have more survivability than guards specializing in traps, and one of our traps does an aoe knockdown which is insanely good. but I agree with your other points.

They did some power creep with the pet, and actually the pet needs more than that as base as i pointed in other thread.

I honestly think you should try the pets first. I foresee beastmaster pets, especially birds, being insanely good in spvp. especially if youre spamming that axe #1 for might. I never thought id say this, but I also feel the bear might actually be useful for frontlining and should survive any zerg at least for a little while.

im really happy with pets now. they seem mega tough, while having a pbaoe stun and weakness if traited.

lol, frontlining. Bear autoattack does less damage than a single tick of burning and has a slower interval of action. bears don’t cleave.

What are you gonna do as a frontliner, spam GS auto and maul? You’re just a crappy warrior/guardian with nearly half the damage, less spike, and far less group utility.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Eval.2371


As I feared, they didn’t make too many good changes from the last reveal. in fact, quite a few of our traits were nerfed, some deservedly so. Half of our GM’s will not be competitive with the others, so quite a few opportunities missed here…

I totally agree with you. A lot of opportunities we had in the previous snapshot are gone. A lot of potential build diversity is stagnated as your hand is twisted to pick other better choices.

I mean the marksman line is solid, except maybe the changes to signets not refreshing opening strike, but hey what ever. I think this line has a lot of potential with the right support. However the rest of the trait lines are too scattered to make the opening strike mechanic nothing more then a frustrating gimmick.

Skimishing really has nothing to offer to the class. I mean spotters there and its an obvious pick up. Striders defense looked potentially competitive with its previous stats.
I don’t get why warrior can have the same perk and get the damage incrase as well and ranger can’t. In its current state, its a mediocre perk. Quick draw is obvious I feel like this should be a minor trait as every ranger that goes down this line is only going down it for this. I feel like quick draw is going to promote senseless spam rather than interesting game play where my opponent is going to cry about double rapid fire. I feel bad that I am forced to do it as its my only option, and he feels bad because there is little counter play to it. The bleed master trait seems good but, again it forces a paradox of giving up team damage. IMHO spotter needs to be a adapt so that we can have interesting choices in this tier.

Wilderness Survival has some really good and obvious condi options, many of which are nerfed from current game, but with more available stacking they might be good. Bark skin has been re-purposed, which frankly, does not aid with other themes in the new kit that the old version would (IE might stacking below 50% hp, or nature magics theme). What sad here is the 2 grandmasters are really the only worth while traits in the whole line other the the minors if your not going condi. This line used to provide ways for rangers to last in fights not it does not really aside from condi negation.

Nature magic really only has two worth mentioning traits in the whole entire line. Which is saying a lot considering this is supposed to be the tankish/healing line. Yet I have a lot to say about it. Here is my three paragraphs on it:

Allies’ Aid will help make rangers useful in all groups, and seems interesting. I would pick it simply because the other two choices are really lacking. When I read this trait I keep asking my self why this is not a beastmaster minor trait.

The regen in this line would have to substantially broken to make it the line ever worth picking up ignoring Protective Ward. Which I if that’s the goal, as a range I don’t want it. Why ? because those types of interactions are destroyed by poison, unfun to play as or against. It’s like having a pile of stats that you never notice having. There is nothing skillful about it.

Which finally leaves me with Protective Ward, this skill looks broken, however apparently its up in the air if the protection is applied to the pet or your self. If it is applied to you, or you and your pet, cool, it almost saves the line and makes it a worth while pick. If not, there is no reason to pick up this line. I really dont believe that one trait should save a line. I want to actually pick things in here that feel wort while, yet there is nothing there to really pick.

Lastly, Beastmastery, again right off the bat I want to point out that we get a watered down variation of wars gs boost. Our pet does gain some significant stats, and an interesting ability to taunt. Some small regen and that is about all that is worth noting.

Id like to sum up that my feeling just comparatively looking at ranger vs the other classes, were becoming a jumbled identity less class that has scattered and water down variations of other classes. Which makes me really sad. I do not see much that we bring to the table other than spotter and the new pet revive that other classes don’t already bring and do a better job than us.

All in all as a class that was just ok, that needed some work and now it looks really bad. In fact worse off than it was before. Comparatively engineer got the world and the moon in improvements and I am happy for them, even though I feel they really didn’t need as much as they got. As a ranger I have to say I am jealous of them and just wish that anet would give us some of that love.

So please anet go back to the board with ranger: make melee comparable to warrior in utility and damage, Make range something that wont become a quickdraw rapid fire spam, and do keep the interesting work with the condi damage.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

(edited by Eval.2371)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


lol, frontlining. Bear autoattack does less damage than a single tick of burning and has a slower interval of action. bears don’t cleave.

What are you gonna do as a frontliner, spam GS auto and maul? You’re just a crappy warrior/guardian with nearly half the damage, less spike, and far less group utility.

lol, yeah. that’s exactly what I mean. im not saying it will be flawless in practice, but it will be viable. i’ll humour you and draw you a picture.

- bears have an innate invulnerability; one of them cleanses two condis off 5 people on a 20s CD
- all ranger pets now have 2s pbaoe stun with Beastly Warden; this is nearly spammable so already better than Earthshaker for the longer stun. you can therefore F2 + maul for more damage and longer hard CC; when the opponents use their stun break on Beastly Warden, you can slam them with Entangle.
- BM pets can and should be traited for pbaoe blind and weakness (so you get blind, weakness and stun with one button press)
- Maul is a spammable aoe nuke; Path of Scars is a spammable cleave nuke with a hard CC; both are boosted by 25% by Remorseless
- rangers have insane condi cleansing now and virtually limitless stunbreaks
- you can run mix of cavalier, PTV/sentinel and zerker gear because we no longer need a lot of crit (perma fury)

want me to keep going?

Quick draw is obvious I feel like this should be a minor trait as every ranger that goes down this line is only going down it for this.

I feel quickdraw offers limitless possibilities for both trappers and power rangers. and im sorry for repeating myself, but ranger traps are STRONG. you will see.

im kittened about three things:
1. LOYF wasn’t moved down from GM and damage was nerfed
2. spirits seem underwhelming
3. Sic ’Em, Guard and S&R shouts wont be seeing ANY play

I hope we don’t have to wait another year before these things are revisited. one out of three (traps that is) aint bad I suppose.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


- rangers have insane condi cleansing now and virtually limitless stunbreaks
- you can run mix of cavalier, PTV/sentinel and zerker gear because we no longer need a lot of crit (perma fury)

want me to keep going?

Yes please explain me about this, i think you got overexcited and loose sight. One thing we are complaining as right now is that we loose condition cleanse. Or the one that clean every 10 secs if the pet is alive or the one that cleanse with any survival.

The other points made: Entangle does not work a lot of rangers complain that is broken. i don’t know were you are getting the stun thing from, taunt is supposed to work in reverse of fear: instead running from you run towards. So most probably your pet will die faster.

Most of the points made will not work, as is already proven we are not warriors and so we can’t play melee combat for long. So again: GS or Axe either way we lost OffHand Trainning and i have to say, the actual range in offweapons is lacking. Also no shorted CD in offhand axe unless you sacrifice GM in BM. So see: all bad news.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


im not overexcited, im actually being very critical. some of the changes will be gold to experienced rangers, while other changes were underwhelming. I can try to explain a few things to you though.

- you don’t lose condition cleanse. you gain so much condi cleanse through wilderness knowledge
- you don’t actually need the bear for the condi cleanse; it’s an added bonus if it works out. but it should be the best zerging pet
- Entangle is OP, probably the best elite in the game. I use it to great effect. in zergs, hit it on the backliners (in the back)
- the aoe stun from the pet freezes the target so you can whack it. make sense? if the pet is invulnerable, like the bear, that stun will last for the entire 2s unless stun break is used by opponent. forcing stunbreaks is good. that’s only for zergs though, you can use any pet in spvp and it wont die. did you see how much toughness pets get?
- you don’t need offhand training for OH axe; you’d only use axe for path of scars which has a very low CD baseline. but it would be interesting to try double axes with Honed Axes trait
- maul has a pretty big range for a melee attack; you should be picking up two-handed training for GS from BM

hope that helps. I played one without all these new toys to some effect, and now it should be even better. im not saying it’s the best frontline build in the game, but now is probably the best time ever to try it. you can make a separate thread to discuss the frontline ranger.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


Yeah, let’s complain about this and just ignore the many good options we’re getting …

  • Pets are becoming stronger by default … if you never put 3+ points into Beastmastery before, your pet will be stronger with the upcoming baseline +150 to their stats.
  • Longbow traits are being combined into one trait
  • Fury/Might/Swiftness on pet swap (Marksmanship)
  • Might/Quickness on pet swap (Beastmastery)
  • More access to Protection
  • More access to Swiftness
  • More access to Might
  • More access to Regen
  • More access to Fury
  • Remorseless … we’ve had so many discussions on this yet we have people just ignoring this awesome trait and the synergies while they have their female dog fest … pathetikittentle brains.
  • Pets can inflict 2+ bleeds per crit
  • Ranger can spam weakness via MH Axe, Pet F2, and getting hit … with the right traits of course

I agree with Sol. There are good builds on the horizon.

By the way, anduriell, Sol was here long before you; promoting the Ranger and what it could do when played well even when people thought it couldn’t do a darn thing. Posted several excellent videos. Look up your Ranger history. I say this especially to you because I have yet to see anything positive or even logical come from you. In fact, If I saw anduriell post something that is actually useful, I might drop a load in my pants … not investing in Depends any time soon though. As such, perhaps you should learn to shut your yapper … though that does require learning … so again not going to hold my breath.

The funniest thing I’ve seen in this deluge of mostly garbage … Heimskarl being told “everyone knows you’re a warrior, go back to there” when if you go to the Warrior forum they say “everyone knows you’re a ranger, go back to there”. Not to surprised … people with room temp IQs likely “think” (loosely used) alike.

Oh, since all of you seemed to miss it … we don’t know yet what boon the spirits are going to pulse … 1s every 3s does seem like garbage, but let’s see what it ends up being. Perhaps that 1s is a typo … heck, Warrior banner can be traited for 3s regen every 3s … better than what 1s every 3s could do even with +100% boon duration … hopefully it’s a typo and not someone thinking 1s of a boon does a darn thing.

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Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


im not overexcited, im actually being very critical. some of the changes will be gold to experienced rangers, while other changes were underwhelming. I can try to explain a few things to you though.

- you don’t lose condition cleanse. you gain so much condi cleanse
- you don’t actually need the bear for the condi cleanse; it’s an added bonus if it works out. but it should be the best zerging pet
- Entangle is OP, probably the best elite in the game. I use it to great effect.
- the aoe stun from the pet freezes the target so you can whack it. make sense? if the pet is invulnerable, like the bear, that stun will last for the entire time unless stun break is used by opponent. that’s only for zergs though, you can use any pet in spvp and it wont die. did you see how much toughness pets get?
- you don’t need offhand training for OH axe; you’d only get it for path of scars which has a very low CD baseline
- maul has a pretty big range for a melee attack; you should be picking up two-handed training for GS from BM

hope that helps.

You made very good points. Now how i see it, i play now power ranger Lb/SW-Axe.

We don’t gain any condition clease, the traits (emphatic bond and wilderness knoweledge) are already there. The difference is that now they are GM in the same trait line, so you are forced to get just one. And that’s a miss now.

Entangle is broken in WvW or PvP. It can be dodged and because the animation is so blunt is really difficult to make it usseful. Even in case you catch someone by surprise the roots are killed too fast, no more than 1 sec.

The Taunt again as i understood does not freeze . It will make mob around to force to attack the pet instead you. Otherwise it would be called stun or dazzle Could you please point me out were Anet specificity stated that taunt is stun??

If you haven’t used Axe#5 you haven’t used axe. For me is the only effective weapon against perma-stealth thieves and RF. That extra range was very welcome and the reduced CD also. Now we lost both.

Maul is so slow that you are lucky if you land it. There are trick like using GS#5 and others that were fun, but i don’t find that skill particularly useful against experienced players. That’s why i moved to SW/axed although there is the lock animation bug that kills me all the time.

@sebrent : you didn’t have anything useful to say so i have nothing for you. Just remeber what i said today about the ranger proffesion becaming the pariah in gw2 that no group will want. All my claims has been truthful and all the broken mechanics i have proven to you with data are broken.
You say we get more stuff i say is not enough if other proffesions get much more. Is not about be better i would be happy to just keep up.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I’m pretty underwhelmed. There are a few traits that look amazing, but doing some mental on-the-fly build making, they seemed to be obvious. I.e, I don’t see a lot of/any hard choices depending on what type of ranger you’re playing.

And there are a bunch of WTF traits, like a 30s ICD cripple on predator’s instinct. On a class with more cripple than the other 7 combined…

I punched myself in the face when the dev said the current invigorating bond was pretty strong, and therefore won’t be changed.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


agreed man, they missed the mark on a bunch of traits as i mentioned in my impressions. mostly, i was hoping theyd take our advice and merge IB with EB (over in WS line) to make it competitive with WK, which is so incredibly strong.

i didn’t mention but Hunter’s Call and OH axe weren’t revamped (to our knowledge). pretty disappointed about this one.

a few people are asking “what is it that we’re complaining about”? well that’s elucidated in the OP. they missed the opportunity to make shouts and spirits competitive utilities. the only thing im reserved on is spirits, because i don’t know what the boons are going to be. otherwise, it doesn’t look too good.

that being said, experienced rangers will always make the buffs work to the max; but i cant stand the ignorance of people not understanding just how insanely strong the other profs are going to get.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I think we need to see what the boons that pulse on the spirits are before judging whether or not that 1/3s is bad. They may be Resistance, Retaliation, Stability or Fury (think of that with Remorseless) so they may end up being VERY good. If it is might/swiftness/regen they will be meh. Time will tell.

I noticed that Keen Edge is just deleted too, sadly…

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


Predator’s instinct still sucks, they removed opening strike from the signet trait. Just to mention something.

Yeah, they killed off some of my excitement from the last preview.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I noticed that Keen Edge is just deleted too, sadly…

yeah they snuck that one in as well. for the condi builds, poison damage should more than make up for it. honestly, it would have been too much condi removal if KE proc’d on a WK build.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I think we need to see what the boons that pulse on the spirits are before judging whether or not that 1/3s is bad. They may be Resistance, Retaliation, Stability or Fury (think of that with Remorseless) so they may end up being VERY good. If it is might/swiftness/regen they will be meh. Time will tell.

I noticed that Keen Edge is just deleted too, sadly…

This is a wild guess but i could think Stone gives stability, lighting retaliation…
But even in that case 1 second boon every 3 is not even noticeable. You have to be really lucky for the stability to work for example. Other like resistance or retaliation would be more useful although not like GM.

And this is written in their own thread with all the changes so is supposed to be like this (1s every 3) i don’t see the logic in that.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


theyre betting on you speccing for increased boon duration, which simply wont happen. i think u can get 90% in pve/wvw with food, which is 1.9 every 3s which is more than 50% uptime as long as the spirit is alive. also reading up about the actives, other than the 3s daze, theyre nothing special. im curious about how Nature’s Vengeance is going to interact with the baseline abilities. not too impressed by this revamp at all.

P.S. those of you doubting the traps, i encourage you re-read how much theyre going to pulse for. it’s pretty crazy. ostensibly, we can run 0/6/6/0/6 and have the pet wrecking faces on top of a cripple/chill field while we pew pew with SB and zip around with sword, or even axe/dagger. you can still go settler or rabid stats and TU/LR/entangle + 2 traps, and be hella tanky. oh yeah, and we can spec for Strider’s Defense on top of the improved traps. overall the amount of condi damage we’ll be able to output will be disgusting. for me use of SB will come down to how strong Poison Volley is going to be.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I actually suggested they make spirits pulse traits as an improvement, similar to the engineer GM turret trait. I do like the idea, but 1/3s seems low… Protection or Resistance would be really good though, imo. Hoping they get a decent range now…

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


1s duration on a 3s pulse is just bad. You can keep the proportion the same by increasing the duration and interval of application, and at least then your chances of benefiting from the proc when you NEED it increase.

It just seems like they don’t understand why warrior banners are just better spirits. Warrior banners are portable, they do not die to a sneeze and the countless aoe ingame, and their effects don’t have some ridiculous ICD unlike spirits other than frost spirit.

And to be honest, those “powerful actives” they talked about don’t even exist. The only remotely strong active is on the storm spirit, and nobody is gonna sacrifice a utility slot for a utility that procs swiftness on hit when the value of swiftness in combat is of diminished value and next to regeneration swiftness is one of the weakest in-combat boons.

Sacrificing a 7% damage increase to the group for a measly 3 second chill? Or a single blind pulse that a thief or ele can do far better and cheaper by sacrificing sun spirit?

Nobody’s also mentioning the fact that the problem with spirits is that they don’t satisfy the utility trinity. In many cases, especially PvP, you need at least one stun breaker and one condi clear utility in your utility slots, and spirits just don’t have that. The Water spirit is still terrible.

For one, the water spirit’s heal triggers regardless of your HP, so it may be a wasted heal, and tbh the heal proc is so puny for a whopping 10 second ICD, it’s ridiculous. How can that possibly compare to a water field eles and guardians and thieves can endlessly blast on.

Water spirit is just a kitten spirit of nature, with weak, randomized healing and no condi clear.

If spirits are ever to become a thing, they need to have aoe resistance or not be attackable at all. And their proc effects and ICD’s need to be re-evaluated, especially if the benefits won’t stack so bringing more than one ranger makes the other obsolete now.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


PLZ help me with some some clarifications.

1)LOYF – from the looks of it i was sure the bonus is stackble(so for each evade u’r getting the bonus for 4 sec duration- 4 evades in a row = 20% damage buff. Also by the look of it, this part of LOYF applies for all weapons and not SB only(like GS) am i right?

2)Evasive Purity – If I have on me, blindness, crippling and poison , will it remove the all 3 condies or jus one of them?

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Protect Me isn’t as useful as it seems to be. When the pet us soaking up damage for you, it is using your toughness for the damage calculation. So Protect Me is not more than a reliable way of killing your pet as zerker.

couldn’t disagree more. protect me with Bear, maxed out BM and Beastly Warden will be super useful for frontlining. you get an aoe stun, stun break, invuln, and 2-condi cleanse on a fairly low CD. I honestly think shouts (RaO, HaO and Protect Me) will be go-to for frontline builds (6/0/6/0/6)

With the small problem that you ignored that you have invested into toughness as frontline. So if your pet soaks up damage based on your toughness, then you wont notice any difference. But the ones who arguably need the most active defense, the ones without toughness, will not get huge benefits from this skill but rather kill their pet with it.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


Overall I feel the power ranger got the most love, but that shady playstyle isnt nec needed or effective in x content like higher tier pvp or group pve. Ill continue playing it as it now opens up more needed condi removal, but im annoyed that our GS leap is no longer affected by traveler/swiftness, might have to consider picking up sword/x instead since overall GS feels easy to read/counter. Pet buffs are okay, but would be awesome if they added the leap-auto attack mesmers Moa 1 has, so that they easier stick on a moving target.
Additionally I can see myself swapping a utlity out for zephyrs speed now that they removed healing reduction, and added super speed. Nice get away and quick burst among with stun breaker.

Edit: Ill add Im slightly worried how the amount of retal thrown around will affect Power rangers, but it remains to see how often such traits are picked up and their overall usefulness for x class.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

(edited by nacario.9417)

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


I should try to work runes of the traveler into my build so I don’t have to waste a slot for that stupid signet of the hunt.

Just keep in mind the speed from those runes does not apply to your pet, however there’s a passive adept trait in Beastmastery that will help with that: Pet’s Prowess: Your pets move 30 faster and gain up to 300 ferocity.

Right. Rangers (because i see you don’t know) don’t have any TP, blinks and only one leap in GS. Forget about the SW because more than a leap is going back were you were.
Our access to swiftness is only one skill in the warhorn.
So yes: worst mobility in the game.

Wow-wee. I can’t even. If you refuse to use the tools given to you, then you deserve to get caught by the blob while the rest of us are bouncing happily away while high5ing each other.

But either way, sure some of the changes are meh and it sucks to see other classes to get buffed so hard but am I the only melee ranger being amazed by the opportunities we have for roaming in WvW with some of these changes? Beastmaster line has some nice things: the pet will turn into a pew pew machine with all the trait buffs, aoe blind, aoe weakness, quickness and fury on pet swap.. Combine that with remorseless, the new QZ.. You don’t even have to bunker down and hit like a wet noodle just so you can have a buffed up pet, you and your pet together can dish out some nice damage after the changes goes live.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


But either way, sure some of the changes are meh and it sucks to see other classes to get buffed so hard but am I the only melee ranger being amazed by the opportunities we have for roaming in WvW with some of these changes? Beastmaster line has some nice things: the pet will turn into a pew pew machine with all the trait buffs, aoe blind, aoe weakness, quickness and fury on pet swap.. Combine that with remorseless, the new QZ.. You don’t even have to bunker down and hit like a wet noodle just so you can have a buffed up pet, you and your pet together can dish out some nice damage after the changes goes live.

Ya that is exactly* the build I will be trying, remorseless + BM.

*I figure that will be a common theme amongst GW2 players now that most choices have been removed.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


I should have known you would see past all the doom and gloom! This will be glorious!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I should have known you would see past all the doom and gloom! This will be glorious!

I’m very doomy and gloomy, but I am definitely going to give anet a reasonable and thorough chance.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Uncontinued.1934


So I made a thread with my impressions and suggestions, I guess posting it here would be useful too.

So the new trait/specialisation changes are announced, and something seems off to me.
For a class that is thematically based around interacting with nature, and having beast as pets, the Nature Magic and Beastmastery lines seem like utter trash with these changes.

Aside from the one specific reason of a Spirit build, I see no reason why either of those lines would be taken over the others. If anyone has a good reason why those would be taken, please share.

Annoyingly, Resounding Timbre is stuck down in Beastmastery. A trait which wasn’t necessarily deserving of being a Grandmaster as is, sure. A buffed up version of it with some additional effect would fit perfectly in the seemingly boon-oriented Nature Magic line, especially since removing the cast time on Guard!, and making you cast Search and Rescue on reviving an ally would maybe give shout Ranger a reason to come back stronger.

But with the specialisations requiring you to take 3 full lines, I don’t see any reason why (apart from the spirit niche) for people to take the very rangery Nature and Beast lines all the way to Grandmaster, it is simply a waste.


  • Merge Resounding Timbre into Protective Ward. When you cast a shout, your pet casts Swiftness (15s) Regen (10s) and Protection (5s) to 5 allies, gains Aegis (5s) on itself and weakness (6s) on enemies. 15s ICD.
  • Honed Axes. Remove it, make it Baseline. Take Empathic Bond, and put it as a Beast Mastery grandmaster instead.
  • Consider a replacement Wildnerness Survival grandmaster that buffs Natural Vigor. Endurance regeneration up to 33-50% and gain Signet of the Wild passive for 6 seconds on dodge (15s ICD)
  • Reconsider what on earth Two-Handed Training is doing in Beastmastery. Merge with Strider’s Defense, linking the melee weapons together, to make an easy and viable choice.
  • Create some more interesting Pet traits. Things that happen when your pet meets certain requirements. When struck below 25% health your pet automatically casts its F2 skill. When your pet interrupts a foe, the skill it just used is cooled down 50% faster.

With the traits as they are, most rangers across all game modes are going to be in Marksmanship, Skirmishing and Wilderness Survival, regardless of weapon choice, gear and build.


[TMG] Herpusderperson – Human Ranger

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I should have known you would see past all the doom and gloom! This will be glorious!

I’m very doomy and gloomy, but I am definitely going to give anet a reasonable and thorough chance.

Me too, doom and gloom. Don’t get me wrong, we have some great builds coming, but less diversity, imo.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I am happy about Beastmastery, I feel like its a must have line for power ranger now.

One thing I find interesting is that Beastly Warden will be a buff for the crappier pets like Bears, Moas, Devourers, etc.

Anything that has an AOE F2 will all of a sudden have enemies running into it, instead of easily avoiding it.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


I am happy about Beastmastery, I feel like its a must have line for power ranger now.

One thing I find interesting is that Beastly Warden will be a buff for the crappier pets like Bears, Moas, Devourers, etc.

Anything that has an AOE F2 will all of a sudden have enemies running into it, instead of easily avoiding it.

And that’s exactly why I hate these changes.

Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions

in Ranger

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


I read through basically every classes changes already..

While this “patch” fixes some of our weaknesses, I find that compare to other classes, this patch brings nothing new to the table for ranger in general. It is like a QoL changes that fix some of the mediocre and weird traits and skills, but unlike Engi, Mesmer, Ele, Necro, and Thief, which basically have their whole traits and many skills revamp entirely, Ranger remains almost the same as before patch, just less weaknesses… Mesmer ,Ele, and Engi have so many changes, that their core mechanic and many skills are completely reworked for the better, with so many detailed changes like granting completely new abilities. (Like time-warp grant slow, mimic changes)

Anet promises they’re going to rework spirits and traps so it’d be comparable to maybe Warrior’s banners and Dragon Hunter’s traps, but look at what it turns out. Basically it’s just increase in duration, add some cripple, add tiny bits of damage, and suddenly Anet thinks traps are comparable to DH’s special traps… Same goes to spirits, they’re virtually unchanged whatsoever, just that now their active is even worse than before (kill the spirit), and the passive has some very minor buff. They’re still frail like paper, and they’re even immobile now… No-one would ever waste any slot for spirits post patch in any PVP content…

Yeah, it’s good that we have a more polished power LB ranger , and potentially some melee ranger too post patch, but that’s about it.