State of the Game - suggestions/questions

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Zorby.8236


I don’t have anything to add strictly, most have already been brought up. I just want to wish Batto good luck! Sifting through all of our known issues and selecting only a few can’t be easy…
Normally I would not care for PvP, but seeing as how it will obviously affect PvE…

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I’d ask when they’re going to get around to actually putting an actual pet system into the game
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


Ask them if they think spamming “Guard” for the sole reason of activating natures voice is a good idea?

I think most players think that the protection and even stealth have value but since pets can’t scale walls anymore (lol) I think players don’t care about the sending the pet anywhere.

I’d like to ask if a rework of this utility or any other utility is being considered.

In my opinion, Sickem has merits in an offensive build
Protect me in a defense
I feel these are conceptually sound.

Search and rescue possible in a spvp or pve setting.

I feel guard is not a conceptually sound shout.

I also feel that the ranger shouts were rushed into the game and as they were not in the beta’s. Can you ask if this is true?

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Guard use to be amazing, till they gutted it.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Pet shouts are completely selfish, crap utilities. Hell, sic em is not even good anymore sinc ethey nerfed pet damage so that 40% more pet damage now gives less than it used to and still people weren’t taking it.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Taym.8326


Considering that the ranger’s pet scales independent of player damage it will become a nightmare to ever make more that 2 builds viable at any given time. I have theorized that there are two options available for the ranger pets continued use, the first is to lower the pets damage while increasing the rangers damage (and condition) presence, the other is to have the pet scale with the ranger’s stats.

The main problem that power builds are not more viable is because it also requires a DPS pet, meaning that they don’t measure up by themselves to all of the other power based classes without this addition. However a significant problem is that a pet that is able to spike would then be incredibly overpowered if placed in the hands of a tank (cause of the pet nerf last patch). Due to this, only one spec will become viable when the pet damage increases, and that is BM bunker ranger as plopping points into power that scales poorly (ranger coefficients are horrible I believe its 75% of them are below .5) will never be as viable as a hearty tank class that has the ability to spike.

So now that we have identified that some of the problems for rangers diversity lay with the core mechanic itself, perhaps we can spend some time talking about the Ranger pet alterations.

Pet Scaling:
All pets are given multipliers to the rangers statistics to assure that each pet type still has their unique flavor, but a condi pet will do more condition damage with a condi build, a power pet will do more w/ a power/crit build etc, and bunkers will not be able to spike yay #morebalanced

Poor multipliers are supplemented by pets damage increase to make power/crit more appealing to rangers.
Usage of specific pets more appealing, such as moas/porcine for a heal/tanky ranger, spiders/devourers for condition, Cats/Birds/Drakes for power.

Coding time to implement
Determining pet to ranger skill multipliers
Condition pets are horrible.
Moas heals are not controlled.
Beastmastery would need a new ability

Utility only pets:
The first idea was to lower the pets damage to uselessness but keep the utility while buffing rangers coefficients and condition application in order to offset the loss of the pet. I am less excited if this option was taken because it literally can be a situation where the pet just sits beside you because his damage is useless so he might as well sit there… go on, change it to an invuln companion… won’t matter.

Easier to balance the class, many options will open up and pets will be able to have their f2 ability speeds reduced greatly because that is literally all they have become.

Does not increase pet diversity.
Have to spend a bunch of time in each ability looking for where more conditions and damage can be placed.
Beastmastery would need a new ability

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Diehard.1432


Ask them about what other nerf we should be expecting for rangers.

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


First of all, congratulations Battosai, very excited to see you in the SoTGs.

Seeing as how you are a similar minded player, I have no doubt that you already have in mind the same questions I do, but to add my own things I’d like to see focused on:

-Rangers really aren’t accomplishing anything unique anymore. Boon access is lackluster, power damage is fairly unimpressive, access to AoE damage is extremely poor, team support options are almost nonexistentm and the pet mechanic after being nerfed is fairly lacking in function outside of DPS. Are there any plans on improving the ranger in any of these categories to give it some sort of competitive edge?

-Viable ranger builds since launch have only really consisted of traps and BM builds. Are there any potential changes coming in the next patch that will help increase the amount of playable builds?

-Lastly, hopefully try to get an ultimatum from the devs. Where do they think rangers are currently, and what direction do they want to take them?

Those are my big ones, but I foresee you covering everything I want to know about. I think the ranger community is at an extremely vulnerable and critical spot since this last patch, and the entire attitude of the community is going to ultimately be determined by the state of the game. Many of the ranger players are (rightly) outraged at how much was taken from builds versus how little was given as compensation, so it is important to make sure that the difference in effectiveness is made up somewhere down the line.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante.1508


I would like the option to remove the Pet also, i do not ask for Dual wielding or damage boosts or traits removed, i’ll play without all that, i just ask to have a choice to use pets or not like the previous Guildwars did.

Please for the love of God and dungeons, please get this across to THE DEVS so we are no longer excluded from Dungeons because these things ruin Parties..

One Handed sword please ask a Dev to try the thing on an Asura Ranger Character, we cannot at all evade and dodge while using the thing, basically we are free deaths to anything we attack with it..because we are locked into combat..

If you have time also explain Spirits are completely useless because they die before you get to use them, they also take up utility slots other more important ranger skills need to be in.. this is why no one uses Spirits at all..

Thank you Battosai and good luck at SOTG.

(edited by Dante.1508)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: qualm like a bomb.6512

qualm like a bomb.6512

I think I would ask them why they think that a good majority of the Ranger class is so severely disappointed with the recent patch changes?

Are rangers supposed to be a thief without stealth (and DPS), a warrior without heavy armor (and a kitteny version of banners that die after two hits), or just a supply runner and node farmer?

Where would they like rangers to fit in, we deserve to know as we had finally found viable builds and they did not like what we became? A non buffing Guardian with a pet obviously wasn’t were they wanted us to be.

Qualm – Commander
Grievance [GVNC] – Our drunken WvW is the kitten
Devona’s Rest – Forever Outnumbered & Kittened upon by Anet

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406



I’ve been playing Ranger since BWE1 and I believe it’s not in that bad of a state as everyone makes it them out to be. However, I do think we need some minor tweaks to put us on par with the top professions in all the game types.

Could you bring up:
They have making good progress with them by increasing the proc rate and consolidating the traits, however spirit survival-bility is horrible for both PvP and PvE use. Could you suggest perhaps boosting their armor and vitality to that of the elite spirit, as that spirit is the perfect spirit in terms of utility and survival. As of now AoE just murder spirits in both PvP and PvE. I understand they are scared of the OP spirit build that was present in BWE’s but the spirits will still be killable, they will just have to be focused on a bit. This will add at least one more build that I see people trying to run often but can’t due spirit’s poor survival.

This weapon barely gets any play in PvP because of the auto-attack distance requirement and barrage long channeling. Even other class weapons who have this similar feature, i.e mesmer GS, has use in PvP but the longbow can’t work at all.

Honestly, the pet dmg nerf was kinda needed because they were doing some pretty hefty damage alone. However, I think why players are so mad is because pets don’t have much utility outside of damage (jag) and some cc if it happens to hit (wolf) due to their AI always missing; I think if we had access to some of their skills as hotkeys it would help this problem out. Also, could you ask them to look into the bird attacking animation because it takes them forever to land hits.

TL;DR: -Spirits need more survivalbility, more like the elite spirit. WILL ADD BUILD DIVERSITY.
– Longbow needs work because it falls short in PvP
– We need more control over pets because they are not reliable, option to hotkey bind for skills.

edit: added more info about spirits.

(edited by Peter.9406)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Tumult.2578


For me the state of the game is now OVER, effective 6/25/2013
The money stays in my wallet.

Please ask if they intend to ever do a PvE balance pass.

I’ll check back….. probably

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


I do have a few things I would like to see them answer..

1) Why doesn’t Rangers longbow have any integrated condition damage like every other classes ranged weapons? Warrior Longbow has both bleeds and burning. Warrior Rifle has nearly the same attacks as Ranger longbow, but also has bleeds. Engi, Thief all have some kind of condition damage built into all of their ranged weapons. Rangers how ever have no integrated Condition damage built into the longbow.

2) Why do many of our Utility skills have a much much longer recharge timer than comparable skills from other classes. Most noted are Rampage as One. It has almost exactly the same effect (although weaker) as the Warrior Signet of Rage.

Rampage as One gives: 20 Seconds of Fury, Stability and swiftness on a 120 second timer. You cannot trait to reduce this timer.
Signet of Rage gives: 30 seconds of Fury, might (5 stacks) and swiftness on a 60 second timer that can be lowered down to 48 seconds via traits.

That’s less than half the recharge rate with traits.

3) Will they be willing to add Short bow range back via trait and remove the facing requirement for short bow bleeds? Ranger is the only class with a ranged weapon that requires they be flanking or behind a target to land its bleed effect. The bleeds also have one of the shortest durations. With most other bleeds in the 6+ second range.

4) Will they add better traits for bleeds for the Ranger? Again looking at warrior they can increase all their bleeds by 50% duration. They also receive traits that increase their damage by 10% vs a target that is bleeding and or burning. Allowing them to do 20% combined damage to a target at range. Rangers receive only a 5% damage bonus. Period.

There are many other questions I have, but ill leave it at that for the time being.

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Olterin Fire.5960

Olterin Fire.5960

Here’s an idea to throw to the devs, maybe: since the pet nerf took out some (more) dps out of the ranger, maybe it should be possible to build for either more of an archer type character – or even melee (personal favorite) – (and weapon specialization skills would then update the damage coefficients to a competitive level) or for how the class was conceptualized, as in, build for the pet – in which case, it would make sense to have a minor trait in the beastmastery line make the pet’s stats scale with the ranger’s.

Oh, and: how about splitting PvE balance and PvP balance? Because as many people stated above, Rangers are … at the very least, much more difficult to play in dungeons and fractals (higher-end PvE content, basically). Incidentally, it would help here if we could choose to not bring a pet and instead specialize in our own weapons. (AKA, how it worked in GW1 – much better, imho).

Also, what was already said above: a statement of the form “We see Rangers as being the ______ type of class that can potentially bring ______, ______ or ______ to situations like ______, _______ or _______. Currently, we think Rangers are ______ in PvE, _______ in WvW and ______ in sPvP and we think they ______ in these game modes.” (With potential follow-up questions, ideally)

WIthout light, there can be no darkness. Without darkness, there can be no light.

Sword Of Justice – Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Olterin Fire.5960)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Could you ask the devs at the SOTG:-

1) If they considered having LB 1500, SB 1200 and axe 900 (which makes a lot of sense), instead of just nerfing SB to 900? The eagle eye trait giving extra range could be reworked…

Or alternatively…

2) Put SB in the eagle eye trait, so it gives players who take the trait a way of returning SB to 1200 range? Still a nerf because they are forced to take a trait, thus sacrifice another one. But it would mean a lot of Ranger players in PvE/WvW wouldn’t face a choice of buying all new equipment or quit Ranger completely…

3) Ranger was a very low dps class before the pet damage reduction, are they considering boosting the Rangers personal dps to make up for the reduction in future ‘balance’ patches?

4) What is the future direction for Rangers? What do the devs see as the Rangers unique selling point? What does a Ranger do better than any of the other 7 classes? Are they planning on giving Ranger any additional means of helping groups out, so partys actually want us in dungeon/instances groups, instead of ignoring Rangers or kicking Rangers?

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


– gw1 like spirit system, or aura/preparation like spirits
– we have the less and useless cc skills. roots have long cooldown, easy to destroy, dodge, get out. if we have the recent amount of range dmg output, we need to stay away from melee for a while and shoot
– new trait: shoot backward. old archer trick, my nation used it for 1200 years and we can stay out of range, but we still need to manouver
– new kind of pets: they cant attack, cant deal dammage and cant be dammaged. they make passive buff for the ranger, or for f2 they make party buffs. little like guardians virtues.
– no pets! able to not equick pet for a lone wolf mode. new f1-f4 skills (survive mode, sniper mode etc…)

Just the WvW

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Battosai.5620


Hey there again guys!
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve actually read through all of your posts so far, some really great questions and suggestions in it and they’re constructive.
My time today is rather limited, but i will try to compile a priority list tomorrow ( latest on monday) on what I want to ask and talk about on the SotG.
I’m afraid I propably won’t be able to put all of your questions/suggestions in – so sorry in advance for that.
Also this thread actually has more replies then Supcuties general thread for the SotG in the spvp forums.
Last but not least thanks a lot for your encouragement guys.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


So many things to ask. Maybe the one thing to ask them is do they realise what they have just done and that we are really not happy?

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Erro.2784


Hey Battosai, nice one on making SotG! Out of curiosity are you the same Battosai WL from WAR?

Ideally what I would like to know is if the Ranger can be provided with some more group support for WvW. At the moment it is severely limited in what it can do for a group. Simple things like would go a long way:

  • making Maul a blast finisher (perhaps on longer cooldown) or;
  • a Trait in Nature’s Magic which allows for buffs gained through traits to be applied to nearby allies.

I think I am one of the few players happy with the pet damage nerfs. Some of the stuff they were putting out was ridiculous to say the least. Having said that, it was mostly just OP in 1v1 or small scale. In large scale conflicts the mechanic of having a pet is pretty much useless. Are ANet contemplating inclusion of a trait which allows for stowing of pet in return for additional damage buff (similar to WAR’s loner WLs)?

[VII] – Aurora Glade
VII youtube channel
Erro youtube channel

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I just hope that it does not focus only on PvP , as that is the area ranger performs best at . The issues are mostly in PvE dungeons and WvW

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


here is maybe interesting link you can read bottosai.
there have 3 ranger players write how they whant have the ranger and also list the useless traits and skills on weapons. the first also give ideas about new traits and improves. maybe you should give the devs this link too then…
for sure they are not all do able or real. but its some good ideas in there!

my asks whould be:

do they think about give the ranger more self skill use, because its rly less skills i can use myself on ranger… some more f1-f4 skills
something like this depending on weapons:
f1: stealth for the ranger, the next arrow from behind make more dmg, depending on
f2: the next 5 seconds the ranger have multishoot (5 arrows) nice combo with bow 2 :P
f3: ranger block or dodge the next attack
f4: scout, the ranger can see where are the enemy players running around and see invis

whats about full pet controll when i run beastmaster builds..
whould make them harder to play, but at same time do rly nice actions yourself!

will it ever be the same that ranger have always to use this pet, because then
never good dps bow rangers will work and that just because the pet have nearly the same dmg like me when i try run a 30/30/10/0/0 longbow ranger… its so less dmg i have myself… and survive is 0. at same time pet die fast and ~40% of my dmg is away
and at same time pet hit not when i whant do the burst NOW…
i just hate to need pet for every build i create…. in my mind there shuold be a trait in beastmastery 10 which give you a pet when you run a signet of wild or a new created sigil. when use this sigil you become the pet controll on 1234. the sigil have no cooldown for fast skill switch…
but thats just a to hard to make idea for anet…

pls speak about the ~useless traits in each trait line (soften fall, instinctual bond, stability training and and and)

and ask about move the trapper traits into an other traitline because its not
good in skirmishing when i whant go a effective trapper!

whats with longbow, this weapon have to useless skills in my mind and should be reworked. this weapon feels not dynamic enough for the fast fights
maybe a bit like this:
skill 1: should have other system then this distance crap…
skill 2: is ok
skill 3: this one should also have a dodge like the shortbow, give the swiftness to the
ranger and cripple the enemy (the 10 vulnerability goes to skill 4
skill 4: this one is ok, but should have the 10 vulnerability
skill 5: well i dont like this one at pvp. the problem i have to stay when cast this… dmg is rly low and only nice is the cripple….
also the longbow need some multishoots… to do aoe like each class can do with a dps weapon…

speak about the sword auto attack… its useless

speak a bit about longsword improves, its not strong weapon.
maybe like this:
skill 1: this weapon feels so sloooow and im a ranger not a warrior
there whould be some more attack speed nice.
skill 2: this skills look like a slow hard attacking warrior skill who dont care about
get a hit into his armor or not and not like a ranger skill who is fighting with
leather armor.
here whould be a side dodge attack skill nice to see.
this skill should do a sideward dodge and then attack into the side of the enemy
with well dmg
skill 3: this one is ok, i like it, also because combo field jump is rly important for
rangers heal
skill 4: nice skill its ok one, maybe more less cooldown
skill 5: this one should also have a dodge, and maybe more daze/stun time

some talk about the shortbow weapon is improtant too for sure.
its less distance now. maybe they can give the bleeding of shortbow 1 always now…
no need to flank or attack from behind… all other condi classes have rly stronger auto attack then shortbow 1

well thats most important for me atm
sry for bad engl and not real f1-f4 wishes :P

edit: oh and there should be some improve on spirits and totaly useless shouts like guad and search and rescue.
i saw some spirit rangers run around yesterday in tpvp. but that cant be seriously stong enough build. there is for sure engin or necro more interesting to use then this

and combo finisher projectile should be more then 20% chance… -.-
i whant have some nice fire arrow ice arrow combos
but atm thats not rly able to do. spirits should also give ranger more combofields..
whould make him more interesting in dungeons and tpvp group fights when ranger can give some combofields

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

(edited by Oidmetala.8426)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Battosai.5620


Hey Battosai, nice one on making SotG! Out of curiosity are you the same Battosai WL from WAR?

Ideally what I would like to know is if the Ranger can be provided with some more group support for WvW. At the moment it is severely limited in what it can do for a group. Simple things like would go a long way:

  • making Maul a blast finisher (perhaps on longer cooldown) or;
  • a Trait in Nature’s Magic which allows for buffs gained through traits to be applied to nearby allies.

I think I am one of the few players happy with the pet damage nerfs. Some of the stuff they were putting out was ridiculous to say the least. Having said that, it was mostly just OP in 1v1 or small scale. In large scale conflicts the mechanic of having a pet is pretty much useless. Are ANet contemplating inclusion of a trait which allows for stowing of pet in return for additional damage buff (similar to WAR’s loner WLs)?

Yup that’s me.
I’ll try to read through all of the threads you guys are mentioning and recommending to me as well.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


LB push back skill is good for SB, but not a real cc what we need at this weapon

Just the WvW

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Ision.3207


Hi Bottosai, and thanks.

How about this:

Does Anet have any plans to introduce a stealth tracking/detection utility for one of the classes? Because as a veteran of many MMOs, most of them always included at least one class with stealth-detection abilities, and traditionally, it was usually the “Ranger” type class that was the designated “stealth-tracker”.

Colin Johanson to Eurogamer: "Everyone, including casual gamers,
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”

(edited by Ision.3207)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Tyops.5894


We need to talk to devs about WvW/PvE as well, please ask them if we can arrange that (you know… majority of player base)

NSP Why bother?….

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: SafiMoyo.5130


We need to talk to devs about WvW/PvE as well, please ask them if we can arrange that (you know… majority of player base)

This please

Champion Hunter

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Pendleton.6385


Hey there fellow rangers!

The State of the Game discussion is coming on Tuesday the 2nd July at 4:30 pm PST.
I will be joining Grouch, Zombify, Supcutie and the developer Jonathan Sharp discussing the recent patch and the effects it had on PvP in Guildwars 2!
Obviously i will not let this chance slip by and I’ll try to fit in as much ranger talk as possible!

The purpose of this thread is to gather suggestions, questions or feedback you guys want me/us to talk about during the State of the Game discussion.

Looking forward to your input guys!


I don’t know if this was already mentioned but I would like to know their thoughts on rangers being denied spots in dungeons. Whether warranted or not …. Rangers are the least wanted class in group content.

I would love to hear their comments in a group setting like sotg.

Tarnished Coast
~ Ranger

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Arifialdy.1534


Hey there fellow rangers!

The State of the Game discussion is coming on Tuesday the 2nd July at 4:30 pm PST.
I will be joining Grouch, Zombify, Supcutie and the developer Jonathan Sharp discussing the recent patch and the effects it had on PvP in Guildwars 2!
Obviously i will not let this chance slip by and I’ll try to fit in as much ranger talk as possible!

The purpose of this thread is to gather suggestions, questions or feedback you guys want me/us to talk about during the State of the Game discussion.

Looking forward to your input guys!


i wont dream too much from dev to pay attention to ranger my friend, just one : FIX SWORD AUTO ATTACK, appreciate your effort to stand for us brother

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


If i may, i got a few questions as well;

What are they planning to do with spirits now that they added the new trait?

Spirits are pretty much useless, still. If possible, could “Spirits Unbound” and “Natures Vengance” be merged into one “master” trait. And perhaps, “Circle of Life” be converted to a grandmaster trait that makes your pet sacrifice it’s own life in favor of your survival?

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


The reasoning for all the nerfs seperately and why they found it important to not limit them to sPvP:
- shortbow range nerf
- pet damage nerfs
- Zephyr’s Speed moved from Adept to Grandmaster
- pet leash range nerf

Also, why should someone choose to play a Ranger?

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: WingzofIsis.4809


I have a question in general. Where can I veiw/read the interview when it is available?

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


Stealth detection would be a great idea. That’s what they should turn guard into. Make pets reveal stealth aoe!!! Would finally be valuable.

Spamming useless shouts like guard cause of low cool down just to use natures voice is bad!!

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


some guys rly have not much questions here Oo
i was think the ranger is so broken?

give more ideas pls
and hope it comes to a real ranger talk on sotg… -.-

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Echoing my previous suggestion: Any plans to address dodging on 1h sword?

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


In my opinion, Being rooted by 1 h sword is not an issue. It’s just that you should be able to break animation with a dodge

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Rawthorne.8675


This, this, and even more of this:

I’d ask if ANet plans to split future balance patches between PvE, sPvP and WvW, because many of 25th changes (nerfs) may work in sPvP, but are awfull in PvE and WvW.

Just one: since the technology is there to split skills between game modes, why don’t the sPvP crowd get to enjoy its nerfs for itself?

I’m dead serious too. We are just not playing the same game. The whole 1v1 node bunker meta has no point in regards to random pve, dungeons or wvw. Balancing the skills for it has been and still is a predictable clusterkitten from update to update. It may even bad for the community feeling. Or am i alone in wanting to punch a sPvPer in the face after every ‘balance fix’?

You are not alone, my fellow ranger. You are not alone.

Funny thing is, spvpers find a way around it and seem to be in the exact same state they were in before the patch, with the same amount (or lack thereof) variety, where as those of use playing the other games GW2 offers (pve, dungeons, wvw) have thrown up our hands or flipped a desk or two.

We need to talk to devs about WvW/PvE as well, please ask them if we can arrange that (you know… majority of player base)

I cannot stress this enough as because a few rangers found some op spvp build that everyone copied and ran nonstop; the REST of us have to deal w/ some bs nerfs. I NEVER spvp because I don’t give 2 kittens about it; it reminds me of all the idiots playing Call of Duty. I like to wvw (split between roaming/scouting/zerging/defending) and some pve content. Here are the issues that I have w/ our current state.

1. Fine you gutted the sb (now does anyone honestly use it). How about the trait that gives increased range to lb also apply to sb?

2. How about reverting the sb #1 attack back to pre fix/nerf stage?

3. How about making the sb bleeds etc easier to pull off?

4. How about making search and rescue oh idk actually rez dead rather then downed players once again? So many times I have used this in jumping puzzles back in the day or in bugged fotm to pick people up in places where there was no chance to get to them.

5. The leash range on pets nerf/buff. Omg this is quite annoying atm to deal with.

6. Rangers will never get perma pet stow right? Pets account for x amount of our damage right? Well then for kittens sake let me use a bird to attack on top of a structure to the people below/above me.

7. So pets basically all got their attacks nerfed yet no survivability added. Great go try zerging with them in wvw and see how that does. I am forced into a trap build for wvw. All I do is hit traps/nonstop TRY and move my pets in/out of combat to try and get MAYBE 1-3 attacks in before their death. I use drakes and good luck most of the time getting their attacks in; especially f2, before they have to be swapped/dead.

8. Can we just go ahead and make it permanent whatever buffs we get applies to our pets without any traits required? Go ahead and nerf them even more if you want; I just want the kitten things to actually perform well in open field wvw.

9. So I am up top trying to defend a structure and dealing with all types of mesmers/eles/rangers/necros raining holy hell at me. I pull out my lb and I have 1/2 more rangers (all of us adequately geared for wvw; no gc’s allowed) with us dropping healing spring on cd (and a few nice warriors blasting them for us). Yet no matter wth we do; we end up with 2 dead pets each if we decide to try and defend from up top. So whenever a gate gets close to 20% or so we are FORCED to fall back and wait for our pets death timers to end to defend once the breach occurs. Instead of oh idk actually defending we are forced to stand still and wait. Why? because our pets refuse to stay perma stowed EVEN when they CAN’T attack; only stand still and take damage.

10. Here’s a thought; increase the time for flame trap. Currently I believe all traps are 5 minutes except this one which is 90 seconds.

11. Perhaps make Rangers the anti thief stealth bane with traps that screw up their stealth (besides the useless trap you can buy in wvw).

12. Marksmanship line increases condition duration and LB users are forced to have at least 20 in that for increased range. Yeah that makes sense for a weapon that does no conditions other then cripple on barrage.

13. Skirmishing = precision and crit damage yet we need 30 into this for our traps to actually be viable which surprise surprise does condition damage.

14. Our spirits are such garbage anyways; just give us the ability for them to follow us nontraited. Anyone can pick up a warriors banner…..

15. Easiest solution is to revert all nerfs back to previous patch and make them apply to only spvp. Leave us pvers/wvwers alone; we get no love whatsoever.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: PenPen.5370


some guys rly have not much questions here Oo
i was think the ranger is so broken?

give more ideas pls
and hope it comes to a real ranger talk on sotg… -.-

I think keeping the list short (and straight to the point on selected major flaws) would work better in players’ favor.

…It’s not like we don’t have in-depth details in many of the forum posts already — it’s no dev spending time going through them.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Hey there again guys!
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve actually read through all of your posts so far, some really great questions and suggestions in it and they’re constructive.
My time today is rather limited, but i will try to compile a priority list tomorrow ( latest on monday) on what I want to ask and talk about on the SotG.
I’m afraid I propably won’t be able to put all of your questions/suggestions in – so sorry in advance for that.
Also this thread actually has more replies then Supcuties general thread for the SotG in the spvp forums.
Last but not least thanks a lot for your encouragement guys.

Okay that’s good…. But how about also telling us before hand which things you’re definitely going to ask … atleast in short-form (we don’t need your final draft, just some rough ideas please!!).

See the problem that’s ALWAYS existed in any of these types of threads, is that we always have to wait until after the interview takes place to find out and by then we don’t always know b/c sometimes the questions the devs refuse to answer get edited out or something….

And thank you for doing this and bringing it here! It would generally get a lot less exposure if kept exclusive to Guru…

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Just one: since the technology is there to split skills between game modes, why don’t the sPvP crowd get to enjoy its nerfs for itself?

I’m dead serious too. We are just not playing the same game. The whole 1v1 node bunker meta has no point in regards to random pve, dungeons or wvw. Balancing the skills for it has been and still is a predictable clusterkitten from update to update. It may even bad for the community feeling. Or am i alone in wanting to punch a sPvPer in the face after every ‘balance fix’?

^Indeed! But, an sPvP’er would not be the intend recipient

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


1. Do they have any plans to introduce new pet types or pet skins (that maybe share traits with other pets).

4. With the reduction of range on shortbow, can the bleed condition of being behind or beside the target removed? We are the only class that has this requirement on a ranged weapon. Warriors and thieves both can apply their bleeds from any position on a target.

5. Although longbow can be traited for 1500 range, there are numerous PVE encounters where mobs will go invulnerable, rendering this range useless because the ranger is out of range of the mob (even with other targets in range). Harpy fractal is notorious for this. This “feature” renders this trait fairly useless.

Yes, Yes, and Yes! Especially #5 because it’s defies logic and punishes intelligence. As does one more thing, Why can’t our pet jump, climb, or fly to a target? It is the most annoying aspect of being a Ranger because it’s mind-numbingly stupid. Like the above mentioned Harpy Fractals. A ranger has to either Melee or forfeit their pet’s contributions. Same in WvW with towers and walls. I’d like to know when logic will be included back into the game to allow such game play to resume.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

(edited by DeWolfe.2174)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Shiren.9532


All the people hoping to know the direction of the ranger class (I’m one of them) should be aware the devs answered this once before on one of the SotG videos. The answer was really short and disappointing (I think ranged damage was mentioned, probably the pet). It was in the same SotG where they mentioned longbow buffs (and I think mentioning the longbow builds had problems with defence). The popularity of this question has me cautious of how disappointing and vague the answer is likely to be.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Ask why Birds take fall damage
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Why did they nerf shortbow range is a question I’d really like to hear a proper answer for.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Why did they nerf shortbow range is a question I’d really like to hear a proper answer for.

Would you be happy if the answer was to bring it in line with the thief shortbow range and to differentiate it from the longbow? It’s important to frame the question so that it gets detailed explanations rather than raising more questions. Why was the shortbow nerfed when it wasn’t a problematic weapon? They can say anything in response to asking why it was nerfed, but asking them to justify the nerf in the context of the weapon’s former power level not being above average becomes more challenging.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante.1508


I have a question in general. Where can I veiw/read the interview when it is available? Why its not on their main forum kinda makes you wonder..

I have another question why is there a sPvP state of the game but no other type of state of the game, PvE, WvW etc..

(edited by Dante.1508)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: jdmThor.3806


where can i catch this discussion?

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Why did they nerf shortbow range is a question I’d really like to hear a proper answer for.

Would you be happy if the answer was to bring it in line with the thief shortbow range and to differentiate it from the longbow? It’s important to frame the question so that it gets detailed explanations rather than raising more questions. Why was the shortbow nerfed when it wasn’t a problematic weapon? They can say anything in response to asking why it was nerfed, but asking them to justify the nerf in the context of the weapon’s former power level not being above average becomes more challenging.

No, because thief shortbow auto bounces across targets, they get a combo field, an evading shot they can chain 3-4 times if the pool intitiative plus the cripple it brings, the only blast finisher with no cooldown in the game and one of the best aoe’s to boot. That combo field also happens to be poison and now its blast applies weakness, one of the best protective conditions in the game.

Don’t ever compare ranger shortbow to thief shortbow again. It’s a joke.

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: jdmThor.3806


I have a question in general. Where can I veiw/read the interview when it is available? Why its not on their main forum kinda makes you wonder..

oh there’s my answer. nvm, thanks

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: AlphaK.9486


Question: As it stands, current ranger party utility is lacking. Do you have any plans on increasing the rangers party utility to make them more desirable in WvW/SPvP groups and dungeons?

(edited by AlphaK.9486)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


1. STILL looking forward for more BUFF in longbow in term of ATTACKING SPEED it’s still too slow and arrow flying still slow but overall it’s way more better then it used to be

2. buff spirit

3. more escape ability

4. buff regen signet

5. buff natural healing

6. rework minor traits