Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


This is getting ridiculous. All those workarounds like the recent staff autoattack change just make the game worse.

Why would you hold on to that incredibly flawed system? Since BWE people complain that the system is neither intuitive nor consistent. Certain skills have infinitely higher potential to generate AF than other just due to the way they work, Troll Unguent being an example.

What is so freaking hard about linking it to percentage of healing/damage done instead of counting individual ticks. Should have done this in the first place but atleast do it now or every further balancing is effectively worthless since it is based on a flawed system.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


This is the obvious solution we should had from day one. I’ll even go further and add coffients to spesific skills, I do think for example staff ticks should regnerate more than regen ticks(same for healing glyph). TU should be good at AF regen, its part of the desighn to balance the buff to WHAO, so give TU 1.5 coffient to AF regen.

Giving all ranger heals the possibility to regenerate AF is the RIGHT WAY, but it cant be as it is now.

Making it % will insintevise build derversity , the use of healing power(stronger helas, stronger AF regen) and will balace the speed rate of the AF regen bar.

Its also very smart they added things like IB/natural healing/SOTW/pets heals/dolyak runes etc… Lots of unused tools that now add somthing to druid builds. With the “%” system it also will be blanced as “60” tick from dolyak will not add the same amount of AF as 2.5 k heal from IB trait.

(edited by LughLongArm.5460)

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: HotHit.6783


I do not feel astral force generation has been a problem for a while if you’ve been taking troll unguent or especially a staff. Now that Druid synergises with the base ranger AF is much better off and, while the bandaid solution to OOC AF generation is problematic, your suggestion is far more complicated than making the auto animation play with no effect when it lacks a target.

Consider this scenario: You give damage an AF coefficient of 10% and healing an AF coefficient of 20%, staff autoing with my druid, dealing 200 damage and 66 healing, would generate 20 AF from damage and 13.2 AF from healing (these numbers are an estimated low damage number and healing with 0 healing power), so, per auto that’s just short of 100 AF per auto, throw in live vicariously and it jumps to a bit over 141 per auto, not considering natural mender. You want me to get CAF from 15 autos so you set the max AF bar to 2115, cool. Then I heal as one and generate 2608 Astral Force and CAF becomes an on-demand super heal I don’t even need staff for. 21150 damage? Math in a void says sword autos hit that in two seconds easily.

Then you have to balance AF generation based upon player level, because Anet couldn’t be satisfied with 480 base health and 20 levels. So you have to balance the astral force correctly for all stages of the game. Oh and you need to consider druids will generate different levels of astral force from hitting, say, old fractal 50 Bloomhunger (low armour boss) and Champion Mordrem Troll Copper (extremely high armour boss). Oh and staff needs a complete rework because it’s now no longer the AF generation king it was designed to be and means the Druid now needs to do high damage/healing outside of CAF to get into CAF.

Not even the Necromancer’s profession mechanic has the level of balancing Astral force would take to get right in your system and such a system wouldn’t lead to healthy build diversity.

Never Fight Alone” – Sunspear Creed
There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words

(edited by HotHit.6783)

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


I do not feel astral force generation has been a problem for a while if you’ve been taking troll unguent or especially a staff. Now that Druid synergises with the base ranger AF is much better off and, while the bandaid solution to OOC AF generation is problematic, your suggestion is far more complicated than making the auto animation play with no effect when it lacks a target.

Consider this scenario: You give damage an AF coefficient of 10% and healing an AF coefficient of 20%, staff autoing with my druid, dealing 200 damage and 66 healing, would generate 20 AF from damage and 13.2 AF from healing (these numbers are an estimated low damage number and healing with 0 healing power), so, per auto that’s just short of 100 AF per auto, throw in live vicariously and it jumps to a bit over 141 per auto, not considering natural mender. You want me to get CAF from 15 autos so you set the max AF bar to 2115, cool. Then I heal as one and generate 2608 Astral Force and CAF becomes an on-demand super heal I don’t even need staff for. 21150 damage? Math in a void says sword autos hit that in two seconds easily.

Then you have to balance AF generation based upon player level, because Anet couldn’t be satisfied with 480 base health and 20 levels. So you have to balance the astral force correctly for all stages of the game. Oh and you need to consider druids will generate different levels of astral force from hitting, say, old fractal 50 Bloomhunger (low armour boss) and Champion Mordrem Troll Copper (extremely high armour boss). Oh and staff needs a complete rework because it’s now no longer the AF generation king it was designed to be and means the Druid now needs to do high damage/healing outside of CAF to get into CAF.

Not even the Necromancer’s profession mechanic has the level of balancing Astral force would take to get right in your system and such a system wouldn’t lead to healthy build diversity.

If you ask me, I would drop the damage AF build, the only reason it was in for the firstplace is to help builds that doesnt run staff. But now that so many tools can generate AF we dont need it. Regrading the AF coffients its kinda simple. Lets say 50k heal is reqiuerd for full AF bar. You want to give boost to TU as a good heal for AF regen. TU heal both you and your pet for 8500(over 10 sec with 0 hp) its 17k, but you give 1.5 coffient to become 25.5k(50% bar, like it was back in the beta). Regen wont get coffient so if of you run 0 hp its 260 per second for both you and your pet, if your regen heal 5 team members its 650 per second. Staff glyphs and druid spesific healing traits, should get a big modifier(you can balance the numbers). Other ranger and pet heals/traits could get some coffients if needed. gear/sigil/runes/food won’t get coffients but will conterbute to the AF regen guild.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Maybe math is difficult?

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Or, to not complicate things too much – give CA a cooldown of 10 seconds and be done with it.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Or, to not complicate things too much – give CA a cooldown of 10 seconds and be done with it.

But what about the flavor and the fun of build diversity ? and clean 10 sec is way to powerful, it should 10sec or less as reward to spesific builds/playing efforts/scenarios.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’ve said it a million times before, but there should be no Astral Force at all. There should only be a 10s cooldown on leaving Celestial Form because of traits.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


Or, to not complicate things too much – give CA a cooldown of 10 seconds and be done with it.

But what about the flavor and the fun of build diversity ? and clean 10 sec is way to powerful, it should 10sec or less as reward to spesific builds/playing efforts/scenarios.

A flat 10 seconds would encourage build diversity by allowing Rangers to take the Druid line and play in multiple ways without camping staff/Troll Unguent. More barriers on CAF = fewer viable builds that use CAF.

I would strongly argue form over function in game mechanics. I don’t care about flavor, if flavor results in sub-par mechanics with unreliable availability. This is why Ranger and Necromancer were bottom-tier in PvE for years—emphasis on “flavor” (ranger = pet class with unreliable AI; necromancers = selfish, low DPS) over usefulness.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Or, to not complicate things too much – give CA a cooldown of 10 seconds and be done with it.

But what about the flavor and the fun of build diversity ? and clean 10 sec is way to powerful, it should 10sec or less as reward to spesific builds/playing efforts/scenarios.

A flat 10 seconds would encourage build diversity by allowing Rangers to take the Druid line and play in multiple ways without camping staff/Troll Unguent. More barriers on CAF = fewer viable builds that use CAF.

I would strongly argue form over function in game mechanics. I don’t care about flavor, if flavor results in sub-par mechanics with unreliable availability. This is why Ranger and Necromancer were bottom-tier in PvE for years—emphasis on “flavor” (ranger = pet class with unreliable AI; necromancers = selfish, low DPS) over usefulness.

You dont need to cmap at either TU nor staff as you can build AF out of regen(boon)/ druid traits/glyphs/natural healing(trait)/IB(trait)/nature spirit(elitle) pets heals(fren/bear/moas etc..) food(mango pie/omnoberry pie etc…) runes and sigils(renewal/blood/liching/dolyiak/ defender etc..)

This what build diversity is about, not to play the same LB/GS build with jsut the druid trait line expecing to have everything in one build. And 10 sec CD is insanly powerful with out spesific requierments. I do think builds with TU anf staff should regen AF faster. But if u’r LB/GS+WHAO taking use of all of the above tools to build AF. ya you suppsed to be fine with my proposal.
I think it should be like:

Maximasing AF regen build – 5-15 sec or less to build full bar, depens if you are solo or with m8s you can heal, aoe regen etc..

average AF regen builds(taking only few of the tools available) 15-25 sec to build full bar.

No AF regen considaration at all 25-35sec to build full bar.

Remebr you start a match with full bar and can spend only 50% for quick stun break/condi remove and heal. So to fill 50% bar even with the 3 option is like 15 sec.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


Or, to not complicate things too much – give CA a cooldown of 10 seconds and be done with it.

But what about the flavor and the fun of build diversity ? and clean 10 sec is way to powerful, it should 10sec or less as reward to spesific builds/playing efforts/scenarios.

A flat 10 seconds would encourage build diversity by allowing Rangers to take the Druid line and play in multiple ways without camping staff/Troll Unguent. More barriers on CAF = fewer viable builds that use CAF.

I would strongly argue form over function in game mechanics. I don’t care about flavor, if flavor results in sub-par mechanics with unreliable availability. This is why Ranger and Necromancer were bottom-tier in PvE for years—emphasis on “flavor” (ranger = pet class with unreliable AI; necromancers = selfish, low DPS) over usefulness.

You dont need to cmap at either TU nor staff as you can build AF out of regen(boon)/ druid traits/glyphs/natural healing(trait)/IB(trait)/nature spirit(elitle) pets heals(fren/bear/moas etc..) food(mango pie/omnoberry pie etc…) runes and sigils(renewal/blood/liching/dolyiak/ defender etc..)

This what build diversity is about, not to play the same LB/GS build with jsut the druid trait line expecing to have everything in one build. And 10 sec CD is insanly powerful with out spesific requierments. I do think builds with TU anf staff should regen AF faster. But if u’r LB/GS+WHAO taking use of all of the above tools to build AF. ya you suppsed to be fine with my proposal.
I think it should be like:

Maximasing AF regen build – 5-15 sec or less to build full bar, depens if you are solo or with m8s you can heal, aoe regen etc..

average AF regen builds(taking only few of the tools available) 15-25 sec to build full bar.

No AF regen considaration at all 25-35sec to build full bar.

Remebr you start a match with full bar and can spend only 50% for quick stun break/condi remove and heal. So to fill 50% bar even with the 3 option is like 15 sec.

I was referring to pre-patch with my comment about Troll Unguent and Staff—when CAF gain WAS heavily gated. I brought it up because your method would gate CAF even further. Your method is needlessly complicated and much more difficult to balance, and it serves no purpose other than to make Druids healbots. Access to a basic specialization mechanic should not be gated so that certain playstyles will never even see use of the mechanic in a fight.

Healing is, by its nature, not required for the entirety of a fight. Locking Druids out when healing IS required is bad design.

There are also non-PvP game modes to balance for. One of the most important positions for Druid right now is in raids, and your changes would make it more difficult for Druids to provide support to their raid squads. Gate CAF too heavily, and other, more reliable, non-gated healing classes will take the place of Druids—Rangers will once again be shoved to the side in favor of more versatile classes.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Or, to not complicate things too much – give CA a cooldown of 10 seconds and be done with it.

But what about the flavor and the fun of build diversity ? and clean 10 sec is way to powerful, it should 10sec or less as reward to spesific builds/playing efforts/scenarios.

A flat 10 seconds would encourage build diversity by allowing Rangers to take the Druid line and play in multiple ways without camping staff/Troll Unguent. More barriers on CAF = fewer viable builds that use CAF.

I would strongly argue form over function in game mechanics. I don’t care about flavor, if flavor results in sub-par mechanics with unreliable availability. This is why Ranger and Necromancer were bottom-tier in PvE for years—emphasis on “flavor” (ranger = pet class with unreliable AI; necromancers = selfish, low DPS) over usefulness.

You dont need to cmap at either TU nor staff as you can build AF out of regen(boon)/ druid traits/glyphs/natural healing(trait)/IB(trait)/nature spirit(elitle) pets heals(fren/bear/moas etc..) food(mango pie/omnoberry pie etc…) runes and sigils(renewal/blood/liching/dolyiak/ defender etc..)

This what build diversity is about, not to play the same LB/GS build with jsut the druid trait line expecing to have everything in one build. And 10 sec CD is insanly powerful with out spesific requierments. I do think builds with TU anf staff should regen AF faster. But if u’r LB/GS+WHAO taking use of all of the above tools to build AF. ya you suppsed to be fine with my proposal.
I think it should be like:

Maximasing AF regen build – 5-15 sec or less to build full bar, depens if you are solo or with m8s you can heal, aoe regen etc..

average AF regen builds(taking only few of the tools available) 15-25 sec to build full bar.

No AF regen considaration at all 25-35sec to build full bar.

Remebr you start a match with full bar and can spend only 50% for quick stun break/condi remove and heal. So to fill 50% bar even with the 3 option is like 15 sec.

I was referring to pre-patch with my comment about Troll Unguent and Staff—when CAF gain WAS heavily gated. I brought it up because your method would gate CAF even further. Your method is needlessly complicated and much more difficult to balance, and it serves no purpose other than to make Druids healbots. Access to a basic specialization mechanic should not be gated so that certain playstyles will never even see use of the mechanic in a fight.

Healing is, by its nature, not required for the entirety of a fight. Locking Druids out when healing IS required is bad design.

There are also non-PvP game modes to balance for. One of the most important positions for Druid right now is in raids, and your changes would make it more difficult for Druids to provide support to their raid squads. Gate CAF too heavily, and other, more reliable, non-gated healing classes will take the place of Druids—Rangers will once again be shoved to the side in favor of more versatile classes.

How did you come to the conclusion my proposal will gate CA more compared to pre-patch? Do you siriously think you shoud have magic button that grants condi removal/stun break/3k heal/steath and super speed / every 10 sec? I know that exacly what ypu want out off your druid build, this selfish magic button. Atleast I want to insetvise the use of unpopular skiils/traits/ pets/sigils/runes etc and to achive balance.. you jsu want to be imba. AF as it is today is OP as hell and wont last for long.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Totally agree with this.

Necro’s LF regeneration works independently. All skills regenerate different amount base on skills.

Druid is just a rushed out class which each skills do not interact/design to generate AF, that leave us with this clunky-mess mechanic.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkness.9732


This is getting ridiculous. All those workarounds like the recent staff autoattack change just make the game worse.

Why would you hold on to that incredibly flawed system? Since BWE people complain that the system is neither intuitive nor consistent. Certain skills have infinitely higher potential to generate AF than other just due to the way they work, Troll Unguent being an example.

What is so freaking hard about linking it to percentage of healing/damage done instead of counting individual ticks. Should have done this in the first place but atleast do it now or every further balancing is effectively worthless since it is based on a flawed system.

Man you bought the expansion. You have accepted all this. Enjoy

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Sebastian.5364


Something different needs to be done – after the Nov. 17th patch. I was able to have Celestial Avatar up as soon as the CD was over in or OUT of combat… all you need is SotW and a short 6 sec regeneration to fill your astral force from 0-100% – or just wait a few more seconds and SotW fills it on it’s on – throw a bit of DPS in and it’s extremely trivial to raise now. They’ve essentially just gave it a, very short, CD – why is astral force even a resource now?

I’m not sure they realized what a stun break +13 condition removal + amazing group heals always available, between your normal heal cool down, would do to PvP. The only glaring weakness to a settler build (toughness, healing, condi) is someone else using conditions on you (low health, high toughness)… but we have so many ways to clear conditions you can effectively eliminate that weakness.

Last patch you had to decide between more offense or defense. More reliable kills vs bunker guard role. Now you can focus much more heavily on DPS while still maintaining just as much or more defensive utility. It’s nuts.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Something different needs to be done – after the Nov. 17th patch. I was able to have Celestial Avatar up as soon as the CD was over in or OUT of combat… all you need is SotW and a short 6 sec regeneration to fill your astral force from 0-100% – or just wait a few more seconds and SotW fills it on it’s on – throw a bit of DPS in and it’s extremely trivial to raise now. They’ve essentially just gave it a, very short, CD – why is astral force even a resource now?

I’m not sure they realized what a stun break +13 condition removal + amazing group heals always available, between your normal heal cool down, would do to PvP. The only glaring weakness to a settler build (toughness, healing, condi) is someone else using conditions on you (low health, high toughness)… but we have so many ways to clear conditions you can effectively eliminate that weakness.

Last patch you had to decide between more offense or defense. More reliable kills vs bunker guard role. Now you can focus much more heavily on DPS while still maintaining just as much or more defensive utility. It’s nuts.

I think this is more of SotW problem than Solar Beam 1.
I remembered during BWE3 regen and SotW don’t generate AF at all.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


How did you come to the conclusion my proposal will gate CA more compared to pre-patch? Do you siriously think you shoud have magic button that grants condi removal/stun break/3k heal/steath and super speed / every 10 sec? I know that exacly what ypu want out off your druid build, this selfish magic button. Atleast I want to insetvise the use of unpopular skiils/traits/ pets/sigils/runes etc and to achive balance.. you jsu want to be imba. AF as it is today is OP as hell and wont last for long.

I based it off of your own words—that it would take up to 15 seconds spamming heals to charge, versus the 10 it took to charge it with Troll Unguent and Staff autoattack spamming prior to the patch.

In my comment history, you may note that I am happy to balance CAF skills themselves around a standard CD—ideally by using CAF like Revenant’s energy, nixing the 15s duration, and using both a standard amount of CAF and CDs on skills to avoid spamming. I’m happy to have CAF balanced around 10s CD, like Shroud. I’ll happily accept a 15s CD as well, if you feel that it compares more to Berzerk mode than Shroud. What I don’t want is access to CAF restricted to the point where certain builds are unable to use it at all, especially considering the backwards gating of healing behind…healing. This is awkward and redundant.

The benefits that CAF provides upon entry/exit are not unprecedented. Other classes have similar effects in their forms/attunements, including Elementalist/Tempest, Necromancer/Reaper, and Berzerker. Elementalist and Necromancer have a 10s base CD on their class mechanics, which can be reduced with traits, and Berzerkers have a 15s CD. I can provide a list of these benefits if you would like, but they also include stunbreaks, condition cleanses, and healing. Other classes can also do damage while in their respective forms, unlike Druid. I don’t want Druid to be balanced in a vacuum, without taking other classes’ abilities into account. Druid is in a precarious position right now, and it very easily can slip into uselessness with careless nerfs.

Druid is already unnecessary for the current raid—the hardest PvE content in the game, and the reason that Druid as an elite specialization even exists (killing the ‘Zerker meta). (Other threads have links to no-Druid raid completion.) Reducing Druids’ access to the most integral part of the elite specialization is not an answer for its perceived OP state in WvW/PvP. Again, impulsive nerfing will result in Druid’s uselessness in all three game modes, and with little chance of timely fixes judging from Ranger’s history.

Tl;dr: Keep CAF form accessible to all builds. Balance CAF skills around a standard 10 or 15s CAF CD if necessary. Do not nerf things impulsively with little thought for consequences.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


How did you come to the conclusion my proposal will gate CA more compared to pre-patch? Do you siriously think you shoud have magic button that grants condi removal/stun break/3k heal/steath and super speed / every 10 sec? I know that exacly what ypu want out off your druid build, this selfish magic button. Atleast I want to insetvise the use of unpopular skiils/traits/ pets/sigils/runes etc and to achive balance.. you jsu want to be imba. AF as it is today is OP as hell and wont last for long.

I based it off of your own words—that it would take up to 15 seconds spamming heals to charge, versus the 10 it took to charge it with Troll Unguent and Staff autoattack spamming prior to the patch.

In my comment history, you may note that I am happy to balance CAF skills themselves around a standard CD—ideally by using CAF like Revenant’s energy, nixing the 15s duration, and using both a standard amount of CAF and CDs on skills to avoid spamming. I’m happy to have CAF balanced around 10s CD, like Shroud. I’ll happily accept a 15s CD as well, if you feel that it compares more to Berzerk mode than Shroud. What I don’t want is access to CAF restricted to the point where certain builds are unable to use it at all, especially considering the backwards gating of healing behind…healing. This is awkward and redundant.

The benefits that CAF provides upon entry/exit are not unprecedented. Other classes have similar effects in their forms/attunements, including Elementalist/Tempest, Necromancer/Reaper, and Berzerker. Elementalist and Necromancer have a 10s base CD on their class mechanics, which can be reduced with traits, and Berzerkers have a 15s CD. I can provide a list of these benefits if you would like, but they also include stunbreaks, condition cleanses, and healing. Other classes can also do damage while in their respective forms, unlike Druid. I don’t want Druid to be balanced in a vacuum, without taking other classes’ abilities into account. Druid is in a precarious position right now, and it very easily can slip into uselessness with careless nerfs.

Druid is already unnecessary for the current raid—the hardest PvE content in the game, and the reason that Druid as an elite specialization even exists (killing the ‘Zerker meta). (Other threads have links to no-Druid raid completion.) Reducing Druids’ access to the most integral part of the elite specialization is not an answer for its perceived OP state in WvW/PvP. Again, impulsive nerfing will result in Druid’s uselessness in all three game modes, and with little chance of timely fixes judging from Ranger’s history.

Tl;dr: Keep CAF form accessible to all builds. Balance CAF skills around a standard 10 or 15s CAF CD if necessary. Do not nerf things impulsively with little thought for consequences.

1)You are forgeting – getting in and out of CA for traits benefit and quick heal is max 50% bar, so u can enter much more rapidly even with longer CD. Even builds with low AF builds can enter every 10 sec if they save 50% of their bar, and I was talikng solo prespective as with heals we can take benefit of some of uor AOE heals, which will regenerte the bar much faster. Pre patch some builds(condi for example) took forever to build enough energy to enter CA. With my method it will be much faster as they can use regen and SOTW etc.. to build AF. Thats all, litle twiks, change SoS for SOTW, change natural healing with the mandetoy wilding strike ir change IB with the mandetory protective ward. Why its not logical we need to change meta traits to get alternative benefits, isnt it what specializations is all about?

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


I agree that being able to leave CF and save some AF will be a balance problem at some point due to the potent asociated traits. I rather have to stay in CF until it ends and have an AF generation system that makes sense though.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

How did you come to the conclusion my proposal will gate CA more compared to pre-patch? Do you siriously think you shoud have magic button that grants condi removal/stun break/3k heal/steath and super speed / every 10 sec? I know that exacly what ypu want out off your druid build, this selfish magic button. Atleast I want to insetvise the use of unpopular skiils/traits/ pets/sigils/runes etc and to achive balance.. you jsu want to be imba. AF as it is today is OP as hell and wont last for long.

I based it off of your own words—that it would take up to 15 seconds spamming heals to charge, versus the 10 it took to charge it with Troll Unguent and Staff autoattack spamming prior to the patch.

In my comment history, you may note that I am happy to balance CAF skills themselves around a standard CD—ideally by using CAF like Revenant’s energy, nixing the 15s duration, and using both a standard amount of CAF and CDs on skills to avoid spamming. I’m happy to have CAF balanced around 10s CD, like Shroud. I’ll happily accept a 15s CD as well, if you feel that it compares more to Berzerk mode than Shroud. What I don’t want is access to CAF restricted to the point where certain builds are unable to use it at all, especially considering the backwards gating of healing behind…healing. This is awkward and redundant.

The benefits that CAF provides upon entry/exit are not unprecedented. Other classes have similar effects in their forms/attunements, including Elementalist/Tempest, Necromancer/Reaper, and Berzerker. Elementalist and Necromancer have a 10s base CD on their class mechanics, which can be reduced with traits, and Berzerkers have a 15s CD. I can provide a list of these benefits if you would like, but they also include stunbreaks, condition cleanses, and healing. Other classes can also do damage while in their respective forms, unlike Druid. I don’t want Druid to be balanced in a vacuum, without taking other classes’ abilities into account. Druid is in a precarious position right now, and it very easily can slip into uselessness with careless nerfs.

Druid is already unnecessary for the current raid—the hardest PvE content in the game, and the reason that Druid as an elite specialization even exists (killing the ‘Zerker meta). (Other threads have links to no-Druid raid completion.) Reducing Druids’ access to the most integral part of the elite specialization is not an answer for its perceived OP state in WvW/PvP. Again, impulsive nerfing will result in Druid’s uselessness in all three game modes, and with little chance of timely fixes judging from Ranger’s history.

Tl;dr: Keep CAF form accessible to all builds. Balance CAF skills around a standard 10 or 15s CAF CD if necessary. Do not nerf things impulsively with little thought for consequences.

“Druid is already unnecessary for the current raid” disagree with this , Raids account for every class or build type no one is unnecessary.

Stop generating AF per tick, make it %!

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


“Druid is already unnecessary for the current raid” disagree with this , Raids account for every class or build type no one is unnecessary.

“Unnecessary” just means “not required”. It looks like there are many viable team build compositions (though certainly not EVERY build is viable) judging from the successful teams.

I don’t want any one class or build to become “necessary” for raids. I am happy that having a Druid is not a requirement for a successful raid. Because of this, it is important that Druid (and Ranger) stays balanced with regard to other classes so it doesn’t become a liability in challenging content.

I want Druid to be in a good place for raids even after potential nerfs, and even if people become skilled enough where they don’t need a dedicated healer. That’s why I constantly argue for making Druid more versatile, more integrated with base Ranger, and simplifying mechanics that are difficult to balance (in this thread, AF generation).