Spirit Rangers!

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


I really wish to get a response from ANet. At first Spirit Rangers seem like a viable alternative to someone who wants to go all out support. Spirits would work awesomely in Dungeons…if the spirits worked themeselves. Is there talk of fixing spirits for the future or are they going to remain the weak, fragile, immobile things they currently are? Even with points invested in the Spirit trait line to allow movement and a TINY BIT of more health, they are still very quickly killed off by trash mobs.

**From my experience the only two viable Ranger builds right now are the Survivalist Ranger and Trap Ranger. Neither of which offer too many direct support abilities.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: coglin.1496


Every build in every sub forums wishes they could get an answer from ANET about a bug in the profession that effects their build or desired build. That does not mean we should all spam then in the general discussion topic.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


Lol, that is the reason these discussion boards exist. If I wanted JUST an answer from Anet I would send them an email outright. By posting it in the Forums I am trying to:
1) Raise Awareness
2) Stimulation discussion to raise Awareness
3) Gain enough Awareness for ANet to respond

Being cynical about a new topic won’t get you very far.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: gadenp.7586


We rangers are not spiritual enough, thus our spirits are weak.

We lack the discipline and toughness of the warrior which allows their banners to inspire us way more then dead transparent (walking) trees.

Our group members are too busy ROFLOL-ing to get buffed properly, as shown by the short range and super inconsistent buffs output.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


yea, what is up with the CHANCE of a boon?! I heard that spirits used to be very effective pre-release and got ultra-nerfed right before. I run dungeons a lot and would LOVE to sport a Spirit Ranger!

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Aurum.8793


I’m actually a spirit Ranger, and I’ve had a lot of success with it. My build, if I remember correctly is 0-0-20-30-20. I use an axe and a warhorn, and for my alternate weapon set I usually use axe/axe.

This is how combat usually goes for me. Try to keep the warhorn buff skill up as much as possible. I drop my Healing Spring on people with low health, and then I’ll whirl on top of it to send out healing bolts. I have a Blue Moa and a Red Moa, which I switch between as often as possible, and I use their buffs as often as possible. Moas actually have an AoE heal ability, which can heal for a decent amount. I also try to use the third skill as much as possible, the ice one or whatever. It keeps the enemy weakened.

That’s basically it. I know I didn’t link the specific traits I used, but I feel like you can experiment with whatever would work best for you. This is just what works for me, and what I like.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


I see that you say you are a spirit ranger, but do not mention spirits in your strategy. How do you manage to keep them from dying so quickly, without positioning them so far that their AOE reaches no one.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: coglin.1496


Lol, that is the reason these discussion boards exist. If I wanted JUST an answer from Anet I would send them an email outright. By posting it in the Forums I am trying to:
1) Raise Awareness
2) Stimulation discussion to raise Awareness
3) Gain enough Awareness for ANet to respond

Being cynical about a new topic won’t get you very far.

This was in an entirely different and unappropriated thread before a moderator moved it.

If you are going to ock folks with “lol at you” and tossing words like “cynical” around and what not, it may be wiser if you grasp the facts first my friend.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I can only talk for spvp. If you take the double health trait and movement trait the spirits are reasonably hardy. You just have to be careful of certain aoe, so you are weak against some builds.

I don’t really understand how the buffs work but my ranger is definately tougher with the earth spirit up- logically it shouldn’t be because you have a 20% chance per attack to get 1 sec of protection and some people say spirit buffs also have an interal cd. Be that as it may, I notice a significant boost in survivability when i run a build similar to what Aurum posts above, with 3 spirits and the spirit elite. Note I use shortbow and warhorn axe for my build. With the airspirit’s speed buff and the shortbow you can kite around pretty well.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


I’d also love to play a spirit/support ranger, but playing one right now is pointless, it really doesn’t bring anything to a team besides a character that it’s doing nothing because building into spirits also makes your damage output quite lower.

Spirit Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


Yes, as Sleepy said, right now the build up for spirits is not worth the hit to damage that you will take for having to invest all of your points in the spirit trait line.