Just wanted to start a thread discussing how ranger sit in the current game environment. I’m a fairly active lurker here so I thought I’d share my observations.
PvE: One of the best classes. Pets allow us to solo group events with ease and makes for a fairly hands off playstyle.
Dungeons: Severely limited due to narrow spaces, AoE and powerful mobs killing pets. Not exactly welcomed to things such a the Jelly and Jade fractals.
WvW: We make for great roamers and solo characters. However, we don’t really have much to contribute to group fights and sieges except for Guarding pets up walls and Barrage.
sPvP: Apparently Rangers have made a resurgence on the competitive scene as a hybrid bunker/point defense and roamer character and is starting to step on the toes of eles/mesmers/thieves for the role of best 1v1 duelist.
Does anyone disagree with these observations? Confirmations?