Sudden drop in total health

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Xerion.8014


Since today i dropped in total health. I went from ~27k to ~25k.

An friend of mine runs the exact same build, same trait line and gear. But he has the normal 27k.

Is anybody else experiencing the same problem??

Xerion The Fierced – #1 Ranger Extraordinary
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


WvW can buff your stats depending on the group buffs available….

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Xerion.8014


WvW can buff your stats depending on the group buffs available….

Yes i know, i changed server today, could it be something with that? Perhaps the buff for total health doesnt work yet for me, my buddy on the other server has the same 7% buff as i have on my new server.

Xerion The Fierced – #1 Ranger Extraordinary
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Xerion.8014


It seems my +7% Total Health WvW buff isn’t working yet.

Lets do some math. My total health at the moment is 25632
25632 × 7% = 1794.
25632 + 1794 = 27426

My buddy on the other server has the exact same 7% buff and the exact same gear and trait line. And he has 27426 health.

So “mystery” solved. I will let you know if its fixed tomorrow when i’m a bit longer on my new server.

Xerion The Fierced – #1 Ranger Extraordinary
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


The Total Health WvW buff is from your guild ?

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Xerion.8014


The Total Health WvW buff is from your guild ?

No its from the total points your server has. Not from my guild.

Xerion The Fierced – #1 Ranger Extraordinary
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


Yeh, after transferring servers there a period when you don’t get the wvw bonuses. Can’t remember if it was from the next wvw reset or do you have to be a full reset in the new server to get the bonuses again.
There was lots of posts about this when transfers were free back in the days. Can’t be bothered to dig the forums for a dev post about it though

All is vain.

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: Jarul.8635


You have to be on a server for a whole week to get the WvW buff, if i’m not mistanken.

Sudden drop in total health

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152


Yeh, after transferring servers there a period when you don’t get the wvw bonuses. Can’t remember if it was from the next wvw reset or do you have to be a full reset in the new server to get the bonuses again.
There was lots of posts about this when transfers were free back in the days. Can’t be bothered to dig the forums for a dev post about it though

This is the answer

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