Suggestion to Irenio: Improving communication

Suggestion to Irenio: Improving communication

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackRose.1247


Howdy y all
I have been stealth reading the forums for a while now and have been a ranger for over three years. The history of ranger balance which i have witnessed during this time is a sad one. Stealth nerf, unannounced and nerfs which catapulted good things out of viability(looking at you spirits), shape our everypatch life. On the other hand, i also know that many of us rangers can be so creative at times when it comes to balance. This is why i am suggesting the following: a selected group of experienced ranger players, of the best theirycrafters and the most creative of us rangers. This group would be in direct contact with Irenio, be informed of issues he has on his mind concerning ranger balance and ultimately suggest solutions to the issues. Whether irenio actually uses these, is up to him, of course, but it would certainly improve further balance.
Depending on ANets policy, these people may have to sign certain secrecy agreements and the like, but i think it would still be a huge step toward improving the ranger profession.
What do you guys think? Do you reckon something like that makes sense? Or am i being too optimistic?

Well thats all for now^^ going back to stealth-reading my next post prob. Wont be until a year or so from now

Cya around

Kodash RANGER, War, Thief, Mesmer, Guard
proud member of NV