Spirit Rangers are OP!

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


This is certainly true, no question. What specifically would you suggest in terms of changes to tone down, and not render useless, the build? Something to specifically address the ‘not requiring skill’/risk versus reward aspect?

The problem is it takes no skill to play spirit rangers, but it takes a lot of skills and exotic builds (that’s practically useless vs. anything else) to outplay them.

That’s where the cry for nerf is coming from. Its risk vs. reward is out of range, and needs to be toned down to match that of other classes.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


1st off: They are NOT over powered in PVE or Dungeons. So, if they are going to “tone them down” do it to PVP only.

I have a solution, do away with Spvp.

Problem solved.


RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I’ve still yet to see a single person explain how Spirit Rangers are overpowered or what they did to magically make them overpowered.

- Awesome burn uptime due to Sun Spirit passive proc not only on the Ranger but to the pet add to that Torch skills (if equipped with Torch)

- Poison from Sword Main and/or Shortbow

- Occasional 3k-ish hit with Storm Spirit Active every 20 secs regardless of Ranger spec.

Defense and Survivability:
- Decent Protection uptime due to Stone Spirit passive

- Evades evades evades

- Body blocking from spirits add to that difficulty in keeping Ranger target-locked if regularly stealthing with Longbow skill and the crapy targetting system (which of course is a game issue and not the build itself). I think this is the most annoying aspect with the build IMO.

- Spirit passive not only affects ranger but allies.

- Elite that resses and heals.

And yes, Spirit Rangers are currently OP in the sPVP format. When facing a Spirit Ranger in 1v1, if you ain’t Skullcrack Warrior with Berserker Stance, you either run away, struggle to survive until backup arrives, or bend over.

1. Burn, Which was already perma from Rangers/Ele’s/Engineer’s….So what exactly is the Burn doing, It doesn’t stack in intensity, only duration.. and you pretty much always had Perma Burn going already, Now Necro’s also do it, So making it an extra amount of time is not really changing anything.

2. Poison, Again, This was possible well before Spirit Rangers, You can stack over 2 Minutes of Poison from a kitten Thief with Shortbow… Don’t even need a Necro…Who else can stack poison…Oh Engineer’s.. So again.. This was fairly common already and nothing to do with Spirit Rangers

3. This is a Valid point, it use to be 1.5 k, now its 3k…The Crit rate is incredibly low but it can crit… But is an increase of 1.5k damage really what sent Spirit Rangers over the top?

4. Ranger’s already have amazing Protection uptime, and you get even more from classes like Ele’s/Engineer’s and Guardians.. So this isn’t really changing the dynamic all that much. Necro’s can actually do fairly good protection themselves.

5. 3 Evades..2 if they run Sword/Torch and Shortbow..Something that again has been just fine on Rangers considering they lack Stealth, and most of the builds don’t have things like Signet of the Stone Active (and protect me was Trash)

6. very few if any Spirit Rangers run Longbow, and Body Blocking Seriously? Specs in this game that aren’t Ranger are bloody Cleaver’s if they’re melee, and if they’re not, they generally have Pierce.

7. Swiftness that everyone has, Protection which is fairly common on most of the good classes in TPvP and Burn, that is also common…Not seeing the Benefit.

8. This is a Valid Point, and I honestly think is where most of the crying stems from. They didn’t make Spirit Rangers amazing over night, They just didn’t magically get a bunch of conditions they didn’t have access to before.

Finally as a BM Ranger, I’ve actually stomped the ever living kitten out of Spirit Rangers whenever i’ve fought them.

I fear a well played Trap Ranger more then I fear a Spirit Ranger.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The problem is it takes no skill to play spirit rangers, but it takes a lot of skills and exotic builds (that’s practically useless vs. anything else) to outplay them.

That’s where the cry for nerf is coming from. Its risk vs. reward is out of range, and needs to be toned down to match that of other classes.

Oh as for asking to nerf a class in their own forum. Get used to it. All other classes had their share of critiques also, have you never been to other classes forums? Or is the ranger so special to be beyond reproach? I think not.

There is nothing remotely skillful about Skull Crack – 100b Over and Over till you win.

Nor is their anything skillful about Grenades, Marks or any number of AOE that you can do to Rangers.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Bud.5617


I’ve still yet to see a single person explain how Spirit Rangers are overpowered or what they did to magically make them overpowered.

- Awesome burn uptime due to Sun Spirit passive proc not only on the Ranger but to the pet add to that Torch skills (if equipped with Torch)

- Poison from Sword Main and/or Shortbow

- Occasional 3k-ish hit with Storm Spirit Active every 20 secs regardless of Ranger spec.

Defense and Survivability:
- Decent Protection uptime due to Stone Spirit passive

- Evades evades evades

- Body blocking from spirits add to that difficulty in keeping Ranger target-locked if regularly stealthing with Longbow skill and the crapy targetting system (which of course is a game issue and not the build itself). I think this is the most annoying aspect with the build IMO.

- Spirit passive not only affects ranger but allies.

- Elite that resses and heals.

And yes, Spirit Rangers are currently OP in the sPVP format. When facing a Spirit Ranger in 1v1, if you ain’t Skullcrack Warrior with Berserker Stance, you either run away, struggle to survive until backup arrives, or bend over.

1. Burn, Which was already perma from Rangers/Ele’s/Engineer’s….So what exactly is the Burn doing, It doesn’t stack in intensity, only duration.. and you pretty much always had Perma Burn going already, Now Necro’s also do it, So making it an extra amount of time is not really changing anything.

2. Poison, Again, This was possible well before Spirit Rangers, You can stack over 2 Minutes of Poison from a kitten Thief with Shortbow… Don’t even need a Necro…Who else can stack poison…Oh Engineer’s.. So again.. This was fairly common already and nothing to do with Spirit Rangers

3. This is a Valid point, it use to be 1.5 k, now its 3k…The Crit rate is incredibly low but it can crit… But is an increase of 1.5k damage really what sent Spirit Rangers over the top?

4. Ranger’s already have amazing Protection uptime, and you get even more from classes like Ele’s/Engineer’s and Guardians.. So this isn’t really changing the dynamic all that much. Necro’s can actually do fairly good protection themselves.

5. 3 Evades..2 if they run Sword/Torch and Shortbow..Something that again has been just fine on Rangers considering they lack Stealth, and most of the builds don’t have things like Signet of the Stone Active (and protect me was Trash)

6. very few if any Spirit Rangers run Longbow, and Body Blocking Seriously? Specs in this game that aren’t Ranger are bloody Cleaver’s if they’re melee, and if they’re not, they generally have Pierce.

7. Swiftness that everyone has, Protection which is fairly common on most of the good classes in TPvP and Burn, that is also common…Not seeing the Benefit.

8. This is a Valid Point, and I honestly think is where most of the crying stems from. They didn’t make Spirit Rangers amazing over night, They just didn’t magically get a bunch of conditions they didn’t have access to before.

Finally as a BM Ranger, I’ve actually stomped the ever living kitten out of Spirit Rangers whenever i’ve fought them.

I fear a well played Trap Ranger more then I fear a Spirit Ranger.

1) Well duh, ele’s AoE are on a really… long cool down. How long is your cooldown?

2) Ele has got to get into melee range and attune as much as they want, they can’t switch their weapons to suddenly fire outside of melee. What is your range?

3) Necros are slow, immobile target. Rangers have swiftness and vigor and spirits.

You put 1 through 3 together = OP. Did I say OP? OP! OP! OP! OP!

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Which one, I have Bonfire, and I have Barrage, Those are my AOE’s… Unless I go Traps, which a Spirit Ranger won’t.

2. 900 Range if shortbow, and you’re implying that D/D has a hard time getting into melee Range or causing Burning Damage cause of melee range, D/D had access to 3 burns, one is 400 Range Cone Attack, another is a Charge attack that leaves a burning wall, and another is like Bonfire.. only on a shorter cooldown.

3. Necros are Slow and immobile target? Since When, also at what point does a Necro not have access to Swiftness, Because I can get easily get 30 seconds on my Necro.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Which one, I have Bonfire, and I have Barrage, Those are my AOE’s… Unless I go Traps, which a Spirit Ranger won’t.

2. 900 Range if shortbow, and you’re implying that D/D has a hard time getting into melee Range or causing Burning Damage cause of melee range, D/D had access to 3 burns, one is 400 Range Cone Attack, another is a Charge attack that leaves a burning wall, and another is like Bonfire.. only on a shorter cooldown.

3. Necros are Slow and immobile target? Since When, also at what point does a Necro not have access to Swiftness, Because I can get easily get 30 seconds on my Necro.

Necro are immobile compared to an ele or ranger, but what they lack in mobility they gain in staying power, those kittens can stay in a fight for FREAKING EVER with death shroud, I should know, my carrion using necro doesn’t know the meaning of “retreate”.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


The most common suggestion I see for ‘fixing’ spirits is to change their cooldown to 30 seconds, but make that cooldown only start after the spirit is killed. I think this in conjunction with allowing spirits to move on their own without a 30pt trait would be a reasonable solution to the problem people are having.

I’m still not convinced spirits are THE problem though. It seems the only things people complain about are bunker builds for classes that also have access to strong condition damage: chief among them being burning.

I’d much rather try and fix conditions in this game (even if the solution is reducing the stack cap to 15 in sPvP) or adjust burning to be more utility oriented and not so much damage focused rather then start messing with a class that only barely functions as it is.

I would still like spirits (and signets) to not require 30 points in a tree to be useful though.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


You’d rather mess with all classes, to say nothing of even messing with just 1 class, to address and issue with this one build? I’m sorry but thank-goodness you’re not making the decisions at ANet…

Please, let us not change all conditions in the game, nor even just burning, and upset balance across the board, because some people find spirit rangers OP. Just no.

I’d much rather try and fix conditions in this game (even if the solution is reducing the stack cap to 15 in sPvP) or adjust burning to be more utility oriented and not so much damage focused rather then start messing with a class that only barely functions as it is..

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


Where are all of these spirit rangers in wvw? I have only found a few and they melt eventually against my s/d burst ele. I have being told that I have’t encounter the full potential of a good spirit ranger player. If there is any player from Jq or Sor server that meets this full potential then lets coordinate for some fun duels ^^.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Where are all of these spirit rangers in wvw? I have only found a few and they melt eventually against my s/d burst ele. I have being told that I have’t encounter the full potential of a good spirit ranger player. If there is any player from Jq or Sor server that meets this full potential then lets coordinate for some fun duels ^^.

Thinking about replicating my build from spvp to WvW but I dont want to invest in something when A-Net will eventually cave in to the crying on the spvp forums and nerf.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Where are all of these spirit rangers in wvw? I have only found a few and they melt eventually against my s/d burst ele. I have being told that I have’t encounter the full potential of a good spirit ranger player. If there is any player from Jq or Sor server that meets this full potential then lets coordinate for some fun duels ^^.

The skill ceiling on a spirit ranger is so low that there’s not even a real difference between a good and a bad spirit ranger, there is one granted, but it’s minor at best so I wouldn’t worry about fighting one if you have no issue with the ones you have been fighting.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


You’d rather mess with all classes, to say nothing of even messing with just 1 class, to address and issue with this one build? I’m sorry but thank-goodness you’re not making the decisions at ANet…

Please, let us not change all conditions in the game, nor even just burning, and upset balance across the board, because some people find spirit rangers OP. Just no.

I’d much rather try and fix conditions in this game (even if the solution is reducing the stack cap to 15 in sPvP) or adjust burning to be more utility oriented and not so much damage focused rather then start messing with a class that only barely functions as it is..

You’d have a point if the complaint was spirit rangers. It’s not. The complaint right now is split between Spirit Rangers, Engineers, and Necromancers equally. What do all of these classes have in common? They’re the premier condition classes in this game. Even Warriors are starting to edge into the QQ stream because of their condition build and insane health regen.

So yes, I would sooner try and fix the REAL problem then continually nerf classes one at a time and never getting out of this nerf/buff cycle most MMO’s find themselves in.

(edited by Atherakhia.4086)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


You’d rather mess with all classes, to say nothing of even messing with just 1 class, to address and issue with this one build? I’m sorry but thank-goodness you’re not making the decisions at ANet…

Please, let us not change all conditions in the game, nor even just burning, and upset balance across the board, because some people find spirit rangers OP. Just no.

I’d much rather try and fix conditions in this game (even if the solution is reducing the stack cap to 15 in sPvP) or adjust burning to be more utility oriented and not so much damage focused rather then start messing with a class that only barely functions as it is..

You’d have a point if the complaint was spirit rangers. It’s not. The complaint right now is split between Spirit Rangers, Engineers, and Necromancers equally. What do all of these classes have in common? They’re the premier condition classes in this game. Even Warriors are starting to edge into the QQ stream because of their condition build and insane health regen.

So yes, I would sooner try and fix the REAL problem then continually nerf classes one at a time and never getting out of this nerf/buff cycle most MMO’s find themselves in.

…. oh yey … back to the burst-meta. Can’t wait for the Steal+Mug+CnD+BS-combo and ofc HSHSHSHS … and HS out in the water because there isn’t HS enough … must do more HS. Hooray … or something … >.<

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Akisame.9508


The problem is it takes no skill to play spirit rangers, but it takes a lot of skills and exotic builds (that’s practically useless vs. anything else) to outplay them.

That’s where the cry for nerf is coming from. Its risk vs. reward is out of range, and needs to be toned down to match that of other classes.

Oh as for asking to nerf a class in their own forum. Get used to it. All other classes had their share of critiques also, have you never been to other classes forums? Or is the ranger so special to be beyond reproach? I think not.

Bud, you are such a kittening looser. No skill to play the ranger? what about you playing your thief, because we all know that’s what you play. You are a kittening one trick pony, spamming one button to get your kill. Risk Vs Rewards? Thief’s don’t even have any risks, you guys pratically invis whenever you want. I’ve even seen builds that almost give you perma invis. Where the kitten is the risk in that in order to justify the INSANE amount of damage you do?

Take your Bullkitten and your stupidity somewhere else. The ranger’s don’t need trash like you in here talking kitten like if they knew anything about rangers, just because you suck so bad that you lost to a spirit ranger one time. Stupid kittening moron. And yea, report me, I don’t care, I don’t even play the game anymore, I just pop up here from time to time to see what Anet’s done about the worst class in the game, and it looks like they haven’t done a hole lot except listen to whining kitten’s like you.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


The problem is it takes no skill to play spirit rangers, but it takes a lot of skills and exotic builds (that’s practically useless vs. anything else) to outplay them.

That’s where the cry for nerf is coming from. Its risk vs. reward is out of range, and needs to be toned down to match that of other classes.

Oh as for asking to nerf a class in their own forum. Get used to it. All other classes had their share of critiques also, have you never been to other classes forums? Or is the ranger so special to be beyond reproach? I think not.

Bud, you are such a kittening looser. No skill to play the ranger? what about you playing your thief, because we all know that’s what you play. You are a kittening one trick pony, spamming one button to get your kill. Risk Vs Rewards? Thief’s don’t even have any risks, you guys pratically invis whenever you want. I’ve even seen builds that almost give you perma invis. Where the kitten is the risk in that in order to justify the INSANE amount of damage you do?

Take your Bullkitten and your stupidity somewhere else. The ranger’s don’t need trash like you in here talking kitten like if they knew anything about rangers, just because you suck so bad that you lost to a spirit ranger one time. Stupid kittening moron. And yea, report me, I don’t care, I don’t even play the game anymore, I just pop up here from time to time to see what Anet’s done about the worst class in the game, and it looks like they haven’t done a hole lot except listen to whining kitten’s like you.

Your Frustration is not alone, including mine and many other players and classes who been Impacted and still being Impacted each and everyday while Arena net Fully Supports, Promotes and Fully Responsible in their 1 Ultimate class causing Devastating Tyranny, Frustration and Pain thoughout Guild Wars 2 worlds, players and it’s classes.

As I said again and will say again, Arena net is Fully Responsible for Promoting and Justifying this class reassons in causing the Excessive Ironies Frustrations, Anger, Unjustice and Backlashes throughout the community.

Here is a Demonstration of their Tyrant at work

(the thief player is a good player and is not at fault for doing what he was Created to do. Choosen to do and Programmed to do)

(I Love the choice of music.. so Peaceful)

Peaceful Way of Dying by The Invincible Hand of The Tryrant: Thief:..

Such a Tragedy

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Hey guys pro tip, condi builds weren’t even BUFFED, weakness just became not garbage, wanna know a fun way to hard counter condi builds? This amazing stat called VITALITY, throw on a Knights Amulet, or some soldiers gear bring a condi removal (or better yet a condi transfer if your prof of choice has one) and watch the body count soar.

Or if you’re wanting to still be a condi user there’s this Mythical Gear set that counters other condi builds quite well, it’s called Carrion! Remember that Amulet no one touches but necromancers for some reason? Yeah, try it.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Clearly if a ranger beats you, it is OP. Warriors are getting those posts also. Everything was fine when you could beat any class 1 on 1 but the moment one class counters yours, you scream nerf.

Sad thing is, a spirit ranger is so not OP.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Clearly if a ranger beats you, it is OP. Warriors are getting those posts also. Everything was fine when you could beat any class 1 on 1 but the moment one class counters yours, you scream nerf.

Sad thing is, a spirit ranger is so not OP.

I would say warriors have ONE OP build, but that’s more because it has a ton of HP, condi damage, regen, and armor, granted idk the build myself I’m just going off of the stats I’ve been -told- it has, and haven’t managed to bring it down myself despit the build I’ve thrown at it. Granted this may be a L2P problem shrugs.

People are just under the illusion that rangers are supposed to always lose (no idea why).

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Clearly if a ranger beats you, it is OP. Warriors are getting those posts also. Everything was fine when you could beat any class 1 on 1 but the moment one class counters yours, you scream nerf.

Sad thing is, a spirit ranger is so not OP.

I would say warriors have ONE OP build, but that’s more because it has a ton of HP, condi damage, regen, and armor, granted idk the build myself I’m just going off of the stats I’ve been -told- it has, and haven’t managed to bring it down myself despit the build I’ve thrown at it. Granted this may be a L2P problem shrugs.

People are just under the illusion that rangers are supposed to always lose (no idea why).

What makes the build OP is they can stack 25 might with it. So they run Apothecary, have more powerful condition damage, have insane regen due to SoR + banner. If not for the 25might it probably wouldn’t be more powerful overall than a Ranger.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Clearly if a ranger beats you, it is OP. Warriors are getting those posts also. Everything was fine when you could beat any class 1 on 1 but the moment one class counters yours, you scream nerf.

Sad thing is, a spirit ranger is so not OP.

I would say warriors have ONE OP build, but that’s more because it has a ton of HP, condi damage, regen, and armor, granted idk the build myself I’m just going off of the stats I’ve been -told- it has, and haven’t managed to bring it down myself despit the build I’ve thrown at it. Granted this may be a L2P problem shrugs.

People are just under the illusion that rangers are supposed to always lose (no idea why).

What makes the build OP is they can stack 25 might with it. So they run Apothecary, have more powerful condition damage, have insane regen due to SoR + banner. If not for the 25might it probably wouldn’t be more powerful overall than a Ranger.

Aaaaaah that’d do it!! Where in the world is the might coming from? And at least I know how to counter that build now! My Mesmer should be able to steal that might and break them and my engi should be able to just blow the boons off them with an elixir build… My ranger though…. Yeah thanks for all that boon hate we got Anet!! Oh wait….

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: dashin.1025


Seriously, these guys can keep distance, they’ve stealth, deal tons of damage, have area denial and can soak an ungodly amount of damage.

There’s no hard counter to them and even the spirits take forever to kill.

Please reduce nerf either their damage, the spirit health, their cc or stealth.

You also left out that we can: bench press two bears at once, walk on water, shark pets dedicate a week to us, Lyssa calls us for dates, we swim after eating, Ascalon ghosts sit around fires and tell stories about us, we teach Krytan drake hounds to bark in Canthan, we talk about fight club, we grant genies 3 wishes and only a ranger has swum across the Crystal Desert.

HAHAHA I’m totally quoting this to my guild today. Thanks bud this was genius!!

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


Philosophy raptor: If all classes are Over Powered

insert imaginary green raptor wondering

Are those Balanced?

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


1. Burn, Which was already perma from Rangers/Ele’s/Engineer’s….So what exactly is the Burn doing, It doesn’t stack in intensity, only duration.. and you pretty much always had Perma Burn going already, Now Necro’s also do it, So making it an extra amount of time is not really changing anything.

Burn is a big deal. It’s one if not the highest damaging condi in-game. And having it being applied as easy as auto-attacking AND sharing the proc to pets and allies with an over the top proc percentage when traited, can stack up for god knows how long.
Saying that “well engies and necros have perma burn already is not really changing anything” also equates to “these three classes which are basically the gods of condi stacking, and warrior being a candidate for godhood in this category itself” is something that needs to be looked at. So it’s not a Ranger specific issue, but still, adds up to the advantages of being a Spirit Ranger without much counterplay in it. Condi
proc on crit needs high precision investment that’s why most if not all Condi Engie and Necro go for Rabid. Condi proc on hit with a 70% chance and shared is a bit overboard IMO.

2. Poison, Again, This was possible well before Spirit Rangers, You can stack over 2 Minutes of Poison from a kitten Thief with Shortbow… Don’t even need a Necro…Who else can stack poison…Oh Engineer’s.. So again.. This was fairly common already and nothing to do with Spirit Rangers

When your health drops fast due to the stacks of burn and bleeds ya got, you’re only counter is removal which is not that plentiful and has cooldowns and very trivial when you’re being hit by burn like on every hit you get, and healing. Poison effectively reduces healing. So a combo of destructive burn and hindering your health regen with poison is quite lethal.

3. This is a Valid point, it use to be 1.5 k, now its 3k…The Crit rate is incredibly low but it can crit… But is an increase of 1.5k damage really what sent Spirit Rangers over the top?

4. Ranger’s already have amazing Protection uptime, and you get even more from classes like Ele’s/Engineer’s and Guardians.. So this isn’t really changing the dynamic all that much. Necro’s can actually do fairly good protection themselves.

5. 3 Evades..2 if they run Sword/Torch and Shortbow..Something that again has been just fine on Rangers considering they lack Stealth, and most of the builds don’t have things like Signet of the Stone Active (and protect me was Trash)

6. very few if any Spirit Rangers run Longbow, and Body Blocking Seriously? Specs in this game that aren’t Ranger are bloody Cleaver’s if they’re melee, and if they’re not, they generally have Pierce.

7. Swiftness that everyone has, Protection which is fairly common on most of the good classes in TPvP and Burn, that is also common…Not seeing the Benefit.

8. This is a Valid Point, and I honestly think is where most of the crying stems from. They didn’t make Spirit Rangers amazing over night, They just didn’t magically get a bunch of conditions they didn’t have access to before.

Finally as a BM Ranger, I’ve actually stomped the ever living kitten out of Spirit Rangers whenever i’ve fought them.

I fear a well played Trap Ranger more then I fear a Spirit Ranger.

When all of these things I listed are combined in one class, then you’ll see that there’s something wrong. You cannot have reliable damage while being hard to take down at the same time. There needs to be some sort of balance between these two. I mean, sure necros got ZOMG condi pressure, but once focused, has no means of disengaging or mitigating damage outside of deathshroud. LB Warriors are starting to get in my nerve too, although this maybe an L2P issue for me. I mean, burn burn baby burn, and ZOMG health regen + tanky warrior is a pain to fight against just like Spranger.

On your last note, Well maybe being a BM Ranger is a good counter to Sprangers atm. That’s good to hear. I need to test it out too. I’m not against the Ranger Class as a whole. It’s just that most if not all of the class’ mechanics seem to reward passive play compared to other classes. I’m looking forward to a more effective macro-ing of pets and AIs in this game to produce a more engaging play while playing a class or against it.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I have Puffs Plus for you, right here.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


I fear a well played Trap Ranger more then I fear a Spirit Ranger.

Are you aware you can walk out of the traps? Are the spirit ranger’s aware that if they walk away from your pet they will be ok?

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Abraxius.6429


Lol i NEVER thought i would see the day were this thread would exist Ranger+OP just doesn’t even sound right here is a thread waaaaaay back when i SWEAR i was the only spirit ranger 6 months ago https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/lol-am-i-missing-something-Spirit-builds/first looking back i see alot of users on here that dissed me and spouted out numbers of why spirit ranger could never hack it, lol oh how the tables turn

The Lawful Danyyle
(Reality is Unbalanced)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


looking back i see alot of users on here that dissed me and spouted out numbers of why spirit ranger could never hack it, lol oh how the tables turn

^ Amen. We get the last laugh, but not for long. With the amount on forums of Q_Q it’ll get some kind of nerf.

Guild Wars 2: Feel games 2013

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Lol i NEVER thought i would see the day were this thread would exist Ranger+OP just doesn’t even sound right here is a thread waaaaaay back when i SWEAR i was the only spirit ranger 6 months ago https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/lol-am-i-missing-something-Spirit-builds/first looking back i see alot of users on here that dissed me and spouted out numbers of why spirit ranger could never hack it, lol oh how the tables turn

Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: thrice.9184


This thread is still up? lol people leave the ranger alone there nothing op about it.


Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Abraxius.6429


Lol i NEVER thought i would see the day were this thread would exist Ranger+OP just doesn’t even sound right here is a thread waaaaaay back when i SWEAR i was the only spirit ranger 6 months ago https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/lol-am-i-missing-something-Spirit-builds/first looking back i see alot of users on here that dissed me and spouted out numbers of why spirit ranger could never hack it, lol oh how the tables turn

Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

^^^^Literally what i been telling ppl to, nothing has changed 0.0 its just that ppl realized they DONT suck allt the numbers and math in the world on paper don’t equl out to what u can out into practice

The Lawful Danyyle
(Reality is Unbalanced)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


They still suck outside of pvp. I’ll use the frost spirit in a dungeon or at a world event we can stack, but that’s it. That’s the only spirit and only time they see my utility bar.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Lol i NEVER thought i would see the day were this thread would exist Ranger+OP just doesn’t even sound right here is a thread waaaaaay back when i SWEAR i was the only spirit ranger 6 months ago https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/lol-am-i-missing-something-Spirit-builds/first looking back i see alot of users on here that dissed me and spouted out numbers of why spirit ranger could never hack it, lol oh how the tables turn

Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

^^^^Literally what i been telling ppl to, nothing has changed 0.0 its just that ppl realized they DONT suck allt the numbers and math in the world on paper don’t equl out to what u can out into practice

Oh god i know, people always were like “HERPA DUR!!! Durz you’re wrong math says so!! Therefore spirits are bad!” and then out of nowhere people decided they were actually good lol.

God help us when necromancers figure out their minions are freaking amazing… Especially since Minion Master builds synergize AMAZINGLY with other MM builds… and any other pet oriented build…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Well the biggest thing that changed for Spirit Rangers is how much Storm Spirit hits for. I switched back to BM for solo q for the last day or so, and going up against spirit rangers is just crazy at times. If they land that storm spirit immobilize, or get the wolf knockdown into it, it’s 3k damage on my 3k+ armored ranger. BM ranger still ends up winning the fight if you’re using the evasion skills correctly, because you can dodge the spam and outheal the minimal conditions the spirit build outputs.

So playing against the spirit build, it’s the actives that are doing the most work, not the passives. The best nerf therefore is either to lower the damage output of storm spirits active, or increase the recharge of it. OR, if the nerfing takes a step farther, make it so that the spirits can’t proc each others passive effects with their actives.

tl;dr: The active effects are what is making the build so tough to fight against, and there are certain things in that regard that could definitely use some toning down imo.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Skady.5916


I would LOVE to see a trait removing active effects from spirits and giving them invulnerability in exchange – that would make them viable in PvE and WvW.

I personally do not consider spirit build OP in spvp. The only thing changed about it was lightning spirit dmg. This is literally the only viable build left for rangers at the moment.

The reason for whining is that everyone is under impression that ranger should lose every single fight. When that doesnt happen we see a lot of qq on forums

p.s. When my opponent in spvp AOEs spirits down i am literally naked. Virtually every class can do that except maybe another spirit ranger Especially annoying: engi, warrior, necro.

A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: stale.9785


I would LOVE to see a trait removing active effects from spirits and giving them invulnerability in exchange – that would make them viable in PvE and WvW.

I personally do not consider spirit build OP in spvp. The only thing changed about it was lightning spirit dmg. This is literally the only viable build left for rangers at the moment.

The reason for whining is that everyone is under impression that ranger should lose every single fight. When that doesnt happen we see a lot of qq on forums

p.s. When my opponent in spvp AOEs spirits down i am literally naked. Virtually every class can do that except maybe another spirit ranger Especially annoying: engi, warrior, necro.

This – I want this. I like you.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


You know, it was hilarious to me, but there were quite a few people in the PvP community suggesting already that the spirits should be made invulnerable, because one of the things that makes the build “OP” is the ability to absorb so much AoE cleave, or to body block damage that would otherwise hit the ranger.

I thought that the ranger community would silently ride along with that change, since apparently a lot of people were considering that to be a nerf.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


You know, it was hilarious to me, but there were quite a few people in the PvP community suggesting already that the spirits should be made invulnerable, because one of the things that makes the build “OP” is the ability to absorb so much AoE cleave, or to body block damage that would otherwise hit the ranger.

I thought that the ranger community would silently ride along with that change, since apparently a lot of people were considering that to be a nerf.

And then you’ve had me here since spirits came out preaching how strong having spirits soak AoE is and you all laughed and call me insane!! Shoes on the other foot now bookahs!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Rengaru.4730


Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

You are forgetting:

  • Spirit-activated skill range increased from 180 to 240 (360 when traited).
  • Call Lightning: Increased the damage by 150%.
  • Solar Flare: Decreased the cast time from 1.7 seconds to .5 seconds.
  • Vigorous Spirits: This trait has been merged with Spiritual Knowledge.
  • Spiritual Knowledge: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.

Then there was also the infamous nerf to pets across the board, that nerfed the (back then) superior BM-ranger.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Bud.5617


I just hope they don’t kill them completely…

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

You are forgetting:

  • Spirit-activated skill range increased from 180 to 240 (360 when traited).
  • Call Lightning: Increased the damage by 150%.
  • Solar Flare: Decreased the cast time from 1.7 seconds to .5 seconds.
  • Vigorous Spirits: This trait has been merged with Spiritual Knowledge.
  • Spiritual Knowledge: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.

Then there was also the infamous nerf to pets across the board, that nerfed the (back then) superior BM-ranger.

All rangers have pets, pets nerf was a class NERF……

(edited by urdriel.8496)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


tbh, I was running spirit ranger ( slight variation on build, since diff traits) before the buff and while the buff is really nice, it was still decent before it… just unpopular because people weren’t taking it seriously. Even after the buff it took people ages to catch on. I feel like the buff helped for sure, but its not making it OP. What makes it OP, and what did even before the buff, was players being stupid. Players not knowing what to do. Lack of CC’s, their confusion because they had no idea wtf was going on etc. Not only this, but the best survival (imo) for spirit ranger is the condition removals. Atm the game meta is all about conditions, you see condi spamming necros and etc. I hardly see any burst players anymore. A good counter to this build are those glass warriors running CC spam builds.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

You are forgetting:

  • Spirit-activated skill range increased from 180 to 240 (360 when traited).
  • Call Lightning: Increased the damage by 150%.
  • Solar Flare: Decreased the cast time from 1.7 seconds to .5 seconds.
  • Vigorous Spirits: This trait has been merged with Spiritual Knowledge.
  • Spiritual Knowledge: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.

Then there was also the infamous nerf to pets across the board, that nerfed the (back then) superior BM-ranger.

Their health was also doubled.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

You are forgetting:

  • Spirit-activated skill range increased from 180 to 240 (360 when traited).
  • Call Lightning: Increased the damage by 150%.
  • Solar Flare: Decreased the cast time from 1.7 seconds to .5 seconds.
  • Vigorous Spirits: This trait has been merged with Spiritual Knowledge.
  • Spiritual Knowledge: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.

Then there was also the infamous nerf to pets across the board, that nerfed the (back then) superior BM-ranger.

Their health was also doubled.

Ranger pet health wasn’t double across the board

Ursine pets: health increased from 26,000 to 29982; armor is now 2061 (up 687). Polar bear’s power now matches that of all other bear pets.
Dogs: health increased from 13,000 to 14,868; armor is 2061 (no change).
Cats: health increased from 13,000 to 14,868; armor is 1374 (no change).
Devourers: health increased from 11,089 to 14868; armor is 2748 (no change).
Birds: health increased from 11,894 to 14,868; armor is 1374 (no change).
Drakes: health increased from 11,683 to 22,425; armor is 2061 (no change).
Spiders: health increased from 18,646 to 22,425; armor is 1374 (no change).
Pigs: health increased from 20,538 to 22,425; armor is now 2061 (up 687).
Moas: health increased from 16,781 to 22,425; armor is 1374 (no change).
Armor Fish: health increased from 16,781 to 22,452; armor is now 2748 (up 343).
Jellyfish: health increased from 11,089 to 22,425; armor is 1374 (no change).
Shark: health increased from 13,000 to 22,425; armor is now 2061 (up 687).

Cats received less then 2k HP increase in health

in exchange

Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Bird: Slash: Increased the damage by 15%.
Eagle: Lacerating Slash: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced the damage by 34%.
Canine: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%.
Devourer: Twin Darts: Reduced the damage by 20%.
Drake: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%.
Insect Swarm: This skill can no longer fire behind the drake.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced the damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Jaguar: Stalking: Critical chance increase while in stealth reduced to 25%.
Jellyfish: Tentacle Slash: Increased the damage by 50%.
Jellyfish Blue: Chilling Whirl: Decreased the damage by 33%.
Moa: Peck: Reduced the damage by 7%.
Pig: Jab: Reduced the damage by 25%.
Shark: Bite: Increased the damage by 10%.
Spider: Spit: Increased the damage by 10%.

They Lost 50% of the damage on their primary burst skill, and Jaguar ate a nerf

Drakes are the only pet that got a massive HP increase, in exchange their damage was slashed by almost 30%

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

I think they meant that spirit health was doubled.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Best part, nothing really changed about spirit rangers lol

You are forgetting:

  • Spirit-activated skill range increased from 180 to 240 (360 when traited).
  • Call Lightning: Increased the damage by 150%.
  • Solar Flare: Decreased the cast time from 1.7 seconds to .5 seconds.
  • Vigorous Spirits: This trait has been merged with Spiritual Knowledge.
  • Spiritual Knowledge: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.

Then there was also the infamous nerf to pets across the board, that nerfed the (back then) superior BM-ranger.

Their health was also doubled.

Ranger pet health wasn’t double across the board

Ursine pets: health increased from 26,000 to 29982; armor is now 2061 (up 687). Polar bear’s power now matches that of all other bear pets.
Dogs: health increased from 13,000 to 14,868; armor is 2061 (no change).
Cats: health increased from 13,000 to 14,868; armor is 1374 (no change).
Devourers: health increased from 11,089 to 14868; armor is 2748 (no change).
Birds: health increased from 11,894 to 14,868; armor is 1374 (no change).
Drakes: health increased from 11,683 to 22,425; armor is 2061 (no change).
Spiders: health increased from 18,646 to 22,425; armor is 1374 (no change).
Pigs: health increased from 20,538 to 22,425; armor is now 2061 (up 687).
Moas: health increased from 16,781 to 22,425; armor is 1374 (no change).
Armor Fish: health increased from 16,781 to 22,452; armor is now 2748 (up 343).
Jellyfish: health increased from 11,089 to 22,425; armor is 1374 (no change).
Shark: health increased from 13,000 to 22,425; armor is now 2061 (up 687).

Cats received less then 2k HP increase in health

in exchange

Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Bird: Slash: Increased the damage by 15%.
Eagle: Lacerating Slash: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced the damage by 34%.
Canine: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%.
Devourer: Twin Darts: Reduced the damage by 20%.
Drake: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%.
Insect Swarm: This skill can no longer fire behind the drake.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced the damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Jaguar: Stalking: Critical chance increase while in stealth reduced to 25%.
Jellyfish: Tentacle Slash: Increased the damage by 50%.
Jellyfish Blue: Chilling Whirl: Decreased the damage by 33%.
Moa: Peck: Reduced the damage by 7%.
Pig: Jab: Reduced the damage by 25%.
Shark: Bite: Increased the damage by 10%.
Spider: Spit: Increased the damage by 10%.

They Lost 50% of the damage on their primary burst skill, and Jaguar ate a nerf

Drakes are the only pet that got a massive HP increase, in exchange their damage was slashed by almost 30%

This was a thread talking about spirits… spirit health was doubled

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Ahhh gotcha

I was thinking ya meant Pets.

Probably cause the guy talking to ya was talking about BM pets

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I’ve still yet to see a single person explain how Spirit Rangers are overpowered or what they did to magically make them overpowered.

I don’t think it’s a case of being OP but rather it being a low skill cap build. Because you can just auto-attack with the sword (which doesn’t even require you to stay on your target, it does it for you) and spam spirit actives, pet F2 and the two evades, spirit rangers are able to have decent success without much skill. It’s hard for some people to deal with their conditions, an AoE blind, AoE immobilise and AoE spike, followed by another if/when the spirit dies on top of the active itself. If things get hairy, pop the elite. All this time you have a jaguar on your kitten and a constantly evasive ranger. Because the spirits and pet are separate entities, the ranger can activate them regardless of what’s happening.

I’m not saying that the spirit build is OP, in my experience it’s incredibly easy to counter, even at lower levels of play. I just think it’s easy to have a lot of success with it with little to no skill or effort.

The ceiling probably isn’t as high as D/D ele, but similair to the D/D builds, it’s easy to have success with it.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Crimes.5317


I can’t even enjoy tpvp anymore because there is always 2-4 spirit rangers in every single match now, Thief is the only class I play, I have basically no counter to them unless I A ) sit there with my SB attempting to whittle down all of their spirits (which by the time I finish one spirit their team mate usually shows up) or B ) Attempt to burst them and then have to down them twice because of freaking OP res spirit. (again which can take a while and gives them time to wait for backup). This is if I even survive their constant pressure damage. This build is most definitely OP.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


B ) Attempt to burst them and then have to down them twice because of freaking OP res spirit.

Gee, you mean someone resetting the fight on you is annoying?

As for people talking about low skill cap…I’ve played quite a few classes in this game, none of them are high skill cap cept maybe Engineer’s who toolbelt a lot (not even Ele’s are that high, I mean you generally follow a Rotation on them)

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies