Struggling to make 2 bows work. Help plz
First off Shortbow has same range as Axe Main/Off hand. Axe is much better for your power crit build while shortbow will be slightly less and bring utils. I don’t spvp at all and only wvw so that is as much as I will help.
born to Isle Of Janthir
I’d say look into rampagers this way you get your power critical and condition dmg. Maybe with some kind of power condition rune. The short bow just doesn’t do it anymore for power crit builds since they nerfed it’s dmg output.
Id go with a 30/20/20. And stick 2 sigil of superior battle in both weapons. Weapon swap between the 2 on every cool down to stack might and keep the fury buff going from the minor trait. Even go for like the trait that let’s you use sharpening stones when your targets health drops. This way you can maintain bleeding. Id even go as far as to take all survival utilities. Lightening reflexes muddy terrain and the one that gives quickness. Pick up rampage as one so you can stack might which will buff your condition dmg and physical dmg. Pop it along with the quickness utility.
Your survival will prob be low though. But if you can time your muddy terrain and lightening reflexes right while weapon swapping for the swiftness and making proper use of your knock back from the long bow and the avoid skill and daze/stun from the short bow, you should be able to kite fairly well.
Pet wise id go for a grey wolf for the fear and knock down and a drake Hound for the knock down and immobilize.
If anyone else knows of anything better or if I missed something please chime in.