Stow Pet

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Why not have Stow Pet give your stats a boost so you can do acceptable damage without your pet out. Without having the pet pop up the moment you go in combat.

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


Because they have already stated in the past that that rangers profession mechanic is the pet…and stowing it just negates the core profession’s mechanic. Why play a ranger if you don’t want the pet?

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Aegis.9724


Because they have already stated in the past that that rangers profession mechanic is the pet…and stowing it just negates the core profession’s mechanic. Why play a ranger if you don’t want the pet?

Well, to be fair other classes have feats that benefit them from NOT using the class mechanic. Like the warrior trait boosting damage at full adrenaline.

Unfortunately this has been suggested since launch on countless threads, i doubt it’s gonna happen anytime soon

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


Of course…but sadly, the ranger isn’t a profession that has the ability to do that. Our profession mechanic is so closely tied with the basics of the character that stowing it turns it into a whole other profession. A warrior is still a warrior whether or not it chooses to use it’s f1, a ranger isn’t a ranger without the pet. Just how the profession was designed. I am not defending it’s design, they clearly had no clear idea of what the ranger was going to be…so it ended up being the ‘pet class’. Just wish they had put more thought into it /sigh

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Bdragonsky.5680


Of course…but sadly, the ranger isn’t a profession that has the ability to do that. Our profession mechanic is so closely tied with the basics of the character that stowing it turns it into a whole other profession. A warrior is still a warrior whether or not it chooses to use it’s f1, a ranger isn’t a ranger without the pet. Just how the profession was designed. I am not defending it’s design, they clearly had no clear idea of what the ranger was going to be…so it ended up being the ‘pet class’. Just wish they had put more thought into it /sigh

In gw1 they allowed us to leave the pet behind, but in gw2 it has become technically part of the class. I wish that we could perma stow the pet at times because when I am running through an area and my pet gets hit I slow down. I kinda wish that they would let us customize our pet’s stats so we could have them suit our needs, but that means overhauling the system. I understand that rangers are a ‘pet class’ but I wish the pets were something that we could take more pride in as something that is unique to our profession, rather than a burden.

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


Can’t compare gw1 to gw2. I agree, the ability to ‘turn off’ the pet so it cant be attacked but it cannot attack would be nice, but I don’t agree with a perma stow option. I like my pet and it’s part of the reason I like the class, I like wandering around with another being (albeit sometimes a frustrating and stupid one). To have us perma stow and get back everything the pet ‘take’ from us would basically mean ever ranger that ever was out there would never use their profession mechanic again. They might as well just get rid of the pets and make traps our mechanic.

What I really wish is that our f skills were more like how a necro minion utility worked. We could summon a few of them, and have them have an attack skill. If they die, we just wait for a timer to go down and resummon them again. They’d have to be toned down and have the damage lowered of course but at least we could have the option of not having them disrupt the flow of escaping. And we’d get to have a few choices of what we wanted out at what time. This 2 swap mechanic stinks.

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


This would also require stow pet to actually work in making sure the pet stayed stowed.

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

all classes are stuck with their mechanism. Warriors don’t have an option to not build adrenaline yes they have passive effect that are there depending on adrenaline levels.

Ele don’t have an option to not use attunements one is always being use. How well you use your class mechanism is up to you.

Pets are one of our bigger strengths those that are unable to master pet usage have the biggest problems. The oldest of us have found the class to be strong. I don’t feel that ranger are weak I do feel some classes are a tad op.

Pets should not be perma stowed. I also feel that ranger don’t stow their pets enough.

Having your pet appear at your side as you enter combat puts them in perfect position to be effective rather then running up to the fight 10 seconds later.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Absent Minded.5821

Absent Minded.5821

I 100% support perma-stowed pets and always have since the beginning of GW2. However I understand that it will never, ever happen and I’ve accepted it. If any other class mechanic relied on AI to be effective then you would see the same threads on their forums. Instead it’s just the ranger and every time this thread pops up the same thing is said “other classes use their mechanics just fine.” Other classes don’t lose 30% of their damage when their pet gets insta-gibbed by AoE. Other classes aren’t punished because they don’t trait for their mechanic. IMO the ranger pet has always been a kitten and will continue to be a kitten .


Perma stowed pets will never happen. Stick to your strengths, and keep your pets out of the zerg fights. Keep them stowed while you’re running/leaping. If you’re not running Beast Master then use pets with CC to supplement your build. Keep an eye on cooldowns, the best thing you can learn as a ranger is to swap your pet as it’s about to die and accurately use F2 skills. Hopefully this helps to ease the pain caused by the pet!

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Stalkarn.1329


I’ve been waiting since two weeks after launch (have not played GW2 during that time) for them to fix this. I guess it is time to accept that rangers are stuck with the pet, without the option to fight alone and without having to babysit an AI. I miss the awesome class from first Guild Wars, where I could bring my pet when I see fit.

If they gave us the ability to “turn off” the pet that doesn’t mean you have to use that functionality. That means if you like you pet you can still use it as it is now and for those that dont like to have there pets around all the time they have an option too. Everyone would be happy.

(edited by Stalkarn.1329)

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Lace.9472


In the last CDI this was confirmed as “not an option” by a representative of AN.

It will require a rebalance of the class & also be unfair for those in favour of Pet (despite being optional).

I wait for an Archer class or something. Because the alternative is to wait for Ranger to provide a viable ranged build for all content. And given AN’s history in GW1 and GW2 – this is extremely unlikely.

(edited by Lace.9472)

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


They could make pet more interesting to use, for example your pet can have an adrenaline bar of its own, which when filled would give the pet boons, or a special ability aside from F2, or rampage as one would automatically activate… make it more interesting to spend traits into beast mastery, not just from a ‘numbers’ point of view, but visually as well. Having a pet can be a more significant advantage than it is today (as long as you trait for it let’s be fair).

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

I read this as Pet Stew but I’m also lysdexic and currently eating Kung Pow chicken.

Unfortunately, while this is a good idea according to my extreme bias, ANet has explicitly said (ages ago, I can’t find it) that pets are integral to the ranger class and that they have no intention of removing them. Except they said it better than my paraphrase and the general gist was “suck it up, stand tall, and proudly whip [your pet] out”.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Tychondus.4821


Its like that catchphrase you hear everyday. Believe in what we say because we know what’s good for you…..yeah…right. Moving on.