Summary of ranger pet survey
I’m in the very slim minority that’s never had problems with pets, but I responded that they need to be improved. Pets are a part of how the character works, and Anet has continually stated that that’s the way things will always be. With the sheer number of people complaining, there are obviously some egregious usability concerns. My playstyle only works because I’m weird about how I fight (focused on control), and everything else I’ve tried has made my pet near useless. There’s also very, very few pets that are worth using. It’s could most certainly stand to be improved.
I haven’t had too many problems with my pets, though I do fully agree that there are some virtually useless pets and that they could use a bit of an improvement.
Personally, I think the pigs would be cool if they had another option for their F2 ability. Maybe all the pets need a secondary F2? Could be interesting and offer more customization in playstyle, yea?
I’m getting a bit tired of feeling shoehorned into what pets to play to be ‘viable’ in other’s eyes. I like my bears (primarily Brown for that cleanse) and my River Drake for that bouncy lightning ball. I can’t seem to bring myself to play the DPS pets because of how tender they seem to be.
171 people out of thousands, upon thousands or Ranger players from all across the World … seems legit, that this is 100% accurate
Guild: Rebellious New Generation [RNG] / Server: Aurora Glade – EN
anet should implement something like this in the game. Every week, there is a survery that anyone can answer if they want for a minor reward. That way, they would get a lot of feedback. They can even limit it to experienced players with like 500+ hours. Or limit it to unexperienced players with <200 hours to improve the “new player experience”
The downside to have a reward for doing a survey is people just click anything quickly to get the prize at the end.
It unfortunately provides very inaccurate information due to people seeing greed, rather than wanting to provide feedback to help the game overall.
Guild: Rebellious New Generation [RNG] / Server: Aurora Glade – EN
171 people out of thousands, upon thousands or Ranger players from all across the World … seems legit, that this is 100% accurate
If you knew anything about statistics… A sample of 171 in a population of only thousands would in fact be very accurate.
The biggest potential for inaccuracy would be the extent to which the population of forum readers differs from the whole population of ranger players.
171 people out of thousands, upon thousands or Ranger players from all across the World … seems legit, that this is 100% accurate
If you knew anything about statistics… A sample of 171 in a population of only thousands would in fact be very accurate.
The biggest potential for inaccuracy would be the extent to which the population of forum readers differs from the whole population of ranger players.