Suggestion: counter stealth

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


add a trait in the beastmastery that will enable shout utilities to detect hidden enemies

i just remember the game i played long long time ago, Ragnarok, wherein rangers there use their falcon to detect hidden enemies

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: NotATroll.8290


That would be game-breaking and incredibly overpowered.

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: ChillyChinaman.6057


How so? I think it would be too niche to be worth it.

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Zeidrich.8435


How so? I think it would be too niche to be worth it.


The Falcon detection in Ragnarok was only useful for finding invisible enemies within a limited area of effect. The Ranger would have to guess where the Thief would be. Since there will be a long cooldown for such a useful skill, it wouldn’t be overpowered.

Another game, Runes of Magic, had Rangers able to detect any hidden enemies within range. It wasn’t overpowered either in that game, since only Thieves or players with invisibility potions would be threatened by the skill.

“This above all: to thine own self be true.”
-William Shakespeare

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


They had it in UO to, I used it on a few specs however with the short duration of stealth in this game it would turn rangers in to too much of an unbalanced counter spec for thieves. Because it would also come with its own combo field or have a combo field in certain situations, and pro teams would min max that in a heartbeat. Which is one of the things I wanted to get away from. I play trap spec ranger anyway so I dont really have a problem with it. AOE is your friend.

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


ranger is technically counter stealth… lay down a spike trap and stand directly in the middle of it. I usually run sword+horn the instant the trap fires i hit s3->s2(1)->~→sb3->sb5->sb4 and start kiting.

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Red Jay.2516

Red Jay.2516

Imgine the amount of qq from thieves if this were implemented. I like it.


Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Tynee.9427


With the rendering problems and the amount of time a thief can stay in stealth, I think giving a class like the ranger a stealth detection as a skill or make a rune set and have it as a set ability would be very fair.

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Considering that rangers pose very little threat to thieves anyway, I don’t see this causing any problems.

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Ultravalefor.5038


Or have pets be able to detect stealthed enemies. You could make it into a skill “Sniff ’em Out” or something like that.

Phaynel – recently voted the hottest Ranger in GW2 by everyone
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Actracts.1389


I agree with having pets being able to ‘Find’ an enemy within a given distance from the Ranger. I mean, they already have “Search and Rescue,” why not have “Seek and Destroy?”

Suggestion: counter stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


I miss flare and how pets would still seek players if they stealth instead of vanishing.
And I miss warstomp.

But then again, wrong game.