Switching F2 Pet Skills
The F2 ability of a pet is pretty much set. The other skills that the pets have are used by the AI.
It’s a useful change that would breathe life and much MUCH needed utility into the class and as such will probably never happen because of “technical limitations” or some such nonsense…
Make pets more useable and not have kittenty mechanics? UNPOSSIBLE
Huh, only 4 other people in the past three months to even think of this, I guess XD This is a thread that deserves a lot more attention, because Anet didn’t really grasp the finer points of player pets or their A.I. -_- Please, give us more control over our pets! Necromancers are, especially, in need of pet changes.
“How’d that happen?”
“He doesn’t talk about it.” – Stephen Fry
Like perma-stowing pets (which I am gonna continute to hold out hold for) Jon Sharp has stated in the STOG giving the player more control over the pet is not an option because it scares away new players. Which, in my book, is insulting… but hey, as someone pointed out in a thread related to more controls, that the controls we have now don’t always work, why put in more controls that won’t always work either.
It is a problem. For example being a druid and wanting my pet Moa to use the heal skill, instead of an attack skill. It would really help out healers. Or having a pet with a cc skill, but it uses it at random instead of on command. I was hoping one could set the default skill out of the 4 skills pets possess. (>.<)