

in Ranger

Posted by: Freky.1903


So I’m going to give some constructive criticism on spirits. I’m going off of just now finishing Arah Story mode fully specd towards spirits. Just for the record I enjoyed myself and it was fun running it with spirits but they need to have some improvements.

I noticed that the spirits don’t really have any….response to situations. Basically they’re idiots. With how low of health they have(more on this later) they shouldn’t be standing in AoE like its a dance floor. The spirits need to avoid AoE and they need to attempt to avoid mobs, I didn’t see any of that happening.

Everyone knows this, they die way to easily and need more health. But maybe just a higher armor level will do? I’m not sure how ANets system works with the spirits but they need something to make them not die as quickly as they do now. You could even take away their health and lower the time they are up and change the CD a little? I’m not sure but something needs to be done.

Buffs(distance and proc)
Okay this really upsets me. The buffs need to be completely reworked I think. They only work on nearby allies which as rangers is basically only going to work on casters. I believe it should be a party wide thing, especially since they have health and can die. The proc chance is annoying too. I have no idea when it procs and i think it’s annoying that i only have a 20% chance for it to happen. I’m wasting a skill slot for something that could possibly not even happen. It should be on par with warrior banners which just straight up increase damage, vitality, toughness etc.

Activated Skills
I don’t get these. They’re traps and yet my spirits usually die before I can even cast them. You need to be close to the enemy but the spirits die so easily. Maybe make it to where the spirits cast them on your target? I’m not sure maybe if they get more health it wouldn’t be to much of a problem.

Spirit of Nature
Now everything I said obviously I believe should be applied to this spirit but I wanted to say that if I cast its Natures Renewal skill I shouldn’t have to go stand next to the person I want to heal or rez. It should have it’s own AI kick in and be like the pet and think “someone’s down over there I’m going over there to rez them”. That I found really annoying.

Even though the spirits need some help I enjoyed myself. There were times in Arah that I would of liked to use my Spirits but I couldn’t because of the AoE damage (mouth of Zhaitan) or just too many mobs. I truly hope the ANet staff is looking into this because I haven’t heard anything from them regarding the spirits or pets lately.

If anyone has anything else they wanted to add please feel free and I’ll add it in.

(edited by Freky.1903)


in Ranger

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I think the spirit pets, like the Guardian’s spirit weapons and Warrior’s banners, shouldn’t take damage.

They nerfed the spirits with an internal cooldown during beta. Unfortunately, the internal cooldown is a base internal cooldown, so if it procs once off a single individual, it can only proc again once the cooldown is up. The cooldown needs to be for each individual player in range. So it would be better if it radiated a boon to those in range that allowed them to proc the effect.


in Ranger

Posted by: Freky.1903


I think the spirit pets, like the Guardian’s spirit weapons and Warrior’s banners, shouldn’t take damage.

They nerfed the spirits with an internal cooldown during beta. Unfortunately, the internal cooldown is a base internal cooldown, so if it procs once off a single individual, it can only proc again once the cooldown is up. The cooldown needs to be for each individual player in range. So it would be better if it radiated a boon to those in range that allowed them to proc the effect.

So basically say I get the protection from the Stone Spirit no one else can get protection from it for a certain amount of time?


in Ranger

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I think the spirit pets, like the Guardian’s spirit weapons and Warrior’s banners, shouldn’t take damage.

They nerfed the spirits with an internal cooldown during beta. Unfortunately, the internal cooldown is a base internal cooldown, so if it procs once off a single individual, it can only proc again once the cooldown is up. The cooldown needs to be for each individual player in range. So it would be better if it radiated a boon to those in range that allowed them to proc the effect.

So basically say I get the protection from the Stone Spirit no one else can get protection from it for a certain amount of time?



in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


first of all lets fix the animation glitch….


in Ranger

Posted by: Seras.5702


I just unlocked Druid Spirit (Sylvari racial elite) and I love how it follows me around as a baseline function. This is how all Ranger spirits should act as baseline. In the place of the tier 3 trait, it should be something like “procs more often & has a wider range” cuz as it is, even traited spirits are really lacking. I was thinking up a full-support build yesterday & wished so hard I could go 3 spirits. But they’re just so weak.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)


in Ranger

Posted by: BlusterWolf.2103


wow that internal cooldown thing is pure pathetic, no wonder I feel the spirit chance is actually lower than 20% or 35% with trait. so Anet basically encourage rangers to be selfish and go glass cannon build. I dont even want to mention the terrible terrible buff range…a player is 3 steps away from me and he cant get my buff…wth…I go with all spirit build yesterday and find they dies in common mob aoe like 3 sec even with 2x health trait…good job Anet. Well but at least since we cant do anyting else atm we can still running around with 3 toys following us lol.

Forty Milliseconds…rangers who remember…know…


in Ranger

Posted by: TheAltarBoy.3176


I would love it if the spirits became a player based AoE buff instead of these weak summons like they are now.

They could lower the buff duration by default. They could have traits to increase the length, maybe the area of affect, chance to proc the buff on others.

The spirits are just too weak now. Even with the traits to increase their health and make them move doesn’t help. They take to long to start following you, like pets they’ll run forward when you stop moving and they constantly die to even basic AoE.


in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


“There are so many fun builds that can be made in each tree; so many different ways to play the profession. In one run, you can be a support class, the next you can be the ranged class, and the next you can be in the melee.”

That’s what my friends told me before I came to Guild Wars 2. What they failed to mention was this:

“But that’s only true for every profession except Rangers.”

There are so many fun Ranger builds that COULD work, but basic, inherent problems exist that deter any Ranger from actually making these builds. I would love to play a support-role Spirit build. I think the concept is brilliant and fun! However, with the weak spirits and the shotty internal-cooldown mechanic, this build will never be viable – unless ArenaNet gets their act together and fix this!

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast


in Ranger

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Seems like many of the good things about ranger were nerfed in beta- spirits, greatsword, longbow, healing signet, and ?

but somehow mesmers got through like they are. Were rangers that amazingly OP ? were they the godlike figures of legend in pvp that mesmers are now? Or the one shotting wonders that thief is?

Now SB is nerfed to complete the story. The good thing is that we still have a super OP warhorn to smite our foes with.

(edited by Yasha.5963)


in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


How in the world are you speccing for spirits and having these issues? I have one trait boosting my spirits (natures vengeance) and my spirits go through their entire 60 second duration, or get killed around 45 second (unless i’m low health and throwing the spirit out to eat a shot or two for me then they die almost immediately)…

For the AI, they don’t need one… they’re totems from WoW except optional, can be made to follow you, and have their own active skills, i don’t WANT my spirit to run into combat when i activate his ability i activate his ability if enemy players, or npcs get to close to my spirit and then i normally either A) knock them away from my spirit or descend on them like the angel of death and make absolutely sure they will get away from my spirit.

As for the Spirit of Nature active, that baby is FIIIIIIIINE i get 3 AoE rezzes from him, as well as passive healing, why in gods name should i nerf it so he only runs over and rezzes one dude? I tend to run with the same group of people so they all know to stand in a general 900yd radius of him to ensure they’ll be in the effect zone, and my god has he saved my groups kitten many a times, it’s gone from me being the last man standing to everyone being standing up and looking pretty as my spirit picks them all up and cleanses all the conditions on us.

As for the buffs and distance, the more i use them, the more i realize that i can be within axe throwing range of them (900 yds) and still get the buff… i tend to put the thing ~900 yds from the boss and then back up so both me, the longbow ranger plucking away from 1200 and the rest of my team who is almost all melee, can get the buffs. As for the procs… don’t even get me started on this… in a team of me, a thief, a necro, a riffle/hammer warrior, a pistol pistol shortbow thief, i was able to put down the sun spirit and the bosses would get so much burning on them that the white bar would just stop showing up and if you hovered over it’d say 2min or more… i think they proc well enough…

PS: When i go for an ALL spirit build i go with the double health trait, natures vengeance, and the increased proc chance, granted i ONLY run this in pvp and don’t do it in PvE (yet) but the reason i don’t take the one where they follow me is from my experience that almost always gets them out of the frying pan and into the fire so i’d rather just put them down and watch em do their work.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna


in Ranger

Posted by: Yasha.5963


How in the world are you speccing for spirits and having these issues? I have one trait boosting my spirits (natures vengeance) and my spirits go through their entire 60 second duration, or get killed around 45 second (unless i’m low health and throwing the spirit out to eat a shot or two for me then they die almost immediately)…

For the AI, they don’t need one… they’re totems from WoW except optional, can be made to follow you, and have their own active skills, i don’t WANT my spirit to run into combat when i activate his ability i activate his ability if enemy players, or npcs get to close to my spirit and then i normally either A) knock them away from my spirit or descend on them like the angel of death and make absolutely sure they will get away from my spirit.

As for the Spirit of Nature active, that baby is FIIIIIIIINE i get 3 AoE rezzes from him, as well as passive healing, why in gods name should i nerf it so he only runs over and rezzes one dude? I tend to run with the same group of people so they all know to stand in a general 900yd radius of him to ensure they’ll be in the effect zone, and my god has he saved my groups kitten many a times, it’s gone from me being the last man standing to everyone being standing up and looking pretty as my spirit picks them all up and cleanses all the conditions on us.

As for the buffs and distance, the more i use them, the more i realize that i can be within axe throwing range of them (900 yds) and still get the buff… i tend to put the thing ~900 yds from the boss and then back up so both me, the longbow ranger plucking away from 1200 and the rest of my team who is almost all melee, can get the buffs. As for the procs… don’t even get me started on this… in a team of me, a thief, a necro, a riffle/hammer warrior, a pistol pistol shortbow thief, i was able to put down the sun spirit and the bosses would get so much burning on them that the white bar would just stop showing up and if you hovered over it’d say 2min or more… i think they proc well enough…

PS: When i go for an ALL spirit build i go with the double health trait, natures vengeance, and the increased proc chance, granted i ONLY run this in pvp and don’t do it in PvE (yet) but the reason i don’t take the one where they follow me is from my experience that almost always gets them out of the frying pan and into the fire so i’d rather just put them down and watch em do their work.

I’ve been reading some info on the forums that the spirits only buff ONE team member every 3 secs due to an internal CD of about 3 secs. Have you noticed this or do you think it buffs the whole group (if within range) when a buff procs?


in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


How in the world are you speccing for spirits and having these issues? I have one trait boosting my spirits (natures vengeance) and my spirits go through their entire 60 second duration, or get killed around 45 second (unless i’m low health and throwing the spirit out to eat a shot or two for me then they die almost immediately)…

For the AI, they don’t need one… they’re totems from WoW except optional, can be made to follow you, and have their own active skills, i don’t WANT my spirit to run into combat when i activate his ability i activate his ability if enemy players, or npcs get to close to my spirit and then i normally either A) knock them away from my spirit or descend on them like the angel of death and make absolutely sure they will get away from my spirit.

As for the Spirit of Nature active, that baby is FIIIIIIIINE i get 3 AoE rezzes from him, as well as passive healing, why in gods name should i nerf it so he only runs over and rezzes one dude? I tend to run with the same group of people so they all know to stand in a general 900yd radius of him to ensure they’ll be in the effect zone, and my god has he saved my groups kitten many a times, it’s gone from me being the last man standing to everyone being standing up and looking pretty as my spirit picks them all up and cleanses all the conditions on us.

As for the buffs and distance, the more i use them, the more i realize that i can be within axe throwing range of them (900 yds) and still get the buff… i tend to put the thing ~900 yds from the boss and then back up so both me, the longbow ranger plucking away from 1200 and the rest of my team who is almost all melee, can get the buffs. As for the procs… don’t even get me started on this… in a team of me, a thief, a necro, a riffle/hammer warrior, a pistol pistol shortbow thief, i was able to put down the sun spirit and the bosses would get so much burning on them that the white bar would just stop showing up and if you hovered over it’d say 2min or more… i think they proc well enough…

PS: When i go for an ALL spirit build i go with the double health trait, natures vengeance, and the increased proc chance, granted i ONLY run this in pvp and don’t do it in PvE (yet) but the reason i don’t take the one where they follow me is from my experience that almost always gets them out of the frying pan and into the fire so i’d rather just put them down and watch em do their work.

I’ve been reading some info on the forums that the spirits only buff ONE team member every 3 secs due to an internal CD of about 3 secs. Have you noticed this or do you think it buffs the whole group (if within range) when a buff procs?

This rumor is absolutely bull kitten, hell, i’ve gotten the same buff from a spirit multiple times within 3 seconds (granted that’s RARE but it is infact possible), i don’t even use the trait that makes it so there’s a higher chance to proc, so idk how good spirits passives would become with that.

One thing i’ve noticed about these forums (at least the ranger ones) is it’s a bunch of people that can’t play and they create these illusions of mechanics we have that don’t work, so read everything on here with a mountain of salt…. (can’t help but laugh when people tell me Longbow is underpowered lol)

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna


in Ranger

Posted by: Yasha.5963


OK thanks Durzlla, I was about to implode just thinking about that.


in Ranger

Posted by: Seras.5702


@Durzlla: the spirits are nothing like Shaman totems (my WoW main). Shaman could drop them anytime, anywhere, even call em back for a bit of mana regen. We have a long CD. Also, totems gave passive buffs to everyone in your party, not a 10% chance to proc maybe. And the range of totems was much larger. So…low CD/cost, reliable buffs, decent range, mobility (w/ TR). Oh yea…and they didn’t get one shotted by aoe.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)


in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


@Seras, um they are LIKE shaman totems, they’re stationary summons that can be destroyed but apply effects to allies within range, back in the day there were totems that were proc effects, flametongue totem, Windfurry Totem, Rockbitter Totem, and w/e the frost one was called were all procs that made it so your allies had a chance for the weapon enchant to apply to them for X amount of time.

Not only that but if you please reread my post i said they’re LIKE totems not they ARE totems, and the range on totems was abysmal, had awful mobility compared to a fully speced spirit (you know where just just follow you with no additional effort on your part?) and oh please, they weren’t one shot by AE? well god i’d hope not since they avoided AoE but would fall over if a critter looked at the thing funny.

As for the CDs well god i would hope the class mechanic of a prof would have a shorter CD then an optional group support option… i mean really? That’s like saying “Oh well mesmers can spawn clones faster then my necromancer can spawn minions that means that minions are bad!” that’s essentially the logic you’re going with… And if you were better at spirit placement they wouldn’t be in AoE, as i said they have 900 range so you don’t need to stand on it, not to mention it’s a 20% chance 35% if you trait it so you’re just talking out your kitten #8230;

Next time you’re going to bash something, at least know what you’re talking about.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna


in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


@Durzlla: the spirits are nothing like Shaman totems (my WoW main). Shaman could drop them anytime, anywhere, even call em back for a bit of mana regen. We have a long CD. Also, totems gave passive buffs to everyone in your party, not a 10% chance to proc maybe. And the range of totems was much larger. So…low CD/cost, reliable buffs, decent range, mobility (w/ TR). Oh yea…and they didn’t get one shotted by aoe.

This is true, because they’re immune to AoE. Would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Of course, it’d just be nice to have a reliable buff from these ethereal companions. The chance on hit for one ally within a short range, stacked with an internal 3 second cooldown, is intolerable!

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast


in Ranger

Posted by: Drakken.3427


1s protection on the spirit is useless imo


in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


@Durzlla: the spirits are nothing like Shaman totems (my WoW main). Shaman could drop them anytime, anywhere, even call em back for a bit of mana regen. We have a long CD. Also, totems gave passive buffs to everyone in your party, not a 10% chance to proc maybe. And the range of totems was much larger. So…low CD/cost, reliable buffs, decent range, mobility (w/ TR). Oh yea…and they didn’t get one shotted by aoe.

This is true, because they’re immune to AoE. Would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Of course, it’d just be nice to have a reliable buff from these ethereal companions. The chance on hit for one ally within a short range, stacked with an internal 3 second cooldown, is intolerable!

Once again this rumor is wrong, it’s not per person, from what i’ve seen there’s not even a cool down…

PS: I haven’t said this yet, this may be a bug… but the trait Natural Healing (BM 30 pt) heals your spirits passively as well as your pet, same goes with Signet of the Wild (doesn’t show up as them being affected by sig though) so i’m assuming these are bugs, but just throwing them out there for you guys…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna


in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


Once again this rumor is wrong, it’s not per person, from what i’ve seen there’s not even a cool down…

PS: I haven’t said this yet, this may be a bug… but the trait Natural Healing (BM 30 pt) heals your spirits passively as well as your pet, same goes with Signet of the Wild (doesn’t show up as them being affected by sig though) so i’m assuming these are bugs, but just throwing them out there for you guys…

For someone claiming these things are rumors, you sure do put a lot of ifs, maybes and “from what I’ve seen” in your statements. Do you have concrete data to back your claims that there is 1) no internal cooldown, 2) the buff affects everyone nearby and 3) that any sort of healing (trait, sigil or otherwise) affects these Spirits?

Or is it just “from what [you’ve] seen”? Hrmmm?

Consider this a challenge to Guild Wars 2 Ranger Mythbusters everywhere.

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast


in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Once again this rumor is wrong, it’s not per person, from what i’ve seen there’s not even a cool down…

PS: I haven’t said this yet, this may be a bug… but the trait Natural Healing (BM 30 pt) heals your spirits passively as well as your pet, same goes with Signet of the Wild (doesn’t show up as them being affected by sig though) so i’m assuming these are bugs, but just throwing them out there for you guys…

For someone claiming these things are rumors, you sure do put a lot of ifs, maybes and “from what I’ve seen” in your statements. Do you have concrete data to back your claims that there is 1) no internal cooldown, 2) the buff affects everyone nearby and 3) that any sort of healing (trait, sigil or otherwise) affects these Spirits?

Or is it just “from what [you’ve] seen”? Hrmmm?

Consider this a challenge to Guild Wars 2 Ranger Mythbusters everywhere.

Well i was in a group where no one had a burning ability yet with a sun spirit up we were able to get 2 min of burning on a boss… this was with a MM necro, hammer/rifle warrior, dagger dagger (i think also shortbow?) thief, pistol/pistol thief (never used anything else), and me

Not to mention i’ve triggered burning 3 times in one rapid fire, same with swiftness, haven’t really been using the stone one as much in PvE (where i’m actually paying attention to this stuff) granted these scenarios are Rare because it’s only a 20% per hit to apply, getting it 3 times in a row is only a .8% chance…

As for the signet and the natural healing i can get a screen shot of this by the end of this week if it’s that big of a deal for you, it’s fairly obvious when they’re being healed when theres giant green numbers popping up over the spirit and his health bar is being filled…

PS: I say, “From what i’ve seen” a lot because it’s just that, what i’ve seen, i don’t have hard data (photos/videos) of this happening because i just flat out haven’t done any videos, and only have taken 2 screenies so far, so not much else i can say about it, because if i say something happened for fact you’ll demand evidence i just flat out don’t have and if i am to say “Just go test it” you’ll likely throw out the stupid “Oh but the burden of proof is on you!!” argument.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna


in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


That’s exactly my point. You can claim you’ve seen these things, but don’t state that the opposite of what you claim is “just a rumor” when others have documented and tested for it. Unless you can provide proof to the contrary, it cannot stack up to what others have posted videos, screenshots and data about.

Also, that last paragraph was a run-on sentence.

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast


in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


@Deepwinter I know, that’s why i’m saying those things, however the funny thing is that because i know how it works people like you will assume that what’s tested is right, and since i don’t really care for testing such trivial things you’re going to not be taking full advantage of the prof because those things “don’t work”, just because something is documented doesn’t mean it’s true.

PS: Don’t really care if my grammar is bad, it’s an informal forum, not some scholarly paper.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna


in Ranger

Posted by: vladracul.6798


I believe there was a patch correcting it in the last months coz what can i say for sure is that the buffs the spirits give do not have cooldowns. I just tested with a friend in golems in the pvp arena. We saw stacks of burning one after the other accumulating, contributing a lot to kill it. at least 50% i would say coz we retrained traits and reseted our power traits to zero so we could also see better how much time the conditions would endure.

Also, the protection buff the stone spirit gives is practically simultaneous for me and my friend, we both got the buff almost the same time, I noticed a difference of 1 or 2 seconds. I concluded with that, each hit, of each player, rules under a singular probability of 50%, that’s why the buffs of burning happen like one after the other and not all at same time, but they do happen without cooldowns.
Is important to remember if you train your traits to 30 healing, youll have the slot trait to improve in 15% the chance of the spirit to give the buffs. (the inner 35% + these 15% = 50% = a kittening lot of chances when you are a ranger, mesmer, warrior… and for eles, if you are kittened waiting the recharge, can hit power 1 and always have a good chance to keep making damage)

Anyway, most important is, it happens to every one without cooldowns. Most interesting, it doesnt have cooldown inter players neither for yourself solely. I noticed i stacked burning condition on the golem with my hits, only, many times, one after the other.

The only buff i cannot see is the 10% damage increased given by the frost spirit. Judging by the effectiveness of the other two, i assume this also stacks for both players without cooldown between players, maybe you can just see it reading your statistics on the H panel of attributes – a bit difficult during battle. But specially about this buff, i wonder if, like burning, if you can get stacks of +10% damage so easily. Judging by how fast me and my friend can kill things, i would say that happens.

I believe that is a good fix Anet did for the spirits coz, if on one hand you have these benefits easy, on the other the spirits still die very easy, so that is a fair balance made or rangers would be quite overpowered.

I am going to test this build with spirits in dungeons, specifically in Arah. It is poor in DPS, but not miserable, and despite all, it benefits party players with the buffs like mesmers and eles who perform lots of dps but die easy if they are too much exposed to bosses – like Lupicus. Im going to use 30 Healing, 30 Beast Mastery and 10 Wilderness (for condition damage increased). I can not forget to mention pets get really strong like this and, my tactics is to use them as tank while i can be safe backwards with the spirits, taking them wherever i go enabling this ability for them.

It will be a hard task to keep the spirits alive out of Aoe’s from Lupicus, for example, but they can be really helpful against him in the phase 1 and 3 for example, not mentioning the 3 bosses before him if you take the path 3.


in Ranger

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


Spirits are pretty decent. People just don’t have a clue how to use them. If they are placed within 900 range of the enemy…. you are using them wrong.

Did you ever wonder why LB skills were multihit? Well now you know.

Increase dmg by 10%. Adds burning to each attack. For one minute!!!! That’s a lot of extra damage.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]


in Ranger

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

Spirits are pretty decent. People just don’t have a clue how to use them. If they are placed within 900 range of the enemy…. you are using them wrong.

Did you ever wonder why LB skills were multihit? Well now you know.

Increase dmg by 10%. Adds burning to each attack. For one minute!!!! That’s a lot of extra damage.

Agreed. Spirits are fine, but you need to learn to work with them. It’s all about positioning when fighting.


in Ranger

Posted by: vladracul.6798


Spirits are pretty decent. People just don’t have a clue how to use them. If they are placed within 900 range of the enemy…. you are using them wrong.

Did you ever wonder why LB skills were multihit? Well now you know.

Increase dmg by 10%. Adds burning to each attack. For one minute!!!! That’s a lot of extra damage.

Agreed. Spirits are fine, but you need to learn to work with them. It’s all about positioning when fighting.

exactly. I just tested it in Arah and was 90% completely fine. I can’t say 100% because during Lupicus, in phase 3, for my surprise, I noticed i was his favorite spot, probably coz my spirits walk with me and that was the only way i could manage to keep them alive the most as possible. Don’t know why but he was stealing life from me like ALL THE TIME and that never happened before.
More interestingly, many times i was downed by Lupicus but my spirits were alive! I wasn’t announcing my test for the party, and nobody mentioned anything, but i saw how fast we managed to kill all bosses. Fastest run i did, and yeah, i saw Lupicus literally burning, with a permanent buff of burning.
In the end is all about learning how to use what you got


in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Spirits are pretty decent. People just don’t have a clue how to use them. If they are placed within 900 range of the enemy…. you are using them wrong.

Did you ever wonder why LB skills were multihit? Well now you know.

Increase dmg by 10%. Adds burning to each attack. For one minute!!!! That’s a lot of extra damage.

Agreed. Spirits are fine, but you need to learn to work with them. It’s all about positioning when fighting.

exactly. I just tested it in Arah and was 90% completely fine. I can’t say 100% because during Lupicus, in phase 3, for my surprise, I noticed i was his favorite spot, probably coz my spirits walk with me and that was the only way i could manage to keep them alive the most as possible. Don’t know why but he was stealing life from me like ALL THE TIME and that never happened before.
More interestingly, many times i was downed by Lupicus but my spirits were alive! I wasn’t announcing my test for the party, and nobody mentioned anything, but i saw how fast we managed to kill all bosses. Fastest run i did, and yeah, i saw Lupicus literally burning, with a permanent buff of burning.
In the end is all about learning how to use what you got

Adding onto your post about things learned via spirits, you can heal them via Healing Spring, and also one thing that i’ve learned makes them VERY useful and ensures their lives a bit longer is to use them more as a utility (IE you only pop one at a time instead of splurging all your spirits out at once like most do), so if you need D you throw out the stone spirit, need DPS fire/frost (or both if you want a LOT of DPS) etc.

Granted this is more useful in PvP where it’s not a safe place to be a spirit, especially when you’re summoned by me and ontop of being used for your buff you’re also used as a meat shield…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna


in Ranger

Posted by: aeroh.8930


The sun spirit may not have the internal cooldown, but I know the lightning spirit does. You can test this easily. Equip the spirit, attack something and you’ll get a 10 second swiftness buff. But no matter how many attacks you make after you get the buff, it will never refresh before it runs out.

edit: I just noticed this :

So there you go. All spirits have a 10 second recharge.


(edited by aeroh.8930)