Will update once Path of Fire releases.
[Suggestion] An Organized Pet Selection Panel
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Good idea. I often was confused about why the panel is such a chaos.
Yes please! It can be so annoying finding a pet you want quickly with how it is currently.
Giving this another bump so finding our pets in the menu is not as difficult as finding them in the open-world. (obvious stretch)
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Agree. This is another topic that’s been talked about before. A small, simple qol improvement. +1
I’d prefer if they just removed all the useless pets instead.
I 100% agree with your design! We really need something more organized.
Even after HoT came out!
Yes please and fixing the pet nameplate issue too.
Kinda funny that the build editor has a ordered pet menu and the game itself does not
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Yes, Please and thank you.
Though at this point I would even be happy if they just did not get re-shuffled every update. It seems like ever time I log in I have to see if the HOT pets are at the top of the sort again or back at the bottom.
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