Spirit Ranger?
Hell no. Spirits are horrible atm, they were decent at one point but got nerfed to oblivion on release. For general pve, they need to be traited to move with you at least, costing you a grandmaster trait in an otherwise pretty weak tree. In Dungeons, they usually die in one aoe that was not even specifically aimed at them.
And even if you could get them to stay alive (which you can’t), they would not actually benefit your party much, due to their excessive internal cooldowns.
unless im mistaken and my testing on spirits in spvp is wrong spirits have a seperate cd per person sso its entierly possible for it to chain proc on 5 people one after the other (note: i only had myself and pet to try these on as tracking it during spvp matches is impossible)
No. In Dungeons, they’re the worst. They’re bad in most situations, but they’re the worst in Dungeons.
The biggest problem with them, imo, is the terribly short range on their buffs. If you walk 10 feet away from them, the buff fades. That makes buffing your whole group all but impossible.
Wait they did buff them, didn’t they? Lol
I love how it took them months to make a change (spirit proc rate) that in reality is pretty much useless.
One doesn’t even know where to begin listing everything that’s wrong with spirits.
It’s a shame, because they look incredibly cool, and a spirit ranger is the closest thing to a druid-archetype this game has.
The only Spirit I have seen of use is the elite in tPvP with a roamer or point holder.