Spirit/Longbow Ranger - Incomplete build

Spirit/Longbow Ranger - Incomplete build

in Ranger

Posted by: HotHit.6783


So for a while now I’ve been becoming more and more interested in the longbow. As such, I’ve been wanting to build around it, because otherwise it just ends up feeling like I’d be better off with the axe. Since my first ranger build was a spirits focused one, I kind of want to do the spirits justice as the Longbow lets me fix the biggest weakness of that build (I focused on the greatsword).

What keeps happening however, is that I’m never sure what kind of stats I’d like to use for it. That’s why I made this thread.


Like in my original spirit build I’ve focused on two spirits, unlike my original spirit build I’ve realised stone spirit is weak, so runes of the forge seem pretty weak for it. However, sun spirit procs more with more allies and runes of the ogre spams allies, so that works out nicely. But as far as stats go, should I go for Soldier’s? Sentinel’s? Carrion? I prefer to have some survivability but Berserker’s? I know I at least don’t want a focus on healing power, because spirit of Nature Renewal doesn’t benefit from healing power.

There’s also a few spare trait points hanging about… Mainly because I don’t really know what to do with them before deciding on stats.

Never Fight Alone” – Sunspear Creed
There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words

Spirit/Longbow Ranger - Incomplete build

in Ranger

Posted by: whitespirit.9734


So As I look at your build. I am thinking this is good. Why do I not play spirits. Then I notice the casting time is 1 and a half second. Mid combat or even while roaming that is a lot of time.
Build wise I agree greatsword is key. If going Longbow however that does not help you as much and the key is Sun Spirit is fire damage buff. Burn is a condition and you do not get many conditions out of Longbow. If Longbow must be taken however I would put last 10 points in power and get the 10% extra damage while endurance is full Trait.
Stats I would go for would be toughness/condition which ends up being apothecary ( yeah sorry it wastes the healing power) good luck and let me know how it goes.

Spirit/Longbow Ranger - Incomplete build

in Ranger

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I prefer to run Shortbow over longbow for spirits simply because the auto attack is alot faster which should mean more burning procs, it seems to go well with a condi build.
I’m really looking for a way to make Longbow effective in sPvP.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Spirit/Longbow Ranger - Incomplete build

in Ranger

Posted by: HotHit.6783


Build wise I agree greatsword is key. If going Longbow however that does not help you as much and the key is Sun Spirit is fire damage buff. Burn is a condition and you do not get many conditions out of Longbow. If Longbow must be taken however I would put last 10 points in power and get the 10% extra damage while endurance is full Trait.
Stats I would go for would be toughness/condition which ends up being apothecary ( yeah sorry it wastes the healing power) good luck and let me know how it goes.

Actually… Greatsword is a bad thing with spirits, at least in a spirits unbound build. Spirits unbound results in your allies standing around whatever enemy you’re slashing, since it’s a very precise thing to dodge in melee and the greatsword only really defends yourself they’ll go down, very, very fast.

Toughness/Condition, you can actually go for Rabid, which provides precision as well as making the primary condition damage instead of healing power. Carrion gives better damage at the cost vitality instead of toughness.

Never Fight Alone” – Sunspear Creed
There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words