Spirit Overhaul

Spirit Overhaul

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Spirits are mediocre. Water Spirit is atrocious and Storm Spirit has a very limited and niche use. Here are some suggestions to make each Spirit viable and effective in all game modes.
(image below)

Notes about the suggestions:

  • Spirits provide 2 passive benefits, one is a “%” increase that is continuous (no ICD) while the other is a trigger effect that happens once every 10 seconds guaranteed.
  • Water Spirit trigger effect has no ICD. It heals for a small amount on attack.
  • Some Spirit actives have been re-imagined as a buff that applies to the Ranger’s next attack. Buff lasts for 10 seconds – Spirits can no longer deal damage (Q.Q)
  • Spirit actives are instant and can be used as long as the Spirit is alive.
  • Spirit summons are ground-target. No more worries about odd placements or moving to one spot to place a Spirit only to move back to where you were before.
  • Some actives apply to only 1 target while a secondary effect applies as an AOE (Coldsnap and Call Lightning specifically).
  • Water Spirit active will occur around the Ranger instead of the target so you can heal your friends that are sniping with you.
  • One Spirit active provides a Stun Breaker (cray).
  • Nature’s Vengeance boons were changed, application interval changed, and has something powerful attached to it that enhances the trigger effects on Spirit passives. (Inspiration taken from a Reaper trait).

Disclaimer: Some balance was taken into account. The rest was thrown down the skritt hole.


Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Spirit Overhaul

in Ranger

Posted by: Photinous.4628


You have some good ideas, but honestly we already have had so many suggestions on how to fix spirits that goes on for pages and pages. What we really need are the devs to listen to us and fix them correctly. In my opinion, they have actually made them even worse after patch.

Spirit Overhaul

in Ranger

Posted by: Kamara.4187


I’d rather see them turned into specials for elemental bow damage that always proc’s instead of that 75% chance bull.