Spirit Rangers are OP!

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Crimes.5317


B ) Attempt to burst them and then have to down them twice because of freaking OP res spirit.

Gee, you mean someone resetting the fight on you is annoying?

Yeah sure I can reset whenever, but that means I have to leave the point which basically is a lose for thief and everyone knows it. They can however stay on point with an extra life, and if there is 2 spirit rangers you can just forget about downing them.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Skady.5916


Thief’s tears are delicious

A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I can’t even enjoy tpvp anymore because there is always 2-4 spirit rangers in every single match now, Thief is the only class I play, I have basically no counter to them unless I A ) sit there with my SB attempting to whittle down all of their spirits (which by the time I finish one spirit their team mate usually shows up) or B ) Attempt to burst them and then have to down them twice because of freaking OP res spirit. (again which can take a while and gives them time to wait for backup). This is if I even survive their constant pressure damage. This build is most definitely OP.

Hybrid thief shreds spirit rangers, found this out last night while I was spectating a friends game. He used P/D and I think S/P, he had 30 in trickery for the daze on steal, and had a good amount in the top tree too, I know he had the poison venom (god that’s redundant) and the torment venom, think he had thieves guild and needle trap (I remember the 3rd utility skill was weird and I never saw it used before).

What he did was he’d steal in on the ranger and roll a lot so caltrops were everywhere and then he’d do the torment teleport skill on P/D (targeted their stone spirit) which would kill it, and then focus on the ranger, and if all the spirits died off he’d daze the ranger, and just stun lock him to death with his hybrid burst (burst of condis and raw damage).

So thieves can counter spirits, most just don’t.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


I can’t even enjoy tpvp anymore because there is always 2-4 spirit rangers in every single match now, Thief is the only class I play, I have basically no counter to them unless I A ) sit there with my SB attempting to whittle down all of their spirits (which by the time I finish one spirit their team mate usually shows up)

That’s more a consequence of thief lacking AOE damage, rather than the spirit build being OP.

or B ) Attempt to burst them and then have to down them twice because of freaking OP res spirit. (again which can take a while and gives them time to wait for backup).

You do realize the irony of a thief complaining that they have to kill someone twice to really kill them? If we summed up the damage taken per time killed, thief would be at the top of the list due to being able to stealth-disengage at will from an engagement they’re losing.

If res spirit is OP, then so is stealthing while in combat. Both give you a second chance when you’re about to die. Except one is an elite on a 240 sec cooldown, and the other can be activated via multiple skills almost any time you want.

This is if I even survive their constant pressure damage. This build is most definitely OP.

Overall, I see this as a rock-paper-scissors setup. Spirit ranger falls in the category of bunker builds, and seems to be especially problematic for builds which concentrate on single-target close-range burst damage – basically thief’s forte. But if you have ranged AOE or sustained damage, they’re a piece of cake. So bunker/spirit ranger counters burst builds, burst builds counter ranged AOE/condition builds, and ranged AOE/condition builds counter bunker/spirit rangers.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


I faced a spirit ranger last night, whom I see often in tPvP and is a good player. I intentional engaged him 1v1 two times, using a different approach each time – first, close in, on the point, trying to drive him off it with CC or by killing him, and the second, at range with AoE. I am a ranger myself of course,. condition-based trapper, with LB and Axe/Torch.

In the first fight, I lost badly, while in the second, I killed him easily, not going below 75% health. Spirit Rangers DO have a low skill ceiling, they do have inherent advantages over other professions/build and they are strong in a point-control format, BUT they are killable, and easily so, with the right counter. There are plenty of other professions/builds that are equally OP in their context and countering something is always going to be necessary.

The issue with this of course is what happens if your team did not happen to have that counter in it’s composition. This is one of the few legitimate complaints I think there are when it comes to spirits at the moment. This counter-need however is true for a few other builds as well, a good bunker guardian will definitely have a similar effect on a match if not dealt with appropriately. A skilled mesmer can also completely dictate the match’s play, forcing the opposing team to operate relative to what he or she is doing. In this respect I see it as no different.

That said, due to the size of the points and the need to use range and/or AoE to counter spirit rangers, in some cases this advantage is punitive to be sure. There is also the game mechanics issue of body-blocking and the AoE limit – 4 spirits and a pet plus the ranger, if not his team-mates…this is a real issue, which some changes have been proposed to address. Lastly, is the fact that spirit rangers do not operator in a vacuum…there are some ways in which things work when combined with other classes and their abilities and how the mechanics play out they could use some examination. Changing how the game handles spirits as mobiles might be a way to address some of these real issues.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I can’t even enjoy tpvp anymore because there is always 2-4 spirit rangers in every single match now, Thief is the only class I play, I have basically no counter to them unless I A ) sit there with my SB attempting to whittle down all of their spirits (which by the time I finish one spirit their team mate usually shows up) or B ) Attempt to burst them and then have to down them twice because of freaking OP res spirit. (again which can take a while and gives them time to wait for backup). This is if I even survive their constant pressure damage. This build is most definitely OP.

Or you switch to an unconventional build that rangers have a hard time with. D/D condi thieves with a Shamans amulet are particularly good at going up against spirit rangers, especially when you drop caltrops at the right time.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

Where are all of these spirit rangers in wvw? I have only found a few and they melt eventually against my s/d burst ele. I have being told that I have’t encounter the full potential of a good spirit ranger player. If there is any player from Jq or Sor server that meets this full potential then lets coordinate for some fun duels ^^.

The skill ceiling on a spirit ranger is so low that there’s not even a real difference between a good and a bad spirit ranger, there is one granted, but it’s minor at best so I wouldn’t worry about fighting one if you have no issue with the ones you have been fighting.

there is ALWAYS difference between good player (or just average) and bad player.
bad spirit ranger will die – that is not a chance for him unless, you are not also bad player
average spirit ranger will probably survive, maybe kill You if You will make mistakes..
good spirit ranger… nearly unkillable (as good mesmer, good thief – actually good anything)

(the difference in fight between good player of another class-build in fight with average spirit ranger and average player is that the good one will not die (unless very unlucky) – just eventually will not kill in 1v1 this ranger with first try (but then will manage to save himself) but he will find the way to kill it.
average or bad player, have greater chance to die when not succesfull in killing oponent (secret with self ressing is that he need to cast that spirit and have it alive when goes to downed (also spirit need to cast this ress) so well placed CC should have rid of that) erm sorry bad one WILL die, average player will ned more time to find the way…

btw there is no better way to learn to fight with some class than play a while with it and spend some time to learn their strong and weak parts

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: DevO.9854


I hope if spirits get a nerf it is only in the internal cooldown of the procs, because I consider it a pretty solid and surely not overpowered build. Overall tho I think all the top classes need to be weakened, I think we are in a bit of a power creep, but what scares me the most is I can see necro, ranger, engi, getting nerf then warriors dominating. They want so badly for Warrior who is now really viable to be the best and the hordes of people who play warrior will whine and cry until they beat everyone easily.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


“Spirits Rangers are OP!”

Some months ago this statement would sound crazy. It is true that lately I’ve seen some good rangers doing it in PvP. But honestly I didn’t found them OP at all to be honest (though it may be because of my build, continue with this after the quote).

Is it good now for PvE too? I always wanted to make my Ranger a “Spirit Herder”, but it seemed a bad idea. It’s a good time now to start leveling him with that in mind? I’m looking forward to play it a lot (currently I’m veteran at Thief and experienced Guardian).

Hybrid thief shreds spirit rangers, found this out last night while I was spectating a friends game. He used P/D and I think S/P, he had 30 in trickery for the daze on steal, and had a good amount in the top tree too, I know he had the poison venom (god that’s redundant) and the torment venom, think he had thieves guild and needle trap (I remember the 3rd utility skill was weird and I never saw it used before).

So thieves can counter spirits, most just don’t.

This is true. As I said I usually have it easy against Rangers because my build takes a lot of advantage against them. P/D is amazing against them.

I don’t even use 30 trickery or Caltrops. I’m a Venom Sharer (meant for support but very able in duels) with Spider (poison) and Devourer (inmob) venoms (honestly the only good ones). The Torment venom is still really weak (they are introducting Torment in bits, fearing it may affect the meta too much), you guys have a better version on Sharpening Stone that works exactly like a Venom (the eles have another “Venom”).

Here is how I fight most Rangers:

- Steal+CnD pre-cast.
- Deposit the healing tree. If I see the fight is too big, summon Thieves Guild while stealthed.
- Break Stealth with Sneak Attack (for 5 aplications of water field combo, which means regeneration during the whole fight).
- Keep the traditional P/D rotation. As his pet will follow me, and in the case of Spirit Rangers, there are a lof of extra objetives, I can keep it up all I want as I will always have something to hit with CnD.
- Let conditions eat him alive (I can put Poison for the whole fight, a bit of Weakness that was nerfed recently so it’s just a bit to cover my other conditions, lots of bleeds, Cripple and Inmob, even Torment sometimes if I finished Sneak Attack close to him).
- In case he is particularly resistant I will sometimes switch to S-Bow and start spamming bombs all over the place.
- If somehow I screwed the fight, use Shadow Refuge, then if I think I can win, reapply Spider Venom that should be recharged for the leeching trait, and combo Sneak Attack through SR Dark Field for more leeching and try to surprise the Ranger.

Depending on the Ranger the strategy might be harder to perform (Longbow Rangers traited for extra range should be harder if they see you soon enough, but if you didn’t lose too much HP by the time the process starts, you should kill him). But I don’t think a Thief (at least a P/D Thief) should have so many problems against a Ranger that holds my favorite stolen item.

I admit they seem to be very good (some time ago when the trend started I asked the first one I saw about his build as I found surprising to see spirits being used in an efficent build), but I don’t think they are OP or something like that. Maybe other weapon sets and professions have a harder time against them, IDK.

btw there is no better way to learn to fight with some class than play a while with it and spend some time to learn their strong and weak parts

This is one of the best advices you can give to fight any possible class.

(edited by Lokheit.7943)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

btw there is no better way to learn to fight with some class than play a while with it and spend some time to learn their strong and weak parts

This is one of the best advices you can give to fight any possible class.

sure – if you asked me month ago about mesmer I would tell you that they are unbeatable in 1v1 and definitelly OP. now when I’ve created mesmer myself I can see many things that I can use against them with any other character and many things that I should be aware when fihting in 1v1 with the mesmer.
no that I can beat him right now at 1v1, but surely I know how to do that rest is experience and learning

btw. I also agree with the whole idea of PvP verion of some skills etc. back in gw1 there was many many skills that had their PvP version that was much weaker in case of balance so If they want to nerf something at the ranger in case of spvp balancing they should close this change in sPvP area – what is for sPvP stays in sPvP

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: stale.9785


Does anyone else see that the problem isn’t with the build – it’s with what passes for PvP in GW2? Node control as the only PvP measure is silly. (I’d use stronger, more honest words, but it’s been a while since I’ve gotten an infraction, and maybe I’ll be able to keep it that way for a while).

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I wamt to Remind Everyone that the Op is a Thief class.

So it’s ok to Nerf-Spirit Rangers beacause of “powerful” they are with 45-60 seconds cooldown.. ’


It’s ok for Thief Class to have zero Cooldown from Perma-Stealth to their skills and traits.

What I’m saying is that, we shouldn’t be Juistify nor Defending our Spirit Build to him/her whatsoever.

Any class no matter what build they have are Easy Killable to a Thief..

As someone had already stated, “the Op need schooling at the Thief forum”..

Seriously. (It’s like asking a Blind person to walk you across the street)

Again Op

Stop Wasting your Time

Either your a Troll or Intentionally: like Always.. crying out to Arena net to make the Ranger class more Fragile and Vulnerable to you thieves even more.

Let me ask you a question Op..

How many stabbs does it take to kill a Ranger?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10?

You will know after your schooling..

It takes 2-4 stabbs to kill a ranger.

(It’s like asking a Blind person to walk you across the street)

Now, Let us be,,,,,,,,,,,,

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tribio.8531


Spirit Ranger OP? Nah, it’s just cheese, nothing more.. Counter the cheese, have some epic wins..
I experimented with the Spirit Ranger, and have to admit that the Spirit of Nature’s Renewal is quite OP in teamfights (instant rez). But I didn’t like the playstyle at all (I’m not used to go melee as a ranger), so rebuilt to my zerker setup..

And now, when encountering one of those spirit rangers solo, they melt to my zerker build. Also, LB#5 works like a charm on a spirit ranger, killing his spirits with one action..

So, don’t blame the cheese or the meta, just be inventive and counter it.. :P

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Spirit Ranger OP? Nah, it’s just cheese, nothing more.. Counter the cheese, have some epic wins..
I experimented with the Spirit Ranger, and have to admit that the Spirit of Nature’s Renewal is quite OP in teamfights (instant rez). But I didn’t like the playstyle at all (I’m not used to go melee as a ranger), so rebuilt to my zerker setup..

And now, when encountering one of those spirit rangers solo, they melt to my zerker build. Also, LB#5 works like a charm on a spirit ranger, killing his spirits with one action..

So, don’t blame the cheese or the meta, just be inventive and counter it.. :P

Actually the spirits AoE Rez isn’t instant, it has a cast time (which I interrupted 6 times last night in my guilds Tourny night) oh, that won us so many points its ridiculous…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

Spirit ranger and hard?

My S/P Thief kill them, before the breakfast.

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Carighan.6758


So powerful, with how long Spirits last in AEs.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

after reading how “powerfull” spirit ranger are I wanted to test it.
I didn’t went to PvP strictly just checked on “class” NPC’s and spirits if not immobile and well placed die all just from one good AoE….

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


I beat spirits ranger all the time as a ranger… what’s so OP about them other than not using your head to defeat them?

Oh wait that’s right, you need to use your head to defeat them… let’s post more hate instead.

It’s not like rangers have spent a whole year trying to get out of the ‘weakest profession’ loop hole. It’s not like we’re constantly trying to figuring out ways to defeat everyone else (cough thief… mesmer), coming up with countless strategies, most of which got nerfed and using their heads to finally begin to come on top of other professions.

I say bring on the nagging we’ve been there before and we will continue to figure out how to come out on top.

Edit: I will say this, spirit rangers provide with very strong team fight potential, but fight them alone and you will find out they are like every other ranger, they have their weaknesses and they won’t let you exploit them so easily, so fight through them.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z

(edited by awge.3852)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tribio.8531


I say bring on the nagging we’ve been there before and we will continue to figure out how to come out on top.

I like and agree with that attitude.. :-)

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe