Suggestions for next update

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Since they got 3 months till the next update i want to gather all your suggestions. Try to discribe them in detail and point out why you think this would be good for the class. Please no OP suggestions and constructive critisism.

Things I suggest:


-Improve the AA, so it will apply bleed on baseline regardless of direction and additional stacks when flanking
-Change poison volley to a Skillshot based Attack similar to the reflecting shot of DH, just it applies 3 stacks of poison when travelling through enemies and at the end it produces a poison field
-for the third skill grant quickness if you are evading an attack and apply swiftness on baseline.
-Crippling shot change->Wounding Shot: shoot an arrow into your target wich applies 1 stack of torment per second and your pet deals additional dmg as long as active
-Concussive Shot: apply confusion on hit and additional stacks when flanking, daze and stun as default and you knock enemies down which are already disabled


-AA just like a normal sword Autochain similar to Warrior, effects as default but change cripple with bleed
-Hornet Sting: Remove the first part of this skill to skill number 3, give it a bigger evade distance and leave behind a weakening and dmg trail of spikes which functions as a poison field.
-Monarchs leap: Merge it with Serpents Strike to number 2, jumpm into battle criplling enemies and after that you can evade and apply 3 stacks of poison and additional weakness if the enemie already has a poison stack.

-Improve aftercast similar how it was done with axe throw on warr
-Winters bite Baseline AoE
-Splitblade: Change this skill to a single target nuke->Savage Axe: A spinning axe hitting a target for 5 times, this skill is solo dmg based and has no bleed effect, improve dmg respectively

-Crippling talon: Add a shadowstep that you port to your target
-Stalkers strike: Jump over the target while evading and applying poison -> like thief skill

I thought about these changes because it provides better Conditioning for Sb and better usability in skirmishing. Sword has better controlability and is more a condition based weapon. Axe is solo pure dmg, because it will simplify the weapon choice and playstyle. Dagger changes should give now better mobility and impact.

This were solo my weapon suggestions i got some more for utilities and traits.

What do you want for the next update balance patch?

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

What do I want for next update balance patch?

Fixes. All of them. I don’t need any buffs/nerfs at the moment. I want my stuff working and reliable.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


What do I want for next update balance patch?

Fixes. All of them. I don’t need any buffs/nerfs at the moment. I want my stuff working and reliable.

And of course not more bugs before then after patch ….

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: nakedziggy.3187


how about…..increase the astral form charge gained from using other weapons beside staff, that way we’re not pigeonholed into staff when speccing druid.

(edited by nakedziggy.3187)

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


yeah thats a good idea but in my expierence i never had problems with astralforce generation, but my main aim was not heal so a little adjustmens could be neccesary.
Main suggestions here are really core ranger problems to improve viability of all skills in all kind of game modes to make it fun to play and not frustrating when you like the playstyle of a weapon which is just not viable enough for harder environments.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


I’d suggest a lot… Most are small adjustments, but still a lot.


  • Predator’s Instinct interval added so it can apply to multiple enemies.
  • Light on Your Feet +10% condition duration replaced with +10% condition damage.
  • Most Dangerous Game pulses 1s of Fury with the current boons.
  • Quick Draw activates on skill use instead of after a skill completes its cast.
  • Empathic Bond interval changed to 1 condition transferred every 3 seconds.
  • Natural Healing applies to the player as long as the pet is active/alive.
  • Honed Axes changed to augment all axe skills instead of one.


  • Shortbow Concussion Shot applies confusion when interrupting an enemy.
  • Reduced after-casts for main-hand axe skills.
  • Staff Solar Beam use without requiring a target.
  • Cast time of Hornet’s Sting removed or reduced to ¼s.
  • Sword Kick can hit up to 3 targets. Reduce cripple duration for compensation.
  • Axe Path of Scars to be a ground-target skill to reduce the chances of it disappearing when it travels beyond the target and into a wall or over a cliff. Similar to Herald’s Shield skill Envoy of Exuberance.


  • Reduced cooldown for Sharpening Stone.
  • Glyph of Unity’s initial and leash range uniformed to 600 range.
  • Spirit actives such as Cold Snap, Call Lighting, and Solar Flare are combo fields.


  • Pet conditions and boons are visible on the player UI.

Last but not least…

  • Bug fixes.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


All I want are more pets to be brought up to the level of the bristleback and smokescale.

Allow drakes to rotate when using their F2 the same way bristlebacks do. Widen the cone and increase the damage of the short range drakes so that they can hit something with their F2. Cut the cast time of the F2 in half.

Change the wyvern auto attack into something faster and more fluid. Maybe an areal attack like what birds received, or give them a breath attack of 350-600 range. A more fluid animation would go a long way to making wyverns hit more reliably. Increase the burning pulses from the fire drake F2 substantially so that enemies standing in the fire will actually be in danger of going down if they don’t move.

Give moas stronger boon application and a healing power stat of 1,000 or so. Support pets need support stats. Similarly give the Sylvan Hound some healing power or change it’s F2 into a root skill so it matches the other hounds as control pets.

Make porcine foraged items appear in the ranger’s hand ready to use and drop a second on the ground that ONLY ALLIES can pick up, making the skill function like the elementalist conjured weapons. Some of the porcines give items that grant stealth. I’d like to be able to use these items reliably.

Changes like these would go a long way to improving pet variety.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


If i could change a few things, i would do something like this:

- shortbow skills all get 300 more range
- shortbow autos are guraenteed to bleed, and the bleed duration increases while flanking
- poison volley has its spread narrowed to compensate for the added range
( Not drastic changes, i just want to cement the shortbow as our ranged condition weapon)

mh axe
- mh axe autos are now 100% projectile finishers
- mh axe autos now bleed on hit
- mh axe autos no longer grant might
- winter’s bite now bounces 3 times
( I am trying to push the mh axe more towards condition damage rather than being a hybrid weapon. The projectile finisher buff give the weapon alot of synergy with torch. I want to buff winter’s bite because i am changing the axe trait, and it feel lackluster if not buffed.)

Honed Axes Trait
- reworked
— cool down on axe skills reduce by 20%
— every time an axe skill hits an enemy, gain a stack of might
(I want the axe trait to feel good for buffing the mh axe and the offhand axe, even though it is not a good build to be using 2 axes in either hand in a build)

- sword autos have their leaps removed
- sword autos now cleanse chilled and crippled while also granting short duration superspeed.
( This keeps the chasing/sticking functionality of the current sword autos while giving the ranger a bit more control.)

I do think that there are other improvements to be made, but in general i think this helps the base problem/complaints of these weapons in the simplest way possible.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Now i said i have more suggestions for Utilities and traits. Now i want to cover utilities and the traits corrisponding to them.


Sharpening Stone: Give it 10 Stacks, apply Torment on Crit, 25s CD
Trait: Sharpened Edges: Give 3 Stacks of Sharpening Stone by a 25% Chance on Crit

QZ: CD Reduce to kitten
Trait: Quickening Zephyr: Activates the skill QZ when swapping pets (Stunbreak included) (45s ICD)

LR: CD Reduce to 30s

Entangle: Blast finisher

Wilderness Knowledge: Gives Every Survival Skill a unique effect instead of just Fury and condi cleanse (to make it more flexibility)

-Troll Inguet: Cleanses a Condi per Pulse (This is the big condi cleanse->so you have not to slot pure Survival skills to cleanse condibombs)
-Sharpening Stone: Gain Might when critting under the effect of Sharpening Stone
-QZ: Gain additional Resistance and Fury (Resistance 4s like quickness and 8s fury)
-LR: Stun on hit with the lightning
-Entangle: Double the effect of Blast finisher
CD reduction like default.

Frosttrap: add Stunbreak, add freeze and pull into the center on first pulse.
Spike trap: reduce CD to 30s
Improve visuals a little big so you can distinguish wich traps lays where.

Trappers expertise: Reduce Trap CD like default, lay down a frostrap when disabled, traps are throwable like before

Poison Master: Lay down a vipers nest on your position and on the position of your old pet when swapping.

Reduce CD on all signets.
Add the stunbreak to signet of stone.

Signet of Renewal (CD 40s): Active: Get resistance and remove a condi per second (as long your pet is active) for 5s
Remove the stunbreak from this signet to signet of stone.

Signet of the Hunt->Signet of the Pack: (CD 25s)
Active: Gain 10 stacks of might and a stack of fury for 5s and 5 stacks of might for your allies arround you.
Passive: Pulses swiftness once every 10s around you.

Signet of the wild (CD 35s): Active: Remove the transformation its just a gimmick. Effcts are fine, add superspeed for the duration.
Passive: increase the healing slightly

Brutisch seals is fine, but instead of might i would give it a raw condi dmg and pure dmg increase buff.

New Trait: Reinforce: Activate Signet of stone when under 25% health (ICD 60s)

Change the Spirits Function: Every Spirits Produces a Combofield and a Buff.
WaterSpirit: Waterfield(10s), Healing power increase 10% (20s)
SunSpirit: Fire Field (10s), Condi Dmg increase(20s) about 10%
Frost Spirit: Frost Field(10s), Condi Duration increase (20s) about 10%
Storm Spirit: Lightning Field(5s) dmg increase (20s) 10%
Earth Spirit: Smoke field (5s), Toghness increase (20s) 10%
Nature Spirit: Light Field (10s), Boon Duration Increase (20s)10%

Change the visuals: Spirits are not visible or killable for the duration, on activation the spirits gets visible and smashes the ground->Similar o the maul skill.
Spiritfield gets a dedicated sign each to distinguish them

Activation skills stays the same.
Trait: Reduced CD, Activating Skill does not destroy the field, at the end of the duration the activation skill activates again.

And for the shouts:

The pet gets 95% less dmg from guard dmg.
Pets taunts on default and not just on attack when activated.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

(edited by InsaneQR.7412)

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Evasive Purity moved to WS.

Either don’t lose AF when leaving CA, or cut the reduction in half, or allow us to activate it above 50%.

Slightly reduced cast time on We Heal as One. It’s so easy to interrupt when your character literally announces the cast.

(edited by Zintrothen.1056)

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Now after the utilities and their traits, i am giving my sugestions about the other traits.

First Marksmanship:

The problem here is that the trait alpha training is just a poor excuse for a trait and should be together with opening strike. Second i would set the critical strike trait and on the third position “Furious strike”, which gives you opening strike when you gain fury.

Clarion Bond would fit better into BM and swap it with Companions Might.
Companions Might would be better if the pet would gain might to you when it crits.
Enlragement→Change name to Place with brutish seals, activate stone seal when under 25% health.
Predators instinct: remove the ICD and just Cripple enemies under 50% without an movement snairing effect (Chill, cripple, immob etc.)

Brutish seals, add fury to the might, remove 1 might stack.
Moment of Clarity: On interrupt or stunbreak gain opportunity attack. Stun duration increase 75%.
Steady Fokus: Remove it and merge it with lead the wind, put two handed training here instead.

Lead the Wind: Default plus do bonus dmg when undurance is full, gain a little of portion of endurance on crit. (ICD 1s)
Remorseless: Gain fury when stunning an enemy, opening strike does more dmg.
Predators onslaught: got improved is fine.

Minor: Fine but i would change Hunters tactics to improved Critchance when under the effect of swiftness or quickness (swiftness 10% bonus, quickness 20% bonus, not stackable)

Primal reflexes: Gain swiftness when evading succesfully, improved endurance regeneration. (instead change natural vigor from WS traitline)
Sharpened edges: Like i said in the post before.
Trappers expertise: Like i said in the post before. plus change places with striders defence.

Hidden barbs: Your pet applies bleed on hit (like companions might did before) plus default.
Spotter is fine.
Striders defence: 25% chance to evade every hit, after evade (3s ICD). Sword CD Reduce. Move it to Adept.

Light on your feet: Gain Quickness when succesfully evading an attack (2s)
SB CD reduced. Arrow should pierce on default on skill 1,2 and 5→QoL like warriors riffle.
Most Dangerous Game: Gain Fury when under 75% (10s), Gain Might under 50% health.
Quickdraw: Fine.

Wilderness Survival:
Natural Vigor: Gain Vigor after dodging.
Companions defence is good.
Bark skin: Gain retaliation when under the effect of Protection.

Expertise Training: Apllies to you and your pet.
Oakheart Salve: Instead of reduced dmg, you remove 1 condition every second when under the effect of regeneration.
Soften the Fall: Actually the fall traits should be baseline (especially after the Gliding upgrade) but its fine.
Ambidextry: You have a chance to inflict conditions depending on Offhand weapon.
Dagger: Poison 1 stack 3s, 25% chance
Torch: Burn 1 stack 3s, 20% chance
Refined Toxins: Change to Toxic Hide: Foes get poison applied to them when they take dmg from Retaliation (1s ICD), gain retaliation when under 50% health.
Shared Anguish: Applies Breakbar to pet, if you get stunned the breakbar of the pet get reduced instead. Swap with empathic bond.

Empathic Bond: Swapping Pets removes Conditions (number of conditions 2), move it to Master.
Poison Master: Like i said in my post before.
Survival Knowledge: Like i said in the post before.

To be continued…

NM, BM and Druid comming Later.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Now my last suggestions to NM, BM and Druid.

Rejuvination: Grant the rejuvination around you.
Effect of Fortifying bond should be baseline (Boonshare between pet and ranger), instead give it an effect that gives protection arround the ranger and the pet (self plus 3 targets each)
Lingering Magic: Heals allies for a static amount every time you apply a boon. Boon duration increase. (No big heal just a little substantial heal)


Allies Aid: This trait is kinda odd after the update. I would say its mechanic should be the same, but it still should be count as a shout and the tooltip should be updated to: “Pet starts licking wounds when reviving an ally, this counts as a shout.” plus the revive speed like default.

Bountiful Hunter: Gives 1% Dmg, Condi dmg and healing power to the ranger and 1% dmg, condi dmg and toughness to the pet per boon on you. (This improve is absed on the current stat the ranger has with its gear, and depends on the stats of the pet)

Instinctive Reaction: Add fury to the effect. Remove the healing power gain to vigourus training.


Evasive purity: Remove 1 condition when dodging. Remove damagig Conditions (Bleed, burn, poison, confusion, torment) on evade (1 per evade).

Vigorous Training: Pet Grants Vigor and Swiftness to allies when activated or swapped. Converts a percentage of power to Healing Power.

Windborn Notes: Fine


Invigorating Bond: Heals arround the Ranger on swap, add explo finisher.

Natures Vengeance: Alredy covered in previous Post, Activation does not kill spirit and spirit activates after deatth. CD Reduced on spirits.

Protective Ward: Deafult + Improved effectiveness of protection for pet and ranger (protection gives 40% dmg redduction)

Minors: All dmg modifiers of the pets also counts as Condition modifier. Else they are fine.

Companions Might: Exchanged with Clarion Bond.

Go for the eyes: Fix the bugs and make it work, the idea is good.

Ressounding Timbre: Is good


Natural Healing: This effect counts to you and your pet. (This will not grant AF when speccing druid)

Two handed Training: Put into Marksmanship.
Instead: Move the Honed Axes on its PLace

Wilting Strike: Default+ apply cripple

Beastly Warden:Default+Pet gains Protection.

Honed Axes: Moved to Master Tier. + Changed to: Eveery time you hit an enemy with an axe skill gain 1 Stack of Might. (Instead remove might of AA).

Zephyrs Speed: Activate the Skill Zephyrs Speed respectively, including Stunbreak and shares its CD and improvements via traits.

New Trait: Arctic Training: Apply Chill to weakend foes if they are not already chilled and apply weakness to chilled foes if they are not already weakened. This also counts to your pet.


First before i made my suggestions i would say it is difficult to activate the Glyphs in CAF in a usefull way. A lot of them shares the same CD with the equivalent counterpart. Either chnage that they share the CD or Change the CAF.

My idea was that you can add two forms of Avatar. Lunar form and Solar form. Both forms are mainly about support. Lunar form is the form we currently have. Solar form is just more Boon and Condition based instead of Heal and Control. Animations stays pretty the same except of the color theme. You can switch CAF stances on button press with CD (e.g. Weapon swap when in CAF changes stances and the last stance you were in stays when activating again). One form has improved healing power and the other improved Boon duration. The second form has the normal Glyphs we know. Lunar form gains faster AF with healing and dmg Solar Form Gains Faster AF with Boons and Conditions. AF Stays on 25% percentage threshholds (25, 50, 75, 100 respectively).

Now Skill Suggestions:
Skill 1: Add some kind of dmg and reduce aftercast to remove the bugginess of this skill. In the other Form Add Burn and Might instead of pure dmg and heal.

Skill 2: Make the effect instant like the bloom of the healing spring. In the other form this is a Fire field instead of a light field.

Skill 3: Good Skill. In the second form it does not stun but burn instead, gives fury to allies.

Skill 4: Stays the same in both Forms, improve the duration.

Skill 5: You can walk while channeling, in Second form applies swiftness and quickness to allies. Makes foes Vulnerable(10 stacks) on last pulse.

Solar Beam: Does not need a target.
Astral Wisp: Similar to the Ele’s Phoenix: Travels to Target Heals Allies it passes through, summons astral thorns out of the ground on impact (explo finisher) applying bleed to foes and retaliation to allies.
Ancestral Grace: Just fix bugs its good.
Vine Surge: Improve the Cast and let it apply roots ( roots should be improved to a non removable debuff, till the root is dead, and improve roots toughness) and with this bleed.

Sublime Conversion: Make this attached to the ranger so it moves arround with him. Make it a Complete circle.

Glyphs: Glyphs are good but switch the effect of glyph of the tides with its CAF effect.

Minors: Change Natural Mender with Primal echoes and add the staff CD reduction to it. Natural Strides is going to be GM Minor.

Cultivated Synergy: Activating a Healing skill creates a Water field arround the druid and the pet. ( This gives more active playing and has synergy with ranger base traits (in my suggestion))

Druidic Clarity: Good.

Primal Echoes: Moves to the Place of Natural Stride. Stuns Foes on weaponswap and remove staff CD Reduce.
On its Place comes natural mender with the Staff CD reduction.

Master: Celestial Shadow: IMO it does not fit theme wise but its a good skill. For the estetics change the Stealth animation of this skill to the leafy animation instead of the shadows but this is purely cosmetic.

Natural Stride: Make it GM Minor and move Primal Echoes to its place. Primal Echoes stuns on every weaponswap. No additional effects.

Verdant etching: Fine, Seed depends on Form you were currently in.

GM: Ancient Seeds: Should work mechanicaly wise like go for the eyes, every foe only can be effected once every 10s. But if you stun foes in an aoe and apply dmg to all, all got rootet and are immune to another rooting of this trait for 10s.

Grace of the Land: Good

Lingering Light: ICD reduce to 8s , foes attacking you or your allies while blinded heal their target with a static amount instead of missing. This amount scales on the healingpower of the druid and gives AF.

Now i am Finished. Feel free to critizes.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508



Lots of your ideas are ok, lots of the aren’t really needed, but i think that the main problem is that you are trying to change too much at once. With so many changes, i can’t give detailed feedback and none of the ideas really stand out. In addition, i also wouldn’t want to see so many buffs put into the game at once; All of these would just make us overpowered.

If i could give any feedback, i would say that you should focus first on only the weakest parts of the ranger and buff them before the other parts of the class. In my opinion, i think that a single patch should only contain around 15 changes; around 5 changes for weapon skills, 5 changes for utilities, and 5 changes for traits.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Since they got 3 months till the next update i want to gather all your suggestions. Try to discribe them in detail and point out why you think this would be good for the class. Please no OP suggestions and constructive critisism.

Things I suggest:


-Improve the AA, so it will apply bleed on baseline regardless of direction and additional stacks when flanking
-Change poison volley to a Skillshot based Attack similar to the reflecting shot of DH, just it applies 3 stacks of poison when travelling through enemies and at the end it produces a poison field
-for the third skill grant quickness if you are evading an attack and apply swiftness on baseline.
-Crippling shot change->Wounding Shot: shoot an arrow into your target wich applies 1 stack of torment per second and your pet deals additional dmg as long as active
-Concussive Shot: apply confusion on hit and additional stacks when flanking, daze and stun as default and you knock enemies down which are already disabled


-AA just like a normal sword Autochain similar to Warrior, effects as default but change cripple with bleed
-Hornet Sting: Remove the first part of this skill to skill number 3, give it a bigger evade distance and leave behind a weakening and dmg trail of spikes which functions as a poison field.
-Monarchs leap: Merge it with Serpents Strike to number 2, jumpm into battle criplling enemies and after that you can evade and apply 3 stacks of poison and additional weakness if the enemie already has a poison stack.

-Improve aftercast similar how it was done with axe throw on warr
-Winters bite Baseline AoE
-Splitblade: Change this skill to a single target nuke->Savage Axe: A spinning axe hitting a target for 5 times, this skill is solo dmg based and has no bleed effect, improve dmg respectively

-Crippling talon: Add a shadowstep that you port to your target
-Stalkers strike: Jump over the target while evading and applying poison -> like thief skill

I thought about these changes because it provides better Conditioning for Sb and better usability in skirmishing. Sword has better controlability and is more a condition based weapon. Axe is solo pure dmg, because it will simplify the weapon choice and playstyle. Dagger changes should give now better mobility and impact.

This were solo my weapon suggestions i got some more for utilities and traits.

What do you want for the next update balance patch?

Pretty cool ideas, I’d welcome all of them and I think they’d work well balance-wise.

I’d add:

- Bristle F2 and smokescale smoke assault dmg reduced by 20%
- Staff AA dmg buff by 10%

→ makes you less reliant on the pet dps and will maybe actually give ppl the option to not run both bristle and smokescale…..

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Axe 2 and Shortbow 2 can stay the way they are. The only issue is that hitting all 5 projectiles should actually also be rewarding in a power based build. Right now hitting all 5 means you deal the dmg of one autoattack which is ridiculous. Every axe/arrow should deal atleast 50% autoattack damage so that hitting all 5 causes about 250% autoattack dmg. It takes effort to go into melee range and it is easier to dodge by enemies.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Blue.1207


Delete Bristleback.

[Maguuma] Since BETA – Just Bri
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Delete Bristleback.

Get real.
No one’s interested that you lost to a mere Ranger pet, too.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Blue.1207


Delete Bristleback.

Get real.
No one’s interested that you lost to a mere Ranger pet, too.

Just cause you get carried by an OP pet.

[Maguuma] Since BETA – Just Bri
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Just cause you get carried by an OP pet.

I don’t even have to check for proof.
I’m already 90% sure you are maining a thief and I got baited by dunning-kruuger again.

Shame on me.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


All pets brought to the damage and utility of the bristleback and smokescale.
The other pets are the ginger child, nobody wants them anymore.

Please rework the pets. I would be happy if Anet brings less pets at the beginning but better designed. Later when they are redesigning the new ones they can bring them into the game.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Fightyourfate.9034


- Traited ground targeting on traps.
- Moving spirits.
They are both things that have been removed, BRING THEM BACK!

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: hix.8374


Give pets an experience bar. When it reaches max experience it becomes an adult. Upon becoming an adult it gains a slight increase to stats.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


Give pets an experience bar. When it reaches max experience it becomes an adult. Upon becoming an adult it gains a slight increase to stats.

But what about those adult wyverns?

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

1. stop asking for Reverting spirits , moving spirits and ground targeted traps were counter productive.

4 changes or additions i’d like to see.

1. Muddy terrain (mechanic change)
Spring a Well of mud on the ground , Traveling foes(leap,dash,stomp,swoop)
any foe moving through or landing on the Muddy terrain is Knockedown+immobilised(2).

people passing through aka running on the ground only get Crippled.

extend the Muddy terrains Field effects to 5seconds

this mechanical change Discourages Fast Movements through leaps ect enforcing a ground fight where dodging is more rewarded so it benfits team comps that build around Vigour or daredevils/evade rangers/ teleport tactics.

doing it this way it improves its Overall Ability to CC and still keeps its orginal functions , plus acting in the opposite way to slickshoes.

2. Introduce a offensive Elite Spirit , like the old Fertile season or edge of exstinction (a manipulative field effect spirit Increasing a skills cooldown on use by 2seconds if interrupted by 6seconds) This will help with things in terms of countering Fast/low cooldowns or high damage skills , (this improves the Rangers Role opens options for a Interruption ranger like the gw1 magebane which sapped the foes of energy but in this case Cooldowns.
: note the spirit should have the Attributes of Squishy medium radius and have a ICD on its effects like aka ,

Summon passive effect : skills recharge 10% faster.
Trigger effect : Plants a Field for 32seconds, all used skills cooldown on use by 2seconds if interrupted increase to 6seconds)
passive effect 10second ICD
Spirit trigger cooldown 85seconds (doing this means aleast 2-3 skills on a person bar will be effect by a cooldown increase if interrupted , (this slows down fights in the spamming sense , hinders Weapon / f1,2,3 canceling and draws the fight into a Survival situation) survival of the fittest, the best at managing cooldowns.

3. Fortifying bonds Major minor nature magic Base line.
for reasons because having this Trait tided to a tree is very Restritive when it comes to boon management on the ranger part , currently if you don’t have this trait its ether the ranger has boons and the pet does not or the ranger is forced to use Heal as one with poor boon durations or having to trait for fast boon application (guard,MDG,might runes ect)

if this trait was base line the ranger core and druid will benifit from having less restrictive trait lines when it comes to boon management between pet and ranger.

if the pet has Boon options reasons why .
1. it must be out and alive for long periods of time plus making it so a tanky pet is required for that Boon Transferance from heal as one.
2. doing No1 , reduces potentional damage just to gain boons by changing pets out (not much of a issue for druid specs they can just heal the pets before they die) , ether correct this by improving Utility effects on tanky pets e.g Knockdown on bears,knockback on drakes, and Unblockable on boar charge.

4. Move Resounding timbre to Major and swap with Windborne notes OR

revamp windborne notes
Warhorn skills -20% cooldown
warhorn 5 Remove’s 1 condition if the targets are effect by regen
Regen lasts 10% longer while under the effects of swiftness.

and to top it off It goes perfectly well with Healing spring, furn wolf and the use of Resounding timbre with warhornor traited clarions bond.

(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Reason for removing the Regen on warhorn 5 windborne notes , we have many ways to grant Regen to allies after the Resounding timbre changes and the addition of druid so removing the regen from windborne notes in exchange for a condi removal.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412



Lots of your ideas are ok, lots of the aren’t really needed, but i think that the main problem is that you are trying to change too much at once. With so many changes, i can’t give detailed feedback and none of the ideas really stand out. In addition, i also wouldn’t want to see so many buffs put into the game at once; All of these would just make us overpowered.

If i could give any feedback, i would say that you should focus first on only the weakest parts of the ranger and buff them before the other parts of the class. In my opinion, i think that a single patch should only contain around 15 changes; around 5 changes for weapon skills, 5 changes for utilities, and 5 changes for traits.

Of course a lot of these ideas arent needed but i just give ideas. Basically they have to give the traits the abbilities to have synergy with every other trait line in some points and make the traits better, so they are no waist to pick.
I like the idea of the portion wise improvement but this time they should improve the impactful parts we need.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


With all my suggestions based arround the ranger, i merely forgot useful QoL and other changes for the pets.

The Skills: It would be very useful and better to control if you could activate 2 of the 4 pet skills manually. F2 is the standard power and the F3 (for example) is one of the two race specific ones. ->This would give bigger Build variety and fun to use

+Porcine Activation skill should be mechnically wise like Steal of the Thief (replacing the Skill Icon and Place with consumable)

+Poisoncloud(Spider) Duration should be increased because this Combofield stays so shart, making combos with them is merely impossible.

Bring the Stats in Line with eachother and change it it so you can distribute the stats to your Pet. Additionally adding Base Stats and “Stat-Multiplier” depending on Race.
For example a bear has more Toughness to begin with and profits more from Toughness and Vitality upgrades and a Felyne on the other hand has more Ferocity and profits from it and crit.

This would give a better balance between Pets and the Player would have more to play into with this.

Make the F1 Command Power a Groundtargeted “previous Patch Guard” like power, where your pet goes to that area and attacks enemies in reach.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


Sublime Conversion also provide 5 sec regeneration buff 360 Radius

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: BadSanta.6527


Op don’t bother

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Suggestion? Easy.

Remove Rangers and Druids from the game.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


Suggestion? Easy.

Remove Rangers and Druids from the game.

hell no, now ranger/druid is so much better that i stop playing my engineer

Suggestions for next update

in Ranger

Posted by: SqualZell.7813


Here is an idea

Stop nerfing the ranger/druid