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Hello guys,
I post here part of my work I did today, working on release my ideas in final of CDI topic.
This is about 30% of my final work. It will be later released in graphic form.
For now, I’ve described one of most interesting things in my belief – Profession Mechanic.
If you have any suggestions or opinions regarding this, please share them before I post everything in the CDI.
" F1 key:
-Pressed once, sends pet to attack foe
-Pressed again on the same foe or without target, calls pet back
-Pressed and held, allows ground-targeted relocation of the pet, making it move to certain location upon releasing the F1 key. Pet will stay on targeted position and continue to attack/avoid combat until you:
a)press and hold F1 button again or
b)tap F1 twice quickly
With these actions, pet resets it’s location and returns to you.
F2 key:
-Bound with Symbiosis mechanic
-Defined by specific pet’s abilities
-Customizable out of combat: Each pet has two characteristic Symbiosis special abilities which you may choose same like Character’s utilities
F3 key:
-“Racial” Pet abilities, shared between each pet of same type (Drakes, Birds etc.). Accompanied with Cooldown, non-customizable
F4 key
-Press once to switch between two avalible pets
-Pet swap cooldown in combat (current)
-Press and hold to start reviving pet and make it possible so for allies. Channeled. Requires being stationary by default. Doesn’t swap the pet upon releasing the key, putting swap on short (1 sec ICD) cooldown to prevent missclicking.
Stances unchanged.
Pets move 30% faster by default and take 75% less damage from AoE effects (Damage reducement from conditions included, Conditions affect pet e.g. Chill affects Pet’s Cooldowns
Pet Traits
Avalible in Pet control panel [K]
Total of 4 points, each unlocked after 20 levels :
-Level 20, 40, 60, 80
4 Categories:
1. Aggressive – DPS tree, based on Direct Damage attacks and attack improvements. After evolving twice in this line, your pet gets more Precision and it’s attacks scale better with Power, Pet’s statistics scale with your Power and Critical Damage statistics.
2. Dire – Condition tree, based on Condition Damage and Duration and attack improvements.
After evolving twice in this line, your pet gets more Precision and gains Condition effects to it’s attacks, Pet’s statistics scale with your Condition Damage and Condition Duration statistics.
3. Hearty – Defensive tree, based on defense and protecting master and his allies and attack improvements.
After evolving twice in this line, your pet gets more Vitality and gains supportive effects to it’s attacks, Pet’s statistics scale with your Toughness and Healing Power statistics.
4. Elder – Utility tree, based on various support/crowd control/utility improvements, affecting Symbiosis.
After evolving twice in this line, your pet gets reduced cooldowns on F3 abilities and it’s attacks generate more Symbiosis. F2 abilities require less Symbiosis to activate.
Each tree has place for one trick, which you may choose out of three in each line. You can evolve pet with only 2 points put in each tree.
First point unlocks trait, second is direct buff to the pet’s statictics and his behaviour/scaling/attacks.
Traits can be various. I suggest moving all “Pet” traits like Malicious, Vigorous Training here in addition to other, new traits.
Trait reset-able any time out of combat and based on Pet’s Type/Race/Kind (Drake, Bird etc.)
Hearty – II – “Never Rampage Alone” – You can now revive your pet while in move (F4)
Elder – I – “Predatory Bond” – Increases your maximum Symbiosis value by 10.
Aggressive – III – “Otyugh’s Cry” – Your pet’s next attack after using Pet’s Symbiotic Attack (F2) is unblockable.
New mechanic.
Resource. Small pool-type (similar to Demon Hunter’s from D3 Discipline/Hatred pool), located near Action Bar, presented as icon, filling, with my idea, similar to Attached Icon.
The idea behind Symbiosis is very simple.
It’s a resource, used to activate Pet’s F2 special abilities and Ranger’s special attacks upon “press and hold” #1 attacks on each weapon. These attacks and abilities have no cooldown.
It’s being filled during the fight, by both Pet’s and Player’s attacks. It’s possible to fill the pool with Pet’s or Player’s attacks only, but it obviously takes longer. Maxiumum of 20 Symbiosis points basic.
All Symbiosis is lost when either you die or you swap your pet and it slowly expires when out of combat.
For Weapon’s Symbiotic attacks, longer you hold them, better and more expensive they are (you can hold them up to 2 stages).
For most of weapons, Symbiotic attacks are not heavy-hitting skills, but more like a utility/trick abilities."
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)