[Suggestion] Next elite spec?
Anything ranger-y I can think of is already sort of covered. Trap-y “guerrilla” is already a playstyle in WvW, the rogue “scout/hunter” type thing (s/d+gs melee ranger), “archer” is self explanatory, “nature mage” (obviously druid), “beast master” is basically everything ranger, throwing weapons are covered with a/d/t.
I think the next spec is something we don’t really expect at all, like dragon hunter for guardian or scrapper for engi. Or possibly going much further with one of the above directions. I am personally really hoping for something melee based.
I don’t really think I’d like transforming Druid.
There was a tracker idea some time ago and it was amazing and well thought out.
If we got that one I’d be much more than happy.
P.S. I’m all up for Dagger main hand.
after a disappointing HOT i might consider the next one carefully….
after a disappointing HOT i might consider the next one carefully….
I think that’s the overwhelming consensus. I expect the next expac to be priced like an expac. 20 bucks or something. I’d pay 20 bucks for a melee ranger elite spec and some new content.
after a disappointing HOT i might consider the next one carefully….
I think that’s the overwhelming consensus. I expect the next expac to be priced like an expac. 20 bucks or something. I’d pay 20 bucks for a melee ranger elite spec and some new content.
yeah but the 7 costumes, 2 weapon sets, 4 glider skins and + 5 more account wide inventory slots alone will run the expansion up to 200$+. Maybe, just maybe, they can squeeze in a new elite spec and if there is developer time, some new content.
Oh and OP, I am sorry (kinda) but I stopped reading your post the second I saw shapeshifter. Its not that I dislike the idea, its just its been posted like 3 times this year already.
I like the idea of a mordrem sniper or some kind of tracker. I’ll try to find that post Tragic was referring to, at some point… If anyone has it handy I’d love to take a look
I like the idea of a mordrem sniper or some kind of tracker. I’ll try to find that post Tragic was referring to, at some point… If anyone has it handy I’d love to take a look
I’d say that the only realist idea you got is the 2nd, something along the line of a deepest relation with spirit magic communion.
Well, granted what we’ve seen with HoT, the next ranger’s elite spec could revolve around the idea of switching something (being : pet, weapon, spirit or whatever). That’s a pretty redundant theme of the ranger to the point that it might become an elite spec.
Otherwise, and most likely, it should be something that revolve around the use of pets. The druid spec have been pretty disappointed in this regard, it was almost as the dev forgot that the ranger’s primary mechanism is the pet… Well it’s not that they are close to balance this mechanism which have a loooooooot of room for improvment.
I am primarily throwing out concepts at the moment. I think the shapechanger idea could be easily done (and I love shapeshifters, and really wish the norn ones didn’t kill your profession mechanic), the spirit magic one I have no idea how it would work but I think it would be very within the lore of the profession. I don’t have a good idea on a pet-centric elite spec, but I hear people say all the time they want one. Any ideas on what that would look like or how it would work?
(Also, keep to ideas on elite specs. There’s a thread for griping about HoT and expansions, and I’d like this one to stay clear of that.)
I’m probably the only one who would be intersted in it, but I want to see a Beast Mastery 2.0 that super charges the pet to be an absolute monster
I like the idea of a mordrem sniper or some kind of tracker. I’ll try to find that post Tragic was referring to, at some point… If anyone has it handy I’d love to take a look
Interesting concept. It introduces a new profession mechanic, but I like that it makes a condi build much more viable (the current one works, but is a little limited imo (the torch part)).
I’m probably the only one who would be intersted in it, but I want to see a Beast Mastery 2.0 that super charges the pet to be an absolute monster
I think that’s what alot of people want actually. Multiple posts of “will my pet ever be an adult? or grow up?”. How would you see this working?
Probably beast master 2.0.
A while back people in the ranger forum seemed divided beween those who wanted more of a hunter (more shooting less pet involvement), beast master or nature mage. The HoT expansion gave a hunter spec (dragonhunter) and a nature mage one (druid), with the only hole being shapeshifting. While I like the nature mage aspect of the class, it’s time for the most animal lover part of the ranger crowd to get their share of new specs.
I would like to see Ranger get some thiefy stuff. Dagger mainhand. and change the pet to a shadow version of your char, with mechanics that allow you to insta swap your char with your shadow.
I would like to see Ranger get some thiefy stuff. Dagger mainhand. and change the pet to a shadow version of your char, with mechanics that allow you to insta swap your char with your shadow.
That feels more like a assassin spec for a thief. No nature theme in that at all.
I want something with Rifle. Anything with rifle.
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart
I want something with Rifle. Anything with rifle.
I googled ranger and apparently the WoW hunter uses a rifle. That seems like a very likely thing for anet to take and make their own.
When I think of hunter I think of the … like “A Bard’s Tale” hunter that dual wields melee though. And jesus, Bard’s Tale came out in 1985. I’m old as kitten.
I want an elite spec that can take longbow and make it feel more rewarding
i hope they call it: ‘The Warden’
I doubt that would happen, as it seems they are making each new elite spec open up a new weapon for the class. At this point I could see offhand sword or mainhand dagger as the most likely new weapons for us. As someone pointed out, we already have ranged for days (LB, SB, axe, staff)
Edit: That is more likely something that would fall under a rework thread, as in what existing mechanics do we have that are in need of a rework/redefinition/redesign? A valid thought, just misplaced.
(edited by bearshaman.3421)
I would love to have a trapper elite spec that could use a rifle and more powerful traps. I really don’t like all that nature magic stuff so now that A-net has used that idea on the druid, it would be nice to have a elite spec that doesn’t focus on nature magic.
So going back to the shape shifter idea i haven’t thought about traits but we get scepter or focus (something that’s magical or maybe an off hand that is turned magical idk) then like engine you equip it however you can’t use your moves except for the move that you used to transform but now it does something. Also the heal skill would not be a transform but a shape changed heal, and maybe this would work to complement other types of builds or maybe push for stuns with certain transforms anyway just an idea.
I want an Magic Archer or something, something that has do with bows.
I personally like the shapechange as kits idea. I think this would open up alot of options for any number of builds, with each shape being good for a particular type of build. Like Wolf could have a lot of bleeds and cripples (which would work well with Predators Onslaught, Hidden Barbs, and Sharpened Edges), or bear having protection and other tankiness (working well with the WS traitline), and there would be one for underwater, cuz I want an elite that isn’t completely useless underwater. But the forms could be designed to work with existing builds, so it not some hacked on spec, but actually fits into everything we already have. Probably Focus offhand.
I was thinking shield could be fun. Skill 4 would be a charge a-la Demoman in TF2. More range = more damage dealt, max range causes knockdown. Gain attack of opportunity on hit.
And maybe the spec could transform each 5 skill to be another possible AA chain. What you gain would be balanced by what you lose. Torch with a fireswipe chain instead of bonfire?
Skills…hmm… Physical? or perhaps pet combo skills?
Why everyone says the stealthy sniper elite “fit more for thief”? Isn’t the elite spec aim for providing different play style?
Anyway, I think the Magic Archer that StickerHappy mentioned would be a great idea. Scepter/Focus with conjured bow maybe?
The Bunny Thumper – hammer, stances.
The Strider – MH dagger, whatever skill type that doesn’t step on the thief’s toe.
All I got.
Beastmaster 2.0? Stop kidding yourselfs, Anet can’t even handle beastmaster 1.0.
(edited by Lazze.9870)
Why everyone says the stealthy sniper elite “fit more for thief”? Isn’t the elite spec aim for providing different play style?
Anyway, I think the Magic Archer that StickerHappy mentioned would be a great idea. Scepter/Focus with conjured bow maybe?
A different playstyle within the general realm of the core profession. Part of the reason why I hate DH, it doesn’t make sense with guardian at all. All the rest of them fit the theme of their core profession.
Edit: I have a guardian too, with most of DH unlocked, and it just feels unnatural.
Mordrem Sniper abilities could be easily integrated into ranger, in addition with new bursty pets. After all, a big part about hunting is approaching your prey without being noticed and then – bam – bursting it down (with a rifle )
Camo Ranger (using nature for concealment), e.g.
- u and ur pet blend into the background for a few secs, giving the next attack a damage modifier
- getting some hard-hitting DH-like shot with the rifle or alternatively a juicy burst sequence with the Dagger main
- some stun/daze/knock-down + evade/invisibility
- new pets with burst or knock downs similar to bristleback to match the playstyle
This could synergize well with Quickdraw and similar traits, would offer us a damage orientated skirmishing/evade playstyle and be an evolution of current Ranger playstyle while pleasing those of us who hoped for a non-support spec. It could even synergize with druid because bursts in between of healing sequences are a nice flavour.
Edit: All I am saying is that while it would work with thief equally well, there is no problem at all to match nature & concealment.
Mordrem Sniper abilities could be easily integrated into ranger, in addition with new bursty pets. After all, a big part about hunting is approaching your prey without being noticed and then – bam – bursting it down (with a rifle
Camo Ranger (using nature for concealment), e.g.
- u and ur pet blend into the background for a few secs, giving the next attack a damage modifier
- getting some hard-hitting DH-like shot with the rifle or alternatively a juicy burst sequence with the Dagger main
- some stun/daze/knock-down + evade/invisibility
- new pets with burst or knock downs similar to bristleback to match the playstyle
etc.This could synergize well with Quickdraw and similar traits, would offer us a damage orientated skirmishing/evade playstyle and be an evolution of current Ranger playstyle while pleasing those of us who hoped for a non-support spec. It could even synergize with druid because bursts in between of healing sequences are a nice flavour.
Edit: All I am saying is that while it would work with thief equally well, there is no problem at all to match nature & concealment.
I agree and did include an option for that in my original post, I just expect that concept (of a sniper) to go to thief, not ranger, since we already have longbow and the MM traitline.
I feel that the next elite is either verry much tied to pets or not at all tied to pets. I mean that it is either beastmastery 2.0 or no pet at all, chancing profession mechanics completely. Personally I would like something melee orientated (mainly because melee=more damage in this game), maybe something like 300 radius whip. Shape shifting would be pretty awesome as well, It could be a profession skill that allows you to merge with your pet, combining pet and ranger damage output into one entity = basically what everyone wants.
Ranger : Alchemist (or Shaman/Scout)
The alchemist is the master of using natural herbs and plants, to create potions and preparations, and introduces preparations as a GW2 utility type. In addition to preparation utilities, the alchemist gains access to a potion belt for creating combo fields, and a weapon with access to three combo finishers.
Preparations return the missing skill type from GW1 to the GW2 Ranger, and the potion belt provides access to an Engineer-like kit functionality, but with potions rather than Elixirs.
The primary aim of this elite spec is to showcase the GW2 combo field mechanic with a class that can truly master it.
Main Hand : Dagger
- (1) Includes Whirl Finisher [3rd in sequence], 900 Range
- (2) Includes Leap Finisher, 900 Range
- (3) Includes Blast Finisher, 900 Range
Utilities : Preparations.
- Using a preparation creates a boon that adds a preparation effect to outgoing attacks.
- Prior to application, a preparation must be mixed, resulting in a delay before activation.
- Only one preparation can be in place at a time, however the alchemist can combine two preparations to create a different one during the mixing phase.
- If a new preparation is mixed while an existing preparation is fully in effect, the existing preparation will be overwritten once the new preparation has finished mixing.
Preparation Stages.
- (1) Mixing XXXXX : Status effect lasts for 1s and will convert to a preparation boon when it expires. If a second preparation utility is cast during this stage, the two will combine to create a different preparation.
- (2) Prepared XXXXX : Boon will last for 20s, effecting outgoing weapon attacks. On cast, boon will also reset contents of Potion Belt.
F5 : Potion Belt.
- Pressing F5 will swap out the utility half of the skill bar with a potion belt.
- Pressing F5 again will revert back to the original utility skill bar, remembering the contents of the potion belt.
- The potion belt contains 4 potions that are dropped at the player location (trait allows for ground targeting).
- Potions create a combo field depending on the potion thrown.
- Each potion on the belt can only be thrown once, and once all 4 have been used the F5 skill will go on cool-down until a new set of potions has been mixed.
- The 5th potion belt skill can be used to re-mix the potions on the belt, causing the belt on cool down early (i.e. before all potions have been used).
- By default, the alchemist will have a specific selection of potions available, however, if potions are mixed when a preparation is active, a different selection of 4 potions (reflecting the preparation) will be added to the belt.
Utility Skills
Preparation of Fire (utility skill)
- Creates 1s of Mixing Fire (effect)
- Followed by 20s of Prepared Flames (effect) if not combined
Preparation of Water (utility skill)
- Creates 1s of Mixing Water (effect)
- Followed by 20s of Prepared Water (effect) if not combined
Preparation of Darkness (utility skill)
- Creates 1s of Mixing Darkness (effect)
- Followed by 20s of Prepared Darkness (effect) if not combined
Preparation of Light (utility skill)
- Creates 1s of Mixing Light (effect)
- Followed by 20s of Prepared Light (effect) if not combined
Mixing Chart
- Fire
- Water
- Light
- Dark
- Fire + Light = Lightening
- Fire + Dark = Smoke
- Fire + Water = Poison
- Water + Dark = Ice
- Water + Light = Rainbow [new!]
- Light + Dark = Ethereal
Mixing Fire (effect)
- converts to Prepared Flames if not combined
- combined with Mixing Water, converts to Prepared Poison
- combined with Mixing Darkness, converts to Prepared Smoke
- combined with Mixing Light, converts to Prepared Lightening
Mixing Water (effect)
- converts to Prepared Water if not combined
- combined with Mixing Fire, converts to Prepared Poison
- combined with Mixing Darkness, converts to Prepared Ice
- combined with Mixing Light, converts to Prepared Rainbow [new!]
Mixing Darkness (effect)
- converts to Prepared Darkness if not combined
- combined with Mixing Water, converts to Prepared Ice
- combined with Mixing Fire, converts to Prepared Smoke
- combined with Mixing Light, converts to Prepared Ethereal
Mixing Light (effect)
- converts to Prepared Light if not combined
- combined with Mixing Water, converts to Prepared Rainbow [new!]
- combined with Mixing Fire, converts to Prepared Lightening
- combined with Mixing Darkness, converts to Prepared Ethereal
No Preparation, F5 Potion Belt contains:
- 1x Potion of Fire (creates Fire Field)
- 1x Potion of Water (creates Water Field)
- 1x Potion of Darkness (creates Dark Field)
- 1x Potion of Light (created Light Field)
Preparation Effects
Prepared Flames (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks inflict burning
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Fire (creates Fire Field)
Prepared Water (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks heal in AoE around target
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Water (creates Water Field)
Prepared Darkness (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks inflict blindness
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Darkness (creates Dark Field)
Prepared Light (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks grant retaliation
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Light (creates Light Field)
Prepared Poison (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks inflict poison & vulnerability
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Poison (creates Poison Field)
Prepared Smoke (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks grant stealth
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Smoke (creates Smoke Field)
Prepared Lightening (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks grant AoE swiftness around target
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Lightening (creates Lightening Field)
Prepared Ice (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks grant Frost Aura
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Ice (creates Ice Field)
Prepared Ethereal (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks inflict Confusion
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Ethereal (creates Ethereal Field)
Prepared Rainbow (effect)
- For the next 20s, attacks inflict Torment
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Rainbow (creates Rainbow Field)
Rainbow Field
- New field with a different effect for each finisher type.
- Projectile – Torment [condition]
- Leap – Resistance [boon]
- Whirl – Taunt [cc]
- Blast – AoE Rejuvenation [healing]
Healing Preparation & Potions
- Doesn’t Mix
- For the next 20s, attacks grant regeneration (the guardian boon)
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4x Potions of Healing
- Healing potions give instant health (rather than regen)
- Healing potions work like Elixirs, can be drunk or thrown
Elite Preparation & Potions
- Doesn’t Mix
- For the next 20s, attacks steal a boon
- F5 Potion Belt contains 4 different potions that can be drunk or thrown for allies.
- 1x Potion of Fury
- 1x Potion of Protection
- 1x Potion of Invulnerability
- 1x Potion of Stealth
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
The Bunny Thumper – hammer, stances.
The Strider – MH dagger, whatever skill type that doesn’t step on the thief’s toe.
All I got.
Beastmaster 2.0? Stop kidding yourselfs, Anet can’t even handle beastmaster 1.0.
Hunter Specialisation! , bringing back the bunny thumper. Ohhh ya.
also the skill Dodge ( pet and ranger gain super speed and cures Cripple+immobilse Evade for Super speeds duration 2seconds 15second cooldown 0.375 delay for super speed boon , this way the old gw1 dodge is viable in gw2 mainly used for kiting ability the opposite to Quickening zypher. I’d like to see that.)
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
I’d prefer they just fix sword and shortbow tbh
dualwield long bow elite spec
A hunter archetype, with a rifle and skills that buff the pet. Maybe a classic mmo tracking skill, a skill sending the pet onto the nearest stealthed creature and revealing it, or an extended leash range for proper pet-based hunting. And re-release the monocle in the gem store.
A wilderness skirmisher, with throwing spears and camouflage skills to turn into a random tree/bush or grey named critter. You can add in some trap synergy or bring back preparations.
The Commando class, brought back as a Ranger spec.
Save the Bell Choir activity!
dualwield long bow elite spec
You mean we could transform into spiders ?
Somewhere else I saw a topic with many replies where someone added new elite specs for every profession, including ranger. I also think every gap is filled for ranger.
But someone came up with a nice idea imo: beastmaster elite spec, bringing along a mini jungle-book zoo with you, 3 or 4 pets for a period of time, with certain extra buffs. Pretty cool imo.
Somewhere else I saw a topic with many replies where someone added new elite specs for every profession, including ranger. I also think every gap is filled for ranger.
But someone came up with a nice idea imo: beastmaster elite spec, bringing along a mini jungle-book zoo with you, 3 or 4 pets for a period of time, with certain extra buffs. Pretty cool imo.
If there is 1 most unreliable thing we have – it’s pets.
Having 3-4 unreliable pets does not make them any less unreliable.
In other games (WoW from which the idea came from) you can have your pets blink on the target every time they perform an attack (GW2 equivalent would be 750 range; without CD), they can scale better, you can even choose to deal 30% more damage if you sacrifice your pet permanently.
GW2 design is nowhere near that caliber when it comes to AI handling.
(edited by Tragic Positive.9356)
Hmm with this elite spec we went hard core into the support route and group buffing route as well as magic. With the next one I would prefer to go something a bit more personal. Like a debilitation specialist with lots of cripple. Or a self buffing build capable of using the camouflage mechanic (stealthed but moving very slowly or only when stationary) that I have seen others talk about as well.
I almost wish that the freedom of movement traits that druid has had been saved for an elite spec that could be dedicated to that concept. One designed to slip through CCs and debilitations. Unfortunately with druid that would make some traits redundant. (Two elite specs would have very high similarities in traits) I would like to see a trait for ranger that helped deal with weakness however.
Ranger has alot of melee evasion built into our weapons. So having a melee weapon thats more burst dps oriented would be nice. Like something that can deal a high amount of damage. But has some downtime.
I suppose my biggest desire would be a method of stealthing us AND our pet. Even if it was limited or functioned as the elite spec mechanic. I feel we would see a return of some of the glassier ranger builds if we had access to that mechanic. Especially now that reveal is more common.
I almost wish that the freedom of movement traits that druid has had been saved for an elite spec that could be dedicated to that concept. One designed to slip through CCs and debilitations. Unfortunately with druid that would make some traits redundant. (Two elite specs would have very high similarities in traits) I would like to see a trait for ranger that helped deal with weakness however.
They can replicate the trait. The elite specs are mutually exclusive, so it’s not like you can take the druid and new elite spec traitlines; it’s one or the other. So if two elite specs have one or two traits that are similar, no big deal.
Anyone thought of none? i don’t think there will be any addition to this game, since they shooed off too many people with their keep silent philosophy.
Anyone thought of none? i don’t think there will be any addition to this game, since they shooed off too many people with their keep silent philosophy.
They’ve already stated that they will be doing more of them.
There aren’t enough people here who want a beastmaster spec.
Give it a short-range scepter with an epic whip animation (and it could possibly be off-hand, so you can command/buff your pets and hack foes to bits at the same time). Also, multiple pets (3?) at once, and not necessarily all of the same type. (And make their special attacks better and easier to trigger.) Not sure what the utility skills would be, since Ranger seems to have it all already, but I’d love to see some better-reworked shout utilities. (Elite and heal are fine, the rest not so much.) I’d have tons of fun finally being a powerful beastmaster!
(edited by KestrelGirl.9267)
whip you pets to make them “enrage”.
Why be a beastmaster when you can be a dark beastmaster ;-)
Somewhere else I saw a topic with many replies where someone added new elite specs for every profession, including ranger. I also think every gap is filled for ranger.
But someone came up with a nice idea imo: beastmaster elite spec, bringing along a mini jungle-book zoo with you, 3 or 4 pets for a period of time, with certain extra buffs. Pretty cool imo.If there is 1 most unreliable thing we have – it’s pets.
Having 3-4 unreliable pets does not make them any less unreliable.In other games (WoW from which the idea came from) you can have your pets blink on the target every time they perform an attack (GW2 equivalent would be 750 range; without CD), they can scale better, you can even choose to deal 30% more damage if you sacrifice your pet permanently.
GW2 design is nowhere near that caliber when it comes to AI handling.
Yeah I know about pet AI, still though, I liked the idea.
And I do have the idea my pets die less often since HoT release. Not sure if that’s because of improved pet-stats or improved AI.
In small scale fights I think they’re ok though. Can’t compare it to any other mmorpg pet AI, it seems you can.
Yeah I know about pet AI, still though, I liked the idea.
And I do have the idea my pets die less often since HoT release. Not sure if that’s because of improved pet-stats or improved AI.
In small scale fights I think they’re ok though. Can’t compare it to any other mmorpg pet AI, it seems you can.
They die less often in HoT because new content’s AoEs are reduced by 90% to minions (pets, illusions,…). When it comes to PvP they die less because you can send SmokeScale to burst-evade all DH traps. Old PvE content has lots of attacks that ignores that change, though (heck, even the new content).
A lot of design in GW2 is outdated.
We just suffer the most because one third of our existence is glued to their outdated pattern. People do not remember this but they didn’t want new spec to be oriented around pets especially because they are unreliable.
Well, our nature cannot be denied so once we got what we wanted people started hating that there’s no synergy with pet.
Pets in small scale fights are now mostly fine because if you heal yourself you heal your pet as well. When next xpac comes – there will be no more druid – and no more pet that lives in small scale fights.
If you ask me – Ranger will not ever be enjoyable unless they get their ß$¤? together and fix what they never did right – the core Ranger.
If they keep fixing the Ranger by never addressing the main issue and trying to give him everything he lacks in 1 spec over and over again – no one will stay to play the class. There’s just so many other games with better designed Beast Masters, Archers, and skirmishers in general.
I wouldn’t mind a beastmaster spec. I’m just not sure what that would look like since we:
A) Already have the pet mechanic and,
B) Already have the beastmastery traitline.
I feel like that is something that would be more suited to a rework (which is not what the thread is for) but I’m open to the idea if someone makes a compelling case for it.
Yeah I know about pet AI, still though, I liked the idea.
And I do have the idea my pets die less often since HoT release. Not sure if that’s because of improved pet-stats or improved AI.
In small scale fights I think they’re ok though. Can’t compare it to any other mmorpg pet AI, it seems you can.They die less often in HoT because new content’s AoEs are reduced by 90% to minions (pets, illusions,…). When it comes to PvP they die less because you can send SmokeScale to burst-evade all DH traps. Old PvE content has lots of attacks that ignores that change, though (heck, even the new content).
A lot of design in GW2 is outdated.
We just suffer the most because one third of our existence is glued to their outdated pattern. People do not remember this but they didn’t want new spec to be oriented around pets especially because they are unreliable.
Well, our nature cannot be denied so once we got what we wanted people started hating that there’s no synergy with pet.Pets in small scale fights are now mostly fine because if you heal yourself you heal your pet as well. When next xpac comes – there will be no more druid – and no more pet that lives in small scale fights.
If you ask me – Ranger will not ever be enjoyable unless they get their ß$¤? together and fix what they never did right – the core Ranger.
If they keep fixing the Ranger by never addressing the main issue and trying to give him everything he lacks in 1 spec over and over again – no one will stay to play the class. There’s just so many other games with better designed Beast Masters, Archers, and skirmishers in general.
Well I’m really no design-expert, far from it. I know taskmanager with ctrl+alt+dlt, that’s bout it.
What you’re saying sounds very logical to me.
Would there be a reason they are not fixing core ranger issues?