"Survival" skills and traps seem backwards.
IM hoping some fixes to rangers traits/lines theyre a big mess atm
We cry for trait overhauls for months already.
Traps do seem out of place, being condition based skills in a crit based traitline. But the survival skills do belong in the survival traitline, hence the name. Even though I would say 2 of the skills are offensive(QZ and SS), I still think they belong where they are(LR and MT especially). Maybe if the trait stats were flipped around a bit… idk seems tricky to me, i’m not sure what I would change it too except for traps into probably survival.
I kind of like that Zephyr and Reflexes are survival skills, they’re the two skills that any ranger should have (one’s a massive boost to damage and the other’s our sole stun-breaker if you aren’t counting the signet with an astronomic cooldown) and you can get a -20% cooldown on both by just investing 10 points into Wilderness Survival, plus it gets you 50% faster endurance recharge as a bonus.
The overall survival “group” of utilities is sort of wierd, yes. There’s no real theme to them, you have one thats sort of real life “survival” oriented ability (sharpening stone), a speed boost, something thats more like a nature-based trap, and an ability that reflects a sort of mix of nature and agility.
I dunno, maybe the “theme” is supposed to be nature in general, with stones being a natural thing as opposed to a metal sharpening tool or something, Zephyr being some sort of wind channeling ability (based mostly on the name and sound effect), and Muddy Terrain and Lightning Reflexes utilizing natural elements.
If thats the case though, the name Survival doesn’t really make much sense, and the trait would fit better in Nature Magic.
As for traps… I don’t really have the problems everyone else seems to with traps in Skirmishing. Yes, traps would be something a real life hunter would use to survive, but they also fit skirmishing as well, since they’d fit in with the idea of a short fight (skirmish) and then a retreat. And with regards to the Condition Damage thing… you see that all the time with traits not matching perfectly, its not unusual and I don’t feel its a requirement that traits always match the stat boosts given. And if you make that argument I’d think that they’d fit even better in Marksmanship, considering that all 4 traps would be boosted by Condition Duration but only 3/4 are boosted by Condition Damage.
The overall survival “group” of utilities is sort of wierd, yes. There’s no real theme to them, you have one thats sort of real life “survival” oriented ability (sharpening stone), a speed boost, something thats more like a nature-based trap, and an ability that reflects a sort of mix of nature and agility.
I dunno, maybe the “theme” is supposed to be nature in general, with stones being a natural thing as opposed to a metal sharpening tool or something, Zephyr being some sort of wind channeling ability (based mostly on the name and sound effect), and Muddy Terrain and Lightning Reflexes utilizing natural elements.
If thats the case though, the name Survival doesn’t really make much sense, and the trait would fit better in Nature Magic.
As for traps… I don’t really have the problems everyone else seems to with traps in Skirmishing. Yes, traps would be something a real life hunter would use to survive, but they also fit skirmishing as well, since they’d fit in with the idea of a short fight (skirmish) and then a retreat. And with regards to the Condition Damage thing… you see that all the time with traits not matching perfectly, its not unusual and I don’t feel its a requirement that traits always match the stat boosts given. And if you make that argument I’d think that they’d fit even better in Marksmanship, considering that all 4 traps would be boosted by Condition Duration but only 3/4 are boosted by Condition Damage.
Lightning Reflexes is an evade that helps you survive, and muddy terrain is a slow/stop which helps you get away and survive. The other two I think might be oriented towards attrition builds, with a theme of survive and eventually get them downed. Sharpening stone would definitely match with this, and it would explain the toughness(survive) and condition damage(attrition). Quickening Zephyr, however, does not match. I would like to think of it as a bonus for survival builds, in order to give them SOME ability to burst. The traitline as a whole however is very survival oriented, so it matches. I can see how traps would match this trait line though, there just isn’t much space for them.