Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: MUNMU.7326


Personally I hate the Solar Beam change. Here’s the reasons why;

- It forces us to play with autotarget (or use target change or click the enemies) if we have a group of enemies
- It won’t heal allies if there isn’t any enemies and there’s still combat
- Any other class doesn’t have a weapon that needs a target for autoattack
- It’s a huge deal for people playing with action camera
- It decreases usability from staff
- There is no reason why this change was made

I understand it was unfair, that Druids could charge their AF before combat, but there’s no reason to keep the change because of this change:
Druid: Astral Force is no longer gained when healing a target that is already at full health

This means if we had autoattack without target, it wouldn’t give us Astral Force from pet or any other player without having an enemy near us. To charge AF we need to get our allies low on health and 99% of time it means combat.

To be clear, I’m not salty of any other nerf to Druid. I personally have understood why these changes are made and I’m okay with it. This is one I don’t get why that was necessary and I think it really affects most of the Druid players negatively. It decreases their ablility to function as a healer in a group and it is less fun to play.

So I’m asking to change the Solar Beam back to normal autoattack without requirement of having a target. It would benefit the functionality of Druid’s staff and make it more fun to play.

Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: SchlemazelTov.7310


Id like to see this thread get more attention. Maybe we can make a petition? With the recent changes it would be perfectly fair to remove the target requirement from Solar Beam. The amount of healing Solar Beam does is negligible and if your team mates are taking damage allowing you to heal them and generate astral force then you’re likely in combat anyways.

Solar Beam really needs to be reworked, even the animation is bad, but at least remove the target requirement. This is something that can be easily hotfixed and won’t impact balance in a significant way.

Staff is the only weapon in the game with a target requirement on the #1 skill and it just feels awkward.

edit: Requiring a target has also severely crippled the action camera as you can no longer aim Solar Beam to hit multiple targets.

Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

A lot of stuff needs to be reworked.
This is just one of them.

You have my sign if you decide to do anything.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


It was needed, but then they added in the change that prevented us from gaining astral force for healing people full health and the change to staff auto no longer is needed and should be reverted.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


I’d highly suggest reverting it back since the ’can’t gain AF from fully healed allies’ and I actually wanna suggest something else -

Make it so that if you have no target selected but are using the auto, the ‘radius’ of the heal is slightly bigger at the player position, so you can heal allies you’re standing close to. I mean it was like that a bit before, but the radius was really small.

OR make it so you can target ALLIES.

Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


Mesmer GS says hi.


Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


Mesmer GS says hi.

^ This. This. This.

The autoattack on staff is ridiculous.

Staff 2 sucks.
Staff 3 puts you in combat.
Staff 4 cast time is too long.

Staff: Let us autoattack like any other class

in Ranger

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

I understand it was unfair, that Druids could charge their AF before combat, but there’s no reason to keep the change because of this change:
Druid: Astral Force is no longer gained when healing a target that is already at full health

so can we all go home, now that youve answered your own question?

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