Fort Aspenwood
As the title states, just a speculation.
Do you guys believe we will be getting Tigers as a pet in Heart of Thorns?
There are a few in sort of a pack within the new area.
Just odd in my opinion that you have all of these mordrem and plant creatures and here you have these random tigers.
I hope not.
I know that I’m not the only one who wants a raptor or some other such dinosaur.
I would be deeply disappointed in Anet if they give us a new pet and all we get is some incredibly low hanging fruit reskin pet.
I hope not.
I know that I’m not the only one who wants a raptor or some other such dinosaur.I would be deeply disappointed in Anet if they give us a new pet and all we get is some incredibly low hanging fruit reskin pet.
Why not both?
I am really hoping that we get tigers and a few other pets with HoT.
Be cool if the F2 was like Tiger’s Fury from GW1, you and your pet attack 25% faster for the duration.
Tigers seem to be there just to foreshadow a juvenile one. Maybe requiring some masteries to get.
Tigers seem to be there just to foreshadow a juvenile one. Maybe requiring some masteries to get.
Hopefully no masteries to tame it, that would be terrible because if it were not much better, its pointless and if it is much better, the other pets become redundant.
Imo, there will be juvenile Tigers to tame, like GW1, but they will be further into Verdant Brink or even on a different map, in one specific location. Like a Den or something like that.
Kinda weird how in the last 250 years, Tigers have migrated from Cantha to Tyria, maybe some Rangers let them go in Maguuma hehe.
Not to tame, just to access the area with Juveniles.
So glider or jumping mushrooms.
Not to tame, just to access the area with Juveniles.
So glider or jumping mushrooms.
Ahh, got it.
Be cool if the F2 was like Tiger’s Fury from GW1, you and your pet attack 25% faster for the duration.
Then F2 probably gives AoE quickness boon.
It better not be on a 3s cast time like Jungle Stalker… which they still need to fix and make 1s like Red Moa.
I hope we get a huge lion, that would be awesome.
Would be perfect for me No reason not to do this imo. Southsun cove (new map) also brought new drake, so this is a good opportunity.
@ person wanting dinosaurs, it would bring only dissapointment. ‘Bad animations’, ‘underpowered’, ‘wtf they call this a dinosaur?’, etc come to mind. They can’t make bigger pets stronger, but a Dinosaur would feel underpowered with the current set of pets. It also could cause lag if it’s body requires to much rendering.
Would be perfect for me
No reason not to do this imo. Southsun cove (new map) also brought new drake, so this is a good opportunity.
@ person wanting dinosaurs, it would bring only dissapointment. ‘Bad animations’, ‘underpowered’, ‘wtf they call this a dinosaur?’, etc come to mind. They can’t make bigger pets stronger, but a Dinosaur would feel underpowered with the current set of pets. It also could cause lag if it’s body requires to much rendering.
You do realize the Dinosaurs would end up not being much bigger than our current pets right? And IF we were able to tame a big one it’d be the size of a Norn at most, they’re not going to give us anything too ridiculous.
Also, most people want Raptors, and those not only aren’t very big, but would be a pretty cool pet to have.
I wouldn’t mind taming a smokescale for a smokefield F2 ability. Or perhaps a bunch of pocket raptors that work together as 1 pet.
Yeah, I have been saying I’d love a pet with a smoke field F2 for ages, that would be sweet.
I really like your idea of a bunch of small raptors working together, it could just be the animation, like a swarm of bees, but that is a very cool idea! Love it, +1.
Be cool if they hit, instead of once for 100 damage, they hit 10 times for 10 damage each so it works with sharpened edges really well and even be able to attach themselves to people for a short duration
i want dinosaurs!
HUGE GIANT ONES ! those can devour my enemies with 1 bite
I wouldn’t mind taming a smokescale for a smokefield F2 ability. Or perhaps a bunch of pocket raptors that work together as 1 pet.
Yeah, I have been saying I’d love a pet with a smoke field F2 for ages, that would be sweet.
I really like your idea of a bunch of small raptors working together, it could just be the animation, like a swarm of bees, but that is a very cool idea! Love it, +1.
Be cool if they hit, instead of once for 100 damage, they hit 10 times for 10 damage each so it works with sharpened edges really well and even be able to attach themselves to people for a short duration
i’d imagine it would work like the Hyenas, where the F2 calls in more raptors, except i’d imagine it’d have a much shorter CD and would be balanced around having a metric kitten ton of them, much like how the hyena is balanced around having two out at once and not just the lone hyena.
I wouldn’t mind taming a smokescale for a smokefield F2 ability. Or perhaps a bunch of pocket raptors that work together as 1 pet.
Yeah, I have been saying I’d love a pet with a smoke field F2 for ages, that would be sweet.
I really like your idea of a bunch of small raptors working together, it could just be the animation, like a swarm of bees, but that is a very cool idea! Love it, +1.
Be cool if they hit, instead of once for 100 damage, they hit 10 times for 10 damage each so it works with sharpened edges really well and even be able to attach themselves to people for a short duration
i’d imagine it would work like the Hyenas, where the F2 calls in more raptors, except i’d imagine it’d have a much shorter CD and would be balanced around having a metric kitten ton of them, much like how the hyena is balanced around having two out at once and not just the lone hyena.
I would just make it an animation with multiple hit attacks to give the illusion of many small attackers, rather than having an actual group of mobs, less to program and less to render/calculate in-game.
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
I hope not.
I know that I’m not the only one who wants a raptor or some other such dinosaur.I would be deeply disappointed in Anet if they give us a new pet and all we get is some incredibly low hanging fruit reskin pet.
Why not both?
lol, I guess I’m just too jaded at this point to think we’d get more than one if any.
@ person wanting dinosaurs, it would bring only dissapointment. ‘Bad animations’, ‘underpowered’, ‘wtf they call this a dinosaur?’, etc come to mind. They can’t make bigger pets stronger, but a Dinosaur would feel underpowered with the current set of pets. It also could cause lag if it’s body requires to much rendering.
I’m not asking for a Tyrannus or Armored Saurus from GW1 but it would be nice to get one of the current raptor models if nothing else (not the vulture one though, bleh).
Came here to say I’d quite like an aloe of some kind to go with druid but a mini squad of those tiny raptor things would be adorable!
Tbh as long as there’s any kind of selection of new pets I’ll be happy.
What if they didn’t change our class mechanic, but instead only added new pets that only a Druid could pick?
I could see it happen, but it would also be a new low Can’t wait.
^^ This.
I want a pet with a reflect on its F2. Something like the reef drake (underwater) but usable on land, and not on a stupid 40 second cooldown.
Now I really want a Lion with a quickness F2.
tell you what since ranger is going to be druid why not they are able to channel and control Mordremoth minions !!!
Teragriff , husk, troll and etc under druid control and finally we have some balance !
teragriff charging into enemy zerg ! so many will get knockdown ! ahahah it would be chaos !
Sea bass confirmed
I wouldn’t mind taming a smokescale for a smokefield F2 ability. Or perhaps a bunch of pocket raptors that work together as 1 pet.
Yeah, I have been saying I’d love a pet with a smoke field F2 for ages, that would be sweet.
I really like your idea of a bunch of small raptors working together, it could just be the animation, like a swarm of bees, but that is a very cool idea! Love it, +1.
Be cool if they hit, instead of once for 100 damage, they hit 10 times for 10 damage each so it works with sharpened edges really well and even be able to attach themselves to people for a short duration
I STILL want a Swarm of Bees as a pet, kitten! (Unless they added them to GW1 in the past few years?..If so, WHERE???? I WANT!)
But yeah, Pocket Raptors FTW XD
I’d prefer to not have only 5 or 6 viable pets to choose from before we get new ones.
Fix the current pets for god’s sake.
I’d prefer to not have only 5 or 6 viable pets to choose from before we get new ones.
Fix the current pets for god’s sake.
There’s plenty of viable pets, the only families of pet i’d say aren’t viable are pig, moa, and devourer. Devourer needs a total overhaul, moa needs a skill to replace their stupid 2 vuln skill, i mean kitten it’s a support pet, at the very least amp up the vuln, it’s not like other pets can’t bring more on much easier to land abilities AND do more damage… and pigs need condi damage, if they had condi damage they would do a pretty good chunk of damage through the bleeds they can stack, their F2s are pretty freaking good when you know how to use them (could be much faster granted), and they have an AoE 5 person knock down for 3s so… yeah, pretty good, their damage is just abyssmal and their F2 isn’t strong enough by itself to warrant taking their kitten damage over say a bear whose F2s are for the most part pretty good (except for you Arctodus).
EDIT: They could also afford to buff pigs base precision up to 1374, like every other pet in existence has as the minimum lv 80 value instead of leaving it at 300pts lower for absolutely no reason.
(edited by Durzlla.6295)
The way the pet management window is currently set up, we have room for 2 more land pets. So why not a Tiger and Raptor?
Understandable that some do not wish to see any pets added because the old ones do have some subpar creatures; however, I don’t believe that should be the main reason to hold any new pets hostage.
My Thoughts:
Tiger = Roar, maybe some type of Slow/ Alacrity combo?
Raptor = Heart Seeker
would be cool if rangers get animal transformations instead of new pet (95% of the pets are not being used anyway ) or merging with the pet to transform into something stronger or roots tangle up on you and transform you into one of those big nature creatures(like human elite racial skill transformation)
I thought the same thing when I saw the size and body stucture of the Tiger. Tigers are my favorite type of wild feline so I would hope so. I mean what could it hurt? >.<
The way the pet management window is currently set up, we have room for 2 more land pets. So why not a Tiger and Raptor?
Understandable that some do not wish to see any pets added because the old ones do have some subpar creatures; however, I don’t believe that should be the main reason to hold any new pets hostage.
My Thoughts:
Tiger = Roar, maybe some type of Slow/ Alacrity combo?
Raptor = Heart Seeker
They won’t bring in raptors unless they’re bringing in more than one of them since itd be an entirerly new family, not just adding a new member onto an existing family. A tiger on the other hand is MUCH more likely to happen because it’s just be a cat with a different color and different F2.
The way the pet management window is currently set up, we have room for 2 more land pets. So why not a Tiger and Raptor?
Understandable that some do not wish to see any pets added because the old ones do have some subpar creatures; however, I don’t believe that should be the main reason to hold any new pets hostage.
My Thoughts:
Tiger = Roar, maybe some type of Slow/ Alacrity combo?
Raptor = Heart SeekerThey won’t bring in raptors unless they’re bringing in more than one of them since itd be an entirerly new family, not just adding a new member onto an existing family. A tiger on the other hand is MUCH more likely to happen because it’s just be a cat with a different color and different F2.
Fair enough,
The follow up question then would be do we see a 2nd pet to finish the land animal table or do we only get 1?
The way the pet management window is currently set up, we have room for 2 more land pets. So why not a Tiger and Raptor?
Understandable that some do not wish to see any pets added because the old ones do have some subpar creatures; however, I don’t believe that should be the main reason to hold any new pets hostage.
My Thoughts:
Tiger = Roar, maybe some type of Slow/ Alacrity combo?
Raptor = Heart SeekerThey won’t bring in raptors unless they’re bringing in more than one of them since itd be an entirerly new family, not just adding a new member onto an existing family. A tiger on the other hand is MUCH more likely to happen because it’s just be a cat with a different color and different F2.
Fair enough,
The follow up question then would be do we see a 2nd pet to finish the land animal table or do we only get 1?
I could see us getting another type of devourer or spider (probably devourer) since those were EXTREMELY common in maguuma back in GW1, however they may also pull a tiger and just give us another popular animal that wasn’t actually in GW1 maguuma, but would make sense to be there.
Yeah, for a full set of 5 of each pet type, we need two devourers, a feline, a pig and a spider. All of which can, thematically at least, be found in jungle areas.
Yeah, for a full set of 5 of each pet type, we need two devourers, a feline, a pig and a spider. All of which can, thematically at least, be found in jungle areas.
If we got that many pets i’d be ecstatic!
Yeah, for a full set of 5 of each pet type, we need two devourers, a feline, a pig and a spider. All of which can, thematically at least, be found in jungle areas.
If we got that many pets i’d be ecstatic!
Aye, me too! Especially if one of them is a Thorn Devourer and its got Assassin or Zerker stats. Tiger, Power Devourer, Torment Devourer, Jungle Boar, Canopy Spider.
Yeah, for a full set of 5 of each pet type, we need two devourers, a feline, a pig and a spider. All of which can, thematically at least, be found in jungle areas.
If we got that many pets i’d be ecstatic!
Aye, me too! Especially if one of them is a Thorn Devourer and its got Assassin or Zerker stats. Tiger, Power Devourer, Torment Devourer, Jungle Boar, Canopy Spider.
They really need to rework some of our pets to just be condi based… like devourers, hell pigs could become the condi “tank pet” and just deal it’s damage through rending people with tusks, that’d be savage lol
Yeah, for a full set of 5 of each pet type, we need two devourers, a feline, a pig and a spider. All of which can, thematically at least, be found in jungle areas.
If we got that many pets i’d be ecstatic!
Aye, me too! Especially if one of them is a Thorn Devourer and its got Assassin or Zerker stats. Tiger, Power Devourer, Torment Devourer, Jungle Boar, Canopy Spider.
They really need to rework some of our pets to just be condi based… like devourers, hell pigs could become the condi “tank pet” and just deal it’s damage through rending people with tusks, that’d be savage lol
Yeah, agree, the ones that do should have the power reduced to 1000 with the precision increased so as they have 50% cc and condi damage increased to at least 700 base, imo.
I hope so (pretty obviously!).
I also noticed the endless mystery cat tonic (or whatever it’s called) has a tiger, so I know they already have the model/colourway.
would be cool if rangers get animal transformations instead of new pet (95% of the pets are not being used anyway ) or merging with the pet to transform into something stronger or roots tangle up on you and transform you into one of those big nature creatures(like human elite racial skill transformation)
Should really be a new class for something like that, IMO.
Like the WoW Druid.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
Like the WoW Druid.
Which is why, imo, this has a 100% chance of never happening.
I hope so (pretty obviously!).
I also noticed the endless mystery cat tonic (or whatever it’s called) has a tiger, so I know they already have the model/colourway.
would be cool if rangers get animal transformations instead of new pet (95% of the pets are not being used anyway ) or merging with the pet to transform into something stronger or roots tangle up on you and transform you into one of those big nature creatures(like human elite racial skill transformation)
Should really be a new class for something like that, IMO.
Like the WoW Druid.
A lycanthropic style ranger elite spec with kit-style skills being used as different animal transformation stand ins… drools
Like the WoW Druid.Which is why, imo, this has a 100% chance of never happening.
Well, I’m not saying it will.
Just that it sounds like something for another class, to me.
I find this whole attempt at mixing Hunters (Rangers) and Druids totally bizarre.
To me, they will always be totally different things and things that appeal to totally different kinds of people.
I, personally, want to run with my combat pets in a synergetic kind of relationship – not to become them.
Whereas, a typical Druid player (Druid is one of the only classes I never bothered to play, at mid, let alone high level, in WoW) wants to actually play as animals.
Two separate things.
Not only that, but I’m worried that , if it works as a spec, it is going to become the meta and any Ranger that doesn’t run it, is going to become even more shunned than they are now.
Also, that they will try to use it as an excuse for not improving Ranger in other ways (pets, for example).
As it will just be “Play Druid – problem solved.” all day long. ><
I don’t know all the details, though, so I freely admit I may be concerned about nothing.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
Didn’t mean to suggest you meant it would be so, I just meant that transformations are too like WoW and they will want to steer clear of seeming like having copied the same archetype mechanics from another game. I’ve never played WoW, so I can’t comment on that GW1/2 are the only MMOs I’ve played.
There seems to be a tiger mini released soon too… if u look among u’r minis – and its huge to be a mini. Like the size of any rangers feline pets.
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