Sword is a joke and aint funny..

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Hi guys..Im a Ranger too and i have found at last the build that fits my playstyle.
Its the BM,with boosted Healing+Vitality+Power.I found it so funny when my precious Jaguar crits for 5k and i m supporting him/her…(actually its “her” ,ive seen her raising her tale infront of me many times).
So i found the right skill,the right elite and here comes weapons.
At first i was longbow/shortbow..I dont use long bow for the dmg and i never stand at full range so i dont have any particular problem with it.
Only that its not good at aoe groups
So heres comes the Shortbow nice dmg,i really like the combo Lynx Leap with the 4 skill but still its a weapon with many cond dmg on it and in aoe groups its more weak than longbow.
I desperatly wanted a aoe weapon than can support my pet.
Axe?nah. Greatsword?nah. Warhorn?sure. Sword? very good,autoattack that stack might to my pet..and a good aoe.
So i picked a exotic sword and go to the first dungeon expl that i found.
Guys thats laughable…I cant understand why they let such a weapon to be existing…I cant understand what they were thinking when they made it.
I was almost all the time downed cause i couldnt dodge roll,i mean i couldnt play with this…how in the name of god can the testers?So clunky,so fail animation..How i can stay in meele range with this?I cant play my favorite build cause of this

Sorry for long post

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Hi guys..Im a Ranger too and i have found at last the build that fits my playstyle.
Its the BM,with boosted Healing+Vitality+Power.I found it so funny when my precious Jaguar crits for 5k and i m supporting him/her…(actually its “her” ,ive seen her raising her tale infront of me many times).
So i found the right skill,the right elite and here comes weapons.
At first i was longbow/shortbow..I dont use long bow for the dmg and i never stand at full range so i dont have any particular problem with it.
Only that its not good at aoe groups
So heres comes the Shortbow nice dmg,i really like the combo Lynx Leap with the 4 skill but still its a weapon with many cond dmg on it and in aoe groups its more weak than longbow.
I desperatly wanted a aoe weapon than can support my pet.
Axe?nah. Greatsword?nah. Warhorn?sure. Sword? very good,autoattack that stack might to my pet..and a good aoe.
So i picked a exotic sword and go to the first dungeon expl that i found.
Guys thats laughable…I cant understand why they let such a weapon to be existing…I cant understand what they were thinking when they made it.
I was almost all the time downed cause i couldnt dodge roll,i mean i couldnt play with this…how in the name of god can the testers?So clunky,so fail animation..How i can stay in meele range with this?I cant play my favorite build cause of this

Sorry for long post

Since you’re power based, You’re probably better off with Axe/Warhorn, with Longbow or shortbow.

You can do Sword/Warhorn I suppose, but you’re going to have to turn off the Auto Attack and just spam when you need it.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Aethersong.5189


I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons…

Haven’t you heard? The sword is a great weapon! No problem with it.

On a serious note, does anyone at Anet even play ranger…? The sword definitely needs a fix. Longbow has a number of problems as well, but that is for a different thread.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


turn off auto attack in the mean time this generally removes the issue with dodge rolling

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I turned off the auto attack ofc…but the thing is that i want to reach the 3rd chain of the autoattack so i can stack might to my pet…this might has a low duration and i need to spam some autoattacks anyway..i can barely keep like 3-4 but in dummies i reach the 7-8 pretty easy…Even if i compromise with few autoattack spams the 2nd and 3rd chain is rly bad..I cant understand why they are doing these statements,a honest apologize will be far more better and noone will blame them.People make mistakes i can accept this,to be the only class that have prob with the sword i cant accept it….
The community is litteraly begging for a sword fix,just to be as any other meele weapon,remove this kitten leap,noone wants it,i know that Anet devs want it but consider the possibility that you are wrong about it.
Its doesnt affect the balance at all and i dont know how much programming it recuires but for the love of God,delay any underwater fixes.
It cant be the wrong direction.

Sorry for the long post again,i just want to enjoy my new build

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


perhaps the fix should be to bring back the knock back or make it a 0.5 second stun on 2 or put an evade on chain 2 and 3 (kick and pounce).

i don’t think the root is a bug, and it’s working as intended. the thing is that the relic of the alpha/beta stages is causing problems. i like the effects, the implementation is horrible though. it’s pretty easy to stick onto low hp people, and the cripple effect is really nice.

i also am able to basically fly out of combat using sword 2 (a) → LR → shortbow (3).

(edited by Luriyu.6873)

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: OnionXI.6735


I agree mostly. People say turn off auto attack but that doesn’t feel like a real solution. The problems with animations and dodging still exist and you’re left with having to break up your dps. Dodging and attack animations are a problem across the board though. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve eaten an ice spike from subject alpha because chop has interrupted my warrior’s dodge.

The bigger issue with the sword to me besides dodging is that you can’t move at all. I’m sure somebody will tell me I’m wrong, but in my opinion any weapon that doesn’t allow you to strafe in PvE is effectively worthless.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Can you guys stop complaining about the sword already? Rooting you is a good thing, it means what that you’re rooted TO THE TARGET. If the target moves, you move along with him. Have you tried to kite a sword ranger? Its impossible, because of the 2 leaps + cripple.
If they fix this, then sword will be useless. Time your monarchs leap people!

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Can you guys stop complaining about the sword already? Rooting you is a good thing, it means what that you’re rooted TO THE TARGET. If the target moves, you move along with him. Have you tried to kite a sword ranger? Its impossible, because of the 2 leaps + cripple.
If they fix this, then sword will be useless. Time your monarchs leap people!

Come on man..
That may works in pvp but not in PvE.Have you ever seen a mob running away from you or trying to kite you…?You cant even move..

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Also, the “omgswordrootingissobad” also helps identify thieves in stealth. Hit the air and if you leap forward, there you have your thief.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Also, the “omgswordrootingissobad” also helps identify thieves in stealth. Hit the air and if you leap forward, there you have your thief.

Yes ive noticed many times in pvp but thats a bug that the devs can live with it,the animation glitch was outrageous…ahahahaha

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Greiger.7092


I like the sword, it’s a little harder to dodge at first, but after awhile of using it I don’t have any issues dodging while spamming 1. I’m not sure what the diffrence is, maybe I got used to it? timing? I donno. But I don’t have any time in recent memory when using my sword (and the sword is my primary weapon at that, I rarely use my bow) that I had any difficulty evading an attack when I needed to.

What does get me is that how sometimes it seems it will glitch when switching weapons. I have had a couple time when I switched to my longbow while fighting and I couldn’t move til I switched back to my sword and used 3.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Sword is useable if you use 3 to dodge, 2 to get yourself out of trouble and an offhand like dagger that adds an extra dodge. But it really is very hard to pull off well in PvE as it stands. If you arent jumping through dead mobs off cliffs you’re rooted in the middle of them desperately hoping you will manage to roll out eventually. I’d love to take it over Axe for AoE pet support and I do whenever feasable but sadly that’s only on a few encounters where either there is a lot of space or against mobs that are wimpy in mellee.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Glektor.2934


The sword is probably my favorite ranger weapon, to be honest, even with the stupid auto-attack issues. I do find it disappointing how we have to spend half the fight evading and dodging rather than actually dps’ing, but that’s a problem with the melee system in the entire game. This game really isn’t kind to melee players, compared to ranged.

What I’d really love to see changed with sword, is for melee attacks to not hit and aggro neutral mobs you aren’t targetting(with the aoe hits). That goes for all melee weapons in the game, for all classes. This pretty much sucks in all styles of play(WvW, PvE, etc.)

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


The most annoying thing is that after all this time Anet still refuses to change this skill..And dont say me you dont have time.They have time for underwater and they dont have time for a totally wrong weapon?I cant find any logic sense in this.
Its not the first thread about the sword and i dont think they really care..And i repeat,i really like this game,i really enjoy it but it seems that Ranger is the black sheep of GW2

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: faeral.7120


the sword does not have an autoattack.

this is a good thing.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


As much as you can find ways of “timing” the dodge between strikes, it shouldn’t nulify your dodge button or your movement keys. Period.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: faeral.7120


should thieves start complaining because their heartseeker doesn’t let them dodge?

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


should thieves start complaining because their heartseeker doesn’t let them dodge?

Your argument is invalid.Heartseeker aint autoattack..The first skill of every weapon of every proffession is the autoattack which is meant to be spamable,its the attack you do while you have the cds on the other skills of your rotation…
I dont want to do 2 skills and then just move away and stand in a corner till my cds are again up.Its boring and stupid

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its a very bad weapon,no matter how hard JPeters and some other guys are trying to prove us that elephants are pink and fly,its useless.Period

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Am i really going to need to create a tutorial on how to escape with the sword?
What do you mean the evade doesn’t work ? Of course it works. IF, however, you are still facing the opponent, the leap WILL work, getting you back in the fight.
You want to disengage? Try one of the SEVERAL combinations:

1) Face the camera the other way and run away ( you will stay rooted for the duration of two attacks)
2) Face the camera the other way and evade ( instant escape )
3) Use Hornets Sting
4) Switch to Short Bow and use quick shot
5) Use Lightning Reflexes
6) Press ESC and stop targetting
7) Use Hunters Call and run while it casts, or face the other way (will cancel hunters call)
8) Same thing can be used for Call of the Wild
9) Switch to ANY weapon

I wish you guys would stop complaining about things like this, and started complaining about stuff like:

Hey, why do i have to spend 30 points in marksmanship to get a 6 second invulnerability while warriors have one that is for free?

Or why engineers have something that converts all conditions into boons and have a low cooldown, while we have something that has the same cooldown only it removes ONE condition?

Or how thieves have a 25% movement speed even though we are the ones known as scouts? Or the obstructed bug?

How the warrior’s rifle bleeds from any direction and applies a 10 second bleed while we have to flank and it lasts 3 to 4 seconds?

And, that if someone walks in circles, your pet doesn’t hit at all?

That is the kind of stuff that needs to be fixed. If they “fix” the sword rooting, it’s ability to chase down enemies will cease to exist.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Himei.5379


I wish you guys would stop complaining about things like this, and started complaining about stuff like:

Hey, why do i have to spend 30 points in marksmanship to get a 6 second invulnerability while warriors have one that is for free?

Or why engineers have something that converts all conditions into boons and have a low cooldown, while we have something that has the same cooldown only it removes ONE condition?

Or how thieves have a 25% movement speed even though we are the ones known as scouts? Or the obstructed bug?

How the warrior’s rifle bleeds from any direction and applies a 10 second bleed while we have to flank and it lasts 3 to 4 seconds?

And, that if someone walks in circles, your pet doesn’t hit at all?

That is the kind of stuff that needs to be fixed. If they “fix” the sword rooting, it’s ability to chase down enemies will cease to exist.

Haha, this +1. SO many uneven traits compared to other classes, before weapon fixes, our traits and skills need to come first and of course the “Obstructed” bug.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


You honestly don’t need to dodge roll that often with the sword. Especially in combination with a dagger. There are so many build in evades with the weapon skills that dodge rolling becomes secondary.

That being said, they could easily fix the sword auto attack chain by making dodge supersede the chain.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Glektor.2934


You honestly don’t need to dodge roll that often with the sword. Especially in combination with a dagger. There are so many build in evades with the weapon skills that dodge rolling becomes secondary.

That being said, they could easily fix the sword auto attack chain by making dodge supersede the chain.

Yeah, I just hope that’s all they do to sword’s chain. I hope when they decide to “fix” the auto-attack that they don’t remove the leap and snare and make it actually useless.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

The sword is good for evading attacks and crippling targets low on hp to help your pet land attacks. I can get about 1k crits with it and turning of auto spell one helps, but you have to spam it anyways if your dealing with a thief. You can actually stick to them while they are in stealth if you are good at predicting movement and know the animations.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: faeral.7120


should thieves start complaining because their heartseeker doesn’t let them dodge?

Your argument is invalid.Heartseeker aint autoattack..The first skill of every weapon of every proffession is the autoattack which is meant to be spamable,its the attack you do while you have the cds on the other skills of your rotation…

technically there are no autoattacks. you have the capacity to set anything on autocast. it just so happens that the first ability for each weapon has no cooldown, so setting it to autocast will spam it.

there is a great comparison to be made between heartseeker & sword 1, because they are both spammable gap closers with an associated movement animation. the difference is that sword 1 is BETTER, as it cripples, cleaves & gives might to our pet.

I dont want to do 2 skills and then just move away and stand in a corner till my cds are again up.Its boring and stupid

i wouldn’t recommend that you do this. i would recommend that you learn why sword 1 is so strong by practicing with its unique animations both with & without targets selected. eg. hit a target with first two steps then drop target & use the 3rd step to leap in any direction. or don’t use targeting at all & see how well you can move around the field while fighting without using a single cooldown.

there is a reason why some rangers are saying this weapon is incredible & we don’t want it changed. if you don’t have interest in learning what the sword is capable of, i would recommend the axe. it has a much more simplistic playstyle, which is what you are asking for when you ask for a change to sword 1.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Varani.9207


Am i really going to need to create a tutorial on how to escape with the sword?
What do you mean the evade doesn’t work ? Of course it works. IF, however, you are still facing the opponent, the leap WILL work, getting you back in the fight.
You want to disengage? Try one of the SEVERAL combinations:

1) Face the camera the other way and run away ( you will stay rooted for the duration of two attacks)
2) Face the camera the other way and evade ( instant escape )
3) Use Hornets Sting
4) Switch to Short Bow and use quick shot
5) Use Lightning Reflexes
6) Press ESC and stop targetting
7) Use Hunters Call and run while it casts, or face the other way (will cancel hunters call)
8) Same thing can be used for Call of the Wild
9) Switch to ANY weapon

I wish you guys would stop complaining about things like this, and started complaining about stuff like:

Hey, why do i have to spend 30 points in marksmanship to get a 6 second invulnerability while warriors have one that is for free?

Or why engineers have something that converts all conditions into boons and have a low cooldown, while we have something that has the same cooldown only it removes ONE condition?

Or how thieves have a 25% movement speed even though we are the ones known as scouts? Or the obstructed bug?

How the warrior’s rifle bleeds from any direction and applies a 10 second bleed while we have to flank and it lasts 3 to 4 seconds?

And, that if someone walks in circles, your pet doesn’t hit at all?

That is the kind of stuff that needs to be fixed. If they “fix” the sword rooting, it’s ability to chase down enemies will cease to exist.

Mondsucht [MS] Kodash Vragni – Ranger
Charrov – Engineer

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Gelltor.3015


Yeah it roots you to the ground but the other two skills are evades,if you use dagger you get another evade……..

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Zaith.9132


You honestly don’t need to dodge roll that often with the sword. Especially in combination with a dagger. There are so many build in evades with the weapon skills that dodge rolling becomes secondary.

That being said, they could easily fix the sword auto attack chain by making dodge supersede the chain.

I agree almost with everything. I use sword and dagger and their evades are excellent. However what do you do on cooldown? Dodge is a necessary mechanic because of a few mechanics – aoe attacks mostly in my experience. I can time skills 2-4 to dodge devastating attacks from the foe I’m fighting and the foes nearby, but that’s not enough in many cases.

The second part I couldn’t agree with more. What’s so hard about making dodge override the chain? Can anyone think of another auto-attack chain that renders dodge unresponsive? If my ranger can’t voluntarily stop himself, he shouldn’t be able to be interrupted either. Rename the sword skill “rage” and make it grant stability.

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You honestly don’t need to dodge roll that often with the sword. Especially in combination with a dagger. There are so many build in evades with the weapon skills that dodge rolling becomes secondary.

That being said, they could easily fix the sword auto attack chain by making dodge supersede the chain.

I agree almost with everything. I use sword and dagger and their evades are excellent. However what do you do on cooldown? Dodge is a necessary mechanic because of a few mechanics – aoe attacks mostly in my experience. I can time skills 2-4 to dodge devastating attacks from the foe I’m fighting and the foes nearby, but that’s not enough in many cases.

The second part I couldn’t agree with more. What’s so hard about making dodge override the chain? Can anyone think of another auto-attack chain that renders dodge unresponsive? If my ranger can’t voluntarily stop himself, he shouldn’t be able to be interrupted either. Rename the sword skill “rage” and make it grant stability.

I switch to Axe/Torch and start my Combo Chain again, before switching back to Sword/Dagger

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: HTech.8016


The second part I couldn’t agree with more. What’s so hard about making dodge override the chain? Can anyone think of another auto-attack chain that renders dodge unresponsive? If my ranger can’t voluntarily stop himself, he shouldn’t be able to be interrupted either. Rename the sword skill “rage” and make it grant stability.

The last two attacks of the chain involve movement. If they allow you to use dodge to cancel them mid-execution, they would have to change all movement abilities to follow that same idea. I don’t think we’ll ever see dodges interrupting your own jumps. The sword is all about making good choices, anyway. It is far less forgiving than other weapons, but if you know what you’re doing, the added mobility is amazing. This is coming from an sPvP/WvW perspective (mainly WvW).

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


The second part I couldn’t agree with more. What’s so hard about making dodge override the chain? Can anyone think of another auto-attack chain that renders dodge unresponsive? If my ranger can’t voluntarily stop himself, he shouldn’t be able to be interrupted either. Rename the sword skill “rage” and make it grant stability.

The last two attacks of the chain involve movement. If they allow you to use dodge to cancel them mid-execution, they would have to change all movement abilities to follow that same idea. I don’t think we’ll ever see dodges interrupting your own jumps. The sword is all about making good choices, anyway. It is far less forgiving than other weapons, but if you know what you’re doing, the added mobility is amazing. This is coming from an sPvP/WvW perspective (mainly WvW).

Yea, but the trouble is that while other weapons give you movement while you dps, you have to throttle your dps by not autoattacking to utilize the movement from the sword. If you’re going to have to dodge you have to either use a low damage evade attack or simply hold off on dpsing until you’re sure you don’t need to dodge, which is still pretty impossible to predict.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: Glektor.2934


The second part I couldn’t agree with more. What’s so hard about making dodge override the chain? Can anyone think of another auto-attack chain that renders dodge unresponsive? If my ranger can’t voluntarily stop himself, he shouldn’t be able to be interrupted either. Rename the sword skill “rage” and make it grant stability.

The last two attacks of the chain involve movement. If they allow you to use dodge to cancel them mid-execution, they would have to change all movement abilities to follow that same idea. I don’t think we’ll ever see dodges interrupting your own jumps. The sword is all about making good choices, anyway. It is far less forgiving than other weapons, but if you know what you’re doing, the added mobility is amazing. This is coming from an sPvP/WvW perspective (mainly WvW).

Anyone else picturing a totally awesome kick-flip animation involving an enemy’s forehead and vaulting through the air? $$

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


I have no issue with the rooting of players with the autoattack if that’s a design decision and they want to stick to it.

However, it needs to not effect the reaction time of skills 2 and 3. If you’re going to take away the ability to dodge that other professions have, then skills 2 and 3 need to be instant, and not have a delay if you press it at the end of the skill 1 attacks.

Sometimes the reaction time is close to a second, which makes it hard to dodge anything at all.

Sword is a joke and aint funny..

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


The way I play sword/dagger I only use the evades to avoid the big attacks and let most of my damage come from the auto-attack chain and quickness. Consequently, I almost always have at least one dodge available. I tend to use Serpent’s Strike to avoid cone attacks and Stalker’s Strike to avoid almost anything else. Hornet Sting is for getting out of PBAoE attacks or when I just need to break away from melee range.

I also switch weapon sets constantly for the fury and swiftness, so really it’s not something I have to worry about too often. One of my favorite tricks is to weapon swap to longbow, Point Blank Shot, pet swap for quickness, lay down a Barrage to cripple them, then Rapid Fire before switching back to sword/dagger.