I really really really really hope they never do this.
I swear, if they implement the option for us to completely make the pet gone until told so, I’m switching the class.
Guys, just take some time and concetrate 10% more than you do, the pet AI isn’t perfect and ofc it could use some fixing and twitching, but it’s not that bad.
If you don’t have the willpower, or simply don’t like pets in general, I’m real sorry, but this class simply isn’t for ya. I’m not trying to drag you off, but pets, as unperfect as they are, make us what we are. It’s the pet management that wins the fights with rangers. Again, sorry, I know you won’t just go ahead and accept my opinion, but it is what it is, and I just have to put my 2 cents out that this is by all means wrong..
Not to mention the number of players who would turn off their pets and pretty much never activate them, never even realizing they deal 70 or less % of their dmg.
I really really really really hope they do this.
I’m already switching classes because the pets aren’t going to be made optional… My ranger will be deligated to mule status. Wish I wouldn’t have wasted all those laurels on a permenantly handicapped class.
I love my Ranger. Hate my pet. My Ranger would be a lot better off without it. Pet management is easy if you are ranged, but if you are melee it is a whole ‘nother story. But then again, if you didn’t know that you aren’t going to be aware of the problems anyway. The suggestion to optional perma-stow is by all means needed.
Not to mention that the pet can’t land hits to save it’s life if the target is moving at all so I’m out of that ~30% damage most of the time anyway.